Blevinswidow ago

Where do you get your facts or is this just a conspiracy theory. This is his widow

Phoneaccount1 ago

To start building a case we need lists of people like this. I am on mobile atm so can't do much. If we compile a list and headline "citizen reporter higher death rate than blah blah" and back it up. Just a thought.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Maybe he is a honeypot. If people reach out to him it tips off the comet bastards.

yabbadoody ago

Frank Winstead is already on the public record, may have received death threats, and so I'm not surprised he may not want anything more to do with Comet Ping Pong. just sayin', have a little care. People were here before us, and being "the lone voice" at that time they may have gotten burned. Keep that in mind as we go forward, there are now a lot more of us... they can't kill us all, and f**k them anyway if they try.

ArthurEdens ago

Blevins tweeted somthings about Clinton and another about a pizzagate video that's since been taken down too.

swaglord123 ago

doesnt seem like it, Dustin Blevins investigated pizzagate (his public twitter is full of pizzagate stuff) on his own and contacted Winsted publicly

paulf ago

A reminder: Frank Winstead also filmed the front of Comet Ping Pong at night. Here's the video with the traffic noise filtered out:

contrarianism ago


pizzagate_is_fake ago

Friend mod flag this post and delete it as we discussed. Pizzagate is fake news.

mrjdouble ago

Here's a better idea, how about you fuck off and the adults continue the conversation.

redberries ago

Wait wait wait wait wait................................................ why is nobody taking this more seriously? For people who don't know, Frank Winstead is the man who accused James Alefantis of soliciting rape and murder at Comet Ping Pong. He received a barrage of harassment afterwards where people stood outside of his house threatening him, to force him to accept Comet Ping Pong to operate after midnight.

We need to confirm if this is true. Where is his Facebook page? If this is true, this means that any of us investigators could be next. What the fuck is wrong with people? We don't have long until they shut all of this down, Obama has already stamped off the propaganda bill two days ago. Next, they could kill us off without anybody even knowing about it.

This is his twitter, his last post was on Nov 30:

Or this, one of these? did he have two?

MAGABoomer ago

JAYSUS he did not accuse "accused James Alefantis of soliciting rape and murder at Comet Ping Pong." He was bitching in a planning meeting that if Alefantis got his permit to expand outdoor service it would ruin the neighborhood and turn it into ???forget the place name, and invite rapes and murders. Then he filmed the outdoor activities after Alefantis won trying to prove a nuisance. There's enough real shit we don't need to make it up.

redberries ago

WOW you are fucking ridiculous. Are you really gonna go around spreading these lies? Transcript? There is no fucking transcript for that specific section you fucking retard, we had to discern it on Reddit. Are you really gonna make this shit up when the MP3 is right there to listen to? You are desperate as hell. Okay so if you have the transcript, you must know the surname of "Michael M_____? Right? The guy who said he's going to personally handle Frank Winstead during the commissionary meeting?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, Frank was making lots of people very angry by trying to stop Alefantis.

Now, STFU and stop proving to the entire world that you 1. can't read and 2. if you can, you have no ability to comprehend.

Frank Winstead, ratcheted up the scare rhetoric in a big way: At a meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F Monday night, in front of the largest crowd in the ANC’s history, Winstead accused the owner of Comet Ping Pong of seeking to turn this quiet stretch of Connecticut Avenue in Forest Hills into a haven for rape and murder.

the resident asked.Winstead, who has taken it upon himself to act as the guardian of clear and quiet streets in his section of Northwest Washington, replied: “Safety. James is trying to turn this into Adams Morgan, with the murders, the rapes….” At this point, the crowd’s roar overwhelmed the commissioner’s remarks.But Winstead wasn’t done. Twice more during a 45-minute debate on the merits (and technicalities) of allowing a restaurant located on a commercial strip well apart from any residences to serve its loyal customers deep into the night, Winstead took off on Alefantis. He accused the owner of “filling up his fat wallet.” Then Winstead started yelling about Alefantis spitting on customers’ food. “He’s lying, cheating!” the commissioner shouted.Commission chairman Jane Solomon kept trying to rein in her wayward colleague (“Frank, that’s not helpful”), but it was rough sledding for a while.

redberries ago

LOL that's not a transcript you fucking retard. You said that you read off the transcript of the neighborhood meeting. Now where the fuck is it?

I listened to the MP3, you didn't. Think this clears it, you're a waste of time. Apparently multiple people have outed you as a shill on other threads too, so... have fun defending pedophiles on Christmas I guess. :)

MAGABoomer ago

Fucktard you're the first person to call me a shill. SO guess who's full of shit? The article has QUOTE MARKS do you know what those are? You didn't listen to anything in which Winstead, in any way shape or form, says he believes Alefantis is killing people.


frank Winstead, ratcheted up the scare rhetoric in a big way: At a meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F Monday night, in front of the largest crowd in the ANC’s history, Winstead accused the owner of Comet Ping Pong of seeking to turn this quiet stretch of Connecticut Avenue in Forest Hills into a haven for rape and murder.


“Why am I denied the privilege and the pleasure of a venue less than a block and a half away?” the resident asked.Winstead, who has taken it upon himself to act as the guardian of clear and quiet streets in his section of Northwest Washington, replied: “Safety. James is trying to turn this into Adams Morgan, with the murders, the rapes….”

Adams Morgan is supposedly an area that has a lot of crime, like rapes and murders.


Winstead took off on Alefantis. He accused the owner of “filling up his fat wallet.” Then Winstead started yelling about Alefantis spitting on customers’ food. “He’s lying, cheating!” the commissioner shouted.

Grow the fuck up, and maybe some brain.

redberries ago

You said you read the FUCKING TRANSCRIPT. I listened to the FULL AUDIO RECORDING, so giving me out-of-context quotations of articles is NOT living up to your claim that you read the TRANSCRIPT, you fucking cocksucker.

Again, if such a transcript exists... name the surname of Michael M, who threatened to take down Winstead personally. He lives on L Ave, if that gives you any hints.

LOL people are outing YOU out as a shill on multiple threads, why don't you look for them yourself? Maybe you didn't realize? You are a famous shill, bro.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah because Winstead was being a bitch and complaining about everything like a fucking nasty whiney ass neighbor. Winstead is what he is. Alefantis is what he is (a fucking pedo) but stop injecting stupid shit into the story.

christa ago

I just want to say I have also contacted Frank via Facebook, several weeks ago (Nov 19), and am still alive -- but just in case I get suicided or anything, thought I should say that.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I looked at his Twitter and facebook posts. He has a FB page for his photo journalism as well. I couldn't find anything that showed he did any more - even less actually - than what most others have done with regards to pizzagate.

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Let it go...let it go. Find a worthwhile endeavour citizens.

mrjdouble ago

You and your kind are not welcome here.

yabbadoody ago

"she's" gonna lose again, bro... big time. Like, totes. Ass is toast.

3 times in 6 weeks wasn't enough, therefore she must go down in flames. Aight. We can handle that.

swaglord123 ago

"Im with her"

SayWhatNOWAY ago

What do you stand to lose when pizzagate is proven true?

shillcrusher13 ago

Look at the username... "Im_with_her"... blatant CTR shill.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep! They r Evil!

Ssgtpepper ago

Why are you here in the first place if you think it's fake?

Chimerarose ago

Prove to me it's not real with REAL EVIDENCE that contradicts everything, the mountain of evidence with facts that can be proven. If you can't you better go back to your safe space and stay there. Just cause Clinton News Network and Salon says it's those are the real fake news networks.

Ronnilynn31 ago

This Clinton shill/pedophile protector is posting on other threads the same shit.

islandofdelight ago

It would be interesting to hear what Frank Winstead has to say about Comet and #PG - and where his info came from in 2008... However it's unclear if Destin Blevins is connected to any of this other than his random social media comments.

KingKongisCTR ago

Where is the justice...

CrackerJacks ago

I did make a thread about Frank, but it got nowhere. Here's a reporter going to speak to him.

This was a comment left in my Sub

NO he was trying to prove a noise abatement, he lost comet-pizza won, later he lost re-election the fudge packers always win in DC>

MAGABoomer ago

NO he was trying to prove a noise abatement, he lost comet-pizza won, later he lost re-election the fudge packers always win in DC>

he also thought that if Alefantis got what he wanted it would bring murder and rape to the neighborhood.

dafacts ago

Am i missing something? Why would anyone care if a random guy questioned frank winstead? A lot of people have done that.. it's not exactly going to blow this case wide open.

swaglord123 ago

because he died shortly after doing that

LawofTruth ago

+1 to the body count.

mrjdouble ago

Gotta be well over 50 now

whorsquini ago

Oh, man I tried to reach out to Frank on Facebook weeks ago!

ZalesMcMuffin ago


swaglord123 ago

he talked against comet pizza in 2009, check his yt channel

oldchangling ago

His obit: No cause of death listed.

quantokitty ago

But what the other charges he made. Didn't he say workers were spitting in food? Now that should be pretty provable. Why was he the only one to notice this? Or believe it was taking place?


Somewhere on Voat I saw a reference to Alefantis's feud with Carole Greenwood, original owner of Buck's and Comet. According to a friend of Greenwood's, who says she knows Greenwood's version of the split, no one who knew the full story would eat at either place. That makes me suspect something in the food even worse than spit. Special sauce, anyone? If you happen to have saved the message (possibly a FB post rather than a tweet), could you please post it here?

yabbadoody ago

"speCIAl sauce" my ass, we've already seen numerous references to cannibalism.

I wouldn't eat at either restaurant for all the tea in China, or all the gold in Mike Tyson's teeth. those muthaf**kkas don't get any of me, evah.

quantokitty ago

So they split? Interesting. I just read one PR piece in favor of Alefantis (not surprising). They made Greenwood sound very childish in refusing to serve Rumsfeld was it? It might not have been him -- saw it in passing. I know Alenfantis' cooking sucks. He was probably jealous.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Does Jimmycomet eat his own pizza pies? Do his employees? Cuz if it's good pizza, people usually will wanna chow down on that.

yabbadoody ago

and if he's a cannibal, then WHY NOT?

I wouldn't base an opinion of proof or disbelief on that

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Reasoning worth considering.

Cantilever ago

They dissolve the bodies with lye which makes a tan colored sludge

Dressage2 ago

Nothing to see here . . .move along!! Just gives us more motivation to see this through!

swaglord123 ago

does anyone know where does Frank Winstead stand in this whole thing? has anyone contacted him?

redberries ago

Frank Winstead accused James Alefantis of soliciting rape and murder in his restaurant in 2008, during a neighborhood commission meeting. You can download the MP3 of WaPo, from a writer called Marc Fisher. Just look it up.

MAGABoomer ago

No he didn't this is another fake news shit. Winstead made a comment in a planning meeting that Alefantasi's request for more outdoor seating etc was going to turn that part of town into a part known for rape and murder. The statements are being characterized to deflect. Go read the actual statement. LOL he was just bitching.

Theupsidedown ago

Eat shit and die, shill.

redberries ago

LOL fuck off you exposed yourself the moment you used "Fake News" in your first sentence you pedophile defender. Did you listen to the MP3 which the article was based off? I bet not because he wasn't talking about outdoor seating, he was talking about operating Comet Ping Pong after midnight so fuck off you sack o' shit.

Audio recording can be found here:

And even the article says the same thing, so you're a terrible shill.

But this week, that same commissioner, Frank Winstead, ratcheted up the scare rhetoric in a big way: At a meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F Monday night, in front of the largest crowd in the ANC's history, Winstead accused the owner of Comet Ping Pong of seeking to turn this quiet stretch of Connecticut Avenue in Forest Hills into a haven for rape and murder.

MAGABoomer ago

And it's completely taken out of context. I read the transcript and it's CLEAR what he meant and you're purposefully twisting this story. Fake news. Alefantis also wanted to use the sidewalk...and guess what, he won, they did and Winstead filmed them playing pingpong on the sidewalk and tried to get that deemed hazardous. However fucking with the 49th most powerful man in DC was likely unwise.

redberries ago

Wow, you relentless. Don't worry nobody other than a shill would actually listen to your "Fake News" spam, it's funny that you're actually picking that phrase up. Keep it going pedo-defender.

MAGABoomer ago

BTFU and STFU and stop lying.

When a Washington neighborhood commissioner staged a nighttime surveillance of a Northwest pizza place and put the resulting video up on YouTube to prove what a threat to public safety an outdoor ping-pong table posed, the image of a ping-pong ball rolling out onto Connecticut Avenue was chilling enough.But this week, that same commissioner, Frank Winstead, ratcheted up the scare rhetoric in a big way: At a meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F Monday night, in front of the largest crowd in the ANC’s history, Winstead accused the owner of Comet Ping Pong of seeking to turn this quiet stretch of Connecticut Avenue in Forest Hills into a haven for rape and murder.

the resident asked.Winstead, who has taken it upon himself to act as the guardian of clear and quiet streets in his section of Northwest Washington, replied: “Safety. James is trying to turn this into Adams Morgan, with the murders, the rapes….”

Please DIAF.

Dressage2 ago

I have not seen anything.

Criticalthinker615 ago

I contacted him and he blocked me

markrod420 ago

So... terrified is where he stands.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Not so sure about that. I got the vibe that he wanted to let sleeping dogs lie though. Maybe took a pay off. Seemed more ticked off than anything m

contrary_mma_hipster ago

I'm sure he is afraid for his life.

swaglord123 ago

frank winstead 9 years ago

CrackerJacks ago

He filmed that because

NO he was trying to prove a noise abatement, he lost comet-pizza won, later he lost re-election the fudge packers always win in DC>