Silverlining ago

You see a lot of Stupid_is deletions. It may be worth looking at the removed submissions to check when he is spouting submissions. They bury posts in the submissions removed thread - people can be deterred from dredging through all his stupid submissions. May be a "tell"

Silverlining ago

Isn't that true? I've just dived into the "removed submissions" and saw a host of deleted submissions by some of my most trusted posters here. I am inclining to the view that MF needs to be watched more closely.

Clearly people have wanted to control the narrative and have had it their own way with the MSM for ever and a day. People will want to do the same for the Alt media. Perhaps infiltrate a few goats in order to lead the opinions of the sheep. Basically mass mind control.

The choice of name is frequently significant. Remind me about Star Wars. Didn't Han Solo's craft get onto the death star by flying a false flag?

Perhaps frequent review of the mod logs is required and linking the important ones the comments - or continue attempting to migrate to a less censored "safe" space.

TimeForPitchForks ago

Nope not buying it..

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

And I've seen one of the above comments before.

millennial_vulcan ago

who should I be worshipping? Pagan gods?

VieBleu ago

Pure dynamite.

This is going to red pill a hundred thousand, maybe more. Not instantly, but the truth anti-dote is now injected and spreading through another segment of the population - whether or not it is proven this is true. Cornell is likely to be a pedogate saint and his life did not end in vain.

Joe10jo ago

The fact that he has three kids and not a single suicide letter to be found anywhere. Wouldn't happen without one, imo.

User2060 ago

Bullshit. BULLSHIT. I don't even like Soundgarden past 1990 and Audioslave was only good because of the guitarist. That guy was popular and getting full crowds when he was on a small label and didn't make much money at all. Majestic Ape is satanic shit. This band used to be seattle flavoured punk, punk is against religion and kiddly diddlers and well, fucking put on a Dead Kennedys album and Cornell's mind takes from Jello's like anybody with some crediblity in that milieu. Satan everywhere. This isn't even pizzagate related, go fuck yourself.

Joe10jo ago

Agree! In no way, shape, or form was Soundgarten satanic and I'm well versed on both. I mean, it's fucking rock n roll; even the hand signs are to be taken as satanic symbolism... you know, the "rock on" thing you do with your hands when you're head banging, lol... and maybe it's roots are satanic but the gist of what anyone means who does it is akin to saying "Party on, Dude!' Soundgarten and chris Cornell were not satanic.

crashing_this_thread ago

Chill, that last bit was directed at the author, not you.

remedy4reality ago

ok.. i'll retract that / Btw, I've been poring over the Alice and Soundgarden lyrics and Pedogate gives many of them a new context. I'd always wondered where so much of the depressingly dark imagery came from. Living in cages, eating shit, treated like a dog.. this is just one example of how children are groomed, fragmented and abused.

User2060 ago

"Speaking to TMD, a source close to Cornell has come forward claiming that he had uncovered evidence of a "cocaine and child trafficking ring" in Mena, Arkansas, that was tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton."

He didn't discover this, come on, this is old shit, he just realized Iran/Contra.

Kurt Cobain was killed because he already knew all of this, didn't come out much in his music lyrics, but it came out in his interviews. In his last tour in Europe, there's this very rare interview of him on a boat alone with a female reporter (Courtney must have been foaming at the mouth if she was aware of this, but she was kept away from the band in that tour, she only showed up when he "overdosed" on Flunitrazepam (which is something she was addicted to and had a script for, not him, and Kurt never drank more than 1 drink, knowing how alcohol and opiates don't mix), he told her that In Utero is the album he always wanted to put out, it's got a lot of seemingly non-directed anger and is even heavier one can argue than their first album except for the few slow songs. He said because he hated so much of humanity that he was scared he was starting to hate all of it because of "all the fucked up shit everybody pretends isn't going on, I learned that shit from punk rock and it always stayed with me, which is why I think only Nirvana is the real remaining "grunge" (he actually made air quotes when saying that, knowing that what he was playing was just a new kind of punk music.

Soundgarden's 80's stuff was good, as good as Nirvana's first album. I recommend. Otherwise, Black Hole Sun is the most boring song that was so overplayed when I was a teenager when I was learning songs from tabs of bands nobody knew about.

millennial_vulcan ago

oooh aren't yoy cool.

get over yourself.

bhs was genius.

Shillaxe ago

Looks as though Chris's charity choice, CHILDHAVEN, has board members from the likes of ; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wells Fargo... Nothing 🐟 fishy there .

millennial_vulcan ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Oh shut up

Shillaxe ago

Hit a nerve or you just liked his music so are biased ???

millennial_vulcan ago

Do you live in a cave? Or are blind and deaf?

millennial_vulcan ago

I can't find it! It was deleted!

jangles ago

What was the title, all deleted are archived

millennial_vulcan ago

I looked for it and still coulndt find it, ugh.

Can you??

jangles ago

What was it about.

jangles ago

This isn't it but it is relevant

millennial_vulcan ago

Ill find it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It said the first door was locked, and the second door was latched. there is no way to latch the door from the outside.

Shillaxe ago

Another possibility is that he was a pedo, about to be exposed, & is now retired on a "kibbutz (sp?)"

remedy4reality ago

same day Roger Ailes died

PGIs_RetaredAsFuckk_ ago

PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You poor insane fucks.

millennial_vulcan ago


jamiecapretta ago

**At what point will these Satanists be executed? What will it take for this corruption to end and people to go to jail the second coming of Jesus. **

sugarskull ago

That I agree with this "connection" not so much.

sugarskull ago

Yeah that is a bunch of bs.

millennial_vulcan ago

@11-11 I posted this two weeks ago and Millenial Falcon deleted it. Chris was about to expose human trafficking in Greece among other things.

Silverlining ago

millennial_vulcan ago


That's @11-11 submission history, not mine

Silverlining ago

Sorry - I misread "11-11 I" - misprocessed!

Here are your deleted posts - up to 17 days ago - some of them might not be yours - I probably misread you for M_F - apologies if I've wasted your time. Deleted posts are listed under "removed submissions" in the moderation logs at the bottom of the column on the RHS

And they remain in your submissions history but you wouldn't know they were removed.

Philippines President publically asks Chelsea Clinton, "What was your reaction when your father was f*cking Monica Lewinsky?" - Anyone agree this is the begininng of the end for House of Clinton? (pizzagate)

George Webb says D.C. sniper plan was to specifically take out 'certain' intel figures who knew too much

Senate Judiciary to open new Clinton investigation. Pizzagate related because it could lead to the tumbling of the whole system, which includes PG

Only "sane" reason for pizzagate, to extend your own life.. could this be it? Young Blood

Weird Craigslist ad "have you been raped"

millennial_vulcan ago

still cant find it but found similar under here:

Silverlining ago

You said he had posted the article about the Greek trafficking, no?

User2060 ago

Of course human trafficking happens in Greece, it's where the people with broken countries and lives due to wars like say : NATO destroyed richest and most stable country in Africa and US/Qatar/UAE/Saudi Arabia/Israel/Jordan/Bahrein/Maldives/Somali/Yemeni paid and trained terrorists attacking Syria (and all for nothing, in 6 months the legit SAA will have taken back all their land, who go back to 80's Afghanistan and then Bosnia and Kosovo and Chechnya, the leaders are still the same, Ayman Al-Zawahiri is an ally of the NeoCons, who make it so Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese people who don't like living in Lebanon anymore with the 2 million Syrians suddenly showing up and rising the price of everything who have to find the traffickers to jump into Lesbos usually first.

It's only an issue as in these people would be home, in central-bank less Syria if the West had not done the same idiotic thing they did in Yugoslavia. Creating white people muslim extremist republics like Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, a country that should not be recognized, it is run by people worse than Erdogan...

11-11 ago

uhoh maybe it won't be up long then. very interesting

millennial_vulcan ago

yes indeed. All the info is on Google. See for yourself.

I was mad as hell the post was deleted. It was VERY RELEVENT. So Chris out of the blue "commits suicide" no body was seen being wheeled out of hotel. Get mysteriously transported and cremated to LA. The wife's a piece of work, too. There is no way he committed suicide with a teenager singer daughter he was promoting and two young children too.


Benkitchen105 ago

That falcon is a mod shill. Had some good direct links between jp and fb censorship. And a suspect meat supplier to DC linked to jp. Got upvoated loads then deleted soon after. Falcon is shill

crashing_this_thread ago

Sometimes people die and it's not tied to pizzagate. Sometimes there are actual attacks that aren't false flag attacks. If you believe shit without evidence you might as well go back to watching CNN. You are useless here.

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh grow up.

crashing_this_thread ago

If we aren't using our critical thinking skills we'll lose. We'll fall for every piece of disinfo out there.

I don't trust shit without evidence. Which is why I am here.

millennial_vulcan ago

fair enough.

remedy4reality ago

hmm... but then you look at the untimely deaths of his contemporaries, like Cobain and Layne Staley and more recently Scott Weiland of STP and it seems pretty high odds that 4 of the 5 major grunge singers are already dead. ( Vetter of Pearl Jam still alive )

Then you look at the song lyrics of Soundgarden, Nirvana, and Alice in chains, all from Seattle ( a town that looks very much like it's currently controlled by PEDO'S ), and very disturbing imagery is contained throughout.

'Man in a Box" by Alice in Chains

I'm the man in the box / Buried in my shit / Won't you come and save me / Save me /

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut? / Jesus Christ, deny your maker / He who tries, will be wasted / Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut /

I'm the dog who gets beat / Shove my nose in shit / Won't you come and save me / Save me /

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut? / Jesus Christ, deny your maker / He who tries, will be wasted / Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut /

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut? / Jesus Christ, deny your maker / He who tries, will be wasted / Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

User2060 ago

Pearl Jam was always just hard rock. They never had an ounce of punk or metal in their music. Kurt hated Pearl Jam. Poseurs are spared.

Mudhoney and the Melvins are fine, Melvins is more major than 2 bands you named.

crashing_this_thread ago

Oh, feel free to speculate, but this article is sourceless bullshit. Perhaps it's true, but if you can't prove it shut the fuck up. If you suspect that this is true then make that clear. Don't say it is fact.

DeathTooMasons ago

I agree with the chain smoking dude below. No sources. No evidence presented.

jstrotha0975 ago

Chris Cornell was a pedophile.

millennial_vulcan ago

Grow up, idiot

GuannaRue ago

Of course he was...

Rockstar, celeb, filthy rich, rubs shoulders with wealthy elite, has a foundation to "protect children from pedos".

I used to listen to his music, too. But since pizzagate, I know one thing: famous people are not on the side of the people.

All celebrities can go fuck off.

YingYangMom ago

I have to agree. I've much more respect for the homeless person now (even drug addicts, drunks and anyone else who has fallen victim to the system) than for any celebrity or politician. Time to lift up those in need and crush those at the top...

Matthew 20:16

"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."

User2060 ago

As long as it means cutting the "defense" budget by 95% and reducing foreign aid to 0$ to all countries (let's see how israel would react to that, but lesser known countries that benefit from massive welfare like Egypt and Turkey would go under in a second. "Why send money oversees? Look out your window and all the people out there in need!" - Jason Thirsk (RIP)

carmencita ago

Upvoat for you. Could not have said it better. They are worthless garbage as far as I am concerned. The money is better spent on donating to homeless shelters, meals on wheels and food pantries. These over sexed, self loving money grabbers have met their day. I am done with all of them. The sooner we stop feeding their egos and red pilling our friends about them the sooner the children will catch on as well. The children seem to swoon over them like they are in a trance.

je-sui-pepe ago

Pretty much agree but I am sure there are a few celebs who are in aware because they are not necessarily in the elite celeb circle, or they may be aware but not willing to speak out of fear.

GuannaRue ago

I am sure there are a few celebs who are in aware because they are not necessarily in the elite celeb circle, or they may be aware but not willing to speak out of fear.

STOP falling for this bullshit!

User2060 ago

No I'm sure it's true.

Like Aaron Paul, his father is a Presbyterian Reverand. When I see him speak I see non-lying eyes, like those of my friends, I know instinctively who not to hang with since I'm a kid, and would often be the one to expel people from my group of friends, or expel myself if somebody was forced in by others because they didn't see through their bullshit. I'm speaking of the independent punk/hardcore punk scene and in college mostly.

GuannaRue ago

Aaron Paul?!

Aaron Paul who starred in "Breaking Bad" with hollyweird darling, champion of Hillary clinton campaign, and likely pedophile Bryan Cranston?! Not that Aaron Paul, right?

ALL SELL-ebrities are bought. People who love attention (aka Sell-ebrities) will do absolutely ANYTHING to stay in the light. They will kill their spouse (William shatner, Oscar Pistorias, William Burroughs, Robert Blake, OJ Simpson) and fuck their own children (see: pizzagate) so why the fuck should you look to them for anything?! Keep thinking that they are on your side...

User2060 ago

OJ Simpson was framed and was the precedent for all the successful black people who are targeted and arrested and the thinly veiled racism of the so-called "liberal" media.

Cranston's political opinion matters little to me. Also he is not Aaron Paul and Paul isn't Cranston. Cranston as far as I know, just was pushed high in the limelight almost accidentally, he wasn't anything special, even the writer's guild strike almost killed the show because season 1 of BrBa wasn't watched that much. His agent likely presented him to these useless politicians, because they themselves are money givers to the Clinton Foundation. Don't forget most actors are puppets. When I heard him just speak outside the show, it was never about politics, he just seems like a guy who can't believe what happened to his career yet. False accusations of pedophilia are just as bad as women who falsely tell the cops their boyfriend or husband raped them because they want to get revenge on them or get rid of them. You could take X actor, make him Walter White in BrBa and you would say that guy is a pedophile. You're a fucking flake.

Aaron Paul before BrBa was known for being in a Corn Pops commercial...

GuannaRue ago

Dude, you are either confused or trying to confuse. "Show me your company and I will tell you who you are". You can't REALLY be so naive.

User2060 ago

I just don't throw accusations around, and I know a lot about Cranston, everyone on the breaking bad set said he was the nicest and also most professional person they have seen.

He's not anything you WANT him to be, like say a George Clooney, Grant Heslov, Tom Cruise or Ben Affleck who's all sold their souls to CIA. Clooney is also the guy that bossed around Obama when he presented himself for Senate, find the video of that, it's actually hilarious, he's totally dictating to Obama where he needs to sit and talks to him in the ear constantly. And what's crazy and frightening since the door has been opened again after we all thought it was shut after the horror that was the Reagan years, it didn't show but that's him, an actor, who started the US' extreme debt accumulation and the widening of the poor and rich gap accelerated extremely while he was there. I thought America learned not to hire actors, which Trump basically is, not that Clinton was a good idea, anyway she was not supposed to win once the deep state noticed how physically and mentally ill she was. The Federal Government was caught by the state of Georgia's GBI playing with their voting computers (where the lesson of paper trails has still not been applied, country wide in places that use computer voting, which is not necessary. In 2004 it was so in your face, when the guy from Diebold loudly declaring that Diebold was going to make sure Presidency is given to Bush, and Diebold is HQ'd in Ohio. The state that made the difference in 2004. What you alt-right morons don't understand is the need of a third party, thinking it's a waste of a vote is saying you've given up already or the many Democrat bigwigs that will likely go under once this lawsuit against the DNC made by Democrats who were Bernie supporters, with proofs that she stole 12 primaries, I have first hand info on what happened in Nevada and Sanders had won, but for some reason the committee and Clintonistas all met at 6 am cancelling the vote from the night before because they couldn't even produce enough bodies for the Clinton votes, lol. So they restarted the whole thing in secret at 6 am, not notifying the whole people who slept in the same hotel as them. A lot of details I can't think of right now, Niko House's podcast that one can find on spreaker and all those places that archive podcasts, the guy is part of the big DNC people who started this lawsuit of wilful fraud by keeping all Bernie's 27 dollar contributions when they had made sure Sanders couldn't win.

You can't count on Trump for anything, he's just as corrupt and a great friend of Epstein. And the rest of the Republicans just wanted to nuke Russia like Hitlery, so, he's only good for this reason, we're still all alive because of him. And yeah, that election is a mess, and there's no way one can believe that any results are 100% accurate anywhere, except maybe in Alaska and Hawaii. And the mythical multiple voters and the voter suppression laws that take people with common names out of the list and make it impossible to vote in case your name is Mark Rodriguez is also quite something, the most undemocratic thing going on in the US, worse than gerrymandering.

numbtoyou ago

They should be called devils. There is nothing to celebrate. They are not celebrities. If they are what does that make those who love them? There is going to be a day when we drag these bastards out their homes unless the Son of Man gets them first.

remedy4reality ago

this story is floated for one reason only :

as a warning to any other celebs who may be thinking of talking about the Pedocult

millennial_vulcan ago


crashing_this_thread ago

All celebrities that are pushed by the MSM can fuck off. There are celebrities that aren't tied to anything sinister.

But it's very telling who are just puppets for the NWO.

User2060 ago

Some become celebrities like accident and hate HATE it aka...his superior peer Kurt Cobain.

crashing_this_thread ago

Exactly. Or some are just so talented they don't need to figuratively sell their soul to the figurative devil. Some even warn us about this shit and go AWOL for ten years before making a comeback.

User2060 ago

Kurt didn't want to break Nirvana up, this is other fake news Courtney was planting through the news, like her placing a missing person report in LA about Kurt and signing it with Kurt's mother, which makes no sense, Kurt never gave her a dime, in Serve The Servants he pardons his father, but never did pardon his mother. If my mom kicked me out at 15 year old and I had to be homeless in a small town where everyone will know you are homeless is pretty fucking evil. In a strange way, his living at a church worker (not a priest or anything, he was a counselor), that's where he met Krist, at church. Who happened to have a job as a janitor in the church's basement.

But he didn't want to resign to a major label, he was thinking "I milked you of your money Geffen, now go eat crow and piss off", even thinking of going back to Sub Pop which still was around then, I have a deluxe edition of a band Kurt really liked from Oregon, probably Oregon's only hardcore punk band, Poison Idea and that deluxe 2 cd edition is on Sub Pop and was released in 1996...he could have done like Bad Religion's first guitarist and writer of half the songs Brett Gurewitz and have that little label become y'know, still DIY but without the threat of bankruptcy always floating on their head. There's a few indie labels that have no links to anything bad that remain DIY and pure, the other I would think of is Jade Tree which is kind of a "fork" of the 80's/early 90's Dischords Records, haven't seen anything released by Dischords in forever.

But yeah, Geffen according to Hank Harrison is the devil incarnate amongst all the big hollywood moguls he's met, and it was just briefly, he was yelling at a guy for 20 minutes because he didn't serve him his cocktail the way he says he asked for and making a huge scene and throwing the glass on the ground etc.; who wrote the amazing book Love Kills about his own daughter (man the guy has balls, he waited and sat on it for very long, but after appearing on many popular podcasts speaking about it and not getting cease & desist letters from his daughter's lawyers (who's an Epstein flyer...likely to provide the girls with heroin and appearing as kind of a reassuring woman on the island, the heroin making the sex slaves forget their very serious problems. That's why she's encircled in Epstein's little black book, I'm pretty sure, it's what Hank thinks too.

GuannaRue ago

There are celebrities that aren't tied to anything sinister

FALSE. All Celebrities/famous people are corrupt.

EDIT: Celebrities exist for one reason- TO GET YOU TO BUY (into) SHIT. Every time you see one of those parasitic scum on your tv screen they are either 1) trying to sell you some useless shit or 2) trying to convince you to subscribe to some form of degeneracy.

Seriously, fuck them all (and I do mean ALL).

EDIT 2: From now on, I will call them "Sell-ebrities", because that's what they are- salespeople.

strix-varia ago

Totally agree!!!!

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Disinfo, with no sources.

pizzagater99 ago

Do some basic fact checking and you will find that the claims being made are true. But unless the 'source' came forward and on-the-record, the titular statement of the OP cannot be proven.

Chris Cornell worked with vulnerable children..

I don't know if Chris Cornell was about to expose an elite pedophile ring before he died.

But this is huge. Neon Nettle's Facebook page has half a million followers. It's essential that we encourage 'mainstream' media coverage of this topic. Give them a 'like' on Facebook. Share the link somewhere. Upvoat the OP.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

So you admit yourself. Claim CAN NOT be proven. Nothing else to argue. Do not up vote the OP as the subject is unrelated to the subverse. Thread should be moved to a conspiracy forum.

pizzagater99 ago

Due to the nature of anonymous news sources, proof is impossible. The only question is the reputability of the site.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Yes, due to the nature of anonymous soutces, proof IS impossible. Therefore anonymous sources must NEVER be used to prove anything. They can be used to steer research in the appropriate direction, or provide insight, but are pretty worthless as far as legitimate research.

TimeOutofJoint ago

Agreed that this is a silly article. But Chris was very tall. Over 6 ft. 2 inches. There is no way he hanged himself in a bathroom with an exercise band.

waxdino ago

But still all up votes! What the fuck?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Yes, this forum has either been infiltrated by someone who prefers everyone stay off topic (hence all the up votes on ridiculous posts), or a very high percentage of its users do not understand the difference between provable verifiable facts, and disinformation/opinions. Either way, this "research" community has gone waaaay down hill since it's creation. Very sad to say the least.

EricKaliberhall ago

But still interesting...

User2060 ago

It would be interesting in an Iran/Contra subverse....or just Conspiracy.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

EXACTLY! Finally someone who understands!

User2060 ago

Yeah, I mean I showed up here when the Reddit thread closed, played around a bit, unfortunately the kind of subverses I am subscribed to the equivalent of in Reddit are rather slow like an imageboard's slow forum, maybe it's my kind of interests (I don't let them win (NWO bastards) by taking over my mind where everything I used to like I no longer give any attention to, even if some say they are useless distractions...I don't like when people bash on sports in the truth community for example, sports got rid of the H in my ADHD, now it's only mild adult ADD:Inattentive, I love hockey and baseball, even if these things can be used for nefarious purposes, especially when there was still Hockey Night in Canada the song by canadian Hardcore/Punk with touches of progressive thrash, Propagandhi, the song Dear Coach's Corner and the intro taken from the idiot called Don Cherry that used to comment in between periods about little hockey and always speaking about our troops in Afghanistan and when we pulled out of there, he said we should go back (lol). And in the lyrics he explains how he brought his niece to a local junior hockey game and in the second period intermission, soldiers dropped from cables jumping down from the rafters with their automatic weapons. His niece asked "why is there guys with guns?", when the singer/guitarist/songwriter saw this, he left the arena promptly. But in the end those things are kids' games and are not inherently bad. Like how playing electric guitar or bass is not inherently bad, some here would want you to only play methodist bluegrass or whatever, christian rock. I think christian music is lame, like how I would find a Zionist band a ridiculous idea, especially in the genres of music I enjoy. There's christian metal, I like some because you hardly hear what the singer is screaming about (they tend not to play thrash metal or early death metal where words could be heard clearly although they could be extremely quickly delivered...the best example will always be Slayer's "Necrophobic", 1:50 long song, it has 2 verses, a pre-choruse a choruse a bridge and an outro. Tom Araya (a very believing christian, like most people born in South America in US coup d'état-sponsored countries, he's born in Chile, but he is not the main writer of lyrics even if the singer, when he writes lyrics, it's often about the psychology of serial killers, usually Slayer's slow creepy Black Sabbath-ish songs. But an extremely fast song from 1988, Silent Scream written with Jeff Hanneman (RIP), is actually a song against women who abuse or don't give a second though when having an abortion. Jeff was agnostic but he believed that "

Embryonic death embedded in your brain, Suffocation, strangulation, Death is fucking you insane.

Nightmare, the persecution A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten A soul that will never rest. Innocence withdrawn in fear. Fires burning can you hear Cries in the night."

So it's not just meathead music. The satanic references in their first 3 albums were just what everyone was doing for shock value, also other things like the song "Angel of Death" about doesn't praise him at all, but because it's not like "Mengele was pure evil, the end." people associated them with Nazism when 2 persons in the band are latin-american...their virtuoso of a drummer who's in most albums is mexican-american and tom (bass/vocals) is chilean-american like I said. But they say, don't call me chilean-american, call me American, America is a mix of all kind of people found on Earth since about 150 years, of course there was illogical racism like not hiring Irish or Italian people, considering them non-white...which later on with the KKK and other Neo-Nazis in the's not real nazism, nazis considered Persians (Iranians) the closest to the Aryan race (which is true, Hindus who have facial features like white people but happen to have very dark/grey-ish even skin are Indo-Aryans, same as Pakistanis as much as they want to deny it, Iranians (Hitler proposed to Persia to change their name to Iran, meaning "Land of the Aryan" in Persian. American racists don't consider anybody, even somebody whiter as than them who live in Argentina or Chile, it happens, if they speak spanish they're not "aryan", which is so retarded of them, what that comes from is the fact that Germanic blood is in about 3/4 of people in Spain, there's 1/4 who have mixed Moroccan/Algerian/let's just say northwestern African blood mixed in so they are brownish to full on brown, like people in Mexico to South America who are mixed blood with Natives, there's a lot of these in the Banana Republics the US still to this day consider their backyard to practice new military weapons and tactics (Grenada (lol), Panama...Panama had some pretty sci-fi weapons deployed, you can look that up. They killed a screenwriter (Gary DeVore) in the most bizarre convoluted way, at least how they present how he supposedly died, makes no sense at all and his body in the pick up found 6 month to a year later, I forgot, had no hands, there were hands in a glove-box like compartment of the pick-up in the backseat area which when tested gave results of hands of a 200 year old person's bones...I got the book "The Writer With No Hands" by Matt Alford and it's an amazing book, and even his investigation ended up with DeVore's agent whom he talked to directly in Hollywood or on Skype who seemed like he knew exactly what happened but like DeVore he was kinda in the circle of the military or something....2 weeks after the last time he spoke with Alford about the movie he was working on, a movie about the real reason for the invasion of Panama (Noriega was blackmailing unknown elite politicians with tapes of them doing the pizzagate and also snorting coke with 16 year old hookers etc).

It seems they cannot make movies about anything Iran/Contra or things related in central america, especially since "The Big Steal" was about how soldiers robbed Panamanian banks...but it wasn't just this, his wife Wendy and the pre-production team all said it was about grabbing those tapes Noriega had of some high ranking elite pizzagating.

Heh, lots of tangents, but all this info came to me right now, the 3 root canal operations I had in the beginning of the week and a bottle of morphine instant release tablets keep me comfy and somehow more focused than if sober.

The tl;dr is, not to spit on our freedoms that they so want to take away. The worst example is in Britain, where the latest drug law was because Theresa May wanted to ban anything that gives one pleasure from outside the body. Crazy psycho bitch Thatcher wannabe (y'all see that handbag? lol).

EricKaliberhall ago

That is true!

Cigarette5mokingman ago

What is?

EricKaliberhall ago

Cornell's murder!

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Interesting. And unrelated.

EricKaliberhall ago

Maybe not! Definitely worth looking into!

ReddittRefugee ago

Here's the original source article quoted by NeonNettle:

Remember folks, get too close to the Clintons and their corruption, and you can wind up being "suicided" (the articles have a whole list of persons who poked their noses into Clinton Corruption and got killed.

Be safe We maybe should have a thread on how to stay safe if your investigations take you deep into places where there's incentives to shut people up.

crashing_this_thread ago

Best thing you can do when you run into information is to spread it as fast as possible. Sure, they might still make an example out of you, but the longer you sit on new finds the more you are at risk. They might not bother killing you once you have gotten it out there as it is suspicious and there is nothing to gain other than revenge.

User2060 ago

Yep, make a quick pdf, drop it in a ton of places, only link to a few places where it is (when you have tangible info/proof). Then if it gets removed, you still have tons of other places where it is hidden, and also keep it encrypted on your computer and also encrypted online. Hell if it's worth it that much, you can use SecureDrop for Wikileaks.

ReddittRefugee ago

I agree that going public may be the best possible protection of your life.

Linda Tripp said that was the reason she exposed Monica Lewinsky's identity back in Bill Clinton days.

Bill Clinton had threatened Monica when she accidentally talked about people finding out. And both Monica and Linda had the violent "botched robbery" murder of Mary Caitrin Mahoney on their minds.

The similarities between "botched robbery" killings of Caity Mahoney and Seth Rich are uncanny.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is no safe place in a tyrannical system where LEOs are used by criminal elites as their private army, surveillance and community relations teams.

The feds know all about the criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin but are too deeply involved to do anything about it.

If they can murder Senators like Paul Wellstone, no one is untouchable.

User2060 ago

Wellstone mattered more in the big scheme of things than you, I'm pretty sure...

I'm content with not using wifi, and having bought an illegal cellphone signal jammer that covers my whole house. Ethernet cables I've drilled in 5 rooms and passed through those walls was so much work, I'm always keeping it this way. Then bitcoin paid vpn outside the 14 eyes (yes, 14 eyes, not 5 eyes, 14) and a VPS server rented the same way. I can only help in the field I studied in, chemistry, already proven that, at least, Pepsi products in Canada do not contain foetus, human or otherwise trace elements in them. I got my keypad lock analytics lab in my basement and a glovebox with filtration system that goes through my air filtration system (pushing anything out, in case I decide to synth anything, but it's an analytics labs, I mostly just use my mass spectrometer...I wish had a gas chromatograph or even better an NMR but I just got rid of my student loans debt.

Some idiot just downvoated the last 10 posts I made, sorry you're so retarded that you think downvoating me discovering the little boy lover swirl as a debit/credit card machine in one convenience store which apparently is the actual logo of the company made you feel uncomfortable, troll or actual pedo could only explain this. You really got nothing better to do than slow down my progress here on voat, going to look for similar subs as on reddit that I used, this place is 1/4 sane people these days, not like when I first showed up for sure.

EricKaliberhall ago

This is interesting. Thank you for posting!