Laskar ago

Thanks, and right back at ya. We'll see how much longer it's possible to do any good here.

Laskar ago

I did not intend to be offensive.

There is not question that Babylon had nothing to do with the Khazars whatsoever.

Laskar ago

There is nothing hidden about the The Protocols and the The Talmud--both are readily available in many languages for anyone to read who wants to know.

It is quite obvious that real Babylonian history is completely lost to you and that you get your information from YouTube videos or such bunk.

There was no such thing as a Jewish religion, or even Hebrews in Babylonian civilization. Yes, I realize that is counter the propaganda that most people are fed and brainwashed with.

Some would have you believe that the pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves too. If you believe that and the other BS about ancient Babylonian civilization, I wonder that you haven't made an offer on the bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Kuru is not confined to PNG at all. I don;tp know what medical journals you read but there are l=plenty of active cases. Cannibalism is not restricted to PNG.

It's nothing personal. You are certainly entitled to your opinions, but not entitled to invent "facts" our of whole cloth.

Nrgiseternal ago

If you seek sane answers, the truth will forever be a stranger to you. For it was branded as incredulous and "insane" over centuries to help conceal it. What we call "insane" today was commonly know to happen just 70 years ago

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You're not changing anyone's mind buddy boy. Give up and fuck off back to reddit. Maybe your garbage posts will convince some morons there.

10000-20000 ago

member for 54 minutes. what the fuck do you know?

HollandDrive ago

How did the jews get so evil? "Because they are just evil jews." LOL.

You guys who are redpilled on the jews haven't a clue about the biggest sham of all that's been shoved down your throat all your lives. So temper the hubris and arrogance a bit.

"Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, you may be missing out on the joke of the century."


zagreos ago

The reason is that for the elites, fucking, murdering and utterly dominating something that is completely helpless is the highest form of pleasure. Something you lambs wouldn't understand.

jstrotha0975 ago

There's an alien thing to what they do also, but I won't get into that deeply here because every time I mention the "saucer people" I'm called a shill. Reptilian and Grey aliens feed off of humans. They do it for nourishment mainly, but the Grey's do it for the adrenaline. They have no emotions, so they terrorize their victims so they can extract the adrenaline from them for use as a recreational drug.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Reptilians didn't come to this planet to feed off humans. They came to this planet to conquer it through subversive means.

They can and do eat humans, but that was never their primary goal. Greys are androids; they do not eat humans based on what I read. They are a hybrid of two sentient races.

jstrotha0975 ago

The Reptilians and Grey's primary goal is not eating humans. Reptilian's want to conquer us and Grey's want to become fully living beings with a soul. Grey's do consume human and their own body parts by swimming through large vats that contain hydrogen peroxide and the body parts. They absorb it through their skin.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Where did you get the last part from?

jstrotha0975 ago

Scroll down to Nutrition I believe it's either from Phill Schneider or "a Dulce security officer speaks out". Also read the book "Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity" by Nigel Kerner. This book changed my life. It has proof of God, tells you what to do to get to heaven, and explains why the Grey's are here. They are biological robots created by a long since extinct race to explore the universe. Think about it, if you had the technology to explore the universe, you would also have the technology to stay at home and do that without traveling. We send robotic probes to space and Mars. The grey's are trying to become more human like as in having souls and being able to continue on after death. The Grey's have not mastered eternal life, they can only prolong it by around 1,000 years. They were created, hence they have no souls and when they die, there is nothing more. They are trying to graft human souls into their body's and have been unsuccessful. Scroll down to Nutrition I believe it's either from Phill Schneider or "a Dulce security officer speaks out". Also read the book "Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity" by Nigel Kerner. This book changed my life. It has proof of God, tells you what to do to get to heaven, and explains why the Grey's are here. They are biological robots created by a long since extinct race to explore the universe. Think about it, if you had the technology to explore the universe, you would also have the technology to stay at home and do that without traveling. We send robotic probes to space and Mars. The grey's are trying to become more human like as in having souls and being able to continue on after death. The Grey's have not mastered eternal life, they can only prolong it by around 1,000 years. They were created, hence they have no souls and when they die, there is nothing more. They are trying to graft human souls into their body's and have been unsuccessful.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I will check this out. Thank you!

bopper ago

Man who are you reading?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Law Of One, The Biggest Secret, The Perception Deception and mostly internet blogs/youtube videos.

bopper ago


bopper ago

What if the moon landing was a hoax? What if ISS is a hoax? What if the Hubble telescope is a hoax?

What if NASA is a hoax? Would you still believe in aliens then?

jstrotha0975 ago

Can you prove it was a hoax? Message me privately because space and aliens are a part of what's going on, but most people don't want to believe it.

bopper ago

I could PM you but if space and aliens are "dear" to you then it's a good chance that bias will stumble you.

jstrotha0975 ago

We landed on the moon and alien exists. There's nothing that will change my mind except for proof, so if you got it, share it.

bopper ago

You could start w/ "Astronauts Gone Wild" on youtube. Or google Apollo 11 press conference short version.

jstrotha0975 ago

Um... This isn't proof. George Webb harassing old Astronauts isn't proof.

bopper ago

That was funny, I assume it was a joke :) Except Bart Sibrel isn't a larper.

You can see my comment below if you wish.

bopper ago

See my reply below. If you're interested, do some further research on your own. If you're not interested, you won't make much headway, and that's understandable. The "Paul is Dead" theory is hard to accept and research unless you know the Beatles.

There's plenty of stuff out there. I would start w/ the space station.

azamber ago

Not proof of anything.

bopper ago

No, it was just an entrée. Edit: Appetizer you idiot Bopper. People have to discover these things themselves. The biggest obstacle to learning is the talking teacher.

It was meant to be a foot in the door that wouldn't frighten immediately away.

azamber ago

That guy really pissed me off, too, honestly. What a dick harassing old men like that, but I gotta admit, those old men sure were looking to brawl! lol I'm always learning and searching. =) Thanks for putting it out there.

bopper ago

The guy is Bart Sibrel and his dad was affiliated w/ NASA and he adored the space missions so he's quite bitter about having been lied to. These astroNOTS always get angry when seriously questioned. Sibrel has a good documentary about the moon landing hoax. I know several big name people at NASA, one of them very well, but I don't dare say a word. Thanks for your comment.

Laskar ago

It is not a question of "sane" it is completely evil.

Freemasonsrus ago

I red pilled my based 93 yr old grandparents on this yesterday. My grandma said "yup that makes sense!"

neverobey ago

I think it's both. Satanic ritual abuse is real. I am writing about it and have been talking to shrinks and other experts. But there is a profound reason for child trafficking as well. And that is just the fact that it is a business worth 176 billions. More than google, starbucks and nike combined. You can find this information in the book "Trafficking" by Conchita Sarnoff.

YingYangMom ago

Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.

Symptoms are similar to Killary's symptoms.

Fore people due to their endocannibalistic funeral practices, in which relatives consumed the bodies of the deceased to return the "life force" of the deceased to the hamlet, a Fore societal subunit.[17] Corpses of family members were often buried for days then exhumed once the corpses were infested with maggots at which point the corpse would be dismembered and served with the maggots as a side dish.

Fore men considered consuming human flesh to weaken them in times of conflict or battle, while the women and children were more apt to eat the bodies of the deceased, including the brain, where the prion particles were particularly concentrated.


bopper ago

I could hardly down a burger from MacD the other day cause of this and now it's getting worse.

Votescam ago

Why are you presuming any sanity on the part of Elites and those who plunder?

The very basis of capitalism is exploitation ... of Nature, of Human life -- and of Animal-life.

Capitalism is suicidal.

If there is in any way a "higher interest" dependent on "young blood" or young flesh is it "sane" ...

Cannibalism is not based in human health nor human life.

And we should also be aware that "Mad-Cow" in animals was created by the feeding of other animals to animals -- animals which are herbivores -- and it is called "Mad-Cow" because we most often saw it in cows. That was because cows live to ages long enough for the disease to become apparent, whereas chickens and pigs are killed earlier in life and the disease can remain hidden among those animals. Animals were also fed "road kill."

Feeding animals to animals was known to cause serious disease in animals and that has been know for 400/500 years. However, Americans reintroduced this practice again to the cattle industry. and

If you happen to look at the last link, you'll see the obvious evidence that animal-eating does great harm to the environment.

So, then ... how, really, was animal-eating begun on this planet?

We know it's not good for our health and it's a long chain of violence all the way to slaughter.

We also note that the Bible includes the caution to "Eat all that grows in the garden."

That would NOT, of course, include animals.

"God gave Adam and Even fruits and vegetables to eat."

What and when was the turning point -- did this have something to do with Adam and Eve being thrown out of the Garden of Eden?

And note that Eve stands forever holding an Apple. What really is the message from Eve?

jstrotha0975 ago

They are not Capitalist, they are Socialist. They are trying to bring Socialism to the entire world. They want to redistribute every ones assets to themselves.

Votescam ago

Capitalism is a system intended to move the wealth of nations from the many to the few.

And it has done that successfully all over the world.

A government truly "of, by and for the people" is a socially responsible government. Your library is a socialist endeavor . . . Your fire department . . . Public Education . . .

National Health Care for All is a socially responsible venture.

Same with Social Security and Medicare.

It simply means a population of people coming together to uplift the human condition of all.

Elites Patriarchy invented organized patriarchal religion which underpins male-supremacy.

In turn, organized patriarchal religion/Christianity invented Capitalism when Feudalism was no longer sufficient to run their Papal States.

Capitalist society has only existed last few hundred years --

It produces a small rich class --and a large class of people who do not benefit.

That's why we have 43 million Americans living in poverty and the highest rates of children living in poverty.

The New Deal which was intended to progress into National Health Care and other human rights controlled Capitalism by regulating it.

As those regulations have been overturned by Elites/right wing we once again see that unregulated Capitalism is merely organized crime.

(Don't confuse "socialism" with Hitler/Nazis where a truly socialist party which was involved in supporting labor and unions, women's rights, national health care and other liberal issues was taken over by Hitler and entirely reversed. Nor with Russia, of course.)

jstrotha0975 ago

Okay so it's Capitalist for them and Socialist for us.

Votescam ago

"Welfare for the rich and free enterprise for the poor."


jstrotha0975 ago

It's like a vampire. The more blood they drink, the more they want. Vampires are real, they are just humans that drink blood. When they start eating body parts, they become a cannibal.

Howmanyarethere ago

It doesn't make sense to you because you are a good person. It's hard for our brains to comprehend why evil people do what they do. They are Lucifarian and they are wide spread. They harm people (especially children) to gain the favor of their demons and for power. They believe their power and success comes from Lucifer. There is an element to drinking blood and cannibalism in this widespread cult that is about gaining youth and vitality which is why they like fear induced adrenaline to be coursing through their veins before they kill them.

Listen, it's not what you yourself believe All you have to know is that THEY believe it..

Atticus182 ago

I dont believe that shit. There has to be some profound reason and i think this is it..

Come on, if they kill rape and eat those kids, do you think they dont use their blood if that prolonges your lifetime? I think satanism as a religious form, is dying like all other religions except islam. And in my opinion, all the religions should vanish, we dont need to follow any tales miscrediting sense and facts. Tip:

Soros has coloboma disease. So does Madeleine McCann. You got to have right kind of batteries..

Howmanyarethere ago

believe what you's not going to stop what they believe....what they have believed for centuries. This isn't new stuff. I can point you to some testimony and evidence and their own writings if you wish.

But, whatever, you believe what you want

Basharalassad ago

Is it really possible to get high on hormones form the blood of a ritually sacrificed person like David Icke and others say? Is there any evidence?

Onetime1 ago


That is why there are so many bathtubs in these pictures, to facilitate clean up and capture blood.

Atticus182 ago

Thats one point.. before puberty human body forms different kind of hormones when stressed maximum. Kids are more vulnerable for authentic "feelings" compared to adults, just imagine how deeply and completely happy or angry or sad kids can be compared to adults.. i dont want to imagine how emotionally horrified and completely lost kids can when these things are done.. what if they get high for this "enriched" young blood that gives your old little balls lifespan? Its speculated that this procedure is the oldest Drug, and for obvious reasons the most addictive one.

YingYangMom ago

I don't know, but I've heard that blood drinking (especially adrenaline-filled blood) is one of the most addictive practices ever. They say that it's even more addictive than heroin and crystal meth.

Laskar ago

That's because the body's own adrenaline and endogenous opiates are more powerful than any synthetic or manufactured drug.

To learn more about this discovery and the fact that the whole body, not just the brain, has opiate receptors, read: "Molecules of Emotion" by Candace Pert. It is a book by a real scientist, but written in fairly simple language and very understandable.

The pharmaceutical companies are aware of all this and we have not yet begun to explore the horrible things they have been up to in their "research".

bopper ago

the whole body, not just the brain, has opiate receptors

Esp in the tummy, ask anyone who's ever cold-turkey-ed. Tummy don't like it at all. Amino Acid Therapy detects serotonin and dopamine levels in urine to measure the amount and activity in the brain. A pain though sending urine samples thru FedEx that I can tell you.

Basharalassad ago

Does this mean people can get addicted to being trannies?

Basharalassad ago

But who says that?

bopper ago

If you can you can find it here, they got it all.

YingYangMom ago

I saw and heard that from the mother of a sacrificed child which had researched this and she talked about it in a YT video which I had linked in a submission post, but the YT video was later deleted. Something really strange going on there. Unfortunately, I don't recall the name of this mother. But here was the post:

islandofdelight ago

If by pizzagate you mean satanic ritual abuse, or cannibalism, child murder, or just pedogate in general: It is a compulsion driven by archons/demons. It is a multi-dimensional ritual of life energy. The same reason satanists and trauma mind control subjects will murder. They are controlled by negative parasitic entities. Sometimes the collusion has much more intent behind it, in exchange for reward on this physical realm like many world leaders, etc.

bopper ago

Is it a monolithic thing?

jstrotha0975 ago

The reason is because they are satanists. Satan is the great deceiver. He has lied to them through science telling them there is no God. They think this is the next evolutionary step. They believe the the belief in God is holding them back. Their ultimate goal is to live for eternity because they believe that once you're dead that's it, no afterlife. It's a great big lie. Part of why they do this is to find a way to cheat death. Drinking and bathing in blood will keep you younger. Eating human flesh is the most healthy thing a human can eat. But when you turn to cannibalism, there's no return. Your brain will release a chemical that makes you feel good when you eat human flesh. The more you eat it, the more you crave it and it will eventually turn you insane.

druhill007 ago

also, once the structures are created, they propagate themselves through conditioning

you can tell pretty easily based on all the flaunting of symbolism that luciferian rubbish is true. I wonder if any of the alien stuff has truth to it or if it's some sort of plan to provide salvation to offenders when systems bust

Atticus182 ago

Its Kuru if you all you eat from human is brains and blood..

Laskar ago

@jstrotha0975, @DonKeyhote, @equineluvr, @JackMcBastard, @In_Umbris, @Howmanyarethere, @SoldierofLight, @ArthurEdens, @neverobey, @Freemasonsrus, @Basharalassad, @4TruthUnited

Kuru is a type of mad cow disease, but one that affects humans. Mad cow disease arose when factory farms started feeding chopped cow remains to cows, who normally would be grazing in grassy pastures and never even eating meat.

They go for babies and children, torturing them for the adrenaline which give those who consume the blood a real high, but also because the very young are less toxic than say, an elderly person. The people who came up with this are using the same criteria as they use for animals (spring lamb as opposed to mutton, spotless calf, etc.) because they regard non jews as lower than animals according to their own doctrines which are available for anyone to read. Their own sources cannot be accused of being politically incorrect, nor are they accused of hate speech--since those are their own beliefs written by themselves.

If you wish to read to read more about the bodies own production of opiates and adrenaline much more powerful than any synthetic drug read Candace Pert (a real scientist) "Molecules of Emotion".

If you can't stomach the Talmud, you might want to look into the book written an Israeli professor of history at Bar Elan University in Tel Aviv called "Blood Passover". It was originally written in Spanish. Here is an English PDF:

If you want an overview of the current situation you may wish to read The Protocols, as we were advised to do by the Dutch financier whose interview was posted countless times on VOAT/pizzagate. Do not be fooled by accusations of "Antisemitism". Think of it--the Protocols are a best seller in Japan where most Japanese have never even encountered a Jew.

If you want to see what happens when this ideology takes over an entire country and there is sale of human meat, sacrifice of babies and children to Moloch, and forced (at gunpoint) cannibalism have a look at this excellent movie by Juri Lina (English subs) and be aware that we are not too far from that situation here and now:

jstrotha0975 ago

Drinking blood and eating humans is also addictive, so much so that it will drive you insane the more to consume it. I'll try to find out what the source was and post an article tomorrow on it. Your brain will release chemicals that will make you feel good and you get addicted to it.

Laskar ago

Right. People can get addicted to their own enkephalins.


DonKeyhote ago

Euphemizing. We can't spot satanists without their pentagrams whereas the elite is VERY OPENLY PUBLICLY JEWISH HENCE WHY ALL THE PG CENTERS ARE CHICAGO, NY, LA., FLORIDA ETC JESUS CHRIST WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE

jstrotha0975 ago

If you're into evil that's still satanism. If you're against God, your a satanist.

Laskar ago

What you said applies to the aforementioned group. "Satanism" is a construct of the intelligence services to cover for them and to allow gentiles to kill their own. Read the Talmud and learn.

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO ok bro

jstrotha0975 ago

do you even know who satan is? He's the ultimate rebel.

equineluvr ago

They are completely brainwashed with Political Correctness. And "supernatural" mumbo jumbo like "archons" and "demons." ANYTHING but call it what it is, the work of the goddamned Jews.

The Jews win again.

DonKeyhote ago

I'm on the younger side and always saw jews as all-american normal citizens mildly stereotyped for their thrifty and scholarly culture. Although that also describes Chinese, THEY were the swindlers, Jews just harmless neurotic betas like woody allen. I matured into a full neocon before only now realizing the truth.

jstrotha0975 ago

i'm from NYC that has more jews than Israel. They only care about themselves. They will buy and take over businesses and they will only deal with there own kind, exactly like the muslims. They will only buy and sell to there own kind, and only hire there own kind. Jews and Muslims are extremely greedy and hold grudges forever. They view people who are not jewish as either the enemy, or Goyim/slaves. They believe white Christians were put on Earth to protect and serve them.

bopper ago

Allen is not neurotic in real life, that's the shtick they decided to go with long ago.

DonKeyhote ago

Further proving my point. No mafia was tougher/more brutal than the Jews, probably here and certainly in Eastern Europe.

bopper ago

What made you start looking into the subject? No obligation to answer. (Jews not Allen.)

DonKeyhote ago


Everything that's fucked makes sense now. Feminism, utterly dysfunctional blacks, the coming burst of a much gnarlier housing bubble.

bopper ago

But you seem to know a lot for someone young, and only doing this for 6 months. Before then you were just a plain vanilla neocon?

It's good when your eyes get opened and you understand what's going on.

DonKeyhote ago

I'm a robot. Diversity as a strength, men becoming women, is all counterintuitive.

This is a critical moment: SJW hysteria is its peak and young white males, obviously the most politically active and capable, are being redpilled thru alt media to the fact that it is sabotage what we are witnessing, not natural evolution.

No group of people has voluntarily ceded political power, because it goes against every instinct. Nor was ours voluntary.

We must convince them that THEY ARE OBLIGATED TO RECLAIM AND PRESERVE the country their fathers worked to build. It is not an option. Blonds in Norway dye their hair in hopes of avoiding rape. We are americans with guns and free speech and wont be cucked so hard.

bopper ago

Pagan kings in the Old Testament used mixing societies/culture in order to weaken the people they ruled over. Well-known and successful tactic. Yeah I know all about it. Bummer. USA needs to break apart. Prob'ly will anyway when the money musical chairs game is up.