Jem777 ago

This mother is talking about adrenochrome. This is the chemical that rises dramatically in torture and sacrifice. Drinking this or injecting this is the highest addiction known. This is spoken about and demonstrated in movies such as Depps movies.

There is also connections to the Pineal Gland involving the PAX2 gene as expressed in coloboma eye condition observed in Madeline McCann & Soros &Rothschilds and others.

You may not want to believe this or think about it but it is 100% accurate.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Depp's movie was fear and loathing in Las Vegas, written by Hunter S Thompson. It's in the book too, not just the movie. Incidentally, Paul Bonacci, one of the teens from boys town who was interviewed by John DeCamp discussed witnessing a snuff film being made at bohemian grove that was filmed by hunter s thompson.

Jem777 ago

Yes exactly @IPleadThe2nd it is in this movie Fear & Loathing authored by Hunter S Thompson. Review Hunter's interviews in live interviews to hear for yourselves interesting information. Paul Bonacci was a child victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse including Snuff films as described and the purposeful trauma causing elevated adrenochrome. Anymore smoking guns needed. There are entire investigations with direct links to current businesses. Who is going to delete this posting. Watching for names.

heywhatsgoingon ago

Hunter S Thompson on Letterman "jokes" that his hobby is killing


YingYangMom ago

This mother is talking about adrenochrome. This is the chemical that rises dramatically in torture and sacrifice. Drinking this or injecting this is the highest addiction known. This is spoken about and demonstrated in movies such as Depps movies.

I believe 100%. This is why Satanic Members keep wanting more and keep wanting to breed. They're like vampires! It's a disease and it's spreading fast. And I also heard that the consumption of pineal gland has a very rare effect as well, and it's trending now in Europe.

Jem777 ago

Yes exactly. This is being investigated as well in other forums as it relates to production of peptides. Also the taking of the Pineal Gland from aborted remains (if I say anther word they will ban). These Pineal Glands are marketed to the elite in the world and are consumed.

Several researchers have direct links to this including locations in the US connected to known politicians where this occurrs. It will help everyone understand the deeper meaning of Pizzagate but you must be ready to hear this. Open your minds and listen. This involves the occult and children. It is horrible to think about. We can provide links and information but it will alter your world. There is no going back. Ignorance will cost many children their lives.

YingYangMom ago

A lot of people are asking where they could find some good red-pilling Pizzagate material to share with friends. I'd say this is a very good one. It covers a lot of ground and it's pretty compelling. Have a look for yourselves, you won't be disappointed!