Gothamgirl ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

Here's the thing that strikes me as odd and/or hypocritical. So Duerte is apparently the victim of child sexual abuse by a Catholic priest and he is completely against all forms of child sexual abuse, etc., wants to protect his people and so on. So then why does he arrest and sentence drug users to death for using drugs when clearly many of these young people using the drugs are, in fact, victims of the massive Philippine child sex rings that run rampant in his country? He gives them the option of getting clean once and if they don't and they are arrested again they are automatically killed. But yet he condemns child sexual abuse and his country is one of the main ones where these sick fucks get the kids, sex tourism, snuff and pedo films to begin with. He also made the comment about taking the blame for raping three women during Martial Law, I don't get it, the guy is all over the place in his thought process. Lastly, I fucking hate Chelsea Clinton.

millennial_vulcan ago

he told the public to just go ahead and shoot pedos.

RweSure ago

Whatever happens to the Clintons, it will not be because of the President of the Philippines.

Are you not going to point out that Duterte deserves criticism because he just told his soldiers this

Shortly after declaring martial law, he told his troops in a speech: ' 'For this martial law and the consequences of martial law and the ramifications of martial law, I and I alone would be responsible. 'Just do your work. I will handle the rest. I will be imprisoned for you. If you rape three (women), I will say that I did it.'

I thought this board was anti-rape?

Martial Law doesn't mean laws don't apply. It doesn't give soldiers the right to rape, kill and pillage.

Also HRC is in declining health?


millennial_vulcan ago

you don't think hrc is in declining health?

quantokitty ago

I hope it starts a trend. The more influential people that speak out, the harder it is to believe the false narratives they spread.

DeathTooMasons ago

Disagree. They are above the law, part of the cabal, can run their foundation crimes with impunity, and will continue to play a part for the NWO.

millennial_vulcan ago

respect your viewpoint :-)

Eyezopen ago

The Clinton's are some of the most vile scum in the universe. For there victims, for what the Clinton Foundation did to children and all there digusting actions. Clinton's deserve slow, horrible death in prison

millennial_vulcan ago

Could happen!

Gothamgirl ago

Thats what I thought during the election. Who is Hillary to call any citizen deplorable when her dirty past, was always public knowledge. Did she think it didn't exist? The deceitful husband. Benghazi was like the nail in the coffin, sort of speak for me.

Pizzalawyer ago

Chelsea needs to stop sticking her nose in the affairs of other countries. She has accomplished nothing of any significance in life despite many golden opportunities. She hasn't earned enough stripes to make commentary on the local dogcatcher much less heads of states. And yes, DarkMath is wonderfully inventive.

Jimmycog ago

What did the heir apparent Say, pray tell

EyeOfHorus ago

Chelsea Clinton's biological father never fucked Monica Lewinsky.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

I don't agree. It should've been the end in November but Hillary and her media lapdogs refuse to bury them like some sorta pop star fantasy. Duterte is the best. He used to rip Obama a new one. Now he set his sites on Clintons.

Jem777 ago

You have to understand where this guy is coming from. And make sure you have his complete words and he is not taken out of context. Duerte is the child victim of a pedo priest. He was extremely traumatized as a child and victimized. He has fought back to be the leader of his country recently and spoken out publicly openly talking about being raped as a little boy by a pedophile priest in the Catholic Church and giving voice for all victims. He has called pedophiles monsters who he wil systematically remove from his country by force or death. He has also called the Pope a pedo on television and refused entry to his country. Additionally his country is over-run by narco-terrorists who are executing his citizens continuously and he authorized his national guard to engage them in warfare. Some senators came out against him for extrajudicial killings but they of course are linked to pocketing money off the drug wars.

Last week 15,000 Isis members invaded a major city because he is fighting the NEO & their pedo-Satanists and now are capturing his citizens on the streets beheading them if they refuse to quote the Quran or engage in other lurid acts. This is what he is fighting.

President Trump has stood up for him for calling out the child rapists and drug kingpins.

Not saying he is right of course he is not if he said what was quoted but we need to pray for the Philippine people.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Sometimes you need a monster to fight a monster

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Trump needs to take some lessons from Duerte....

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you @Jem777 !

Yeah he's a blowhard: once asked a critic if his "wife's vagina was still smelly." What is it with Presidents and other women's p*ssies, eh? ;-)

I think most politicians-public figures been exposed to pedophilia? Their promiscuity and fame craving is a classic symptom of it (I may be wrong.) If they chose to take the hard line, more power to them.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Well she needs to start playing her political cards now, right?

equineluvr ago

It was a tit-for-tat exchange. I wouldn't read uberdramatic conclusions into it.

MysticMa ago

I believe he was trying to convey to his troops that HE HAD THEIR BACK no matter what... That statement got world attention, I expect he got the men's attention as well.... That country needs to know that their leader has their back purging ISIS & Dealers who have put them in FEAR!!! Trust, in the leaders of our own country has been on a rapid decline way before Trump entered the scene. I do think the context of the message was off, as there could have been a better way. However, he is raw and we all know how messages sometimes get lost in translation. Your 100% right, just look at our own MSM nerosis

millennial_vulcan ago

Homie, he can't exactly do that can he? What he CAN do is tug at the head of the snake... :-)

DarkMath ago


Holy fuck. Yes. This is definitely the beginning of the end. I strongly suspect these gems are going to start coming hot and heavy as people's fear of the Clinton Crime Family start to fade.......Hold on. I feel a song coming on. Do you feel that?

Ding Dong.......


millennial_vulcan ago

Darkmath, I love you.

Honeybee_ ago

Both deserve a stoning by the good people:

"Just do your work. I will handle the rest. I will be imprisoned for you. If you rape three (women), I will say that I did it."

-President Duterte

"Hope on #WorldMenstrualHygieneDay, you'll read my friend Marni's piece on ensuring women's & girls safety & dignity"

-Chelsea Clinton

ArtificalDuality ago

HB: Update on your view: Duterte was displaying a high grade of sarcasm, hinting at atrocities committed by US as well as UN military. This guy is on the good side, even though he excerts necessary evil to curb evil in his country. He's removing NWO influence in his country big-time. That was "awarded" with ISIS on his soil all in a sudden.

Don't judge too quick on him. This is one of the few guys who have absolutely no qualms calling a spade a spade and send it into the world in a booming fashion.

Honeybee_ ago

Excuse me? Duterte has sanctioned lawlessness and vigilante murder in his country against... drug pushers and users. I'm really worried for your mental health my friend, please tell me you just haven't gotten to that part of his campaign that lets rapists win and receive humorous praise while heroine addicts die by unchecked mass murders that threaten innocent people.

ArtificalDuality ago

Are you going to be selective on your MSM sources in regards to truth? Duterte is being demonized big time. Yes, the country has death penalty. I can't say I'm touched when unsalvageable souls are made a problem no longer. He does not condone rape. Where you get that from. Source? All this work on PG but outside of that gobble up MSM 'truth' ? Let me put this differently. I'm not unfamiliar with Dutch 'Grass', having smoked some on and off in my life. I'd move over to Philipines to receive personally a headshot if it would help him rid the world of this Luciferist plague.

Honeybee_ ago

There's your sources, we should not snuggle up to this guy because he claims to have a high approval rating and I savvy approach to dictatorship. People in China, Thailand, North Korea, and Phillipines look to their leaders as GODS... not because they want to...but because the HAVE TO out of fear. It seems you think Duterte's comments about murdering and raping are just sarcastic jokes made in lue of a violent yet successful campaign to instill order and combat ISIS... I see a pattern here. Give away everything in the name of defeating ISIS. Extremely dangerous narrative that I am not inclined to agree with.

ArtificalDuality ago

He's not all snuggly, completely innocent, so to speak. I never said that. However, he's hardly been in the news before Philipines turned away from US Deep State control. You'll have to look at things in a larger scope. ISIS was not a phenomena before he did this turning away from the Deep State. Much like Trump's, his run was smeared and sabotaged by obviously those who want the dug biz going there. Guess one time who'd be behind that drug biz? Nor are eastern cultures strongly bound by this Western disease called "Political Correctness". A spade is a spade.

I've looked at your links and with the bigger picture I know (and do read up what Jem posted about Duterte's history) I'm still of the opinion he's being extremely sarcastic towards the global cartel which I believe you accept existing. PG isn't just an isolated US thing.

I'm not condoning bad taste jokes. But I'm not going to let one bad taste joke (about the Australian missionary) be decisive on the much larger physical issues that are manifesting at this point in time. Though rigid, he's getting rid of the global cartel induced anarchy and he pissed off Rothschild BIG TIME. Have you taken note of the many more straight expulsions at all that's wrong in our hemisphere?

Honeybee_ ago

Believe me I know you take the good with the bad, he is doing a lot for the poor, lgbt, native peoples, but it is very important to know that this extra-judicial killing rampage should not ever be looked at as progress, there is too much room for corruption and innocent people dying, could you imagine Trump and Pense being like, "OK everybody...shoot to kill anyone selling or smoking marijuana, happy hunting!" It's preposterous, it's like the real live "Purge".

You know my stance on rape, I am a huge child rape and abuse advocate so yes the words are important even if they are used in a playful manner, just shows you his true colors and lack of respect for woman, to think that this leader said, and I'm loosely paraphrasing "yea, that australian journalist died, I should have been first in line to rape her since I'm the Mayor, what a waste." I mean, my God. This guy has a long way to go to gain respect from me.

carmencita ago

'Just do your work. I will handle the rest. I will be imprisoned for you. If you rape three (women), I will say that I did it.' That is what Duterte said. I agree that the Clintons are guilty of many heinous and embarrassing things and they deserve to dies for them, war crimes included. They deserve to hang. But that does not excuse what Duterte said. It is never OK to even rape one woman, who believes he will take their sentence. Leaders should speak out against other leaders that have committed crimes, but not when they are endorsing rape.

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fartyshorts ago

I sure hope so. They deserve to die.

millennial_vulcan ago

What's Slick Willy up to at the moment, anyway? He seems to be flying under the radar. Where exactly is he?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Hanging out with fellow deplorables Hillary and Andrew Cuomo in Chappaqua, while his wife seemingly plots yet another failed election campaign

new4now ago

My guess is he is in Arkansas, In his library. playing with the interns, hoping he dies before charges are brought forth

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you! LOL "hanging out" - hiding, more like.