NotTooLate ago

This is HUGE. You know there is major corruption when someone gets the Nobel Peace award like this Yunus did. This is so huge, I hope they go for everything and not just one or two minor charges. Regime change tip of the iceberg.

Silverlining ago

Yunus gets some mentions - sorry, can't tell you where - from George Webb - I may have mistaken for a similar name - just my recollection. @carmencita @darkmath @EricKaliberhall @Bluebirdsolitude

NotTooLate ago

Right in the videos he used to capture investigators. The ones on the Clinton Foundation. The ones he DELETED HIMSELF and won't put back up.

carmencita ago

I don't care what they lock her up for, as long as it is long. I have a feeling she will sing like a Nightingale. I think Orange is her color.

Silverlining ago

Soros might have her Arkancided?

carmencita ago

That is a possibility. I think she has become a liability and outlived her usefulness. Soros, Bill, the Rothschilds, Bushes and JA and the Podestas can run the trafficking and drug rings and organ harvesting without her help. She is toxic.

Silverlining ago

George Webb was suggesting Trump's 3D chess play is to indict her in the certain knowledge that she will sing like a bird and bring down the temple aka drain the swamp.

carmencita ago

I doubt they will let her do that. I think there already has been a deal made. Trump will be allowed to do only so much. I hate to say it, and I hope to God I am wrong. But she may be sacrificed, since like I said, she has become toxic.

carmencita ago

Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. Now don't that beat all. Those Clintons seem to have power in all the right places. Great Post. This is exciting and will be fun to track. Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!

DarkMath ago

"Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

I'm guessing this is the charge they're going to lock her up for. And it's a case that's very closely tied to the watered down Aids drug fraud they were running. Both combine to make an unassailable case no one can criticize. Who would object to Hillary Clinton getting locked up for selling watered down Aids drugs to poor black people in Africa.

I can't wait to see MSNBC try to spin that one. Holy shit, I detect some intense comedy watching Rachel Maddow explain how poor black people with Aids weren't dying from the Ersatz Aids Drugs but from overly intense sun light breaking down the active ingredients due to Global Warming.

Mark my words. The list of excuses will be legion.


EricKaliberhall ago

Tick Tack!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Cross posting in SR subverse