9923747? ago

Article by Randy Cody:


9916436? ago

Good information Here:


Criticalthinker615 ago

yes it is. i've been posting in there as well.

9916911? ago

What do you mean?

You have been posting into TMZ?

Criticalthinker615 ago

no, I mean that I've been posting in that thread. It does contain good information.

9917428? ago

Thank you for replying.

Yes, absolutely.

What I was referring to was what TMZ puts out in articles.

Vicky was/ is a publicist don't forget.

All I see from TMZ articles has been quoting what Vicky saw experienced thought.

TMZ seems to be buying it.

I am surprised that they let the comments stay on.

Thank you. Have read all your postings.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Some disturbing tweets from Chester Bennington’s wife’s account have caused alarm over whether or not she had cheated on him and even encouraged him to take his own life. However, it seems more likely that Talinda Bentley was actually hacked, something that has happened to her in the past.

News that Bennington, 41, had died, broke yesterday, with reports from TMZ confirming he had taken his own life by hanging himself in a Los Angeles home. It was unclear at the time of the news what had led to his death, or if he had left behind any note indicating what led to the situation. Later that night, a series of tweets appeared on Bentley’s account, where she allegedly confessed to having an affair with his Linkin Park bandmate, Mike Shinoda, said she never loved her husband and had only married him for money, and that she had proof Bennington was already dead before he allegedly hanged himself.


9916653? ago

I do not trust TMZ reporting.

So far I am looking here for reports:

Randy Cody


9916570? ago

Whether is was a world renown rocker or none of the above:

Chester's death seems suspicious to me...very.

People said that Chester seemed to be n a good place.

His band had released a new video three hours before Chester died.

He was about to leave on a world-wide tour.

He was a frontman like Chris was.

Azzipdoe ago

A downvoat? Lol. Must be some die hard angsty linkin park fans in here. So sad.

Gothamgirl ago

This is his dad. https://ibb.co/bPOMjk

Criticalthinker615 ago

thats the first time I've seen this comparison but, aside from a couple differences the similarity is striking. if im not mistaken chesters parents are known. I haven't seen pictures though

Azzipdoe ago

I wouldn't think podesta is related.. but i find it interesting that pedos generally do have a certain look to them.. at least to me it seems that way

carmencita ago

Funny the names that were at the funeral for Chris Cornell were people we have read about on here as compromised hollywood fakes. TMD is the one to trust, or so I have been told.

9908862? ago

I heard his wife was controlling and led him around on a leash.

Most of Chris friends cannot stand Vicky and her mother I read. going back to before Chris and she were married.

Her maid of honor ended up dying coincidentally fairly soon after the wedding. Her name was :Brittany Murphy.

Chris and Vicky were married for 13 years.

Fans have been upset that Chris was not buried in his homeland Seattle.

Many fans are not happy with Vicky.. I do not know where Chris wanted to be buried.

Blacksmith21 ago


carmencita ago

TMD is the one. TMZ is hollywood.

Tanngrisnir ago

Is there any source about Chris Cornell talking about elite pedophilia outside of Neonettle? I just have a hard time trusting that site as they have blatantly lied and repackaged old stories before. Not ruling out the possibility though.

carmencita ago

In the daily mail article in the pic with Chris and family, the daughter is wearing a t-shirt that says: We Will Not Be Silenced. Speaks Volumes.

9908535? ago

Good eye . I didn't notice that

NoRagrets ago

The transcript is clearly wrong in a couple of places.

... I'm on scene with a 53-year old male, 53 year-old male pulse [edited] on arrival with crew.

... Patient is cool to the touch in all areas at this time. Pulse [edited], been on scene for over 30 minutes at this time.

9908901? ago

A 911 call I heard (a woman's voice) said that the guest was trying to hang himself and they were trying to "get him down."

It sounded let me the MGM Detroit receptionist talking to emt people.

Here is one of them:


9905945? ago

don't laugh too hard . If your depending on a more reputable source .. who would that be exactly? MSM?

NoRagrets ago

No I just found it funny that the only part of the recording that was inaudible was the same word on two separate occasions and it sounded edited to me.

9905047? ago

A simple search will show you that we are not the only ones sceptical .

Criticalthinker615 ago

oh, did the mods give us back search privileges?

9905976? ago


Criticalthinker615 ago

wasnt a joke. there is no search feature. still. And posted threads don't always show up in the feed immediately especially when two similar threads are posted within a short period of time.

9906148? ago

Ohhhh sorry 🙂 Yeah I know but the internet search is what I was referring to .

9906170? ago

Also every time I search google or other search engines , I type " VOAT" after what ever I'm searching for and it always shows voat posts , if there are any that that is .