Infinomnian_Messiah ago

"Well, what did you expect when he received all that settlement money, the guy had a history of drug abuse!" - headfilledwithCNN

PedoStomper ago

This is why everyone involved in PG investigations needs to own a firearm. Preferably one in your home and in your car, if possible. I live in the South, so its easy for me.

Shizy ago

Once again, can't agree with you more!

think- ago

OP, I'm giving this an 'Important' flair. I think this should get as much views as possible.

YogSoggoth ago

Mod on. It is a murder in my opinion.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Message sent. Message received.

carmencita ago

I had to read this sentence 3 times to let it sink in, his cousin also accused Murray? Murray was in his first mayoral term when he resigned in September after his cousin, Joseph Dyer, became the fifth man to publicly accuse Murray of child sexual abuse decades ago. I think this suicide, may have been a message to those thinking of coming forward with more accusations. Don't Do It. Wow. @think- @migratorypatterns

migratorypatterns ago

Totally agree.

carmencita ago

Somthing's up with that whole story. It's not only happening in Pedowood.

YogSoggoth ago

Satanic road used to be the PCH, but mostly nowadays, the inland. My statement should not distract anyone from the PCH.

carmencita ago

I had to look up PCH. Pacific Coast Hwy. Was once known as Satanic Road? Wow. There is something really weird about that, because it also dawned on me the other day that all the towns starting with Santa also can be changed to Satan. There is something Wonky about Pedowood putting gays into our "manly" Westerns. Again, right under our noses.

YogSoggoth ago

Another Satanic road goes through Oregon into Washington. I forget where I read that, but I seem to remember that it branches off PCH.

carmencita ago

I am not surprised. Many decades ago I wanted to move to Cali. Now I think there are a lot of sinister places and tunnels, etc. The area around Bohemian Grove gives me the Creeps. Just reading about it. I am sure a lot of people don't know about that road.

Shizy ago

I grew up right next to PCH and didnt know that. What's weird now that you say that is in the town I lived in there is this little "hippie commune" right off PCH that has long been rumored to actually be a satanic cult who performed rituals and sacrifices. It's a long road, I wonder how much more of this there is

carmencita ago

There are other places like this I know. In St. Louis there is a place I was researching called Castlewood and it is near a place or area that reminded some of our members that when they were young people they would see strange things in the woods. They would see men in robes during the night carrying something like torches. I believe they were either monks, or Satanic robes. I was really creeped out researching the outskirts of St. Louis. Florissant, St. Charles, Des Peres (these places are CP Country, imo.. I know of some strange things out there. Also in Wisc. there are very strange stories of pedophiles hanging out there in the wooded areas. Yes, very creepy things. When people hear these stories, they think they call them ghost stories, or think they are off the wall. They are not. Check out Buck County in Pa. Another really scary place.

Shizy ago

Bucks co Pa is where there was the furry child rapist freaks recently. There is such scary stuff in this world

carmencita ago

That place is a Cesspool there are so many arrests in that county for sexual abuse and some are LE. Remember the kid that was living on his parent's farm and was arrested for burying 3 college students? He took the wrap, imo. He had a mental condition and I believe the family was involved in something nefarious and sacrificed him for their innocence.

Shizy ago

That happened there too?!?!! What is wrong with that place?

carmencita ago

Another one or their places like Racine and Perris Cal. There are Cesspools hiding across the country. They are infiltrated and possibly many pedos are hiding there together. You know they are happiest with their own kind. Makes Me Sick.

Shizy ago

It would be interesting. (And sad and anger provoking too) to look into the rates of missing or kidnapped children from these areas. What will never be know are the amount of children who can not be accounted for due to being trafficked from other countries, bred for the purpose, or the pedos own children that they abuse. It's so sick it hurts

YogSoggoth ago

If you think about it logistically, it is a very long millionaires row. If someone in the group were to run afoul, all it would take is a phone call and the nearest left or right could provide safe haven on that long and twisting highway. In such places the owners usually create their own police force in the fashion they desire as a community.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, it's all over the country now!

I found two stories that I don't believe we posted here. I should probably do it, but been busy.

They're both frightening in their own way.

carmencita ago

You should yes. AND did you see this? Hawaii arrest

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I saw the title, but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

Hawaii is on my radar.


carmencita ago

OK :)

think- ago

I think this suicide, may have been a message to those thinking of coming forward with more accusations.

That's what I thought, too, Carm. I'm still without words.

carmencita ago

And his cousin was one of his accusers. I can't even! This Beats All.

think- ago

Thank you so much for finding this info, Ian.

I can't believe this. I did a post about the settlement between him and the Mayor some time ago.

Here it is, if you want to read some background info about the case:

Oh_Well_ian ago


Sharipie ago

The Deep state, and the Establishment for which it stands, are killing more of their enemies now than ever before.

migratorypatterns ago

Object lesson for those brave enough to confront the Cannibal Elite.

Very sad.

YogSoggoth ago

Just wait. After all the hundreds die, someone is going to collect the right evidence, hopefully. All we have to do is sit here, and watch them predictably die until one or two does.

3141592653 ago

Highly suspicious. Also highly likely that this man would have severe substance abuse issues after the abuse he survived.

Thanks for sharing

undertheshills ago

drug overdose of a middle-aged black male

Nigger faggot ODing, this really could be a coincidence.

karenrussell63 ago


LiarLiar ago

You people will kill each other to defend guilty until proven innocent standards for women.

Shizy ago

Lay off the crack pipe

LiarLiar ago

Guilty as charged when? Well according to your rules you're guilty until proven innocent

HardCorps ago

Suicide by 23 nailgun shots to the back of the head??

think- ago

Yes, and with two different guns!! /s

3141592653 ago

I didnt see that in the article...??

HardCorps ago

It was an arkancide reference. Purely speculation.

think- ago

He was being sarcastical.... ;-)

3141592653 ago

Ha, thanks

think- ago

;-) :-)

3141592653 ago

Double smiles. Yes

kobold ago

it is true that global conspiracies and high level criminals are causing the most damage in the world, but the local ones will have you murdered if you try to act locally. the mayors.

justloveyourself ago

If you just google search for a picture of this guy, you can see he looks like a perverted faggot. So why would you elect him to be your mayor?

I mean, I'm not saying he should be held guilty because of the way he looks, but come on, why has society lost its common sense? People really are this easily brainwashed by the media to glorify tremendous faggots

YogSoggoth ago

This is the new west. The old west was more manly.

PedoStomper ago

Because with the "Do What Thou Wilt" mindset that everyone has, you're not supposed to "judge" anyone.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The guy before him was a hippie commie proto-soyboi and there are too many white people in Seattle to put up with that so they installed Murray, who was a known quantity as former congressman.

Sharipie ago

This is Seattle were talking about...

Vindicator ago

Damn. This is really sad.