TheNewMovement2 ago

We need another Operation Bid Rig Style raid on these Mayors, governors, and congressmen and women. The Military needs to go in and arrest most, if not all of, capitol hill and corrupt mayor / governor offices.

think- ago

I don't want Martial Law, and I don't want the Military to go in. And I don't want vigilantism either.

new4now ago

I don't see how we are going to avoid any of that

Sooner or later the shits gonna hit the fan

TheNewMovement2 ago

Unfortunately, it may be the only option left if these people continue to evade the law to the highest degree. I am absolutely trying to steer clear of the idea of martial law, but there needs to be a change at the ballot box in 2018.

think- ago

Problem is, the military is not clean either. Think Aquino. Withoubt doubt there are many good guys (and women) in the military who are really dedicated to defend the nation. But many people in the military are involved in some sinister stuff as well. So this wouldn't change anything, would it?

We somehow have to find better candidates for public office.

TheNewMovement2 ago

Well, you could run for public office, but it would be tough to do so considering incumbent advantage. You most likely wouldn't win, but you would put a dent in the stronghold of status quo politics.

new4now ago

I believe there is a reason most dont run against incumbents

Look back at Obamas run for Senate

TheNewMovement2 ago

It's either a people's revolution at the ballot box or some sort of coup or uprising by distressed Military personnel. The people gotta rise up or someone is going to do it with force.

new4now ago

without candidates to go up against incumbents and censorship and lack of investigations with news media, not sure whats going to happen

I don't think I even trust our voting system

TheNewMovement2 ago

That's a good thing. Don't trust the Voting system. Echo that across the platform and people will begin to look out for irregularities. I have faith in you and the American public to do so.

new4now ago

Hard working on a closed mind, makes you want to get a crowbar sometimes

TheNewMovement2 ago

It sure does. Not a matter of if, but when at this point.

new4now ago

The thing about when is people still refuse to recognize the silent majority

Not talking about popular vote, but those quiet ones that came out and put there vote in for Trump

Sometimes people underestimate the silent ones

Big mistake

srayzie ago

This is ridiculous. I bet the people are pissed. He’s accused by 5 men! FIVE!

Murray resigned as mayor in September after five men had come forward to accuse him of molestation they say occurred decades ago when they were teens. He has rejected all of the accusations of abuse.

The CITY will pay to settle a lawsuit. The perverted MAYOR ISN’T PAYING IT! Not only that, he continues to deny the accusations like a coward. They even say it allows Mr. Heckard to move forward with his life. Well isn’t that special...

The city of Seattle will pay $150,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by Delvonn Heckard, one of five men this year to publicly accuse former Mayor Ed Murray of sexual abuse decades ago.

“With this settlement, the City takes an important step in putting this sad chapter behind us, limiting litigation expenses, and allowing Mr. Heckard to move forward with his life,” City Attorney Pete Holmes said in the city’s statement Saturday evening.

Murray agreed to the settlement, but in his own statement continued to deny the allegations: “The lawsuit was painful for me, my husband, my family, and my former staff because the allegations were untrue. I did not molest or have any sexual contact with the plaintiff.”

Murray will not pay any part of the settlement, but he is responsible for covering his own legal fees, Holmes said.

Awww how noble. 🙄

Newly elected Mayor Jenny Durkan, a former U.S. attorney, supported Holmes in arriving at the agreement, noting in the city’s statement Saturday that it “is the right thing to do and allows our City to begin to heal.”

think- ago

it “is the right thing to do and allows our City to begin to heal.”


Before the City can begin to heal, they have to get rid of all politicians and other higher-ups who are either pedophiles or support pedophilia and do the cover-up.

Putting some dirty money on a wound will make it worse, not heal it.

And the victims must be served justice - perps must be put in jail, not having thrown additional taxpayer's money at them and letting them get away with it.

srayzie ago

I don’t see how it’s the responsibility of tax payers to pay for his settlements anyways.

think- ago

Yes, Murray should have paid the settlement. That the taxpayers had to pay it is outrageous imo.

Shizy ago

What she means by the city healing is for this to just go away and everyone forget about it.

think- ago

What she means by the city healing is for this to just go away and everyone forget about it.

This. Unfortunately, this is exactly what might happen - people will forget about it.

Shizy ago

They rely on the gold fish attention spans of the public. My heart breaks for the victims and their families who can never forget.

think- ago

My heart breaks for the victims and their families who can never forget.

'The victims will get life, the perps will walk free.'

Shizy ago

Sad and true

tyfdt ago

Talk about your gov't slush funds for sexual deviants! Right out in the open!!!

think- ago

Yes, this settlement case shows the same approach as we've seen in sexual harassment cases where the accused were members of Congress: 'Don't punish the perps, but let the taxpayers pay the bill for settlement cases.' This has to stop.

DonKeydich ago

Don't listen to the kikeshill @vindicator. Seattle was built and run by JEWS and gentiles interested in JEWISH mysticism/utopianism.

As proven here

Shizy ago

You're pathetic! Get a life you hateful scum!

think- ago

[–] DanteKeyhoe -1 points (+1|-2) 2 months ago

'Actually there's a vast amount of evidence to prove that being molested is FAR LESS HARMFUL than being raised with no father.'

Comment was made on this thread:


Cc1914 ago

Did you see this ?

DonKeydich ago

Yea do I look like someone who gets paid by Soros to shill your lame ass blind leading the blind forum, bitch

think- ago

Yea do I look like someone who gets paid by Soros

Nice try. You want everybody to believe pizzagaters are white, antisemitic, misogynist gunlovers, sitting in their mothers' basements?

Next time, choose a pic of a guy who looks less like a trannie.

DomKeyhote ago

Who do u think populates 4chan etc dumbass.

Better than a bunch of clueless cunt housewives like y'all. MUCH better in fact.

think- ago

Haha. Try better next time.

Cc1914 ago

No you don't look like one for sure ! I wish you would just reach out and get help ! Look at all the caring people you have here on voat , you could of been healing by now , you could of used this year to really get the therapy you needed instead you chose to interfere with the efforts of sincere people! And when I say therapy I mean , there are tons of people here that have been abused as children and there are people that haven't , the mixture of the two has produced A very unique place to get FREE real therapy ! You can still take advantage of that !

DankKeyhote ago



Cc1914 ago

I didn't "buy" into anything . I use my own moral compass !

srayzie ago

LOL 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

DonKeydich ago

Lowering the standard of pedophilia to include anyone with a counterintuitive opinion that your pitiful brain can't consider weakens the entire PG case you dipshit.

Find me something like this for molested kids

Oops! 900% increased risk of molestation itself with no dad around! Because the tramp slut mother will have loser boyfriends in and out all the time. You must feel pretty embarrassed eh?

Shizy ago

So you were "happy" to have your sicko father around raping you cause, well, at least he was there? I hope all the soy and skinny jeans has caused you to be infertile you sick POS

srayzie ago

Since you’re a degenerate pedophile with no morals, it’s no wonder you think like this. You say the OP has a pitiful brain when you can’t even act like you’re above 6th grade maturity level. You put all of your brain cells to work on researching only Jews. You don’t have enough left to understand anything else. So shut your trap faggot. You are useless.

srayzie ago

😂 👏🏻 You’ve been found @Donkeydich

DonKeydich ago

LOL you couldn't find your own fat ass with both hands. I POSTED IT MYSELF.

srayzie ago

Well that was dumb. Why didn’t you pick a 👳🏽‍♂️ so it would have at least made more sense?

Cc1914 ago

lol he posted it a few days ago I was surprised I heard no comments on it 😂 He really does live in his moms basement !

srayzie ago

Lol can you imagine what a joy he must be to have as a family member? Hahaha

Cc1914 ago

I would have to go no-contact if he was a family member ! 😂

srayzie ago

Me too 😂

DonKeydich ago

LOL triggered by my calling single moms SLUTS AND WHORES? PERSONAL FOR YOU EH? Allow me to anticipate your answer:

"What if her husband died? You don't know every moms circumstances. You hateful. Big mean mean. Srayzie tie-tie, want bottle! Rum please!!"

srayzie ago

How is it personal? I’m not a single mom. Why do you act like you don’t know these things? All women are sluts and whores in your eyes. Well, except 15 year old virgins according to you. If a woman is over 30 and married, you wish you could rape them. You’re so disgusting. You must be a desperate ugly mother fucker who can’t find a woman willing to be with you. Much less sleep with you.

Your reply makes no sense as usual. 🙄

DonKeydich ago

Yes any woman who sleeps with a man she won't have kids with is a whore.

srayzie ago

That’s the kind of woman you said you sleep with. You’re so classy.

think- ago

Let us know tomorrow how the NAMBLA party was, Donkey!

Cc1914 ago

It really pisses me off that these victims are even settling for money! After the settlement they usually are not aloud to talk about it further , and their experience will help no one because it will get pushed out of people's minds.

new4now ago

That is how and why they choose their victims

The poor, the abused, the addicted, the homeless, make it easier for payoffs

These kids think 150k is a lot of money

Compared to what the Pesos were paying them I suppose it is to them

Everyone and I mean Everyone has their price

I think it's time news media be held accountable for being complicit in sweeping shit under the rug

think- ago

I understand why they do it. It must be a nightmare to be the accuser in a trial against a powerful public figure (although he stepped down, Murray is still part of Seattle's power mongers).

I once talked to a woman who kind of was stepped in the back by her own attorney. Without her knowledge, the attorney had agreed with a plea deal. The woman got a call by her attorney, who said: 'Well, either you agree to this plea deal, or the defendant won't get punished (on probation) at all. You have two minutes to decide.' She agreed.

Narcissism ago

Tax payers get to pay for the Pedos to have free sex with constituents kids. Seems fair and logical to me. In fact why don't tax payers compensate the Ex-mayor because clearly he's the victim of these amorous kids.

Welcome to Libtard Land.

think- ago

In fact why don't tax payers compensate the Ex-mayor because clearly he's the victim of these amorous kids.

This. Maybe the kids should apologize.... /s

Narcissism ago

A public apology by the kids is in order

think- ago


think- ago


From Seattle Times website:

'The city of Seattle will pay $150,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by Delvonn Heckard, one of five men this year to publicly accuse former Mayor Ed Murray of sexual abuse decades ago.

“With this settlement, the City takes an important step in putting this sad chapter behind us, limiting litigation expenses, and allowing Mr. Heckard to move forward with his life,” City Attorney Pete Holmes said in the city’s statement Saturday evening.

Murray agreed to the settlement, but in his own statement continued to deny the allegations: “The lawsuit was painful for me, my husband, my family, and my former staff because the allegations were untrue. I did not molest or have any sexual contact with the plaintiff.”

Murray will not pay any part of the settlement, but he is responsible for covering his own legal fees, Holmes said.

Shizy ago

What's really infuriating is when kids are abused and then grow up and kill their abuser the victim is given a stiff jail sentence. Maybe nasty pedos should be in jail and not walking free furthering the pain of the victims!

Vindicator ago

Why on earth do the taxpayers have to pay $ 150,000 - not Murray?

Because Seattle is run by leftist retards.

Also, the kid's case probably wasn't very robust. If I recall correctly, Murray victimized "problem" foster kids who were druggies, shoplifters, violent or whatever and probably wouldn't hold up well on the witness stand.

new4now ago

Perfect victims, and they know it

Oh_Well_ian ago

that needs to stop... the Pedocult intentionally targets troubled kids and keeps them on drugs just for that reason..

plausible deniability -- At risk youth? Yeah, at risk from child fucking politicians.

carmencita ago

Also, that is a paltry sum. A slap in the face, imo. 150K for ruining his life. You are a Scumbag Murray. You can't own up to the fact that you committed a heinous crime and that now you have to pay for it. Louse.

new4now ago

If you think about what the pedo paid him for sex, the amount would seem like a fortune

This is/Was a homeless addict, to him it's a lot of money

Has the statue of limitations run out?

Would anyone have believed him when it was first happening?

There's a reason these children are chosen

Makes me sick, then these conniving abusers get to just walk away at the expense of taxpayers. There is no Justice for these children

carmencita ago

I am sure that when I say this makes me want to vomit that you are thinking the same. I just want to run up to people and ask them if they are disgusted by pedophilia or is it ok because it has not touched them. This world is becoming if not already, a shameful place, imo.

new4now ago

I believe not only have they dumbed down America, they have desensitized them

If not, then we have a serious head up the ass epidemic

carmencita ago

It could be some of both. I thought with the internet here, people would be more on to what is going on. It seems that a lot of people denying what I tell them and giving me strange looks are millennials that think they are the Inventors of the Internet so what the heck do I know. They give me this odd look, like yeah ok, retired lady you are at home all day watching soaps and knitting. Hah! They check out the same old msm sites it makes me sick. Yeah, I think there is some arrogance there like they know everything, don't tell me attitude and yes, Heads Up The Derriere.

new4now ago

Just remembered a little tidbit about Seattle

Air and Ship traffic has gotten so huge, that they had to make some serious expansion

Remember reading that a lot of Chinese have been landing up there

Gonna have to look for that again, remember thinking why Seattle