Niggertown ago

You guys should watch the tv series Utopia if you haven't already. It's all about the people above the government.

GrislyAddams ago

In the article it says that "I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available."

So, again, evidence that they only barely cover their tracks.

BlackTara108 ago

Heartbreaking. They're telling us that; war is peace, abortion 'saves children', you can choose your own gender, and that pedophilia is an 'emotional disorder'. The same elite that fought for homosexual rights are now fighting for pedo rights (Harry Hay) We were warned. We need big action. An ex-FBI-agent warned us, that one of the rothchild-zio agenda's was to, "Corrupt the youth with sex & drugs".

BoTTWarrior ago

Remember when people were saying the "slippery slope" would never happen. i.e. legalising gay marriage wouldn't have a follow on effect for other sexual things

BlackTara108 ago

Yep. But we didn't take comfort in their lies. We already knew, who was involved. The same folks fighting for 'gay rights' are also fighting to stop the age limit (legitimize pedophilia). Hillary Clinton made it her life's work to lower the age of consent to 12. Imagine, walking into your 12 y/o daughter (or sons) room & finding a 43 y/o in bed with them. You couldn't do a damned thing about it. We're now seeing 'jokes' about pedophilia/beastiality on adult swim cartoons. They are trying to normalize these sick perversions.

LostandFound ago

Jill Dando was a god damn soldier - remember when she died so many theories all going nowhere - dont bother with wiki for info here look for old reports ( back when news was not 100% cucked ). tips hat

pizzaisbadmmkay ago

We need a list of all the people who suspiciously died when investigating pedophile rings/child trafficking amongst the elite.

deadmanwalking1984 ago

We could have prevented all of this. Evil men rule this world. Their followers and servants revel in evil deeds. We chose to align our nations with evil. And now we burn in satanic fires.

Sonic ago

It really frightens me that there might actually be "Speed Grapher" levels of bullshit going on