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rickman ago

Sorry but I never thought Kevin Halligen had connected the Podestas the the McCann case.

angelafogo ago

This is from last year

rickman ago

I think I posted a thread on Kevin Halligen. His close ties to the Podestas is such a bizarre coincidence matched with the e-fits. Then his odd death. He was reported by staff at a bar or restaurant in Washington to come in and drink all day. Drinkers like that don't constantly fall over at home to leave blood everywhere.

I also remember when he was arrested and sent to America for trial he desperately wanted to serve his sentence in England. Is this because he feared certain people could get to him in an American prison?

YogSoggoth ago

"Oakley International, an intelligence operation that considered the Podesta Group to be its natural enemy." Patton Boggs. Seems contradictory. Not saying that uzzfeed or Ynews wire are entirely fake. but when I her David Icke as a sometime contributor, I walk away. Sometimes there is much truth, or truth to be had, in the disinformation. David Icke is Sir Richard Branson in Prosthetics.

kNUCK ago

MDE ago

Check your sources people: Newspunch are the same people behind clickbait / fake news sites YourNewsWire, NeonNettle. Any articles by Baxter Dmitry or Sean Adl-Tabatabai are total fucking garbage.

Kahlypso79 ago


Clement Freud was a Knight of the Realm like Jimmy Savile. ‘Sir Clement Freud made a huge contribution to public life in many different ways,’ declared the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who got to know Freud when he was Rector of the University of Edinburgh and Freud was Rector of Dundee University. Eight days later, at the funeral at St Bride’s, in Fleet Street, Brown read the lesson from St John’s Gospel and gave an address to a starry congregation that included Stephen Fry, rock star Bono and an assortment of Freud’s fellow panellists from Radio 4’s enduring panel game Just a Minute. He (Freud) was a familiar, larger-than-life figure punting heavily at the races (He had an )ostensibly happy marriage that produced five children (and nearly 20 grandchildren) including multi-millionaire PR guru Matthew Freud, whose former wife was Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth. Matthew has certainly followed the family’s dissolute, libidinous path. While married to his second wife Elisabeth, with whom he has a son and a daughter, he had another child with one of her close friends. Elisabeth even cradled the child in her arms, not knowing the father was her husband. Another of Clement’s children is Emma Freud, TV presenter and partner of Four Weddings And A Funeral filmmaker Richard Curtis.Emma and Matthew’s other siblings were Nicola, Dominic and Ashley.

His early life

The grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and brother of artist Lucian, Clement was born in Berlin in 1924, but fled to Britain with his Jewish family when the Nazis came to power. After the war he trained as a chef at London’s Dorchester, before being made manager of the glamorous Martinez Hotel in Cannes. His rise to fame With his finger on the capital's showbiz pulse, he helped propel a number of young acts to stardom and later boasted of being the first person to book the now disgraced entertainer, Rolf Harris. As one of the country’s first celebrity chefs, he became a regular on TV and became a household name thanks to a series of dog food adverts in which he starred alongside a bloodhound called Henry. Political power He later moved into journalism before beginning a 14-year career in the House of Commons in 1973, where he shared an office with Cyril Smith, who was subsequently exposed as a serial paedophile. Accusations of grooming and sexual abuse Two separate women came forward to allege that he groomed and sexually abused them when they were young girls. Freud spent years abusing a girl who he brought up as a daughter, and violently raped a teenager while he was an MP. His widow, Lady Freud, has apologised to his victims.

The western Algarve, with its bucket-and-spade resorts, wide-open verandas and patios, and laid-back security, had become a teeming hive of paedophile activity. One investigator said he knew of 38 child sex abusers living in the area; and between 2005 and 2009, the children of seven holidaying families were reportedly subjected to sex attacks — five before three-year-old Madeleine was taken from Apartment 5A at the Ocean Club, and two afterwards.

How Clement Freud invited Kate and Gerry McCann for lunch after Madeleine disappeared

Madeleine McCann Detective Accuses ex-PM Gordon Brown and MI5 of Epic Cover-up — The Podesta Connection A former detective who led the initial investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has sensationally claimed that MI5 helped cover up her death. Portuguese former police chief Goncalo Amaral, 56, told an Australian documentary that British secret agents “for sure had an involvement” when Maddie vanished at the age of 3 in 2007. Mr Amaral also astonishingly claimed that former Prime Minister Gordon Brown was involved in the cover up. The former cop worked on the case when Maddie went missing from the apartment the McCanns were staying in in Praia da Luz while Kate and Gerry ate dinner with friends. He resigned six months after being removed from the case but wrote a book using police files as he put forward a theory she had died in the apartment. The McCanns have dismissed this comments and Mr Amaral produced no evidence to support his claims about either the former Prime Minister or the British security services. The documentary, billed as a “landmark television event”, also suggested that a new key witness – who worked at the Praia da Luz resort at the time of Maddie’s disappearance – was being sought. The Podestas were staying close-by, at a pedophile friend’s villa and match Police sketches of kidnappers Police sketches of two suspects believed to be involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, that took place in Portugal on May 3rd, 2007, have made their way around the Internet recently, and they depict what appears to be a drawing of the Podesta brothers.

Kahlypso79 ago

Probably unrelated.. but it des give a sense of who we're dealing with..

For context.. X Factor is seen as inside joke for racking kids on an X... do you have the X Factor.. ( sidenote : How do you make sure people stay silent??

carmencita ago

Interesting Article regarding this post

This individual, Kevin Halligen was clearly a shady character, and he may have made a number of enemies over the years. However, his association with Gerry and Kate McCann, suspected by many of concealing facts about their daughter's disappearance, is bound to raise questions. Did Halligen learn the truth, and was he threatening to reveal it? Speculation, obviously, but his gruesome sounding death is another strange chapter in this ongoing McCann story.

They also link to one of our posts from the past Nice to see @millennial_vulcan

a comment from @Matt_Helm

Gerry and Kate rented Maddie to the Podestas then they took her without paying full price for her. The parents covered up everything and most likely Maddie was killed but mom and dad knew exactly who took her and where she was disposed of.

I very much agree. This was a Bloody Mess of a Murder no matter when it occurred. We had discovered in the past that Maddy had coloboma and so did G Soros. Didn't we also discover that her mom had been inseminated? Who's baby really was Maddy? Who was the real father? I propose that's why Gerry didn't mind giving her up. She wasn't his.But that may just be speculation on my part. Also I remember that Gerry had a policeman friend that cleaned CP out of Gerry's computer. Still so many questions without answers.

HennyPenny ago

He had a lot of enemies: people he defrauded, an abandoned wife and a deceived mistress. He served 41 months here for wire fraud before being deported back to England."Friends said he met Maria Dybczak, a Commerce Department lawyer with big, dark eyes and a brilliant smile, and started courting her lavishly."

His mistress is currently senior policy advisor at the Dept. of Commerce. Evidently spending fraudulent money on fancy home and expensive wedding and pleading ignorance is no deterrent to high level government job. https://www.linked

65Creedmoor ago

If you have dirt on these people you need to put it on a dead man switch people. A hash / signature you have to update monthly somewhere online, don’t tell anyone you even did it.

theHare ago

At the very least, those two scum bag parents sold her.

think- ago

Sorry, but didn't he die months ago?

theHare ago

still completely relevant.

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

yea he did it turns out. So why are these articles bringing it back in todays news cycle ?

Gorillion ago

That new McCann doco just ran on TV or streaming or whatever.
Likely people are starting to scratch their heads about this shit again.

think- ago

....because these news outlets always recycle old stuff? (Just a hypothesis.)

LostandFound ago

I am interested that this article states he linked the podestas to portugal at the time. I recall that they were in a conference in portugal near the time alright but the internet was scrubbed of that fairly quickly ( that or I went down a rabbit hole I cant find since, and trust me I looked )

@Blacksmith21 don't despair this particular topic is covered on multiple sites and quite a bit of the digging here works its way over.

We're coming back into election season and sure as shit Maddie comes back up again with this new season on Netflix all while JP is in NZ before the shooting. Maddie is like a dog whistle to these guys. This all started at the same time Obama went to run for office and the efits of the podestas came out just before John took a job with Obama years later. Watch this space we will hear more on this story in the next 12 months 100% guarantee.

madhatter67 ago

No sauce, but I recall seeing that actual picture of a Podesta (might have been Tony) in Portugal, as you say for a conference, in someone's social media, though I think it was a while before Maddie was taken...I seem to recall that it was dug up from one of the early podesta emails that mentions a trip to europe

There was also lots of speculation around them staying with Clement Freud, or being there on the actual date of her disappearence, but no real evidence of that was ever found....though it's clear they knew Freud

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I'm noticing the stories that are being pulled back up during the election cycle...

Blacksmith21 ago

I have not seen a piece of evidence which decisively links Podesta(s) to Praia da Luz around the time of McCann's disappearance. The association with Clement Freud is highly suspicious. The e-Fits were damning. Chances are a hit was put out on Halligen when he released the NSY e-Fits to Daily Mail (?).

The e-Fits are evidence which stands on it's on merits. No one has remotely come close to debunking it.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

There was something I had read....that Podestas emails mention him leaving the country at just the right time. I don't think it specifically mentions Portugal, though. Does anyone recall this? I'm talking like, pg 2016 speculations here.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm pretty sure your recollection is right. I believe that there was an email between JP and his assistant (maybe) with some basic travel info, referencing a return trip from somewhere. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no overt links between Podesta and travel to Portugal around the date of McCann's disappearance.

Vindicator ago

I guess I'm wondering if the efits were a Fusion GPS "piss dossier" type operation, against the Podestas. This sounds like Halligan knew about them before the efits were created. That's suspicious.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I have wondered about that too. I mean, they had Tony down TO THE MOLE ON HIS CHEEK. That was what convinced that those efits were the Podesta Bros.I'd love to talk to the e-fit artist, wouldn't you? I. Have. So. Many. Questions.

Vindicator ago

I've said all along -- not likely two guys as rich as those two would abduct a kid themselves. As a boater, I've had some interaction with very wealthy people. They have minions for everything. I just don't see it. I've never really been convinced by the efits.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Exactly. P.s. I'm jealous. Love being on boats.

MDE ago


Check this source out in the OP please. Newspunch are the same people behind clickbait / fake news sites YourNewsWire, NeonNettle, TopBuzz etc.

Any articles by Baxter Dmitry or Sean Adl-Tabatabai are usually total honeypot, clickbait garbage.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the heads up, MDE. I wasn't familiar with NewsPunch.

@MolochHunter, have we got a corroborating source for this guy being kill? Otherwise I should probably flair this "Possible Disinfo".

MolochHunter ago

oh yea, a couple of other contributors in this post provided extenal links

that he died seems to be for real, but as for cause of death - well, the guy had any number of enemies, clearly

Vindicator ago

Roger. We should probably try to avoid that source in the future.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks. I'm being sarcastic as I ranted about this event until I was blue in the face when it went down. I'm curious why it is re-emerging.

LostandFound ago

You should watch the Netflix docu, its a complete piece of trash but its good to know what the official story is supposed to be.

Kekalicious ago

I watched the first four parts. Amazing how much information was scrubbed to fit the narrative.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya. Our law enforcement knows about this shit and they refuse to do anything about it.

Adminstrater ago

I'd like to see Bill Clinton's wife attempting to defend herself and losing miserly in court, but for Podesta, it wouldn't bother me if news were to come out saying he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head 3-4 times, and not being able to get to a court case.

History is not going to be kind to these evil people.


Pizzagate 101

Newfag rundown on the players

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL

Elsagate rundown

The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband

It's all about the adrenochrome

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out

cantfindmenow ago

Thanks for the links. Do you have any more verification on the hacking of comet ping pong?

My theory is that the efits were deliberately drawn to resemble the brothers. To highlight to those watching the case that the pizzagate pedo ring has her. She will be very valuable to them due to her eye marking they can verify to the elite rich punters that she is madeline mcann. It has helped the pedo ring that she is now so famous. Is this why the government keep throwing millions at them? There is an undercurrent here. I think these detectives knew and the efits were their way of showing the world the REAL culprits.


Sorry that's all I saved on cpp. There was more floating around during the election but I didn't save it. I'm sure if you head over yo 4ch or 8ch someone will have it.

Gorillion ago

Still getting blocked on imgoat. Security Cert still bung?


Damn ok. I need to update those links. Thx

Yuke ago

I'm also getting a security block to the Daily Mail site. Interesting timing of such a thing huh?

MolochHunter ago

you seem pretty archival. Did you ever catch a screengrab of that MI5 or MI6 document showing that UK intelligence confirmed the Podesta's being at Clement Freud's house?

If only Podesta's wikileaks cache started a few weeks earlier we might have another source for verification....


Sorry fren. I don't. An easy way to save everything is in drop box and in note pad. I'm doing all this from my phone and have saved copy pastas ready for posting.

Blacksmith21 ago

We beat this one to death - hahahaha - last winter 2018. No one cared back then.

Kahlypso79 ago

No one cared about a lot of things for years. You can always start caring today.

MolochHunter ago

indeed... conman? or framed for what he dared expose ??

MolochHunter ago

Ok here's something interesting

Daily Mail records his death, but talks up how Halligen was accused of defrauding the McCann's 'find our daughter' fund of $300 000