Matt_Helm ago

Gerry and Kate rented Maddie to the Podestas then they took her without paying full price for her. The parents covered up everything and most likely Maddie was killed but mom and dad knew exactly who took her and where she was disposed of.

millennial_vulcan ago


AmyJames ago

I saw this this morning and decided to look at the efit. I made a meme out of it. Then someone accused me of posting fake pictures. I went to the website for and sent an email to the email address listed on the efit. The responses I got were on this post:

alphabravo on that thread is accusing me of bribing pedophiles. Also, the email address is being spoofed or something, and I do not know from which point, whether it's from Operation Grange or somewhere between my computer and them. I'm going to guess it's my emails that are being intercepted and not theirs.

Based on a few other experiences I have had in trying to make contact with the FBI and law enforcement I am going to state that if anyone has any information to share, if you are sending it over your computer, you need to send a copy to Wikileaks from a secure browser and VPN. The deep state seems to be intercepting our reports and trashing them, considering that the majority of the law enforcement people I talk to had no record of the prior reports I had made, or the phone calls I made either. Somebody somewhere is f$$$$ lying about how high up and how far down this whole thing goes.

AmyJames ago

someone named alphabravo went on my post about the BOLO and accused me of bribing pedos

new4now ago

Interesting article

What were CEOP doing advertising Madeleine as missing on their website, 3-days before she was reported missing to Portuguese police?

millennial_vulcan ago

This needs to be a stand alone submission. Can you post it?

new4now ago

have to take off right now, hi ho hi ho, I have more also, If you want you can post , and I can add to it

millennial_vulcan ago

do it when you get a chance.

new4now ago

also put up Gerry McCanns blog, which he has deleted, in another post in whatever

new4now ago

it's buried, sry

new4now ago

put it in whatever because of the Mods

Are_we_sure ago

Holy Shit, the guy involved with efits was convicted as a Fraudster? Wow.

So a conman who might have known about Podesta brothers was involved in these efits?

That gives an entirely new possibility to what was going on.

I had no idea.

millennial_vulcan ago

Research, share!

ProudTruther ago

I"m pretty sure those bastards were in portugal that week staying at clement freud's apartment, the whole eye factor of this is strange too. Was she George Soros' daughter to be harvested for organs?

millennial_vulcan ago

Will this EVER be confirmed? Half of the Voat Pizzagate subverse debates this entire topic.

Psalm144-1 ago

Check this out...

"Amber Ready, Inc. has decided to go with Podesta Group as their agency of record. The public relations company will be covering all media relations for the organization and is going to work on a campaign to help promote Amber Ready`s cell phone technology designed to help protect children."


"AMBER Ready Board of Directors Announces New CEO" <--- Scroll down to "Contacts"

Blacksmith21 ago

Andre Hollis wasn't DEA. He was DoD (DASD/CN).

Can anyone tie Halligan to Steele? That is the connection which would be useful to know (re: Fusion GPS).

millennial_vulcan ago

Will research! All eyes on this.

angelafogo ago

We are forgetting that all emails from Podesta prior to Madeleine McCann dissapperance have been deleted and there are numerous hints that he was travelling and staying in Clement Freud house who invited the McCanns for dinner a couple of months later.

millennial_vulcan ago

We are NOT forgetting this! It will be one of the first things widely released when the entire Podesta shit pile collapses!

carmencita ago

Wow . Upvoat! What a great post! Now is the time to tweet all those great works of art to Tony. You know, the children up on his wall. We need to share this love with the world.

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh, let's post some of that family friendly art right now.


carmencita ago

Steemit calls it Demonic Pedophilia. Perfect Description.

carmencita ago

I wonder what his Christmas cards look like.

Devious1 ago

Notice wiener bottom right, At one point we did identify most of the wanted, all the 'click crew including a DJ.

millennial_vulcan ago

The Podesta Group's clients included:

  • Bank of America
  • Mubarak's 'Eygpt'
  • British Petroleum
  • General Motors
  • Pretty much every Military and For-profit Health Conglomerate....


But worse than all of this: Tony and Heather Podesta bought probably the worst piece of art in his entire collection and then donated it to the Smithsonian: the heinous SHEPHERD FAIREY 'Hope'** portrait of Obama.


alphabravo ago

Excellent information MV, very nice work.

millennial_vulcan ago

Its insane that almost a year after PGate broke, everyone's hard work is paying off. This is groundbreaking!

alphabravo ago

It really is!! It's hard to believe our time has come, but I think it really has. Happening!

millennial_vulcan ago

Feel free to share! I'm only spotlighting information that's already out there. I hope folk do the same and report here.

alphabravo ago

Hope so, keep the old threads n info coming!! I've shared already to the meme devision.

Check out my thread too on this, I'll post your thread link on it now -

Devious1 ago

Bring it on

millennial_vulcan ago

Share Share Share!

derram ago :

Fraud suspect Kevin Richard Halligen allegedly posed as a spy and cheated the elite on both sides of the Atlantic - The Washington Post :

Patton Boggs to merge with Squire Sanders - The Washington Post :

Lobbyist Tony Podesta flies high on K Street during the Obama era | TheHill :

The 9 Most Loathsome Lobbyists in Washington | Alternet :

After three long months without their daughter, what now for the McCanns? | Daily Mail Online

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