BerksResident ago

back up folks.. look at Portguese police files & cadaver dog evidence and then decide if u believe abduction story . The Podestas are guilty of other crimes but not so sure about McCann case... which raises the question can MegaAnon be trusted

alphabravo ago

Meh cadaver dogs... we all know that one.

Cc183 ago

alphabravo ago

Now.... that's something to ponder.

Cc183 ago

Those two are as related as my testacles.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

MegaAnon also claimed that WikiLeaks would release Hillary's emails by Oct 21. Seems like a LARP.

alphabravo ago

Read all her posts and you'll see she didn't. She said the 21st was the deadline Assange had given Meuller to come clean on the Russia investigation. That's all. It's also the Weiner emails she reports are being released, rather than Hillarys.

13Buddha ago

I agree with the replies of not using the word pizzagate in the attempt to bombard the masses. We are not going to turn anybody's head using it, however the words pizza and parents should be used as focal points.

We all agree that THE most important issue is the welfare of babies and children and to inform parents of the crimes against these helpless victims.

My idea is to initially approach the subject through you tube. Simply using pizza and children as search words reveals an exorbitant amount of videos and cartoons that send clear messages that something is very f'd-up. This would certainly open their eyes and cause them to ask questions - Are my children watching these videos on their tablets? What is this pizza,connection about? etc., etc. Children, videos, cartoons, and pizza. A good starting point IMO.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Here's a simple, solemn way to present the "cheese pizza" = "child porn" concept. Rudimentary. Does it need a link or hashtag?

alphabravo ago

That's excellent!! Love the simplicity. You could have it like that and have a version with the wikileaks Podesta email link added, and possibly the link to the officer getting charged last week re Cheese Pizza. It's just great on it's own : )

angelafogo ago

It was deleted....

alphabravo ago


LawofTruth ago

Plus, let's get real. "Pizza" and all the benefits it provides ALL of (((them))), the dirty "establishment", is one of the MOST BIPARTISAN things, the swamp agrees and actively colludes together on. YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE IS PARENTS! Know what PARENTS don't give a one single fuck about when it comes to the safety, security and protection of their children?!? POLITICS. Parents aren't democrat or republican BEFORE BEING A PARENT. In fact statistically, most adults agree that they didn't give a shit about politics UNTIL THEY HAD KIDS...

this is fucking huge. I've encountered the same problem. We NEED to be better about politicizing these things.

darkknight111 ago

We can use that headline regarding the Jersey cop busted to confirm the cheese pizza code to the parents.

My sources just said something regarding "connecting Jeffery Epstein to George Bush and also try to connect Tony Blair if possible."

Theory based on that: If you can connect Epstein to Bush, you can de-politicize pizzagate into something that BOTH the left and the right are involved in.

Tracybeanz ago

Thanks for posing that question for me! Super awesome. I should do a video breaking down MegaAnon. BELIEVE me - I want this to be legit a real insider and not a LARP. I’m proceeding with caution. Getting memes out is a great idea anyway, regardless of it comes at the behest of an anon from Chan. You rock.

alphabravo ago

You're welcome Tracey, it was a great question and we got some great answers clarifying. I'd dearly love to see a video of you breaking down MA, it's a super interesting subject and if true, extremely positive for justice, the world, the children, and for us who have been working on this since last year.

I'm with you in hoping it's legit. She's very invested, and either it's intended to distract and wear us down, or she's legit. Let's pray it's the later and let's bring it on. And yes, won't hurt to connect dots between the shady Podestas and the new shady happenings. Godspeed!!

AugustaJulia ago

The second thread has been deleted. Not archived, deleted. What are the rules for deleting a thread on 4 chan?

alphabravo ago

Which thread are you looking for ?

AugustaJulia ago

The one that had the painting of children on their knees looking back. The one referenced after Edit 2.

alphabravo ago

Wew, yes it was 404'd. No reason for it to be, it should have been archived by the system as it was a full thread. Idk.. it's all fishy. We're being 'shut down'.

Check out the artist Biljana Djurdjevic. That's who's art it was, and Tony Podesta is a collector.


WHAT THE FUCK! Been following this since story broke last October somehow I missed this thread here at VOAT. Thread contains many disturbing images of children all mostly archived from a Instagram account of a Jason Kreher, and i quote OP " Jason Kreher who is a Film Director at a global company called Wieden+Kennedy Advertising Agency. He and few other friends who work with him at W+K have some of the most distubing posts i've seen and these guys are all high profile directors who do work with some of the most famous celebrities. "

With all the happenings concerning Weinstein and PedoWood did anything ever come of this after digging? These are even more sickening than JA Instagram page

alphabravo ago

Make a thread!! WOW


Will do with link to OPs original thread cant at the moment tho....if anyone else is up to it?.. this guy had /has twitter account as well

PedoStomper ago

Guys don't forget--if you're going to create memes--you need to include pictures from James Alefantis' Instagram. Nobody seems to mention him anymore and I feel like he's completely fallen off of our radar. Bring him back into the conversation via memes. Even if you can get someone to say "Okay I agree that those pictures are pretty strange," that's a good start. Baby steps. You can't introduce the idea of baby-raping and child snuff films into people's minds right away or the MK Ultra kicks in and they just go into full denial mode. You have to just show them the tip of the iceberg, enough to make them realize "something is clearly going on, and I want to know more."

Get people to see how creepy Alefantis is, and then when you connect him to both Hillary and Podesta, and then you connect all of them to creepy emails, creepy art, creepy instagram posts, people will start to see that its a creepy NETWORK, not creepy INDIVIDUALS.

dreamdigital ago

You'll have all the ammunition you need right from this link here:

Image Maps for Pizzagate

alphabravo ago

awesome. awesome . awesome . thank YOU

Romagood1 ago


alphabravo ago

New post just now from MA --

To clarify, Tony isn't being investigated for pizza but if you start tying him to pizza now, while his name is being thrown around by the MSM, then you can use that with your pizza related archives and tie The "Russia meddling and illegally funded" Podesta Group, being investigated with Tony, to the pizza dealings y'all already proved they funneled dirty, pizza-tied funding/revenue/payments through, a year ago.

The MSM just made Tony Podesta a recognized name because Mueller is investigating him in direct connection as co-partnership, with his brother John, to the Podesta Group they own/operated together, to funnel half the backdoor shady Clinton/Obama deals through (Clinton Foundation is the other one they all used, as you know), right?!

I'm suggesting y'all use the opportunity the MSM has given you by already telling everyone the Podesta's are being investigated for shady, unfathomable shit, to connect them further, to more shady, unfathomable shit, like pizza. I mean, you have a headline from last week via several credible news outlets confirming a dude looking to sexually abuse young children, referenced pizza and cheese, in his public request for kids to abuse on Craigslist.

Connect those dots alone to the normies and you instantly make those once seemingly vague, misunderstood emails of Podestas and everyone else, referencing the same gross as fuck shit with "pizza maps" left behind and "pastas being questioned a year later that were given last Christmas as a gift in a big box from an unidentifiable sender" start looking pretty fucking weird to even the most normal of normies, no?!

hypercat ago

Memes created the anti-vax movement. Is that really a good idea? Personally I would prefer NOT to get measles because some stupid white chick thinks it causes autism.

angelafogo ago


alphabravo ago

We DO. Let's get to it crew.

Dressage2 ago

Fantastic post. Let's make it happen now.

alphabravo ago

Check this, posted just now -

To clarify, Tony isn't being investigated for pizza but if you start tying him to pizza now, while his name is being thrown around by the MSM, then you can use that with your pizza related archives and tie The "Russia meddling and illegally funded" Podesta Group, being investigated with Tony, to the pizza dealings y'all already proved they funneled dirty, pizza-tied funding/revenue/payments through, a year ago.

@srayzie @traceybeanz

srayzie ago

Right! I love how it's turning around and biting them in the butt. 😆

DomKeyhote ago

You are incredibly stupid. This fake "insider" also repeatedly says (((they))) i.e. Jews. Cuz fakers need their shit to be plausible, lol

srayzie ago

I had a feeling that I would have a comment from the FAKE donkey profile.

alphabravo ago

It's epic. E P I C

alphabravo ago

Doin it!!

fuspezza ago

We should allow memes on v/pizzagate

waxdino ago

Don't forget v/pizzagatememes.

Thaumaturgist ago

Why can I not subscribe to this?!

waxdino ago

...I don't know. It's right under the "discuss" button on the the side bar.

alphabravo ago

I think we do now. Maybe @vindicator can clarify though? Thanks V : )

Post em!!!

Vindicator ago

As long as you include at least one relevant link, so it satisfies the submission rules. Here's an explanation of how to do it:, @fuspezza.

And BTW: @Millennial_Falcon is a fan of meme warfare. We tried to get some rolling a while back, but it never quite reached translational lift.

alphabravo ago

Marvelous @Vindicator , thank you as always. Great to know also about MF. Maybe our memes will be safe from heavy handed deletion, even if our posts aren't ;)

Vindicator ago

Do crosspost to v/pizzagatememes, as well, so they remain easy to find. :-)

Dressage2 ago

I already started tweeting out the memes on Podestas. Let's take all these bastards down once and for all. If we could get Trump elected when they thought nobody could, we can do now. Man your battle stations, it meme war!!

alphabravo ago

Go Dressage!! I'm about to start. What hashtags are you using? Any tips for the OP?

Dressage2 ago

Let's do #pedogate since Anon thinks might be better.

carmencita ago

Kudos to you for using #pedogate. We need to get that dirty word out there.

lexlex ago

Hi. I came across this site a couple of months ago and have been kind of following you guys because I agree with a lot of what you all believe. I just wanted to give a suggestion and it's just a suggestion. Maybe you shouldn't even use the #pedogate because it will most likely it will instantly turn off a lot of people and they won't read anything else you have to say. Maybe use something simple like #Sexual, Physical and Psychological abuse. Then once you've grabbed their attention, gradually spoon feed the rest. I would leave any kind of personal religious beliefs out of the narrative and just stick with the facts.

alphabravo ago

Thanks for your thoughts and for weighing in, it's really helpful. It's good to hear your perspective. Come join us.

lexlex ago

Thank you

lexlex ago

Since they succeeded with the Harvey Weinstein distraction, use it to your advantage and take it a few more steps. Women aren't the only people who suffer from abuse but so do men and so do children.

Psalm144-1 ago

Do BOTH! "Pizza" is the CODE WORD USED!! It is important to keep the Pizza Context!! I get it, Comet Ping Pong MIGHT be a controlled opposition so leave comet out of the memes but "Pizza" MUST be included!!

alphabravo ago

Okay! @srayzie

srayzie ago

I agree! While these Hollywood perverts are being exposed and how the Podesta's are now under investigation, now is a great time to go full force again with memes.

I do NOT think we should use Pizzagate as a hashtag tho. Maybe pedogate. The term Pizzagate is just going to make us look like conspiracy theorists because of how the media has portrayed it.

What do you guys think of also using #ToldYouSo as well as #pedogate? So people get that what we've been saying has been real all along. Any other ideas?

pizza-party-pooper ago

Wow, those links were awesome! Thanks @srayzie

srayzie ago

You're welcome!

carmencita ago

I posted in comments this morning that people love pizza and don't want us to make fun of it, but the word pedo is detested. The elites do not want us putting the word out there. They much rather us use pizza. They know it is instantly perceived as CT. It is sad, but they have made it into a joke.

alphabravo ago

Excellent srayzie, cheers! I agree too, we should go for it! I don't know about hashtags, maybe we should just hijack the trending hashes so we're not in an echo chamber, tagging Hillary and Sessions and the MSM?

Mega said this today ---

Not trying to be mean because the info itself is great but something like this can't be on a cartoon-like pizza background. It makes it look invalid, less serious, pretty cheesy (no pun intended).

This is also why the pizzagate hashtag never really worked or trended with normies, in the intended way and by the time it was changed to #pedogate it was far too late, the potential public's appeal and interests had already been diverted to something else.

Simple white/black/gray backgrounds with bold prints and plain, AP style fonts work great. They have to look "in the box", for the masses who're still stuck, "thinking in the box".

srayzie ago

That makes a lot of sense. Hashtags are what makes things spread tho and get fellow pizzagaters there on board. I wish we could all come up with something so we can all find each other's tweets and retweet. Or Facebook. I'm not into that much but I am twitter. But, I agree, leave pizza out of it.

alphabravo ago

I'm with you 100% and feel the same. How about something like #OpPodesta #OpCorruption ?? General non political ones???

lawfag123 ago


alphabravo ago

Hey friend, good to see you : )

lawfag123 ago

Hello, good to see you too :)

alphabravo ago


Tracybeanz ago

Two weeks ago “MegaAnon” was telling us to IGNORE “Pizza”. Now she’s changed her mind. 🤔

maltespier ago

because it's blatant larping, not to say people shouldn't do the memes though

srayzie ago

Is this the real Tracy Beanz? 😮🙌🏻

If so, I LOVE you!

Tracybeanz ago

It’s me! Haha I love you too! I was posting here quite frequently a year or so ago, but got tired of all the nasty people with nothing productive to offer. I’ve been just a lurker ever since, but this particular exchange prompted a response. I’m not sold on this Anon. She’s made quite a few major errors in her last few posts- namely that Lynch recused herself. That’s a pretty good screw up for someone supposedly so connected. This just stinks because she was literally telling us not to focus on “Pizza” and now all of a sudden it’s “FOCUS ON PIZZA!!”

Thanks for your compliments. Means a lot to me.

alphabravo ago

Hey Tracey :) good to see you! I disagree with you here though! She was saying that Hillary wouldn't GO DOWN for Pizza, but that she would go down.

Tracybeanz ago

I think we are both right here- she made a point to BEG people not to focus on Pizza. This is a little bit of a shift. Don’t like it :(

alphabravo ago

I asked your question to her in the /pol thread and she answered. Did you see? I feel that she's on our side or she wouldn't be asking us to meme Podesta / Pizza stuff, non? Imho we're all working with a dynamic situation and have to go with what we have to our best advantage. Here's what she said back then anyway ---

PS - again, good to see you here. You rock!

independenceday ago

"How's ANYONE from the former Obama (Bush, Clinton and Bush Sr., also) gonna answer to all of this?"

I found the body language of all of them, except Carter, looking very paranoid and scared. They know what is going down and the world is watching.

alphabravo ago

Do you have a clip of it at all?

independenceday ago

Just so happen to have it open:

alphabravo ago

Hey thanks!

GHDW ago

Normies need a connection between Talmud, the Satanic Panic of the 80's and these people. A lot of older generations will speak up if this connection is made and the Evangelicals who harassed citizen investigators back then can help rectify that mistake now

PedoStomper ago

Evangelicals are money whores who will do whatever fills up their wallets. They are not our friends.

BerksResident ago

that's judgemental im with an evangelical church... tbh its helped me thru the past dark pizzagate mths

PedoStomper ago

Evangelicals ask for money. That's not Christ-like. If you don't think people like Joel Olsteen are in the Pedo Mafia, you're dead wrong.

pray4theinnocent ago

Thank you for this post!! Can you please include the other links to Mega Anon from today?

Thanks much!

alphabravo ago

Sure, they start at this one -

Press the user id on the post (its black in this case), and that'll highlight all of her posts.

alphabravo ago

BBC, Jimmy Saville, Mark Thompson CEO of BBC and New York Times and the Saville cover up -

alphabravo ago

Podestas & Madeline McCann -

joe_hill ago

The father looks like the image 4B