DarkMath ago

"Why would the organization that fought muslims"..........George Webb goes into this quite a bit. The idea is to create disruption within a society to keep people on the defensive and distracted while Dyncorp and the Clinton Foundation set up shop.

They want to keep people guessing, keep them from organizing and degrade degrade degrade until one day they own the whole fucking place.

They did that here in the U.S. and they now own all the media companies so they can produce fake news explaining how Trump is a Nazi. In reality THEY are the Nazis and Trump is just a giant raised middle finger, a giant fuck you if you will.

They always accuse their opponents of what THEY are. They're Nazis so the hide that and accuse Trump of being a dictatorial Nazi.

I think George Carlin was the best at explaining it:


truthseekertx ago

Wow. Nice find! makes those pics of his kids even more disturbing knowing the meaning behind mutzenbacher. This is just sick. He is a film director and there are pics of his kids naked posing for him. Can't rule out that this guy is filming and taking photos of his kids and maybe selling it off to pervs who will pay top dollar for the content.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

What the FUCK

RobIrish ago

just when you think, they can't be anymore sick shit out there, and wham!!! another scary rude awakening, Burn the fucking lot of them slowly.

OP_is_lying ago

All these are incredibly creepy. If not pedo references, one very weird sense of humor.

jastonas ago

Fucking sick. Every time I see the pizzagate posts, it gets me as if I'm seeing this for the first time. What the fucking fuck is wrong with those people. Or better, what the fucking fuck is wrong with us, who are not stopping them. Sick fucking bastards.

roninboy00 ago

call it personal.... but i think my girlfriend is one of the children who was trafficked in the united states. it's been a nightmare to get any of her paperwork including birth certificate. she was purchased by Pastor Mike Haggard ( FB- https://www.facebook.com/Mikelhaggard?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab ) from a now closed "adoption" house in Texas called House of Samuel ( https://www.houseofsamuel.net/adoption ). the adoption was HIGHLY illegal given he was a convincted felon. he proceeded to sell her out, and abuse her sexually himself...just his profile picture is enough to send off red flags. before his profile went friends only, he had several references to pizza parties at his church nights, as well as sleep overs in the church with the Pre teens and teens. he has embezzled, flipped churches for cash, and ran through 4 different states to avoid being stagnant. the guy is a clown, in the literal sense since he graduated from rodeo clown school.. been banned by the courts from seeing his grandchildren on his adopted son's side (Stephen Haggard FB - https://www.facebook.com/stephen.haggard.7 )

house of samuel is owned by Jim and Candy Barr, but was run originally by Jenny woods out of Phoenix Arizona where we met. something that bothers me is the blank page that is part of the house of samuel called "enriched and explorer's club" which as we all know is code from NAMBLA and several other Pedophilia groups.

Candy L. Barr had a lawsuit in ohio at some point for personal injury against a B&B where her and her husband frequent. a place called "Applellees" owned by a "water edge retreat" in Ohio. (http://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/rod/docs/pdf/6/2014/2014-ohio-4345.pdf ) that she lost

house of samuel contact information: House of Samuel, Inc. 420 N. 8th Street Cambridge, OH 740-439-5634

For Placement Related After Hours: 740-630-7107 (Charity Wheeler) 740-630-7282 (Jim Barr)

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

the parent company is HOS Inc. guess what they are ( http://hornbeckoffshore.com/ )

something stinks here. just the pictures and the "biblical view of family" on the house of samuel website. here are the top investment share holders http://ir.hornbeckoffshore.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=132245&p=irol-ownershipsummary

hornbeck has been mentioned in https://issuu.com/marinelog/docs/july_2015_gulf_coast_supplement as possible for human trafficking investigations. nothing has stuck so far.

however, one of their top investors is Raging Capital management has ties to george Soros and the Clinton foundation http://docquery.fec.gov/pres/2008/M4/C00431569/A_EMPLOYER_C00431569.html both can be found here in Clinton's donations page. several other companies have shadows over this ( http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2015/05/clinton-foundation-donors-include-dozens-of-media-organizations-individuals-207228 ) and have their hands in different pockets that all lead back to a small adoption center once based out of Phoenix arizona, now in Ohio......

i'm so tired i can't research anymore but this seems like the first piece of a quickly unraveling string.

roninboy00 ago

roninboy00 ago

also, lets not forget about the documentaries of Pedophilia in hollywood. https://youtu.be/IS5n2L5Ga0A <---hollywood documentary A https://youtu.be/J7Friri1SZc <---hollywood documentary B https://youtu.be/MMQgdJTfESU <---- documentary 1 https://youtu.be/YH95D5oDosA <----documentary 2 https://youtu.be/14l8wisAyxg <----documentary 3 https://youtu.be/9SNsrPkxMGQ <--- victim testimony of Hillary rape victim https://youtu.be/ekejhDu-biQ <---- summary of pizzagate 30 facts.

totse ago

Coming from totse, I wouldn't be surprised by this level of shit, but fuck me this is creepy and I have no doubt they're on to something. WE NEED TO DIG MORE!

00-00 ago

They think they are untouchable.

truthseekertx ago

So after reading my post, your conclusion is that I am just doing this because i have pedophilia attraction to these images? Boy are you a nutcase. You are right about one thing...I do have a problem...with pedos...and the people who defend them like you.

truthseekertx ago

You think Kreher posted it on his page as a praise to the men who recused a girl from a well? Regardless of the artists original intent, Kreher has a habit of posting pedo related things. He prolly didn't even know who Jessica McLure is, like most of us here. Its more likely he liked what he saw and posted it as he does with all his other creepy posts.

chastiser ago

creepy but its only circumstantial evidence at this point.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Guess the pedo monitor this site pretty closely. Some the links already don't work and instagram pages have been set to private.

DavidBernheart ago

Whoa, I was just rooting through this dudes instagram account a couple days ago. I clicked on this image: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOX6_AxBY_f/?taken-by=jasonkreher A commenter on that image named jessand831 has a private account, but her name is listed as Jessica Andrews-Wilson. A Google search of her names leads us here: https://guideinc.org/who-we-are/staff/jessica/ She's the executive director of GUIDE, which is an organization which proports to assist children impacted by drug and alcohol abuse. I bookmarked it for later investigation, but maybe someone with a skill set superior to my instagram snooping wants to take a look at GUIDE, because I frankly don't know where to begin. Aaaand... there's a pentagram with a spiral inside featured in their logo, but I'm sure that's just cause kids LOVE stars and spirals /s/.

DeletedUser ago

Why would Podesta tweet?

GrislyAddams ago

If you joke about being a terrorist or harming the president you will be in a shitstorm of trouble. Joke about raping, torturing, and eating babies, repeatedly, and you get called fake news.

Ushil ago

Hey Mutzenpapa, he showed up in another Voat thread too.

VieBleu ago

I came here skeptically because I've seen too many - LOOK I TROLLED THROUGH INSTAGRAMS AND FOUND STARS AND MOONS SO SATANISM!!!!

But this is spot on. On a scale of ok, weird, disturbing and clearly pedo/cannibal, the majority of these links fall in the clearly pedo/cannibal category. OP is right, these actually make JA's instagrams look a little tame alongside. Wow. Can you turn over to the FBI? These guys are mostly likely getting a fix on these fetishes somehow. I hope that daughter is safe.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Tweeted about this and it's blown up, never seen a tweet shared like it https://twitter.com/momeetsaisha/status/832305261184421890

ArthurEdens ago

same here

spez_dispenser ago

geez that guy is demented.

Bo_Dedkatzen ago

Hollywood, Washington and I bet the all pedo shit in the Catholic Church is linked to this

bopper ago

I was going to mention maybe approach some of the ad agencies clients with this but they're so big, they're worldwide. http://www.wk.com/clients/from/portland

DeletedUser ago

NYPD/FBI that recovered that stuff from Wieners laptop

The Clintons cancelling a trip to Haiti two days before a big human trafficking bust is a HUGE red flag.

Podesta Missing Emails The Handler and Portugal (pizzagate) submitted 14 minutes ago by [deleted] Andrew Breitbart's last tweet, is about @johnpodesta being a "world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defender" #pizzagate (latest video which people suspect is Podesta, could very well be an MKUltra trauma based mind control video. The flashing lights would indicate they are manipulating the brain chemistry, specifically the pineal gland.) John Podesta is a Jesuit, he trained to be a Jesuit priest. http://keywiki.org/John_Podesta Some people claim John Podesta was involved in the kidnapping of McCann child. http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/ John Podesta deleted all emails from 5/4/07-6/14/07 Madeleine McCann disappeared on 5/3/07 https://twitter.com/AvgAmericanDude/status/832021848686727168 The Knights Templar base is in Portugal. Castles of the Knights Templar in Portugal's History Templar's convent and castle in Tomar, Portugal. Templar's castle Almourol. The Convent of the Order of Christ. ... The famous Manueline-style window in the Convent of Christ in Tomar. The main cloister of the Convent of the Order of Christ. The Ouroboros eye is The Holy Grail that has been protected all of these years, as it's the bloodline of Christ. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1533663 Mad MCkann has this distinct marking but it changes position http://s715.photobucket.com/user/Sashamorsal/media/ColobomaPosition.jpg.html https://s27.postimg.org/wn46n854z/Screen_Shot_2017_02_16_at_00_15_08.png


"Snot comet' appears to be used as code. This image is fucked up. Just saw this on mutzenpapa instagram page. https://www.instagram.com/p/BPQdGtMgcz7/

victuruslibertas ago

Good collection of sickness.. These guys are suspect. Thanks for the hard work on this

Werwer12 ago

I'm still shocked, even after 4 months, at how openly this has been displayed. Honestly, I always assumed pedos were just creepy people in your neighborhood that kept to themselves... I had no clue they were a huge community like this.

gardenofbacchus ago

There is a literal community. Made up of people you go to parties with and hang out with through friends of your friends. Young people, seemingly normal hipsters. Pedophilia and child abuse, as it's been revealed through this, is a literal subculture - it's a fucking trendy club.

Werwer12 ago

Yea it's obvious NOW, but prior to 4 months ago, I would have never even guessed. I, like most people, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, do leisurely things, and repeat the next day. I didn't spend time learning about this whole culture. Nobody else wants to either. That's why bringing awareness to the whole thing is kinda difficult. If the personality of someone won't allow them to open mindedly investigate into this, then they just wont do it. It's not fun. It's not going to make your life any better. It's a commitment though to the kids and for justice

iamthecircus ago

We get no pleasure out of this. We just need answers and need to start demanding them

justice4kidz ago

this needs to go straight to attorney general. keep these links.

AdmiralByrd ago

Exactly. Report this dude to the fucking FBI - He's a cannibal pedo-satanist, and it's very obvious. Where am I in space and time that something like this is coming out of my mouth and I am DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS?! My entire worldview has been flipped by this.

usernameusername ago

A lot of important links down below are not archived...someone know how to an please do? Also, there was one comment below that said the babies are fake, props- even so, if true, who would do that anyway. This whole thread needs to be submitted to the FBI ASAP, anyone know how?

dreamdigital ago

I'm not really sure about Jeff Kling in this instance. Jason Kreher for sure, Jeff Kling just seems like someone tries to be funny and isn't. All the young girls in his photos are his daughters. Someone convince me otherwise and inform me of what I'm missing.

gardenofbacchus ago

https://www.instagram.com/p/BQfwGVCA51p/?taken-by=mutzenpapa&hl=en * In this photo Kling is advocating people to DM him regarding "love messages" his "team" can forward to displaced Syrian refugees in Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan. Zaatari is primarily made up of school children under the age of 18, according to UNHCR.

The pedophile swirl in the heart on the balloon with the words in the background "Thank you for shopping" is blatantly the focus and message of this picture.


This is coming from a man who posts about eating and killing children, jokes about raping babies and putting them in ovens, likes and has links to people who are blatant pedophiles and has endless photos of his own naked daughter with disgusting captions all over his personal (and other) instagram accounts.

dreamdigital ago

Okay. Thanks for all the clarification. I changed my mind about him after I posted that. I completely agree. The suggestive pedo culture swirls around both of these men's instagram and tumblr accounts. I openly messaged Jason Kreher on his tumblr. When you message him it says "Tell Jason your problems." I said, "My problem is this: People who promote pedophilia and child abuse. #Pizzagate has you." I've done this to a few others to scare them into doing something stupid. Like making their accounts private after we have all their stuff saved anyway. They make it private it means they're 100% guilty. Both these profiles promote the same "culture" that Alefantis' instagram was littered with. Most of these people claim homosexuality, yet think images and video of children being killed, cooked, baked, cut up, kidnapped, or an asian babies chubby face sexualized is normal.

dreamdigital ago

This guy's a Pedo for sure and pizzagate is watching him like a hawk. We're seriously these people's worst nightmare. Once we make the connection by they're symbolic posts that reference their sexual love for children, we don't stop. Hey Jason Kereher, you're what PizzaGater's call "more evidence."

truthseekertx ago

Portwineandporkrinds was one of the guys I had crossed paths with as well. Definitely has some content like we've seen from the others. Didn't check more other than a few IG pics, so if you find anything else, then please share.

And archive whatever you find it possible.

quantokitty ago

This is like Biden fondling children in plain view with not one law enforcement or child protective service looking into it. Just outrageous. I want every single one of these sick pr*cks to go down and rot in prison! Think of a child trying to fend and protect themselves from these monsters. They're defenseless. Absolutely defenseless. It's why they need us to keep digging! It's all about the children.

Newfind ago

Wow... Great work! I would think there couldn't be many People with that last name. Also still wondering if this is at all related to Jewish Ritual murder. Since Jews run Hollywood

noworldorder ago

Do a Google search for: Tumblr pedophiles

Is Tumblr the platform-of-choice for mentally ill, artsy-fartsy pedos?

pbvrocks ago

Very interesting...you might check with tie ins to the artist community in Maria, TX...a town of 1200..check the Pizza Foundation website...pretty sophisticated for a town of 1200 eh? Donald Judd is the artist who first moved there...he is mentioned by Alefantis..and his art was painting bunkers...

Damnpasswords ago

With a hard cheese, the mold only penetrates a small distance in, and can safely be cut off. With a soft cheese....well, I think modern civilization might just be a soft cheese.

gardenofbacchus ago

The black-pill that we all need to come to terms with is this. This is how the world works. This has infested every level of society. We ultimately can't do anything about this. I hate to be defeatist but upon browsing thousands of Instagram accounts, the knowledge we already have about this, it's blatant to see this is a malignant cancer and it's been going on for much longer than we could ever conceive.

The world runs on the misery and torture of children. People use children as currency everywhere, right under our noses. Our favourite companies, corporations and brands, even fucking CHARITIES and not even at the highest levels, are involved in the stealing and trafficking of children, they sell them to anyone if the price is right. The people at the top who derive personal pleasure that we will never understand in the course of our lives through abusing, raping and killing children are the ones who pump the cash into this machine.

The trafficking, rape, torture and satanic murder of children is the most lucrative business in the world and it's occurring everywhere.

Someone please tell me what is the point, how do we go on with this knowledge? What are we supposed to do? We can sit here and find 10,000 obvious pedophiles and yet we can do nothing.

Sorry i'm overwhelmed at this point

MolochHunter ago

The hope that we have, ironically, is in its growth. When this thing reaches a certain apogee - and pizzagate may well be precisely that - there will be a tipping point where the wilful disbelief, the disinclination to countenance that paedophilia=ultimate power - will crumble away.

People will be forced to come to terms that not only are their children not safe anywhere, but that this thing also destroys all the adult rungs of prosperity and success on the ladder, as people come to realise that no matter how talented, dedicated or suitable decent people are for positions of responsibility, the Paedostocracy will ensure that one of their members is instead appointed irrespective of the suitability of that corrupt candidate. And I think that dynamic might be one reason the military and some of the IC has Donald Trumps back - it must be getting so that folks within the US govt apparratus cant get any job done without butting up against these creatures, and so where once they would be silent for self preservation, they now know they will perish regardless if this thing is not taken down

party1981 ago

The death of privacy affects the CIA too. They are all getting outed. Hang in there.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Perhaps only out of pure will, but: trust that there is the possibility of change. The world has enough to provide for all our needs without this disease. Therefore, it is optional. Our challenge is to find the cure. I think exposure has to be at least a huge part of that cure. The other ingredient I feel certain is needed is hope.

Hope and change. Jeez... am I running for president??

roninboy00 ago

just an idea: but i find it interesting that there is such a push for Abortions through planned parenthood, and the sudden influx of this information. it makes me wonder where the black market of these baby parts is going. not to mention, what about DCS/CPS across America? why such a push for illegal activity to cover for legal kidnapping, and legal murder? there has to be a connection there somewhere.

https://cbliss.wordpress.com/tag/lies/ the obvious first place to start.

http://truthfeed.com/breaking-clinton-foundation-tied-to-convicted-child-trafficker-laura-silsby-media-silent/34146/ Clinton being tied to trafficking

which of course, sent me here http://clintonfoundationinvestigation.com/2016/08/15/pedophile-networks-2/ which lead to a HUGE web of CPS/clinton foundation and trafficking of legally Kidnapped children, private adoptions, etc....

so there is the clinton+Cps connection... now onto the baby parts being sold on the black market (which we all know they've been caught doing already.) http://www.lifenews.com/2016/02/03/video-catches-planned-parenthood-hiding-profits-from-illegally-selling-aborted-baby-parts/

another link piece to melissa Farrell http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3185240/It-s-just-matter-line-items-Latest-Planned-Parenthood-sting-video-features-research-boss-promising-intact-fetuses-bragging-profitable-division.html

now that we KNOW they sell these parts, which one of these celebrities have done it. who is Melissa Farrell connected with, let alone Farris Co. i haven't found any other pages of Melissa quite yet... but it isn't a far jump so far is it?

gardenofbacchus ago


https://www.instagram.com/peoplespingpongparty/ ---> this account is "liked" by Alefantis on Instagram. I found it through clicking "suggested people" on Alefantis' account and this account came up. It has 1 post, but 130 followers, among them are Alefantis and Sascha Lords.

https://www.instagram.com/p/RbU6gzti-D/?taken-by=peoplespingpongparty ----> This is the single picture on the account and it has disturbed me immensely. I don't really know what to think but my gut is telling me what most of you probably already think upon seeing this. Now, where or what is Greenpoint? Is it Greenpoint in Brooklyn or is it a place in DC?

Searching "People's Ping Pong Party" lead me to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0DofyJB4jk (this video is incredibly disturbing, watch it through to the end) We have a clear shot of these people's faces and they are no doubt linked to Alefantis and Comet. We can find out who these fucking freaks are.

Also on the youtube account is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Q0jXOF9Y0, which seems to be a cryptic message laughing at the world because this guy is totally aware of the child abuse that permeates and fuels politics These are new leads we need to look into. I warn you that the first video is extremely unpleasant and unsettling.

roninboy00 ago

i'm writing these notes as i scan, and re-rewatch the video....

*the words in the video are CNN stating "Senator John McCain speaks at Alfred E Smith memorial Dinner"

*states that show up are Saint Paul Minnesota

*Bill Clinton, John McCain, Sarah Palin, George Bush Jr. (with the banner, Mission Accomplished, seems to be something there.) Gingrich, Obama (seems to be the prominent "High roller" of the video.)

*Money, Drugs, Children, Parties, common themes, the post "if you see something, say something" is shown. children's beauty pageants seem to be a hidden thread as well.

the overall feel of the "politics are sexy" video seems to be that it's the ultimate hedonistic Life style and that you can basically be the most powerful, sexually dominate force in the world. also seems to have a politics are a giant swinger buffet note to to it. it's also interesting to note that "kids, cigars, kids, cars, kids" is repeated incessantly in this video, the kids being the main focus here.

the sexual innuendos between McCain and clinton are a bit obvious but i'll note them anyway.

now onto the links... i find it incredibly, and sickeningly, odd that his two channels that are subscribed are Cyriak and Mo0nstrosity. both of which have...unnerving(? help me with the word.......) videos on them. Mo0nstrosity has videos that were recorded at Kingkiller studios and were recorded by a Daniel Lam.

the videos that are Liked by Saintstereo are...off putting. something is here... it makes me ill in the stomach. especially the "Linsanity" video.

this video from cyriak named "dancing dave" https://youtu.be/Q9v-0rVeCIg seems to be the same person from theehorsepussy that was mentioned earlier in this thread https://archive.fo/B7UvL but i could be wrong. this video https://youtu.be/5sakN2hSVxA makes the oddest connection in my head to the radiation leaks coming out of Fukushima Nuclear disaster.

this song https://youtu.be/8vsch-1hX1Q however is the most cryptic piece.... it seems like there is a place, or meeting in this song that may have some clues. please, correct me if i'm just seeing connections where there are none. but the more i listen to it, there is references to vague descriptions of parties, places, times, landmarks, and of course the reprisal of "Syracuse baby" over and over...which given all that i've seen here, i can only assume that is having to do with Eating/molesting/harming children at college parties or secret meetings.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That people's ping pong party is unsettling.

The rap song is shit, like most rap. If someone wants to make/find a transcript, I'll look at it, but I'm not polluting my nice white brain with that monkey garbage.

The_Kuru ago

Bunch of fucking Dahmers. Maybe they let these people post this shit because it occupies their time instead of doing worse shit.

MolochHunter ago

Commendations, spectacular work my man

truthseekertx ago

Appreciate it!

emeraldeye ago

Oh my God, how are these pedos allowed to get away with this? They need to be stopped I think this will come to the stage where we will have to take the law into our own hands. Here s a pic from the insta of another monster, she is tagged in pic of that pedo holding an innocent baby https://www.instagram.com/p/BIiw-RqAaBi/

ZalesMcMuffin ago

They need to be stopped I think this will come to the stage where we will have to take the law into our own hands.

When that day comes, and it may be soon, I predict we'll see a whole lot of people joining us quickly. It's going to snowball when people realize this is really it. There must be lots of people who each know enough about this to know it's real, but are living in fear due to no place to run.

roninboy00 ago

here's the full instagram https://www.instagram.com/hannahmagee1/ it seems like just a collection of kids, babies etc.

emeraldeye ago

Just a collection of babies and children? Really? Did you read the comments and see that babies eyes?

zzvoat ago

I want to throw up, just like when the first Alefantis instagram pics came o.ut

ploppy ago

Great work!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

This is it, I am throwing out all my movies ect.. These HollyPedo MFers are Evil! I don't want my $ going to support anything in Hollywood. There needs to be laws against any children allowed in movies, commercials, TV, modeling, ect. This is NOT art! It's not talent! It is perverted and needs to be stopped! The names of all these sickos needs to be posted all over and exposed!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Omg! Archive this! These are some sick POS MFing Evil Rat Bastard Pedos! Pure Evil!

Good work!

BackAgain ago

OK THEN Enough Internet for the night You guys sure are digging deep

DeathToMasons ago

Tremendous find. Reminds me of the early Alefantis findings. These people are pathetic. So this is America huh? Now we know. Wonder how long we will allow this.

gardenofbacchus ago


truthseekertx ago

Holy Crap. It is down. That was fast!

truthseekertx ago

Well...now it looks like its back up. Hmmm...

AugustaJulia ago

"The mom wasn't even watching the stroller" - this reminds me of Lost Boys in Peter Pan. They were they boys that supposedly fell out of strollers when the nannies weren't looking. Now I wonder whether this was supposed to be a reference filled with sinister content. J.M. Barrie, the author, took illegal control of his dead friends' kids, having falsified the mother's last will where she named her close relatives the guardians in the case of her death.

GeorgeT ago

Disposal of ugly children - this is macabre, anti human! If I had the powers of Nero, I would have them locked up in a mental institution. We are looking at some seriously disturbed mother$&@s!!!! (I could not find another word) Where are the police, FBI, folks with white robes. Just look at the captions, the photos.

JoJoVoat ago

omg. I hope you have all this archived.

The babies lined up in the crib look real to me. Do they to anyone else?
Should this be turned over to the FBI?

Too much abotu chickens and pizza to not b sick satanic pedo shit. This guy tortures his victims.

The 2 naked teenage boys were not circumcised so Im guessing they were European, maybe not ..


Good job finding all this...

truthseekertx ago

They are definitely fake. They work in the film industry and have all sorts of realistic props. I saw another photo of Craig Allen holding one of those creepy babies and he calls it a prop for their shoot. So its definitely fake. But still disturbing to post it and did you notice the comment from AKA_Manchild. he says "I'll - have the nicely toasted one second from the left. He looks fun." WTH. Go to his instagram page and see he is another pizza and kiddie loving guy. I put another comment if you can find with some of his creepier posts.

diamonddust ago

Wow. The thing that bothers me most about these people (apart from the obvious!) is the way they think they're soooo fucking funny. They all congratulate each other on their own lame psycho humour. They come across as deeply impressed with themselves.

9l3l7m7m ago


Drnoway ago

I would have no problems with conscience after stabbing these people in the eyes and cutting their dicks and balls off. Then dropping them at police station.

Drnoway ago

This is some sick shit! Thanks for archiving it!

truthseekertx ago

For sure. It had to be done.

gardenofbacchus ago

https://www.instagram.com/p/BQfwGVCA51p/?taken-by=mutzenpapa&hl=en * In this photo Kling is advocating people to DM him regarding "love messages" his "team" can forward to displaced Syrian refugees in Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan. Zaatari is primarily made up of school children under the age of 18, according to UNHCR.

The pedophile swirl in the heart on the balloon with the words in the background "Thank you for shopping" is blatantly the focus and message of this picture.


This is coming from a man who posts about eating and killing children, jokes about raping babies and putting them in ovens, likes and has links to people who are blatant pedophiles and has endless photos of his own naked daughter with disgusting captions all over his personal (and other) instagram accounts.

Jeff Kling and Jason Kreher are connected to and directly involved in child trafficking, there is no doubt in my mind. At this point it looks like Kling himself is working with UNHCR and has connections "working" in the child refugee camps in Jordan. His wife is familiar with Obama which means he himself most likely is too. All of this leads us to the necessary speculation and probable outcome that UNHCR is directly involved in trafficking to some extent. In my mind there is, at this point given what we know about this entire thing, absolutely zero doubt.

gardenofbacchus ago

George Webb and others on here have also proven the links between the organization Save the Children and the Clinton's and trafficking.

Well look who's in Zaatari, providing "educational aid" ---->http://www.livedprojects.org/zaatari-refugee-camp/ (hint, it's Save the Children)

party1981 ago

This is really great digging, by the way.

truthseekertx ago

Thanks man. Just trying to do my part.

Piscina ago

That's not a pedo symbol on the arm. http://archive.is/K52Vr It is a logo for Roxy, who make swimwear and wetsuits.
Also, http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/roxyPedophileSymbols.jpgJPG has been doctored to make it look like the Roxy logo is a pedo symbol, when it's not.

gardenofbacchus ago

It doesn't matter if it's the Roxy logo or not, the intention of the photo is "look, the girl lover symbol! on a little girl! aren't i fucking clever!"

ZalesMcMuffin ago

the intention of the photo is

Be careful about reading minds. Not everyone can do it flawlessly.

Piscina ago

omg, are you a moron--'it doesn't matter if it's a Roxy logo'??? Of course it matters. The photo is of a man's arm. He advertising Roxy swimwear. This thread needs to be taken down by the mods. There's a lot of misinformation here.

we_kill_creativity ago

There's a lot of misinformation here.

You've pointed out exactly one thing, which isn't even that big of a deal, jump to "a lot of misinformation, which isn't true, and are now trying to get the whole thing removed by the mods? You're pathetic...

Let's just take a moment to check out your post history why don't we.... EDIT: Hmmm...you actually do contribute to the community, which actually makes these 2 comments extremely out of character for you.

Piscina ago

Granted, the photos are creepy and photographing your children semi-naked is highly inappropriate, especially because they can't consent and those photos will now ne used by pedos. But why did the poster have to cut and paste to add a symbol that is NOT a Pedo symbol? Where is the pedo swirl in the blood on the floor? I'm sorry I sound suspicious, but people have to get their facts right.

bernitdown ago

There's dark jokes..... But this is too much. Something is up with that guy

truthseekertx ago


Irene_Ignacius ago

Tom Kuntz' website symbol has the head of Baphomet hidden towards the bottom.

roninboy00 ago

on the website there is a list of names under "secret information" from the "Pinchy & Friends" part of the flash.

Pinchy Don Jen Ferrer A Silent Flute J. Tripp (GEORGIA) Ivan Berko Misha Hollenbach M.P. Messenie Andrew VanWyngarden Butter Rainstick Seahawks City Beat TimeDream Renata Do Valle SlimMediaPlayer Beach Freaks Bell Towers Justin Miller Dirty Dave Dreems Daddy Differently bb.yu Sam Scott Leo James Valerie Yum Peaking Lights Ashlyn Ace Nitedog Steele Bonus Daniel T DJ D.DEE Kyle M Lord Fitness / Pinchy Don Heat Sleep Le Club Eskimoo Fashion Dummy Weirdo Bacetti Moreggi Deep Breakfast Chris Kontos Together Dance Music MOGOLLON Night Baths DOLCE Jonny Mons House Bacon Old Cave Lord Fascinator The Cricket Cooper Saver Frosty Lovefingers Timedream Sharky Pinchydon Trevor Jackson Lingua Franca Sharky Taco Pastorius Radio Tealeaf Tim Koh Umberto Pinchy Don / Heat Sleep Frosty / Pinchy Don Ale Cohen Instant Peterson Slayron Egroeg Suzanne Kraft S Kraft D Differently The Night Whistle Jack Shatsky Lite Lunch Leon Vacation Cool Gays Cool Gaze Old Cave / Pinchy Don Brain of Bird Native Airlines Senor Benson Diss Jockeys Figgy Puddin Versus Trim Bagus Ryan Hawaiian Bäverian Roots Lord Fitness Henry Chinaski

these are all the names.

party1981 ago

Jesus Christ. The CIA has fostered a cannibalistic Satanic cult and it's grown out of control across America?

I want off this ride.

justice4kidz ago

the evil is so pervasive. where the hell do we start. those who can search/hack download on Tor are needed. like this guy who found all this sick material. the creepy babies in the crib looked dead.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yeah that photo is freaking me out. I am assuming it's dummies but... even if it was dummies who the f spends all the time and effort to make this sick shit? And why? No doubt they are baby killing Satanic fucks. Sorry, I am losing it here

Weightstone ago

Kennedy gave a very memorable speech about shadow groups behind the govt. He tried to break/dismantle the CIA. He tried to tell everyone way back when. And he got a bullet for it.

party1981 ago

Yeah, I've watched that speech countless times. It makes me cry.

It's funny, but it turns out that a good way to figure out who is good, is to look at who gets a bullet.

I've said for a long time that Trump is the spiritual successor to JFK. Nobody believes me.

ArthurEdens ago

I agree with you

RedGreenAlliance ago

You get it. Don't forget Eisenhower's warning about the Military Industrial Complex speech. He too was warning of shadowy groups in the background that could be working against the interests of the American people https://youtu.be/8y06NSBBRtY

And Edward Bernard "Propaganda" which was extremely influential in how advertising and media was to be used to influence and control the populace for generations.


party1981 ago

Yeah. Basically everything Eisenhower warned about, came true.

The irony is that Eisenhower helped setup the Bay of Pigs, which led to the JFK assassination and the takeover by the military industrial complex.

And this goes back even earlier to Operation Paperclip and the Federal Reserve. But I digress.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yup, I am into all that big time. Nobody to share it with except online. Wife thinks I am nuts. ;-)

Silex ago

I've been thinking for years how it's transposed into the death cult of Hydra in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Along with ancient alien gods and related death cult, dear to the «freemasonic»/satanic societies..) When you look at some arcs in the overall MCU universe (both movies and netflix shows), you start making hard-hitting parallels to a bunch of disturbing stuff that we have known for years (nazis in CIA/Nasa through Operation Paperclip, for starters!) and are uncovering as days goes by... For instance: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate2/1570972

party1981 ago

Yes. It would be funny if it wasn't sad. Mind blown. :(

RedGreenAlliance ago

I rewatched "Lost Boys" and it's sickening. It's PizzaGate. And it is all a big joke. Not to mention Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are in it and you know of Feldmans accusations about Pedowood.

party1981 ago

Wow. Never even considered that before. Makes perfect sense.

Watch The Neon Demon. A woman takes a bloodbath at the end.

Silex ago

Just added a link to a related post of mine..

gardenofbacchus ago

https://twitter.com/HeidiRKling This is Jeff Kling's wife, the mother of the child constantly posted on his Instagram.

She follows Jason Kreher on Twitter and on Instagram


Nigredo ago

Can you post proof that Obama follows her because I can't figure out how to fucking search through her followers and I'm not gonna scroll through 4000 people

gardenofbacchus ago

go to Kling's instagram page for his other weird project "pinchyandfriends" = https://www.instagram.com/jamaican_me_crazee/

Look at each suspicious photo that has a child in it, such as this ---> https://www.instagram.com/p/BLWarS7hXKU/?taken-by=jamaican_me_crazee, and then look through who's "liked" it. Look at the account "chivexp". This is Emmanuel Lubezki, who has WON MULTIPLE OSCARS AND IS AN ACCLAIMED CINEMATOGRAPHER. He is liking EVERY SINGLE PHOTO that has a CHILD in it.

Keep digging through who's "liking" any of these suspicious photos, and we can see this ring is so overwhelmingly huge and most likely incorporates a gigantic portion of Hollywood / media. It's so disgustingly depressing

Government_AI ago

Someone needs to create a web that details every person from hollywood that has been liking these pictures

DeletedUser ago

Holy shit, this is major.

truthseekertx ago

Check out another related creeper who commented on Kreher's page. http://archive.is/QJTu0 Here are a couple disturbing pictures I just came across:

http://archive.is/EjfLY (wearing teen cunt shirt)

http://archive.is/BgdBk (humpday with child)

http://archive.is/4qYrE (creepy kids party)

http://archive.is/VCH01 (creepy behind boy)


User890020 ago

Sometimes there are many more comments than can fit on a single page. Does archiving these links save all the comments? The comments may contain some extremely important clues.

truthseekertx ago

Good question and I agree. It would have been too long to add notes on each comment. But definitely look through them and you will see these guys are definitely fishy. I believe the link to the original page shows up on the archive. So you may be able to get to see all the comments that way if it's cut off on the archived page.

User890020 ago

What? The archives MUST show the comments! Every one of these photos is a pedo-honeypot!

pepe16 ago

Thanks lad. After pizzagate the very common baby killing meme has new meaning especially if someone is obsessed with it.

gardenofbacchus ago

Also as tempting as it is to DM these pieces of shit please refrain from doing so, just keep digging in the shadows

gardenofbacchus ago

Thank you for following this up, I appreciate it immensely. Seeing this thread made me extremely happy to know other people took notice of my thread so thank you so much, I knew this Kreher guy would possibly lead to a smoking gun. Let's get that Alefantis connection happening. Kreher is 100% guilty and this ring is of utmost importance. Look at what these guys even look like; it's almost like they are the quintessential, archetypal satanic pedophiles that come to mind when we think of them. It's almost too perfect.

truthseekertx ago

They are definitely suspicious and I'm still digging and finding more. Keep at it!

redditsuckz ago

Corey Feldman was wrong...the best kept secret in Hollywood isnt pedophilia...its satanic ritual abuse and cannibalism of children.


Image Dump from OP - most pics


Jason Kreher Instagram;



ConcernedParent2 ago

I feel absolutely sick after seeing those images. This fucker is even more blatant than JA was about his sick fetishes.

thelandofchocolate ago

Corey Feldman was wrong...the best kept secret in Hollywood isnt pedophilia...its satanic ritual abuse and cannibalism of children.

This is why the push to rename it 'pedogate' should be resisted. Soylent green is pizza.

neurofluxation ago

Honestly, I've been thinking this from the get-go... There's too many weird links to eating kids... :/ :/

truthseekertx ago

Thanks man! Appreciate you taking the time to do this.

snooooze ago

I can't believe torrenting has actually been for the greater good. Imagine how much more of this sick shit these guys could do with even more money!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Check out this hollywooders instagram acct. https://www.instagram.com/danielaskill/?hl=en https://archive.is/iuv38

23eulogy23 ago

This is the weirdo that made that Sia video with shia lebouf that alot of people felt normalized pedophilia (elastic heart?)

Beaucephus ago

These people are so damned strange. The naked daughter thing, anyone know if that's normal over in Norway or Finland or wherever they're at?

truthseekertx ago

I think they reside here in America. I'm not sure what laws state, but regardless, I don't think any parent agrees with that.

derram ago

https://archive.is/dGNh7 :

Portraits of a serial killer? | Art and design | The Guardian

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