DarkMath ago

“…this is a coded warning to the Podesta Brothers to keep them in line.”

That's true. And that warning could have been attached to an attempt at extortion as well. You can read my comments for my opinions of the Podestas but those efits aren't unassailable proof the Podestas were there. They could still be involved nonetheless. And to criticize even my own argument I get the impression threatening the Podestas or the Clintons isn't the best idea. Halligen would have know that so why would he pick a fight with a buzz saw?

smokemirrors ago

Blacksmith21, I really appreciate your insight and contributions and thank you indeed for being here. This kind of response keeps me going...and keeps me sane.

Ill do what I can to help.

Thanks again

srayzie ago

I think the cadaver dogs also found the smell of death in the trunk of the car. I read that before.

srayzie ago

Wow this was a great post. That Halligen guy was slick. I can't believe this doesn't have more upvotes! This shows a connection between the McCann's and the Podesta's!

smokemirrors ago

Please do all you can to share, share, share! Youtube, twitter, Vidme, everything!

The McCann saga has made a mockery of us all.

smokemirrors ago

LMAO!! Guessing my one downvoat is from....Kevin Halligen!

Ps - I hope David Seaman has read this thread. Would be a great topic for his next podcast.

Thrulkggls ago

Does anyone else recall seeing this post around nov 11 on 4 chan or 8 chan? Sorry for bad resolution...it was screen printed. Is this Madeline? https://imgur.com/a/HJbUy

smokemirrors ago


Thrulkggls ago

I don't know. I screen printed when it was posted and haven't seen it since...

smokemirrors ago

ok, wow. Powerful pic.

smokemirrors ago

Interesting. Can you break OPSEC to tell us if we're correct about Pizzagate?!

smokemirrors ago

Terrific observation and point! At any given stage of this investigation, there always seemed to be about 7 or 8 different e-fits in circulation of suspicious men seen in, around, near the McCann's for the duration of their stay and the disappearance. Here are four more different (non-Podesta-like) e-fits: https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/1062739/two-name-suspect/

Im more interested in the two (yes, the accompanying text usually says 'one man' underneath pics of the two Podesta-like e-fits...odd) visuals that undoubtedly resemble the brothers, and its connection to Kevin Halligen, who I believe to be a key player.

edit: spelling

smokemirrors ago

LOL! Absolutely!

smokemirrors ago

how do you know?

rickman ago

Something else I remembered. When an expert is listening to the interviews of the McCann parents on the Richard Hall documentary he even says that the way they speak about her at some points could suggest she was dead before the night she went missing. But what I think is that she was heavily sedated to the point where she was barely conscious. This could have been how she died.

NikitaVerite ago

Holy shit. You guys always amaze and inspire me with your work, and the links you turn up. Thank you for doing all of this - I hope one day you will all be rewarded for it. It's people like you that keep my hope alive, that we WILL have a better future.

seekingpeace ago

Interesting theory but it doesn't explain the blood in the room and in the car. If she died of an accidental drug overdose there wouldn't be blood. The dogs were highly trained police dogs.

smokemirrors ago

Oh lord, not the DOGS again!

Fateswebb ago

Blood? Huh? Didn't know there was blood..

AreWeSure ago

The evidence you lay out seems to lead to a conclusion Halligen falsely produced the efits to damage a business competitor, but you don't reach this conclusion, You come to a different conclusion that Halligen had dirt on the Podestas. It seems like a logical leap. If he had dirt, then what? What did Halligan get out of this? Patton Boggs still ended up with declining business. There's a gap here.

smokemirrors ago

help fill it in. Im just asking questions. Im not concluding anything.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Are we sure doesn't help, ever. He/she just poo poos everything while contributing zero

smokemirrors ago

ugh, sounds like an a-hole boss I once had...

carmencita ago

He was running around partying and laughing because he was not Maddy's father and he is a pedo himself. There was a Post on here a while back about how someone with the UK police scubbed CP from his computer. I believe that the Mom had IVF and Soros is the father. It is done everyday. Soros and Maddy both had coloboma of the eye. She was created for a reason. I am not the only one that believes this. I believe the Podestas are somehow involved in kidnapping Maddy for Soros. This was all pre arranged with a deal with the parents. They are the bottom of the barrel just like the elite pedos.

Ang68 ago

"Supposedly", a transfer of power of the NY division of the Luciferians put G.S. in charge. D.R. held that title previously. If this is true, which I honestly don't know, & McCanns r also Luciferians, then it's possible that Maddy's Mother performed a sex ritual with G.S. This actually IS standard protocol for these groups. Would explain the coloboma as well.

carmencita ago

Ugh. What a scene that would be. Vomit inducing to be sure. After what I have read on here I would not be surprised. They sure think they have a good thing going. They don't realize what a bunch of sick and disgustingly evil bunch we all think they are.

smokemirrors ago

Do you think Patton Boggs knew this??

carmencita ago

Well, one think I have realized since reading all of the posts on pizzagate is that almost nothing is too crazy to believe. If they were hired by Halligen as his lawyers and he is a spy/detective then I would believe that eventually he either told them or they just figured it out. More like, he told them. This is nothing you want to tackle by yourself, especially when the adversarsaries are George Soros and the Podesta Bros.

smokemirrors ago

LOL, I bet ole Soros is cursing the day Al Gore (<--LMAO!) "invented" the internet (for people who don't get this joke, google "Al Gore invented the internet"..its hilarious)

Sorry Soros ole boy. You're just a pathetic old git now; certainly can't run, can't hide and your money can no longer protect you.

carmencita ago

We have to cut off the supply of the children's blood for the elite. The world must be rid of Soros, Kissinger and the Clintons and that's just for starters.

smokemirrors ago

....yes, rothschilds, dershowitz', murdochs.....why aren't these ancient fuckers just dead already, ugh.

carmencita ago

The blood of young children. I hate them all, those people. They think they are so perfect and above us all they only breed with their own. But the blood of our children is good enough to keep them from death's door? Kissinger and Soros. They need to be gone. I have never prayed for the death of anyone in my life, in their case I will make an exception.

Freemasonsrus ago

He's a "heart consultant". Paging George Webb... What a bizarre coincidence.

srayzie ago

They know that e-fits images is not the same man. One is thin and one is heavy. BBC covers up sex crimes tho so I wonder how they will report this story if it leads in the Podesta direction.

smokemirrors ago

No hard evidence, as of yet, they were staying down the road or even in Portugal, at time of disappearance.

Xpol ago

I believe that the podestas actually are involved in one way or another, although they may not have physically taken Madeline.

This is a typical sex crime black mail script.The Podestas were probably being blackmailed and called the bluff. The sketches were released as a way to get them to cooperate.

What's disturbing is that whoever released the photos has enough power to tell the Podestas that even with their pictures out their, they can still be protected if anything comes of it. Unless they don't comply.

More evidence we are dealing with a massive government pedo network. Setting up people and capturing evidence of their sex crimes then blackmailing them.

This is a similar m.o. that was used to remove members of Congress by the Clinton's pre the vote on Bills impeachment.

anon_sense ago

Very insightful about whoever released the photos still has the power to protect them. Chilling stuff.

smokemirrors ago

Thank you! I think blackmail goes on all the time, quite openly. "Hiding in public", as it were. This is the the main quality security agencies look for when hiring/ dole-ing out security clearances: is this person susceptible to blackmail...?

rickman ago

I think Maddie was being prepared to be taken by the Podestas. Thats why the missing reports and flyers were produced in advance. Why Clement Freud had rented his house out to the Podestas. Why they fit the drawings.

Maddie was a lively little girl and was probably being sedated by her parents in preparation for the kidnapping. Somehow she ended up dead. Whether it was a fight or an accident I'm not sure. But it would explain why the dogs sensed evidence of a dead body.

It all went wrong really and the McCanns needed massive government support to ensure the truth was covered up.

smokemirrors ago

Wish we could still find hard evidence Podestas' were in Portugal night of Maddie kidnapping. Only have hearsay so far. Its very frustrating.

concernedaboutitall ago

Very well written and presented. This whole situation reads like a spy movie script.

smokemirrors ago

Thank you! indeed it is a movie script. You could just not make up the cast of characters, cover ups, twists and turns, links, and blatant ongoing deceit, that insults the very intelligence of the general public. I can't wait for the day someone wipes the smug, shit eating grin off Gerry McCann's sick face.

2impendingdoom ago

and their emails are selectively missing for that time period

Votescam ago

Kate McCann describes Maddie asking the morning of the kidnapping why she hadn't responded when Maddie and her brother were crying for her the previous night -- evidently before she returned from dinner. Then, feeling hurt by a comment by her husband, Kate decides to sleep in the children's room that night, where earlier someone may have been trying to enter the children's room? Kate's sleeping in the children's room that night may have prevented the kidnappers from coming back that evening? What prevented them from gaining entry earlier that night, but not the next night?

Votescam ago

Note that as you discuss the possible bribe of Andre Hollis, you are referring twice to "Halliday" and think you mean, Halligen?

Halliday's charm skills had already persuaded Andre Hollis, a former US Drug enforcement agency official, to write out an $80,000 cheque to Halliday's company Oakley, in return for a ten per cent share-holding (never received.) https://cryptome.org/0001/henri-exton.htm Was Hollis being 'bribed' over something too? I digress...>

Also re this: "Was Halligen actually bribing Gerry and Kate over something?" Any suggestion as to what that could be?

And, "Why, in March 2004, was Kevin Halligen handed a rare US Department of Defense Security Pass?" Can you explain how that might relate to this case -- Pizzagate -- or the kidnapping of Madelaine McCann?

Commonwombat ago

This is truly brilliant!

smokemirrors ago

Let's hope everyone sees it, eh? :-) I hope to get some comments/feedback about the Patton/Podesta connections from any insiders.

Z11Mama ago

I don't know what I am talking about but it sounds like you do. Is it possible that someone else had died in that room recently? Perhaps more goes on at that hotel than one might imagine?

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

Its unlikely they killed her. They planted scent of a dead person to make people think Maddie was dead. The coloboma thing, the flash in her eye, is what made her so super special. George Soros has the same flash. Its called coloboma and its extremely rare. Let me know if any of you have seen anyone with it before. I think Maddie is special, because the elites, Soros, believes in so much freaky shit you cant even begin to imagine. Maybe he needs her blood. Maybe the same thing happened with Soros when he was young. We just happen to have an all powerful billionaire with that same eye-anomoly. Maybe she will show up on the radar in 2060 or something, and become a world leader. I have no idea. If there ever is a female powerful political leader emerging in the future with coloboma, its probably her.

Z11Mama ago

I have two close friends with the exact same eye anomaly.

smokemirrors ago

Soros and coloboma connection been discussed on Voat a million times before. Do a search.

smokemirrors ago

Even more absurd, there is still no evidence to suggest Maddie (or anyone else) even died in the room on that particular night. The timeline of what actually happened has always been very sketchy. WE only have the testimony of McCann's and the Tapas 7, who are a bunch of very shitty liars, who can't get their stories straight...

silvertri ago

Top effort well done!!

anon_sense ago

As I said in the previous thread, the big thing that sticks out for me is HOW accurate the Podesta sketches are...almost like the higher ups knew they were involved, then produced the sketches and put them out there as a veiled threat to keep them in line (for what I don't know). How could one produce such CLEAR drawings of not one but two suspects who supposedly abducted her at night. Man, this is a deep rabbit hole...

Fateswebb ago

Let's not forget there is a third drawing of weiner, as well as fourth of another podesta Clinton insider..

anon_sense ago

True. Again - the rabbit hole runs deep.

smokemirrors ago

whos the other insider?

Fateswebb ago

It appears it could be neel lattimore http://m.imgur.com/a/WJNwo

Votescam ago

And, via a description by a witness who said they had "their heads down" as noted above. Also the Irish witness evidently also quickly withdrew his witness report on which the description of the kidnappers was based . . . that is according to the report above.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I've been looking for anything that says "they" but I can't find it - Where did you see this?

Votescam ago

I think it came from one of the links in the OP, but checked some quickly and couldn't find it. Problem is lots of links and side links. But think that's where it's from. Apologies.

smokemirrors ago

@Votescam, my total bad, I will correct this in the O posting. One Irishman, one sighting, two different e-fits: you are correct. LOL, makes you think that Halligen definitely stiched up the podestas on purposes, knowing the 'order' was for one suspect, but he went ahead and issued two (for BOTH brothers), regardless....


Votescam ago

You did great -- names can easily get confused at times. Seems the Halligen investigation turned up something at least embarrassing for the McCanns and which they didn't want the press to get wind of. Amazing that with all the terrible things happening to them, they're unlucky enough to get preyed on by Halligen, as well -- (via recommendation of Henri Exton) - a rather costly mistake. Noticed this also with Mother of Hampstead case children. She finally gets rid of Ricky Dearman and then she gets involved with another guy who is physically harming the children including during the time when they are trying to tell their mother about their sexual abuse by their father. The gesture by Clemont Freud to get in touch also seems odd to me. Looks kind of like people are thrown in to be close and to monitor, but that's just my thinking.

Re the Halligen computer-generated pictures ... (from your link) . . . this is the Irish witness:

Speaking to Portuguese police a few weeks after Maddie disappeared, Mr Smith said it was ‘not possible to recognise the individual’.

His grandchildren were also unable to identify the man or the girl – but thought she could have been Madeleine.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462431/Madeleine-McCann-Police-say-Irish-family-seen-Maddie-taken.html#ixzz4XboVwKu1

smokemirrors ago

I thanked you at the bottom of my post :) I totally agree.

MolochHunter ago

Well, the podestas fucked up. They were only supposed to rent maddie for a night, their sadism took it too far, and the mccanns couldnt go childless back to britain without causing waves and suspicion. So maybe the identikits were the illuminati's way of preparing to sever the tentacles of thir podesta minions if push came to shove - which it has

AreWeSure ago

Holy Shit! This 97% of actual story.

You're off on just one detail.

DarkMath ago

Oh look you forgot to reply again.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Never anything to contribute, just tearing down and providing zero proof. Yawn...

AreWeSure ago

It's a pretty good counterbalance to those who are building up while providing zero proof, don't you think?

ben_matlock ago

And that erroneous detail is...?

AreWeSure ago

Come on now, that wouldn't be fun, would it?

VieBleu ago

You are having fun?

AreWeSure ago

In this case, I'm having a bit of fun.

VieBleu ago


srayzie ago

That's a good thought. You saying they were supposed to rent her for one night (where did you read that?) made me think of something. Well, what parents would leave their children in a hotel room while they are partying with friends in another building? Even if they thought the kids would be safe, a normal parent would be afraid the kids would wake up and be scared. That story has ALWAYS bugged me. I can't imagine a parent doing that.

So I'm wondering if the parents were sick people and gave Madeline Benadryl or something else to knock her out. Then left the hotel with friends and allowed the man/men/Podesta's or someone else to go in and rape Madeline while they were out. They were not supposed to kill her. When they killed her or the drugs did, they had to get rid of the body so that's why somebody saw a blonde girl being carried on the beach that night and the girl wasn't crying or screaming. The guy who was trained to see body language and listen to how they explain things think they were in on it all and are guilty.

The officer that worked on the case ended up writing a book and thinks they are guilty. The McCanns sued him to stop the book from being shared for 8 years but yesterday or the day before the McCanns lost! The judge is allowing the book to come out and the McCanns have to pay the guy money now. So new info should become public soon!

MolochHunter ago

i have no evidence of any agreement to rent for a night. Its just conjecture that makes the most sense to me

Piscina ago

Same thing with Jon Benet. Father 'loaned' her out for the night to be abused and she was accidentally murdered.

smokemirrors ago

It was Burke. But, ok.

smokemirrors ago

this was discussed in another thread yesterday, with almost 200 responses

FriesischShipping ago

Molochhunter - after all we've seen this is Occums Razor and makes the most sense. It is extremely likely that the parents are also complicit and drugged the girl before the Podesta-Molesta party, BUT the dose was too high and she went into a coma and died before or during the party. The drugs are likely administered so she would be relaxed or asleep during the gang-rape.

MolochHunter ago

i have the ugly suspicion that podesta prefers to savour their conscious reactions

FriesischShipping ago

Of Course!....but in a crowded resort you gotta keep it on the DL, sshhhhhhhhh!

Annon365 ago

In all the years I have looked into what the fuck when on that night , this comment kind of just clicked with me, it makes more sence that any other scenario and it all fits into place

derram ago

https://archive.is/4UK18 :

Fraud suspect Kevin Richard Halligen allegedly posed as a spy and cheated the elite on both sides of the Atlantic - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/BQIwl :

Patton Boggs to merge with Squire Sanders - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/dHC07 :

Lobbyist Tony Podesta flies high on K Street during the Obama era | TheHill

https://archive.is/sTYh5 :

The 9 Most Loathsome Lobbyists in Washington | Alternet

https://archive.is/0SAMZ :

After three long months without their daughter, what now for the McCanns? | Daily Mail Online

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