ObscureAcademia ago

Pizzagate contains elements of a scientific plot, namely for one, the continuation of the NAZI MKUltra project but also the quest to study the genetics of "pure blood", that is to say, blood which does not contain the protein associated with the major bloodtypes.

Blood which has not been interfered with, genetics which have been altered. So on and so forth. This is why we find most people in power, are related by blood. They consider themselves genetically superior. The tribe of Dan for example, as well as others.

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

ARYAN from Sanskrit ārya ‘noble’ + -an.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466996

edit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

https://amp.reddit.com/r/Operation_Berenstain/comments/5gqsgd/voat_children_with_extremely_rare_genetic/ https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44836

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxYKvkKVvMEYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube

This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1471-4159.1976.tb04456.x/full

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%B3lkvangr

EDIT - extension https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/d6/c2/d7d6c29068506d745059b901c7a0e13b.jpgJPG

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=waardenburg%20caris http://www.caris.wales.nhs.uk/ear-anomalies-and-hearing-loss

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Yes, it is commonly found as a visual indicator of a deeper genetic quirk within the Pax6 transcriptor. It's also largely involved in our sense of smell, the olfactory bulb is responsible for neurogenesis, the production of stemcells, which are critical to organ and clone engineering.

Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3492-dr-christian-ludke-criminal-psychologist-talks-about-kate-and-gerry-mccann?highlight=Ludke

Pokes ago

I would upvote this if i could.

kafkaT ago

smokemirrors ago

This is huge and needs a separate thread!

dickface8 ago

Oh it's had a few, @vindicator and other mods are always swift to delete them as apparently they think it's "ridiculous nonsense"...

unkyshaun ago

Cartas Rogatorias Vol III Page 26

Leicestershire Police Force

From: DC443 J.N. HUGHES To: SIO, Operation Task Department: Main Criminal Unit Date: 16th May 2008

Ref: Background Information– Kate McCann

Dear Sirs,

In response to your letter of request, I can provide the following information regarding the above-mentioned subject.

Kate McCann was born on March 5, 1968 in Merseyside. Her maiden name is Healy, which she still uses in her clinical practice. She is the bearer of British passport number **************.

She lives with her husband and children at Orchard House, 5 The Crescent, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7RW. The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of GBP 323.493 with the Northern Rock bank.

There is no report or statement of bank credit cards listed in the research carried out. However I was alerted to the fact that if an individual maintains an account open with the same bank or credit card accounts for a long period of time, these details do not appear in this kind of search.

She works for the local NHS as a GP in Latham House, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. She is currently on maternity leave.

Her phone number is ******* and she has a T mobile phone number ********. There is no record of either of her surnames on the National Police Computer.

The search reference is NE84/0053/4.

A check of the location of the crime and information system is negative.

Inquiries made of local social services are negative.

Searches made of the local section of child abuse investigation shows a registration number 19309 in CATS (system of action location). A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference, if any investigation should be necessary by the department. No work has been done on the basis of this file. An examination of all other police files using a search system does not reveal any information about her.

Ok this is a police report above regarding CATS, citing Kate McCann was already in their system. Strange thing is Maddie 'disappeared' on May 3 2007. Pregnant within a year? Where's the child? The following is unsubstantiated but I'm trying to verify.....MADDIE =I'M DEAD...Possibly code. Apparently Maddie was elite in pedo circles. Hollywood if you will, for her obviously gorgeous looks, blonde hair, blue eyes. Gerry McCann "wasn't there for a holiday. He was there for the premiere of his daughter in a highly anticipated SNUFF film. The ritual abuse culminating in the murder of Maddie was apparently a 'hot ticket item', amongst these sick fucks. It makes a lot of sense as a theory. Gerry McCann was scrubbed from the CATS registry for domestuc violence and abuse of children. Yet his daughter disappeared in neglectful circumstances at best and no new CATS report, which would be mandatory????

quantokitty ago

I don't think this is getting closer. Seems like Portugal is siding with one of there own and again being vindictive against the McCann's. I don't think they did anything. I think someone hates them very, very much and wanted after their very beautiful little girl. You know what I'm reminded of? The Polly Klaas case. Why? Because of the vindictiveness and hated Richard Allen Davies showed for Mark Klaas the father. Remember the insults and lies he threw at Mark Klaas all because the father never gave up and never backed down? That's what this reminds me of.

we_kill_creativity ago

Well, I'd love to see it...because if it exists it would be huge. In fact, it would be so huge, that if it exists I'm surprised it wasn't one of the biggest posts on here.

smokemirrors ago

agree 100% that would be the holy grail of this entire investigation.

smokemirrors ago

"Dreams to be forgotten"....

What about memories? From today's Daily Mail:


the_one_tony_stark ago

Don't forget that the podesta e-mails which is in the multiple 10 thousands (was it around 35.000 emails?), the first 8 e-mails are scattered between a period of 10 years. Then the frequent e-mails begin at 4 may 2007, with often multiple emails per day.

Madeleine disappeared 3 may 2007, so it's likely that an e-mail wipe took place.

I think it's certain that madeleine is dead. I think it's possible that she wasn't intended to die, that she was entertainment for the podesta's (though to be unaware of while sedated by her parents, who are both anesthetists). Since the older children were most likely anesthetised (they didn't wake during the whole ruckus with police. Mccann's confirmed that they thought they must be drugged, however they were not worried, despite anesthesia being rather dangerous, particularly if you don't know the dose or the method. The fact that they weren't worried and that it is their expertise means it's most likely them who drugged their children and probably madeleine too.

Maybe it was a mistake and they gave her too much. Maybe they had to pay their child's life for whatever reason. She's dead, but whether it was intentional or accidental is uncertain. That it is criminal and malevolent is beyond question. And that podesta is involved is likely, considering that multiple sources have claimed law enforcement contacts that confirmed that podesta was in portugal at the time (including david seaman), that podesta were friends with clement freud, who was later convicted for soliciting a minor, that clement freud's mansion was nearby, that the efit pictures match what the podesta's look like.

The one thing that I wonder about still... the efit pictures were made not by the police but a private detective agency hired by the mccann's. Not only that, but it was a washington based agency, which is strange. That this produced the images that looked like the podesta's is also strange; was this their insurance against the podesta's somehow?

smokemirrors ago

washington based agency??? LINK? EVIDENCE? immediately!

the_one_tony_stark ago

Oakley International. They were paid 500.000 british pounds by the mccann's: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/fbi-hunts-for-investigator-paid-163500000-by-mccanns-1825920.html


One thing I hadn't realized until now, is that they are the party that won the bid for the contract, assuming this article is to be believed:


However I have in no way verified that last link, it's just something I came across as I dug up the name of the detective agency again.

smokemirrors ago

Im going to do a separate submission about Oakley.

This was touched on, on Voat before: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1456520

unkyshaun ago

Thanks for the correction Bumbalord. I shake with anger at the McCann case, got sidetracked....focus Unkyshaun...focus. Scroll down for some excellent links. I'm kicking myself for not saving the Podesta link but i had no idea a movement like this would start up So fucking proud of my fellow seekers of truth.

smokemirrors ago

I promise Im not a wacko (ha) but seriously, its my dying wish to get to the bottom of the McCann mystery. IT has been haunting me for 10 years.

unkyshaun ago

I knew from day one it stunk, it will break things wide open if we can get one credible source with some ireffutable evidence. I'm with you bro.

smokemirrors ago

nice. The bigger reward will be linking it to Pizzagate. There IS a direct Maddie/ Washington/Podesta link which has been discussed on Voat before, but bizarrely thread just died. I'll post tonight, when I have more time.

anolegion ago

The closer we get to the Podestas in the McCann case, the sooner the parents will be shoved under the bus as patsies for the pedocultists. They must've had their eyes on Maddie for a long time, possibly from her conception as her parents appear to be in the lower circles.

Let them have the baby and, like a kitten, wait until it's 3-4 years old. Then have it ceremonially taken by grand masters. Leave just enough traces of genetic material to suspect the parents but no clear scenario for body disposal etc.

When the kidnapping hits the news, mobilize everyone from the top down to cover up for the patsies, who will now feel safe and supported.

Of course as soon as the grand masters are really threatened with exposure the parents will be fed to the public and law enforcement like bodies to pigs. And they will never talk because they can't confess what they know, and don't know what to confess.

MolochHunter ago

It's ok, Mr & Mrs Mcann - the podesta's will pick up your legal bill ;)

My theory is that the mccans 'lent' their daughter to the podesta's for an evening, but they went too far. And the mccanns were then in a position where they couldnt return to england to friends and family and explain a missing daughter, so they had to go to the police and allege she was abducted by strangers

smokemirrors ago

I don't disbelieve you. Need to find Podesta/Portugal smoking gun.

Forgetmenot ago

That seems plausible

PawnsInTheGame ago

Soros must have needed to feed on Coloboma blood again and it was the McCanns time for blood sacrifice. The Podestas came to collect.

Piscina ago

This is exactly what I've believed happened to Jon Benet Ramsey. Her father 'loaned' her out and things went too far.

YingYangMom ago

I share he same theory, wow.

2impendingdoom ago

This makes sense.

MarkusAllen ago

When I observed a Youtube investigator personally notify the McCann's regarding the discovery of possible evidence of the possible kidnappers were those two brothers, she never responded. Just the sound of crickets were heard. She never replied. I think it was Facebook that was used early on when this was first found out on the exposure of the kidnapping in the USA with two sketches of the Podesta Brother's striking similarities.

dickface8 ago

It says enough that that after all this "What happened to Maddie" bs from the msm, all we've gotten is crickets with the uncovering and linking of the Podesta sketches, emails from the month of her disappearance and their connection to Clem Freud etc. Not even a mention. I think that says everything you need to know right there...

anon_sense ago

Apparently the EXTREMELY accurate sketches of the Podesta brothers were only released a few years back - i.e. years after Maddie McCann actually went missing. Some researchers out there (check out SGT Report on YouTube with Ole Dammegard) believe that this was some kind of coded warning to the Podesta brothers to keep them in line. At the time that the sketches were released their faces weren't on the public radar but they would have seen them. I think this story with the Podestas goes deeper than we think. I also don't think the Podestas are nearly at the top of the food chain.

smokemirrors ago

yes, Im going to post a submission about THIS. Thanks anon-sense.

anon_sense ago

Just seen it - GREAT work.

smokemirrors ago

AND you! x

smokemirrors ago

wow, great find :-) Link?

YingYangMom ago

I suggest you watch Gonzalo Amaral's documentary 'Truth of the lie' based on his book of the same name and also Richard D. Hall's 'Buried by Mainstream Media' and 'The phantoms' documentaries. I am happy and relieved to hear that Mr. Amaral has finally gotten some justice. This man lost everything because he dared speak out about the inconsistencies and lies and the suspicions surrounding them. I've followed the story for years and I really believe that Maddie is gone and that her parents are involved in her disappearance. Either they have sold her, gave her away or killed her.

More recently, Richard D. Hall made a documentary-interview with a top statement analysis expert which is called 'The McCanns embedded confessions'. There is also a very telling video about their body language that is exceptionally divulging. I will leave the links below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ZdDTsFC2g (Truth of the lie)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpTsMrU-nIk (Buried by mainstream media) - It's long, but totally worth it, extremely interesting.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL0-ePd3FCU (The phantoms)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWQTiXFmyoM (The McCanns embedded confessions)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFWbxaVg0NY (Spotting the McCann liars part two) Amazingly interesting

Have fun

Edit: formatting

smokemirrors ago

This has all been written about on here before. I don't believe Richard Hall, sorry.

YingYangMom ago

You don't have to believe Richard, but you get a lot of evidence presented here. He believes that she died in the apartment in Praia de Luz 3 days before the day she supposedly got abducted, by her parents. I don't. However, he presents lots of evidence collected from the official Portuguese police files' which is very convenient. You can then come up with your own theory. Also, you might not believe Richard, but to ignore Peter Hyatt, (an expert in statement analysis) and his conclusive findings would be incredibly naive.

smokemirrors ago

I will go back and re-watch the bit with Peter, for sure.

Jem777 ago

The McCanns were befriended by Clem Freud who owned the villa in Portugal. The Podesta brothers were staying at "Clem's" villa when Madeline went missing.' Clem Freud is the grandson of Sigmund Freud the "father of psychoanalysis" who used sexuality to establish nearly every level of consciousness. "Think Freudian slip" Clem Freud died last year and numerous child victims of horrible sexual abuse have come forward. Sigmund Freud lived in Vienna along with Hitler and Stalin prior to WW11. Nice trio right! SS scientists performed horrible experiments on children and conscience states. S. Freud became a founding member of the Tavistock Institute along with those same scientists masteredMK ULTRA & the rest. Imported to the US when the CIA Went underground black budget 1948. We are here right now.

ObscureAcademia ago

Coram:CAFCASS:Tavistock:Anna Freud https://vid.me/GmbX

Same structure in US with CPS

smokemirrors ago

Terrific. All this has been reported on this Pizzagate subverse before, but you summarize well

unkyshaun ago

Wow, didn't know about the Tavistock connection. Thanks.

smokemirrors ago

Tavistock well known shite factory - lots of info out there. Tavistock clinic located around the corner from Freud's house in Hampstead, London. ALL LINKED.

smokemirrors ago

Hampstead is certainly a hotbed of intrigue, eh Obscure?

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice summary. At some point in an investigation, you have to accept likely leads in order to keep moving forward. Such as, more than one reference to Clem, and supporting backstories. The MK Nazis came to the US and infiltrated. They became the Democratic Party. They adapted their ideology to make it work. We may be seeing the Fourth Reich getting ready to go to war with those who align with Trump. Don't believe a fucking thing that you see.

Jem777 ago

Agree. This is what everyone is missing. To listen from 1st person witness in the inner circle of the 3rd Reich as a child growing watching powerful father and A.H. brainwash a country through idealogical subversion this how it was described. Who helped cement these ideas in the youth....the Vatican. The US constitution forbid the Vatican from established entry. In 1948 they inverted became C I A and black budget.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't think this is a party issue. The CIA works with both parties.

we_kill_creativity ago

The Podesta brothers were staying at "Clem's" villa when Madeline went missing.'

Has this actually been confirmed?

unclassified ago

That's what I'd like to know if it's true that they were staying there when she went missing then, with the suspects in the artists drawing, plus the enhancements of the drawing I would say that they are guilty and I would disagree with anyone who thought otherwise.

we_kill_creativity ago

It wouldn't actually be proof they're guilty, but it would justify a healthy fucking police investigation that could (probably) show they are guilty.

MolochHunter ago

i saw it on two separate documents, one UK intelligence and one US intelligence, but im kicking myself i didnt save the link it was on

smokemirrors ago

You HAVE to find this. It will be the entire Podesta Wikileaks/Voat Pizzagate subverse smoking gun, if you do.

we_kill_creativity ago

Yeah...exactly why I want to see the solid proof. The police sketches' similarity to the Podesta brothers freaks me out. I'm not going to be surprised at all to find out they were a part of it (and so much more). If we can take the police sketches and combine them with the fact they were there, that would be HUGE.

followthedolla ago

the police sketches were a legit leak TO RAT ON THE FUCKS from an insider in a private investigation company that was hired by, i believe, the portuguese cops after scotland yard came to sweep the case under a rug. the mole is on the wrong side of his face on purpose, for plausible deniability and to indicate that the investigators aren't aware of who the persons really are.

smokemirrors ago

two other people wrote in this thread that they have seen evidence that Podestas were at Clems villa that night.

Will blow everything open, if we can find these links and post them intermediately.

we_kill_creativity ago

But they're saying they saw it on here, which, if true, makes me think we both would have seen it and it would have been the biggest post on here at the time. I'm not going to get too excited, but I do hope it's true.

smokemirrors ago

again, there is NO DEFINITIVE PROOF that the Podestas were in Portugal at the time of M's disappearance. folk say they've seen this and that but rubbish. Not one person or media outlet can place them there....nothing in wikileaks etc, J Podesta erased all emails before M disappearance date, sure, but again, nothing has been proved. If someone has proof from a credible, provable source, post it, and we can all go home.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Podesta did not "erase all emails before her disappearance date" WTF are you talking about??!! I posted above that in the Wikileaks John Podesta has ZERO emails during the couple days of her actual disappearance, only his secretary/assistant used the email NOT him which is telling because he used the account constantly multiple times everyday, just nothing the couple days she was kidnapped and it was confirmed he was on vacation during this time. AND AGAIN, the FBI confirmed the Podesta brothers were both in Portugal during the time of her disappearance. Your post above is complete garbage, rude and consensending to everyone who has to spell out to you the facts. Stop spewing disinformation please. @smokemirrors

smokemirrors ago

Fuck off, nutjob.

militant ago

It sounds like disinfo since the beginning, there is nothing except a fake quote from a fake news site.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes I also saw it. Also of mention was the fact that in podestas email leaks, there were none from him during the couple days she was taken and he always used that email daily. It was discussed on here way back. Pretty sick old Clem reached out and invited the McCann parents over for lunch to help them with Maddies disappearance. Why do people celebrate papa Freud like he was some kind of genius, he was as sick and twisted as they come if you really know his work. He was obsessed with sex and childhood psychological development etc.

smokemirrors ago

you said you "also saw it."

Evidence/link? It will be the entire Podesta Wikileaks/Voat Pizzagate subverse smoking gun, if you do.

Truthseeker3000 ago


Just do a simple google search it's there under many articles.

smokemirrors ago

Inadmissible. Nothing in that link to prove Podestas were at Freud villa/Portugal during time of disappearance. Why do you think we are all still here on Pizzagate!? If there was proof beyond reasonable doubt they were there, then our work here is done.

Truthseeker3000 ago

"One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madaline McCann vanished. The Podesta brothers were staying with a friend named “Clem” . Clement Freud, the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was known to be a pedophile. This is a quote from our insider: “Of greater interest is that fact that Freud owned a villa in Praia da Luz.”

This quote was taken from many online articles. Yes, I saw it on here, along with many other posters as confirmed in other comments. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? You came out of nowhere and claim you've been at this for ten years yet you never knew the Podestas and Freud were friends and were in Portugal the time of the disappearance and were at the villa? You are posting under everyone's responses hounding them to dig the evidence, etc., WHY ARENT YOU DOING THE WORK? The FBI fucking know it's true, why do you think the FBI is involved in a European case-likely because the Podestas are Americans. This was all posted on here, can you not do a search on Voat yourself to find the threads? You come across as a real asshole the way you order others around and make rude remarks, I've seen your posts. Obviously I'm well aware people are still on Pizzagate to make more breakthroughs and sort mounting evidence, but thanks for your condescending remarks. Have a great day. @smokemirrors

smokemirrors ago

Shut up, idiot and stop wasting time by posting boring rants that nobody gives a fuck about. "one of our FBI insiders can confirm...." LMAO. That's like me saying "my mom told me..."

You don't have a direct quote from that "FBI Insider" or a link to any article

I think my posting demonstrated i did do a lot of work. If you post something and you cant back it up with anything, like most sensible people on here do, then again, just fuck off.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Did you not READ the comment and the link? It was taken from the article. What "work" have you done on here besides hounding people to do more digging for you?!! I see where this is going with you...

smokemirrors ago

hahah. Just admit you have a huge crush on me and you'll start to feel a lot better.

doolord ago

I remember hearing that too, you're not alone.

AreWeSure ago

Shell is not going to crack. This is not new information

The decision is a major milestone in Gerry and Kate McCann’s eight-year fight over a book written by Amaral, who led the initial hunt when then-three-year-old Madeleine vanished from their Algarve holiday apartment in May 2007.

AreWeSure ago

You can read the book here. It's been online since 2009.


FritzTheKat ago

No responsible parent would leave their infants alone in a motel room while they go for cocktails with their friends. Clearly giving kidnappers the opportunity to take the child while giving the McCanns plausible deniability. This stinks to high heaven like the Jon Benet Ramsey affair.

smokemirrors ago

Wasn't a motel; it was a high end resort. Wasn't cocktails, it was dinner. Wasn't it Jon Benet's brother who killed her?

YingYangMom ago

I think you should stop watching Dr. Phil. There is no evidence to support the theory that her brother killed her.

smokemirrors ago

the CBS doc was pretty convincing. Even from the beginning, seemed the psychotic mom was covering up for someone. I think Burke did kill her, but she had been 'passed around' too. Wasn't she riddled with STDs when she died? (sorry to sound graphic, disrespectful)

YingYangMom ago

I don't think one can rely on MSM and police at all, because they are known to cover things up. Imho, one should look into more 'independent' investigations and the evidence gathered from them before coming up with a possible theory or 'scenario'. I'm not as familiar with the Jon Benet Ramsey case as I am with the Madeleine one, but from what I've gathered, the parents are involved in it, but not the little brother (I mean he's not the one to have killed her with a baseball bat as Dr. Phil might have suggested, that's total BS) and it kinda resembles that Madeleine 'theory' here that I have, which is pretty much summed up in this article. https://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2015/04/12/rip-madeleine-mccann/

smokemirrors ago

Interesting. I still think it was Burke, very troubled, rage-filled kid, also being abused, proved to be a pyscho freak by his child psychologist, had knocked out Jon Benet once before (shed been taken to the ER), smeared feces all over his walls, put mounds of it in Jon Benet's bed...etc etc.

YingYangMom ago

The official cause of death, as recorded in the autopsy report, was "asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma.

A garrote was found tied around her neck.

The garrote was the principal device used for capital punishment in Spain for one and a half centuries until its abolition. Originally, it entailed a mode of execution wherein a convict would be beaten to death with a club (garrote in Spanish).

In Spanish, the term may also refer to a rope and stick used to constrict a limb as a torture device.

Other versions of this device incorporated a fixed metal blade or spike directed at the spinal cord to hasten the breaking of the neck.

This pretty much discredits your theory that Burke killed her. She and her brother may very well have been victims of SRA inflicted by their parents and friends, as it is also noted that she was sexually abused over a long period of time.

In 2003, trace DNA taken from the victim's clothes was found to belong to an unknown male, inducing the DA in 2008 to send the Ramseys a letter of apology declaring the family "completely cleared".

This is why I believe that she was sacrificed in a Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremony. Imho, all the evidence points to such a theory.

smokemirrors ago

It's not "my theory"...I just believe it; I didn't hypothesis it. You can thank the esteemed, A List investigators here for their hard work.


Yes, I know Burke is suing. LOL. Good luck at trial, Burkey!

Drnoway ago

I don't know what to think of this. Has somebody red the book?

YingYangMom ago

There is a documentary on YT based on the book. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ZdDTsFC2g

Drnoway ago

Ok thanks! Gotta check it out.

Fateswebb ago

Okay I'm going to go completely bat shit crazy and throw out a theory that the craziest of conspiratards haven't said yet... so bear with my lunacy for a second and consider what's actually possible here..

What if..... Madeline McCann is really just a clone of George Soros we already know that she was a test tube baby. He would need a surrogate mother I believe, and at some point would want to take the child back from the surrogate. So the time came the parents were either paid or blackmailed or mind controlled into this, and powerful people were complicit in its coverup, but considering the technology today and how rich Soros is, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibilities.

So batshit crazy? Okay okay everyone can troll me now for being a nut job... lol..

smokemirrors ago

Youre not crazy at all. This is already being done.

2impendingdoom ago

Or Soros had the embryo planted without McCann's knowledge?

Fateswebb ago

Seems possible, but with that much money why not be able to control the surrogate? This dude controls people on a mass scale..

2impendingdoom ago

well, you could easily "deposit" a whole lot of embryos and then only harvest the ones that have the coloboma, and not worry about having to raise kids you don't want. Also, they probably get a thrill out of knowing that they have tricked people, and later collecting the "product". Its possible that the McCann's knew, or maybe only the father knew, which would explain the video (that i did not watch). "they" being Soros and his agents.

MolochHunter ago

Just take it one step back and its perfectly plausible - not a Soros clone, just Soros as the donor father - maddies blood/marrow/organs would be perfectly serviceable for most conceivable applications

AreWeSure ago

Why not just hire a surrogate mother? Why do you need anything else?

You don't need to be billionaire to hire a surrogate mother.

sugarskull ago

After some of the things I have uncovered in my investigating this whole thing NOTHING is shocking anymore. The , ONLY thing I find crazy is hurting children, pedos and their denial of the fact that they are breaking people in their heinous quests.

Jem777 ago

You guys are missing it with the whole Jew talk as easy as it is to go there. This has been archived but there is something very very deep to this and you have to set aside your bias to find it we all do. The coloboma is an outward sign of RH negative bloodtype. Research this and registry. What if all the stories you were ever told were in fact not true. In 2013 a DNA study revealed that Ashkenazi Jews actually originated from the khazarian region. Not Jews at all.

smokemirrors ago

Hi Jem. Yes, agree with all.

carmencita ago

Nope not at all. I have commented on this scenario before on here. Maddy and Soros both have coloboma which is very rare. I believe she had IVF and the rest is history. Don't think you are crazy. We have seen many things on here WE thought were crazy and reported as true. All thoughts are welcome they could open a new can of worms in this crazy investigation.

Fateswebb ago

Actually in looking at their noses and how different they are I am thinking it's not a clone lol.... george Soros is one ugly man so I wanted to avoid looking at his face lol... but I bit the billet..

carmencita ago

Have you seen his son? He"s not that ugly. Not a clone. IVF. Maddy's Mom is attractive. Not too impossible, really.

YingYangMom ago

Just my opinion, but Maddie's mom isn't attractive at all. Take off the hair and get prepared for a major shock.

Fateswebb ago

The colombama and a renewed interest in cloning being a possibility was what led me to the thought that maybe she isn't just a girl but someone's literal DNA.. maybe even Soros DNA himself. So I'm not the only one to come to this crazy idea. Then surely Soros may have as well.

carmencita ago

She does not have to be a clone. If she used IVFertilization with Soros's sperm. That would make him Maddy's father. Believe me it is not that crazy. People are doing it every day.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Wouldn't put anything beyond Soros. But why would he have to go to such lengths when he could easily pull it off behind the scenes.

Forgetmenot ago

These people are religious fanatics too, they practice satanism. Rituals are also important as much as cloning and IVF and blood drinking, and canabilism. As bizarre as it sounds these are insane people drunk with power and wealth. I have lately been thinking they remind me of Nero. Just total batshit crazy.

Fateswebb ago

Hmmm.. interesting question. Maybe he had motives behind who he chose as the surrogate... thinking...

LargePepperoni ago

Why would the clone be female?

Fateswebb ago

Yeah probably the first gene that was identified was the sex gene. So certainly they could try to engineer, possibly even clones of both sexes. You could have a male and a female version of yourself. Creepy huh?

I wonder where/who her matching brother is now lol...

We could test this by comparing their ears I think and see if they're similar.

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

Don't Jews inherit their heritage through their mother? Possibly Soros and Rothschild want to create a modern day.Khazarian Mafia?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Because these weird Jew/Masons believe that Trannies are the highest form of life and closer to God. I could see them just tweeking the egg to make it female as kind of a spell.

SynapticRevolt ago

Something to do with "duality" perhaps?

Annon365 ago

Gerry McCann is dodgy as fuck , was in the same Masonic lodge as Gordon brown , Also a home movie from when they were on holiday and he says. 'Get out my face before I smash you in the face u cunt, u think I'm here to have a good time ?' Why would he not be there to have a good time he's on holiday?! Very suspicious considering she got taken on the same holiday.

SpikyAube ago

Woah that's really suspicious, is that video still around?

Annon365 ago

It's on YouTube

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Gerry Mccann showing true colours with pact team mccann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUcVncYr6xc I think the one I saw years ago was clearer than this version, but you can see Gerry is not happy about his holiday.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I saw that video. It was suspicious to say the least. Why did he go if he didn't plan to have a good time?

MolochHunter ago

then they must have gone to make some money through some 'activity'

SalOfTheEarth ago

What the fuck

smokemirrors ago

Wonder if its a double bluff and if the 'powers that be' want people to think Gerry & Kate killed Maddie, to take attention away from the fact she was kidnapped by shady factions (Podesta e-fits, Freud, Sex rings etc)

This case kills me. The bigger question for me is not so much whether they killed her or not, but how Mr and Mrs Nobody, from Bumfuck, UK had immediate access to the very cream of the British elite, right from the second Maddie was report missing. Friends with Gordon Brown the Prime Minister (at the time); access to former Freud's, Mohammad Al Fayed, and Royal Family spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell; protection from Carter Ruck, the most expensive and feared litigators in Europe; limitless access to media outlets at will; choice airtime with bigwigs such as Oprah; the lack of culpability for leaving 3 small children under the age of 5 in a room all alone for hours...

Just who the fuck are Kate and Gerry McCann??

ObscureAcademia ago

Jerry and Kate McCann are middle class doctors with connections running to high ranking Freemasons in government and media. They are friends with Jim Gamble who allegedly cleared up Gerry's CAT file.

One issue they deliberately tried to downplay, was the coloboma condition in "their" daughters eye. IVF produces clones, as you know. A twin of the father.

Pizzagate contains elements of a scientific plot, namely for one, the continuation of the NAZI MKUltra project but also the quest to study the genetics of "pure blood", that is to say, blood which does not contain the protein associated with the major bloodtypes.

Blood which has not been interfered with, genetics which have been altered. So on and so forth. This is why we find most people in power, are related by blood. They consider themselves genetically superior. The tribe of Dan for example, as well as others.

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

ARYAN from Sanskrit ārya ‘noble’ + -an.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466996

edit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

https://amp.reddit.com/r/Operation_Berenstain/comments/5gqsgd/voat_children_with_extremely_rare_genetic/ https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44836

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxYKvkKVvMEYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube

This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1471-4159.1976.tb04456.x/full

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%B3lkvangr

EDIT - extension https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/d6/c2/d7d6c29068506d745059b901c7a0e13b.jpgJPG

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=waardenburg%20caris http://www.caris.wales.nhs.uk/ear-anomalies-and-hearing-loss

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Yes, it is commonly found as a visual indicator of a deeper genetic quirk within the Pax6 transcriptor. It's also largely involved in our sense of smell, the olfactory bulb is responsible for neurogenesis, the production of stemcells, which are critical to organ and clone engineering.

Let's not forget where this began, with the NAZI twin research...

YingYangMom ago

This is all very interesting and informative. Nice sourced research. Kudos for the work and energy put into this. Worth looking into.

strix-varia ago

Oh gawd theres that awful oprah word again. The McCanns seem like another fake family.

smokemirrors ago

YES! Oprah, the very definition of stepford wife brain washing main stream shite idiocracy.

The_Bohemian ago

If you think Gerry McCann was a nobody before hand, you haven't read enough about him. He was a health advisor for the UK government already at the time.

smokemirrors ago


LostandFound ago

IMO you need to ask who is Clarence Mitchell and why was he sent to the McCanns only 3 days after she went missing. He took a job working for the son of peadophile clement Freud 15 months into the investigation.

He was only let go recently from his work with the McCanns and now this..

smokemirrors ago

Mitchell has always been the shadiest of shady spindoctor fucks, dating back to his time with Mohamed Al Fayed, who is as shady as it gets. (Al Fayed's brother-in-law was World's no 1 arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi). Then everyone knows his connection to Princess Diana, who was allegedly killed because she was going to blow open pedogate, same as Jill Dando.

Brits, help us blow open the Chipping Norton, Freud, Murdoch, phone hacking, Al Fayed, Royals, etc gates wide open. ALL related. ALL connected to McCanns, Pizzagate, Worldwide Pedophilia and more. Research, report, help us. PLEASE.

edit: spelling

LostandFound ago

I may have a character of note that does not come up in this conversation often, Sarah Latham. I am still working on connections but she seems to be the connection between the Podestas and Freud, and from her work as Special Adviser I understand she worked closely with Mitchell, perhaps as his handler.

Sarah Latham - Special Assistant to White House Chief of Staff John Podesta and Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling from 1996 to 2000

2005 Sarah Latham worked for Tony Blair on his re-election campaign quits job as **Director of Public Affairs at Freud Communications **to work with UK Labor Tessa Jowell.

Founded Latham Group in 2006. Special Advisor to the U.K. Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

November 2008 Sara Latham ex director from Freud is taken on by the Obama / Democratic party transition team

November 2008 John Podesta serves as co-chair of same Obama transition team

smokemirrors ago

This is indeed awesome. Thank you! Im working on a direct connection between McCanns and lobbyists in Washington. I hope David Seaman is reading all this!

LostandFound ago

Something I started working on a while back but have not picked up the torch again recently to my shame. Perhaps there may be something of use to you here. I thought the podesta look a likes in the police sketches were complete way out there nonsense but then I looked closer and I think theres something more to it.


smokemirrors ago

no shame at all! We all have jobs and voat/pgate can be overwhelming. The McCann case is of particular interest to me, however and so my ears always prick up at any new development! Im hoping to see this definitively tied to Pizzagate.

unkyshaun ago

They killed her in that villa, 5A. Watch Rich planet(Richard D Hall.) On youtube. 4 hours long but he is the best McCann researher there is.Will answer many questions. Here's the thing. The 2 best cadaver and human secretion dogs came to Spain. They both indicated in the villa, back of McCanns car, car parking spot,etc. The kidnapping was created and fed by Blairs PR man Clarence Mitchell. (Blair is a pedo)He is so connected he got a meeting with the Pope! Maddie is dead, dogs don't lie. Martin Grime used Eddie and Keela. One for cadaver material, one for blood to make it foolproof. The FBI hired Martin and his dogs after the McCann search because they were the best in the world. Around 200 cases, 100% accuracy. When in America, C.Thomas tried to shame Martin when a suspect was released, trotting the McCanns out for another oress conference for sympathy. The dogs indicated on furniture that had been moved from the murder location and cops were too dumb to make the connection. The guy later admitted to the murder and verified the dogs indications. 100% record intact but no media conference by Thomas??? And the really sick part....in her book Kate said "it's awful to think of them tearing at her perfect genitalia" referring to "kidnappers". Take out "awful" and she's telling the truth for once. Question is : were they raping her alive, dead or both? She met with Clement Freud and ge took her in. Pedophile takes her in? The Podesta brothers talk about their friend Clem in Potugal. Clement Freud.

smokemirrors ago

Appreciate this thoughtful response. Oh god, didn't know Kate wrote that line in her book "....perfect genitalia." Are you kidding? This goes beyond the realms of comprehension. What the FUCK kind of mother writes that shit?

I did watch the rich hall doc a few years back, skipping through it (was so lengthy) but remember the bit about the dogs. I still think they're a red herring but regardless...what are we saying here, exactly? Maddie was accidentally killed in the apt by elite pedos who were given access while the parents had dinner? Then pedos took her somewhere (to hide her? revive her?) hence Kate running back to Tapas 7 screaming "theyve taken her"....?

What of the e-fits resembling the Podestas? How, where, what point did they show up? E-fits created in 2008, released in 2013; Pizzagate email leaks 2016. Noone knew who the Podestas were (in UK, Europe, anyway) until leaks occurred in Dec 2016, but the e-fits are undeniably them? Did Clarence Mitchell, and the crooked detective (Kevin Halligen) hired by the mccanns in 2008, know that 'podesta/pizzagate' was going to blow open several years later? How?

I wish we could find the definitive smoking gun. Maybe they WERE protected because of 'freemason' Gerry, but the SPEED at which this was hushed up/hijacked suggests he/Kate are so much more....Kate had barely uttered the words "they've taken her" before the story broke all over the British media, interrupting shows, scheduling and front pages.

Maddies eye coloboma also integral part of this case, especially with recent scientific studies suggesting link with anti-aging genes. Maddie was IVF baby and not Gerry's reportedly. Who IS the father? Some rando...or Soros, as everyone seems to be positing?

Kate and Gerry lie in every interview theyve ever given. Because of their guilt at killing her and the cover up, or because they know she is still alive (they possibly still have access to her) and have been brainwashed/paid $$$ to trot out the same deceitful narrative in every insipid interview?

This is maddening.

blind_sypher ago

Maddy has an eye defect thats noticable in 2 of the other kids in Alefantis's instagram photos. Soros also has the same defect. It has to do with aging and the pax23? Protein complex. Very valid reason to kidnap someone like that.

MAGABoomer ago

There's supposition Gerry wasn't the biological father.

unkyshaun ago

Yup she said it the sick fuck. Soros has coloboma too. Watch Soros watching Haitian kids dance with Hilary as part of a 60 minutes story and tell me he's not a pedo. Never seen him smile but he looks like a demented Joker caricature. Soros frozen sperm + surrogate = Madeleine?? Not impossible. I lost the link but Podestas talk about holidaying with "Clem" and didn't email during the McCann disappearance, when daily Emailers normally.

smokemirrors ago

do you have link to soros clinton vid?

smokemirrors ago

Thanks @dickface8 :) this has been discussed on voat before, no? I don't recall seeing much media with HRC and Soros "working" (salivating!?) closely together...

unkyshaun ago

My pcs playing up but I'll try. Not sure how to link it on my phone. Any tips smokemirrors?

smokemirrors ago

Absolutely. Looks like dickface8 has posted it, but in future, if iPhone, bring it up in safari, hover/press on URL, hit 'cut' then go to voat comment, press on phone, it will bring up 'paste' option. Hit Paste. Otherwise, just tell us key words and we can google it and someone can post the link for you :)

Forgetmenot ago

I think it's a stretch to assume that cadaver dogs equal Madelines corpse. Knowing what we know about these satanist there could have been other human corpses in that apartment. There is also a changeling ritual where they kidnap a child and reenact the changeling myth. The satanists do things that are beyond our imagination. Assuming a dead body can only be madelines is an asssumption. The cadaver dogs signaled a dead body....whose body that is or was remains to be determined. Never jump to conclusions, the E Fit photos connect Madeline with men that look like the podesta brothers. There might be other victims aside from Madeline. What we know: 1. the parents are negligent and liars, 2. the cops seem complicit, 3.the cadavers signaled a dead body. 4.An Efit sketch resembling the podesta brothers were seen outside the residence. Where is Madeline? Beyond that everything else is conjecture. Supposedly some people have suggested she was seen alive playing cards with podesta? Maybe she was sacrificed. We don't know, but the podestas were placed at the scene. That cannot be ignored.

unkyshaun ago

Thanks forgetmenot. Good call. Not definitively Maddie but the indication in their rental car is pretty damning don't you think. Especially when the pathetic excuse was "spoiled food". Even Clarence Thomas couldn't provide a half believable excuse for that.

Ocelot ago

"It's awful to think of them tearing at her perfect genitalia."

Who the fuck talks about their own child like this?

markrod420 ago

Wtf... did a woman really say that about her child??????????

unkyshaun ago

Extremely sick perverted pedos!!

Forgetmenot ago

I was thinking the same thing what a sick and bizarre woman.

paulf ago

I've read an enormous amount about the case and had a host of all sorts of wild theories of my own until I read this page here. All of the claims there check out.

Sickening. As he says, tick tock tick tock.

Don-Keyhote ago

He has an epic article I found on Google when I remembered Gerry was a cardiologist, needs immediate connecting to Clintons https://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2016/03/17/britains-dirty-organ-scandal/

paulf ago

Well, the McCanns are connected to the Podesta brothers in two different ways. One is of course the photofits and the other is the association with Clement Freud.

YingYangMom ago

This makes a whole lot of sense. Too bad the author of this article has no source to support these claims. Maybe, if there were pedophiles out there or their spouses or anyone that have seen Madeleine being abused and tortured on tape, or have seen the actual snuff film and came forward, this would break the case wide open and get Madeleine the justice she deserves.

In other words, we would need a whistleblower that actually has a tape. Very long shot, but not impossible.

ObscureAcademia ago

People did see suggestion of her being bused. It was called The Gaspar Statements and two doctors who holidayed with the family before the dissapearance claim that Gerry McCann was sucking his finger and touching his nipples while speaking to a man by the name of David, saying "does mad do this" etc. The Gaspar Statements: http://thegaspersstatement.blogspot.co.uk/

YingYangMom ago

Yes, I do know about those statements, that's why I believe she was sexually abused by her parents and friends and also why I find the article linked above to be a very credible theory. Thanks for the link to the Gaspar Statements anyhow :)

smokemirrors ago

Ive read this before and dont disagree at all with most of it! But Maddie's eye colobuma (no coincidence) makes her far too valuable to be used in a satanic ritual; if it was any other kid, sure.

ObscureAcademia ago

Perfect cloning candidate. Wonder what her bloodtype is because apparently they cannot clone RH-.

SpikyAube ago

Apparently he is a freemason, a member of a Scottish lodge or order or whatever it's called.

Womb_Raider ago

Freemasons are evil as hell.

Forgetmenot ago

The Freemason are evil scum.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

We later learn Gerry and Kate became good friends with a child molester during the search for Madeline. That's a weird connection. What bothered me most about this case is that neither parent seemed to be sorry for letting the kids stay in the room alone. There was a children's center at the resort. Also in apartment care was available and yet they decided to leave the kids alone. I consider this child neglect.

blind_sypher ago

Theres suspect sketches that look exactly like Tony John and weiner. EXACTLY.

Forgetmenot ago

Absolutely! Why are we amateurs able to see there is a problem? The police are clearly complicit.

lurkinginvestigator ago

What does this mean for the case?



lawfag123 ago

Pedophiles reee

Echo through the universe

Jimmies are rustled

smokemirrors ago

In English, please?