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nocodewordsplease ago

Wait until wildfire season arrives in California again this year.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

That was definitely artificial with the way they burned leaving straight lines and not melting certain materials.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

UKD ago

The most profitable business are trafficking drugs, weapons, and people. I think a lot of the ultra rich make their money that way, and funnel/launder the money into legitimate businesses. At the beginning of every great fortune there is a great crime.

fogdryer ago

why did you name I Marcos?

Mad_As_Helll ago

Her husband supplied Getty and others with trafficked kids according to CDAN article linked above. She supposedly has a recording of Getty striking a deal with Marcos in which several world leaders are named.

Mad_As_Helll ago

Her beachfront property has lots of suspicious features, children’s toys everywhere, handcuffs, satanic imagery spraypainted on the walls, similar Egyptian style decor to Epstein Island

xolotltlaloc ago

Wow, that is awesome! I mean.. awesome that these guys went and did this.

Frankly, they should have used ski masks to cover their faces, because this is probably trespassing -- minimally.

but very noice!

gustodog ago

That vault area is interesting too... possible place to store kids until they can be picked up.

fogdryer ago


HelloDolly ago

Can someone explain how this connects to the recent "back in the news" fast and furious thing?

MolochHunter ago

as far as i know its just coincidence in that there was some judicial decision to allow fast & furious re-investigation to progress on the very same day as this bust

xolotltlaloc ago

This supports the long-held theory that The Getty (II) Museum is an HQ for child trafficking - complete with underground tunnels connecting to playboy mansion, and beyond.

gustodog ago

Hidden in plain site, scandalous to raid, justification for secured storage, justification for guarded transport in and out of secured storage, etc. Makes sense.

xolotltlaloc ago

Further supports the theory that Getty Museum II is connected to a network of underground tunnels (linked to playboy mansion, for example) that are used for child trafficking.

pizzaequalspedo ago


xolotltlaloc ago

That's awesome - check out how NBC describes the weapons as "the private collection".

Protecting the rich.

This was gun running. Pure and simple. ("private collection" - meh - like it's fucking art)

fogdryer ago

where were these guns going to

xolotltlaloc ago

I suspect they were unmarked inventory to give to their network of child traffickers.

new4now ago

If that amount of hardware was found and being a private collection, there would be more than fire arms in there

Wonder why a warrant was issued to someone close to the Getty's

Is Power slipping?

Or is someone being taught a lesson?

xolotltlaloc ago

really good question. i would like to think that "Power is slipping".

new4now ago

I would really like to know just what kind of guns there are

millennial_vulcan ago

I was wondering that too. Why release this news now. Who’s warning who about what.

This shit was done deliberately.


carmencita ago

Been out all day, but when I saw this on the news this morn it hit me right away. Somethings up. Trafficking was my first thought. What are you protecting with that kind of stash? Definitely the fact that they presented it the way they did, it was to send a message. Also yes, Private Collection, what a joke. @new4now

new4now ago

I would like to know just what kind of guns taken

Are there a number of the same gun?

Are there old guns?

I thinking of guns that would be in a " collection"

Hope this story continues in news, something stinks that's for sure

carmencita ago

That's a lot of guns, even for protection sake. Gun running, imo. They never miss a trick when there is money to be made. They are invested in all the sordid crimes they can profit from. All of them, especially the elites.

new4now ago

Wonder if it ties in with Las Vegas?

Who would he be running them to?


carmencita ago

There could be a tie in with Vegas/Paddock. Now with Paddock gone (?) but is he really. Who knows. Part of Fast and Furious as well. Surely Salinas is tied up with that too. God these people make me sick.

new4now ago

Just found this about the Getty tie arms bust...

The mansion, in an area called Holmby Hills, is down the street from the world-famous Playboy mansion, where Hugh Hefner died at age 91 in 2017.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z apparently live in a mansion less than a mile from the crime scene.

Think Polanski, Nicholson and underground tunnels

Just might have to map that and figure out who owns the mansions now

Playboy Mansion, nearby , hmmmmmmm

new4now ago

Mexico is a powder keg ready to blow

The Cartels are Salinas Army

Damn the Bush family all of them

carmencita ago

OMG the Bushes. And are they really dead? Or still doing their usual harm. I so believe also in what you have just said. The Cartels are Salinas Army and also aided by MS 13. MS 13 is now committing more and more Satanic Crimes. SRA.

new4now ago

MS13 originated in Los Angeles

They go south to recruit

HW Bush, as vice president, was in El Salvador with Ollie North in the 80's

During a tour, he slipped away and had a secret meeting with someone

El Salvador has been a shithole since

Name a country down in South America and the island, where either a Bush or clowns weren't in on making chaos


I think they did one hell of a snow job down there with Hugo Chavez

Chavez was like Gaddafi, he was trying to get the countries resources out of private hands putting it into the Countries hand to better help the people

They sent in violent protesters, took over media SMH

They are doing the same thing in the middle east

Bush and the clowns aren't alone

France wanted back what Gaddafi was doing for the people

Its win win for them

Chaos and easy pickings

I voted for the Bushes, all the patriotic bullshit covering their corruption

Pisses me off

Anyone who watches Game of Thrones, now this..

Aryan isn't the only one with a list

Hillary is tops on list, but she part of the Bush family, if anything, Bill was groomed, but think there's something we are missing

In a way, I hope HW still alive, he needs to pay

carmencita ago

They both need to pay. Him and Her. Their wives are always more powerful than we are led to believe. Look at Cindy McCain. Remember this?

Nicolas Sarkozy in police custody over Gaddafi allegations

I voted for the Bushes too. Sick. But we were duped. We should just be glad we are WOKE now.

new4now ago

Here's an interesting article...

This drawing shows a tunnel running underneath the Playboy Mansion to the "residence of Mr J. Nicholson." It's one of a couple blueprints found in the unfinished basement of the Mansion in Holmby Hills that also shows underground tunnels to the homes of "Mr. W. Beatty," "Mr. J. Caan," and "Mr. K. Douglas." Warren Beatty, James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and Jack Nicholson were all in the neighborhood in the late 1970s and early 1980s, which is the approximate time that these passageways are said to have existed—if they existed at all,

The proposed network was discovered when an editor at uncovered Polaroids, dated 1977, showing some serious excavations at the Playboy Mansion. When asked about the dig photos, the Mansion's general manager casually responded, "that's probably when they built the tunnels in the 70s," like it was totally common knowledge that these celebs, at the height of their stardom, had private paths onto Mansion grounds.

But they also show that the idea for these subterranean routes got far along enough for someone to think seriously about how to connect Warren Beatty's house with the Mansion. Beatty's house, according to the plans, was on the opposite site of the Los Angeles Country Club, on Sunset Boulevard—the tunnel would have had to go under the golf course and part of Sunset.

In the end, no one—not even the initially helpful general manager—will say whether the secret underground network was ever built, though an anonymous staffer did say that they'd "heard [the tunnels] were closed up sometime in 1989." There are more blueprint and excavation photos over at

carmencita ago

Yes, I was looking for that. Also there was one that actually showed the plans. They were remodeling the basement area and found the plans, or so the story goes. I have also heard that Bill Cosby was a real player as well. Don't know that he had a tunnel built though.

new4now ago

They still use the old rat lines I bet

carmencita ago

Oh yes Sure they do. Wonder if there USA map. Somehow I think we had seen one on here.

new4now ago

I don't trust Musk on his tunnel building either

Think there is a network of new Musk tunnels under our Country

As for old tunnels, am sure plenty have been fixed and are in use today

Even New Orleans still have a few

carmencita ago

I don't trust Musk either. I also remember someone posting maps of underground military tunnels all over the country. Virtual rat lines, actually. Every city has tunnels imo. Oregon has some really spooky ones that were researched on here.

new4now ago

Musk has already stated boring under LA

CatsControlTheEU ago

The current california governor's father worked closely with Getty himself.