Matt_Helm ago

Very good and accurate but I don't think they conspired to kill Vic Morrow by crashing the helicopter on him that is way too risky way too complicated. Landis deserved to go to prison for that but I don't think it was a planned murder just a horrible accident that was totally avoidable if not for Landis being an arrogant asshole.

Shizy ago

Well done! Always good work on this very sad topic. Poor Judith, and poor Don too!

Vindicator ago

The most likely time of the murder was sometime between 12 AM-4 AM, 7/27/1988 (which would match "Grand Climax). The killers broke into the house in 7/25. Since a sacrifice is likely,

Hi darkknight. For the sake of those who haven't read all your previous posts on this topic, can you please add some supporting links for the key pieces of the paragraph that begins with the sentence above? Maybe a link that supports the Grand Climax/sacrifice timing (I believe @Honeybee_ did a post that included a law enforcement report on SRA sacrifices). Also a link that supports what you are describing about the crime scene (bodies stacked, etc.).


darkknight111 ago

Put in some relevant links in the murder section. The body pile is likely closer to a triangular heap than a collumn of bodies. I believe Mariana was at the base of the pile.

How I came to my conclusions regarding the time of the time of death. Basically a process of elimination style deduction based on the facts of the case. Chapter 6 is REALLY important in all this. Made a note of that on the thread body.

  1. Official narrative admits the murder took place at nighttime. Narrows down time of death to 7-11:59 PM (7/25), 12 AM-5 AM (7/26), 7-11:59 PM (7/26), or 12 AM-5 AM (7/27).

  2. There were no reports of anyone hearing any gun shots or suspiscious noises until 8:30 AM 7/27. This suggests that a silencer is absolutely nessecary for this crime to occur. There was no evidence of Josephz Barsi owning a silencer.

  3. There was no reports of any suspiscious vehicles coming to and from the Barsi residence. Combined with #2, this essentially rules out both 7-11:59 PM time frames as the true time of death.

  4. There were no reports of any unusual smells coming from the Barsi residence (smell of a dead body, which like gun shots guarantees a law enforcement or 9-11 call). Given how potent the scent of death is and the climate in Canaoga Park during that month (that super bad heat wave), 12-5 AM (7/26) can be ruled out. Weather like that can spread the scent of death within less than 12 hours. Keep in mind I studied microbiology and ecology in college.

With these, the true time of death can be assessed as 12-5 AM 7/27. I wish I had a way to prove it, but I suspect that heat wave was a geo engineering false flag to push the “muh global warming” narrative, which was triggered by that very heat wave. How ironic that a false flag exposed one of the crimes of their high level Pedowood operative. “These people are stupid”.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, dk!

carmencita ago

Saw this in the chan posts

Please don't be Clint or William Shatner, but i'm afraid these numbers may confirm. Sreencap. HH

If it's Bill Murray or Tom Hanks I'll kill myself. WHAT? God are these people stupid. Stop the Idolatry Such a sad commentary on our times.

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Thank You Again for your tireless pursuit of SS. When you added Caine to the mix I wanted to cheer. I had long hated him because every time I saw him he made me feel creepy. Now I know why. The Crispin Glover piece is a powerful read. When will the fans of SS realize that everyone wearing a baseball cap and directing movies is not worthy of their adoration. Adoration that blocks and blinds their judgement. t is called Idolatry. I hope someday they will find out who and what they have been Idolizing.

This is a very important post that I hope many new members will take a look at and hopefully read in full. Pedowood is an integral part of pizzagate.