think- ago

Hi @darkknight111, thanks again for your post! I will unsticky it now, so that we'll be able to sticky a new post.

Please keep up the excellent work! :-)

darkknight111 ago


Do you have anyway to help the European front with this op?

There is some good news. Awareness/call to arms of this OP is snowballing on Twitter.

think- ago

I will look into it in the next couple of days - sorry, currently very busy. Thank you again for all the work you are doing!

AmericanRev ago

Both Heather and Judith died in 1988.

  • Heather O Died: February 1, 1988, Rady Childrens Specialist, Encinitas, CA
  • Judith Barsi Died: July 25, 1988, Canoga Park, Los Angeles, CA

Why 1988?

  Why was the Satanic Cult Awareness Training guide posted in 1988.

Feb 2 Candlemans, Oimele, Lady Day, Imbok (SABBAT FESTIVAL) Welcoming Spring Marks the transformation of the Goddess from mother to young virgin. Mass initiations, Animal/human Sacrifice


July 20-27 Sacrifice prep; Blood. Kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice


July 25 St. James' Day; Blood


These people are sick.

darkknight111 ago

Meme that. I believe Judith’s true date of death was 7/27 aka Grand Climax.

AmericanRev ago

Grand Climax - following your analysis - here is another post with more details of notable sacrifices during the Grand Climax (i.e.: names of children.) - Apologies if this was already posted in pizzagate. July 27th Blood Moon, Satanic Calendar and Child Ritual Sacrifice

also another resource on Satanic Holidays From the Open Scroll


  • Jul 27 Grand Climax (5 weeks, 1 day after summer solstice);
  • Type: Da Meur;
  • Usage: oral, anal, vaginal, human sacrifice;
  • Age: female (child or adult)

Seems to be more than coincidence...

KingmakersDaughter ago

Oh yes Twitter can't kick me off. I'm "protected" they do however shadowbann me. That being said I'm terrible at all the other social media including Voat but I'd do Twitter in a heartbeat for this cause see @Worldgoneweirde for examples. I want Speilburg in GITMO!

darkknight111 ago

Welcome aboard. Glad to have you.

If you want, there’s some meme images right here in this thread that just need text on them to create finished memes.

Once we have some finished memes, this OP can do some serious flying.

Time for Spielberg to know some pain.

KingmakersDaughter ago

Hi i am a great meme warrior with over 220,000 tweets consisting of pizzagate, 2016 election SCOTUS ECT. I have a large British following too. I am @Worldgoneweirde on Twitter. Better known as The Kingmakers Grandaughter.

darkknight111 ago

Fun Meme Fact: The very Martha’s Vineyard from the Pedosta emails was a setting for Jaws the Revenge.“Martha’s+Vineyard”&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type%5B%5D=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

carmencita ago

This keeps getting uglier and uglier. The handkerchief.

darkknight111 ago

Behold, a soundtrack for us goats as we make our memes, make them viral, and we make Pedowood shit themselves with this OP.

Honeybee_ ago


darkknight111 ago

What I need are some cyber pedohunter groups like Anon Hive to act as “Black Watch” (ie hacker) to go into the code of pro censorship social media like twitter -> identify any coding for hash tag suppression, censorship algorithms, and any shadow bans -> destroy it so they’ll be completely defenseless when its time for the op.

corruption-usa ago

wow, totally agree. Images can't be censored, so more images.

Here's a great one bc the image has the message from Q that opens all the doors on Pizzagate...

It's from this article:

KingmakersDaughter ago

My memes are censored on Twitter they cover them with grey boxes.

corruption-usa ago

There is a setting -- it asks you if you want to consider your posts to come with a potential warning for others. You can unclick that, then it needs to wait for someone to complain about first.

festytesty ago

Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic World delete the J - U R A SSIC WORLD. Right in your face

Piscina ago

I notice that John Doe and Enty Lawyer (Twitter) have been pressing hard on Spielberg!

darkknight111 ago

Very interesting timing.

To be honest, I posted this thread because I’ve been getting a feeling deep in my sub concious saying that NOW is the time to strike. I don’t know WHY though.

Piscina ago

I thought maybe you had told them. It does seem a bit coincidental.

3141592653 ago

Hey darkknight, check out this article

Unless I'm mistaken, this article describes multiple aspects of the crime differently

carmencita ago

Daly said she had encouraged Maria several times to move out. But she said the woman would reply that she had worked too hard helping her daughter's acting career to give up her family and home. On Friday, Daly said, there appeared to be a more pressing reason not to leave.

Maria Barsi must have been one heck of a energetic stage mother. She must have ad some contact with SS. She claims also to have had an apt. for decompressing. That costs money. Wonder what happened to that 12K check. I would wager that LE was more than happy to alter their report.

darkknight111 ago

It gives us a definite time stamp for the fire.

I’ve seen other articles saying the bodies were stacked.

Note that no date of the murders was indicated (the bang is the explosion), yet detective Palmer believes the deaths happened on 9/25 based on the account given by Judith Barsi’s agent.

I suspect “Mocking Bird” is involved in the media around this time.

3141592653 ago

Operation MB?

darkknight111 ago

Yep. Operation Mocking Bird. CIA coordinated media control op.

darkknight111 ago

r/the_donald has been contacted about this op.

They have lots of memers, so this is a good move.

new4now ago

Steven Spielberg's child stars

new4now ago

You've done one hell of a job putting all this together

wish their was more than an upvote to give you

you need a star :)

3141592653 ago


new4now ago

couldn't we put pressure on the now adult child stars that are all too familiar with SS?

How many child actor/actresses who work with SS when they were children, died young?

What kind of lists can we come up with?

Those silent of these crimes are guilty of enabling

you would think guilt would way heavy

darkknight111 ago

A list of child actors who have worked with spielberg and died young is a good one for a meme/infograph.

Judith Barsi, Heather O’Rourke, Corey Haim.

Piscina ago

Great post and great idea.

carmencita ago

They were not that smart stacking the family as they did. You were smart enough to figure it out. Those that have strong stomachs should really read the back threads on Judith and Heather. Gut wrenching but so necessary if we want to get revenge for their murders. :(

WeWillWin233 ago

RIP little angles

I’m preparing.


Vindicator ago

Sure, darknight. I've given this the Share! flair. Thanks for organizing this..

darkknight111 ago

I’m considering getting /pol involved with this too.

Vindicator ago

I think that is a good idea. And the 8chan Q research board.

carmencita ago

Upvoat. You are Amazing! That picture of Caine with Judith on his lap is Powerful. Now I know why I have disliked Caine all of my life. Just starting to think of Judith and Heather makes me so ready for this to finally expose these Little Girl Rapist Murderers to the World.

RIP Heather RIP Judith