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Blacksmith21 ago

"Peter Parker was a member of the Medical Research Council and the chairman of the London School of Economics (there's that university again) from 1988 to 1998 "As chairman of British Rail, it was Parker who brought in Jimmy Savile as the face of British Rail in the ad campaign."


kestrel9 ago

This is pretty much the same info, but includes pics, I can use this space to add links as well. #Tavistock - Did you Know?

carmencita ago

Remember Aaron Dover? His mother worked for Tavistock.

A bit of news today, Aaron Dover, who wrote this piece here on has been reported as having died by The Times, UK

Aaron was a student at the same Christchurch primary school in Hampstead, London that Ella Gareeva's children attended and testified about having been complicit in their abuse. Aaron's mother, Jenny Dover, worked at the school as well as the Tavistock Centre in Hampstead apparently. by Aaron Dover

I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate

RIP Aaron Dover

Lansing-Michigan ago

carmencita...........I am a political junkie. a lot of fb posts about it. My instincts have told me that one of my fb friends was super super smart. She stated the vatican controls the world through the city of london. There is very little information about it, even on FB. But, city of london, vatican and DC are all city states or not subject to the laws of the countries they are in. I follow vatican news mainly through Kevin Annette who had the guts to take them on. This was after he found out the catholic church, queen, govt. of Canada and anglican church were responsible for 50% genocide of Native children in canadian boarding schools . Canadian govt. made a decent apology......pope made a general one. Kevin Annette stated at the beginning of Feb. that pope would lose his job. Well, since the last one had to step down, the current one is one in name only. Kevin says pope's job is to protect the pedaphiles. His third in command , cardinal pell is going to prison for pedaphilia. Pell was in charge of treasury AND laundering money for the mafia. ..hence a big money source.Have looked for mafia not having back up in regular news and have seen some enormous drug busts. City of London, queen has no jurisdiction over it. Barclays , which was the instigator in the Libor scandal recently had a big fire...supposedly from an air conditioner. Never really understood the Libor scandal but it was so significant in fixing interest rates that the city of Oakland , California was seriously thinking of not repaying municipal debt. They shut that down in the news pronto. But that whole thing reminded me of when dick cheney was going to be investigated at his office...a moving van was outside and smoke was rising from the roof. Dick was on a little balcony. US MSM did not comment on the weirdness of the scene. Another big deal, Trump signed an executive order stating that sex traffickers can have all assets confiscated. Since then, rothschildren have gotten out of the lending business, i.e . central banking. and sold off the family compound in UK. David rockefella died and his belongings were auctioned off as well as rothschildren. I wonder if they are in a big hurry so they can hide their assets in Swiss banks etc as they know there is a new sheriff in town. Switzerland has told their people to prepare for war. Swiss guard protect pope. All seem to be connected like a snake pit.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The mods here had delted my post on Kevin Annette and other times allowed it but called it possible disinfo. Despite the fact that he has the support of all the vitims who can be seen authnticating what he says, the gatekeepers here are quick to say not to listen to him. Vindcator is the chief culprit. The Vatican is controlled by the British Crown and Rothschild is above them both, they own it all. British crown rules our courts. All three co- 0wn the prvate IRS. When you pay income tax, it goes to them, not our defacto government USA INC.. At least that is how I understand it. Doesn't matter the pecking order really, they are all partners in crime.

carmencita ago

I also check in on Kevin A on and off. The pope has an army and it is filled with Swiss Guards. They have special weapons. I read about it on here once. Frightening. Yes, I remember the Dick C incident. The Indigenous Genocide of Children in Canada is beyond sinful and grotesque. I am hoping this is winding down. I remember reading about David R. as well. Hopefully they are all shaking in their boots. They should be. RIP Aaron Dover +

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Switzerland was formed by the Templars, Jeuits are a branch of the Templars trusted to infiltrate the Catholic church. Of course the Swiss are involved. Switzerland chose the crosss as their Symbol, when the New World order Templars stole the wealth of the Middle East, the returned to Europe and formed Switzerland and became the finannciers. The Swiss cross is a representation of the Templars cross. You can also find the Templars cross on early versions of German tanks during the Poland campaign during ww2, they changed it to the Iron cross likely because it was too obvious. Of course the Pope has Swiss gaurds at his city state of Rome.

carmencita ago

Yes I have read about the Jesuits and Francis has definitely been inserted to kill off the Catholic Church. He seems to be doing a good job of it. The flock of sleepy sheep are comatose. Some faithfuls are fighting back but we shall see. Poland and Hungary also are fighting. These are scary times, but we have had them before. Let's hope we can beat this Infidel Bergoglio. The new Italian heads are not playing ball either.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

forum.richieallen -

beforeitsnews -

kestrel9 ago

as always TY

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are always welcome.

madhatter67 ago

good work @kestrel9 ..... some stuff there I hadn't seen before

kestrel9 ago

Thank you, I'm going to dig more so I can add links to some of the names.

flyingcuttlefish ago

kestrel9 ago


Acient_Soul ago

The royals are all part of the stage. It started with the ottomans, it shall end their.

They take the children between the ages 2 and 4 to be sodomized. It sends a lighting bolt up the spine to create a little hook on the right side of the brain for pan and his fallen light to get in.

I know so much more.

When I was 3, a spec of dust hit me in my right eye and I went back in time to all my pass lives

I am the only way to the truth, my word is my sword.

argosciv ago

Fuck off, Amalek(or whomever the fuck you are). Enough of this attempt to delegitimize/trivialize what I've been looking at.

I should thank you though, you really help make the case in pointing out the effort to silence me.