Warmoose76 ago

"these great!" who says that about real shitty low quality pedo and faggot art? What kind of person is so enthusiastic about garbage?

YogSoggoth ago

Someone who should be investigated my LEO authorities.

Piscina ago

This photo on her facebook page features lots of pentagram tattoos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10100798316035139&set=t.544542990&type=3&theater

Nilay Lawson (b. 1980, Würzburg, Germany) received her BFA in Design from the Corcoran College of Art + Design in Washington DC in 2002. She has since been involved in the DC art scene as curator, artist, teacher, and graphic designer.


This joint artwork piece features the black and white chequered floor.

Another of her 'artworks' which is literally a pile of shit.

teytin ago

wecanhelp ago

I haven't been around in a while, but had to upvote and comment on this. Good job, @Heisenberg123. Back to the roots. Did you research the people liking this post of hers?

Heisenberg123 ago

I already knew about Maria Habib. She is friend of James Alefanits, Justin Barrows, Joseph Wills, Nilay Lawson, Avi Gupta and probably many others from this pedophile crew. https://www.facebook.com/maninahabib

Her nick on Instagram is Maninoush: https://www.instagram.com/maninoush/

In the past she liked pictures from Justin Barrows:

https://archive.fo/nrqZJ/2e84c2798dc79535bd3f295639af4a3ca909945c/scr.png https://archive.fo/XavGT/6cc0c68e2b54a1ff4a6db9509a81f214e8d4421e/scr.png

wecanhelp ago

Nice, thank you. Keep up the good work.

fogdryer ago

In November 2003, Lawson oversaw the menu and preparations for a lunch hosted by Tony Blair at Downing Street for George W. Bush and his wife during their state visit to the UK.[49] Former First Lady of the United States, Laura Bush, is said t............


fogdryer ago


Celebrity chef from England. I know she’s done drugs . Wonder where she falls in this ?

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carmencita ago

Vile. Just horribly vile. They usually say look at a person's friends and it will tell you who they are. Yeah.

Btw, the girl that needs a cage, well that's CARRIS.

Fresh-Oxygen ago

Yesterday, so mush people pushing that the gay commmunity have nothing to do with the reproduction of children molesters. Even if the Christian Church bought by the Banksters is now a factory of Children molester gay raping Children to create more of them. And that, on the Pizzagate sub, we have everything and even video about like in sweden gay bar, full of pervert children molester admitting the shit. But I have to admit it myself, a woman with so big balls that she is attacking James Alefantis de Bankster of "Vile". Wow!!! Without saying that he is a nephilim or like the JIDF on /r/The_Donald that he is just someone working for Microsoft. Wow!!!

There is lot of work to dig in Europe, Belgium, France, Italy, everywhere! Marc Dutroux is a goldmmine. Hillary drunk on shitty low quality Vodfka could admit it herself, when she and Obama and her friends are not busy to burning Cathedrals. Irreplaceable millenars treasures for so shorts lives on shitty low quality Vodkas. Not even Vodkas in fact, just a fake name.

In the past, in my country, in the middle age where most of the population were good peasants family. The people were living like normal good people, peacefully. When sommething rare happened like incest, a ugly man who rape his own daughter, people began to speak about a monster in the village. The child look more and more like an empty soul. And then when he was caught on the fact, he run in the woods, the villagers encircle him, so in a last desesperate action of adrenaline and fear for his smelly butt, he scream, growl, act like a beast with saliva full from his mouth. Like a Demon, just a infantile weak adult imbecile caught, knowing what was he doing was extremely bad. The good villagers were scared by this degenerate vision but killed him because they love and respect the children, they know that they are their most precious treasure, their future, it's genetic, how our universe is working, how we are made, and that you must be the less of the less sub-human to took the innocence of something so fragile contrary to a proud warrior on a Battlefield to save his village or an Hunter tooking the life of a rabbit to IMPEACH his family to starve. That is the story of the Werewolf. This is what the Degenerates in PedoWood are calling today, with malice and lies, the Dark Age.

darkknight111 ago

I always thought the werewolf story was an allegory to rabies. Humanity was terrified of the disease back in the day. Much of the mythology makes sense under this context.

Being bitten by werewolf turns the victim into a werewolf (rabies is spread by infected saliva).

Hydrophobia (symptom of rabies along with frothing at the mouth).

Transform at the full moon (average incubation time is 14-21 days, with the variance being 7-28 days, which aligns with lunar cycles).

Feral brutality (the “furious form” rabies, note that “dumb form” exists too).

carmencita ago

I could not have said it better. I am going to guess you may be from Hungary. Don't have to tell. Yes, there were some bad people many years ago, but mostly good hard working people. Now the world has turned evil. These Werewolves attack the Children to create even more Werewolves and more evil. We must work hard to change this for the sake of Our Children and yes, as you say, because they are Our Future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. +

auralsects ago
