theooeht ago


Spacey has to be pretty well up in rank of the cabal. He's been at this a long time and is a huge freak. Remember what Jolie said in that video that keeps getting scrubbed. She said that through performing rituals, you earn the right to blackmail. Then you have that person at your beck and call. I would suspect Spacey has earned quite a bit ... then there's what he himself personally witnessed.

To me it's sad that that big of a POS has any power ... let alone this much.

fogdryer ago

he daddy brutally raped him time after time, beat him and his younger brother...………...I would have killed my personally then go out into the world hurting people

theooeht ago

Most likely somebody did.

It's like the painting Podesta had on the wall ... the one about being the one who's eating dinner or the one eaten for dinner. We know which way Epstein went.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NinaSparrow ago

Damn. - Ok what happened to Culkin? I may have missed that. I pray hes alright. thanks 😘

darkknight111 ago

Different Culkin.

NinaSparrow ago

Oh gotcha! Thanks ♡

ScientiaPotentia ago

What a cohencidence.

basedmangod2015 ago

here is your daily reminder that cosmic pizza HAS NO BASEMENT.

sAVAgeBeastN ago

No BASSMENT. But C.hild P.orn __ on their servers.. SFs.

drhitler ago

probably threatened the DS with blackmail on a dead mans switch if they dont clean up this mess for him.

Vindicator ago

Glad you archived that heart attack gun article. I've been looking for a good roundup of the primary sources on that topic for a while!

The NYT took down the 1975 article "Colby describes CIA poison work" that the Citizen Truth story referenced sometime after August 17, 2018. Luckily, some savvy soul archived it on that date before they wiped it.

Heh. We're the News now.

I love having references like this from liberal sources to use on liberals when they try to play the "conspiracy theory" card.

What's really intriguing about this is that it points to the possibility that the CIA in the 1970s was not controlled by the same people as the NYT, like they are today, otherwise why would they have reported on it and now have to scrub it?

@darkknight111 @160065002

srayzie ago

Plus there’s this...

Yes, There is a CIA Heart Attack Gun – A 1975 Congressional Hearing Confirmed it

In 1975 a congressional hearing revealed the CIA had numerous top-secret weapons including a gun that became known as the “CIA heart attack gun.”

In 1975 Congress investigated the CIA out of concern that former President Nixon may have used the CIA in an abuse of his powers. Nixon had resigned from office the previous year on August 9, 1974, fearing impeachment amidst the Watergate scandal. One revelation from the Congressional hearings was that the CIA had a secret assassination weapon otherwise known as the “heart attack gun”.

According to a video interview with Mary Embree, a former CIA employee, she was asked to help develop an “ice gun”. The CIA asked her to help find a poison which when administered would mimic a heart attack in a person but remain undetectable.

She said the heart attack gun reportedly could pierce through clothing, leaving no signs of impact on the skin except a small red dot. The targeted person would feel nothing beyond a slight sting, comparable to a mosquito bite.

In the 1998 video interview Embree said, “The poison was frozen into some sort of dart and then it was shot at very high speed into the person. When it reached the person it would melt inside them, and there would be a tiny red dot on their body, which was hard to detect. There wouldn’t be a needle or anything like that left in the person.”

There’s more to read but this video is a must watch...


carmencita ago

The Black Cube?

carmencita ago

The Black Cube A select group of veterans from the Israeli elite intelligence units that specialises in tailored solutions to complex business and litigation challenges

Advisory Board The late Meir Dagan, Efraim Halevey, Yohanan Donino, Giora Eiland, Asher Tishler, Paul Reyniers, Golan Malka, Itiel Maayan, Mati Leshem,

Dagan and Helevy were both Directors of the Mossad. Donino was Israeli Police Commissioner, Eiland headed IDF'S Operation Branch and Israel's National Security Branch, Tishler is advisor to IDF and Ministry of Defense and Ministry of National Infrastructures, Reyniers established the global financial markets practice at Price Waterhouse, Malka has led large scale bus. activity for both corp. and govt. clients in defense, homeland security, intelligence and cyber spheres, Maayan is member of Microsoft's consulting staff and Advisory Board, Leshem is winner of Israeli Defense Award and has 27 years with IDF.

Well, they pretty much have it all covered and surely are a dangerous outfit, imo.

They’ve been in the news recently. Harvey Weinstein hired them to find compromising information about some of the women accusing him of assault. A Canadian private equity firm hired them to surreptitiously record a former Ontario Superior Court judge in a sting operation. In May, the U.K. Observer first reported that people connected to President Donald Trump’s inner circle had hired Black Cube to spy on former White House officials who worked for Barack Obama.

The latest chapter in the saga comes from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. It reports that Black Cube spied on Obama officials on behalf of Taiwanese shipping magnate Nobu Su. The firm wanted to find hidden Iranian assets that could be seized in litigation on behalf of the victims of terrorism. There is usually a tidy fee and percentage in identifying such assets in these cases. And Black Cube’s operatives believed former senior White House officials like Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl might know where Tehran’s money was stashed.


darkknight111 ago

Exactly what I’m thinking.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Thanks for the info and keeping an eye out for these news stories. Great job.

6574839201 ago

2 things 1) Santa apron = anagram for Satan 2) Santa is the guy who has kids begging to sit on his lap in exchange for presents

3141592653 ago

A fake sip at that

TrustTheTruth ago

Spacey is a powerful Freemason with dirt on many others.

This is a message to them.

Why is he wearing an apron?

Why did he wash his hands at the beginning?

Kevin Spacey, Chris Kutcher, Mark Ruffalo, and so many others all know one thing.

Who is the Sustainable Prince and why is that significant?

The Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda is in Racine, Wisconsin.

There is only One Way to Save Humanity and to expose The Great Deception.

Shine the light on Racine.

Dig up the Root.

What is The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

fogdryer ago

Who is the Sustainable Prince and why is that significant?

millennial_vulcan ago

Wisconsin guy is back under a different name, I see! @carmencita

think- ago

TTT is a frickin' troll spreading lies.

TrustTheTruth ago

What really happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Who created a 12-part series culminating in death threats that were acted upon in real life?

When and why were Q created?

What did US Senate Anon say?

Why did the Moderators and their gang of stalkers also issue threats including Death Threats against those who Know The Truth?

Why did the Moderators partner with someone who openly admits to Satan worship and blood drinking?

What was the name of their Series and where did they steal it from?

What really happened to @Jem777?

What is The Truth that Jenny Moore found?

What was the last submission made by @Jem777?

Why was George's brother Dave so upset about the meeting?

Why did George claim to have given too much credit to Jenny, and why did George slander and claim he never wanted any help from Jenny or Jesus Christ?

Why would George say that?

What roles did Trish, Joe Napoli and JK play?

What is The Truth that George Webb Sweigart is so afraid of?

What is George's mission?

What roles do Defango, Unirock, and other YouTubers play?

We know more than All of you combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.


What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

What's in Racine WI?

fogdryer ago

there are racine posts thru out voat

TrustTheTruth ago

Racine is the Root and Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Community Policing.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

What happened to the pilot?

What happened to Jenny Moore?

What was Jenny Moore's last submission here on Voat as @Jem777?

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the Public for the 8th Wonder of the World.

Where is the 8th Wonder of the World, and what is Hillary's Model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

Who are the Council of 13?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and the Key to Life?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

goatboy ago


pby1000 ago

I wonder what Spacey was doing between March 19th and May 1st to win such favor with the satanic cabal.

darkknight111 ago

He died in February. People are just now finding out about these suspiscious deaths.

pby1000 ago

Ok. Gotcha.

Gopherurself ago

Spacy died? This is war fuck ling shit all out

darkknight111 ago

Not Spacey. Another potential witness to his crimes.