21yearsofdigging ago

Fucking guy never sued me though for claiming I was one of the original people starting LionsGate. Interesting huh?? I work as a dishwasher in a restaurant now and I guess Giustra bought almost every single supporter I ever had. I am no longer in the enetretainment industry, I am not allowed to even audition for film or voice work. ALL the agents, Jordan and Assoc., Lesa Kirk, Glen Talent and EVERYONE in L.A can not and will not EVER suggest me for a film. That's okay. In large part that is why I wrote and directed my own feature film. RENT THAT if you want to help me. I'll bet ya, it is one of the best films you will see this year. No, I am not an egomaniac, it is really that good https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thespark Watch it and tell me you think it sucks, I dare ya!!

Madwack ago

Rumblings of big truths coming soon - Trudeau, #UraniumOne & #NXIVM cult

What we know so far..........


Piscina ago

Twitter is doubling down. I had an account with 1000+ followers suspended. They had shadow banned me after I posted lots of pizzagate stuff. They deleted numerous tweets to L Lin Wood, lawyer for John Ramsey. None were abusive, threatening or harassing; they simply provided links to credible information that John Ramsey was involved in a child sex trafficking ring, that Jon Benet's autopsy report showed long-term sexual abuse, that her injuries were consistent with what was usually done to little children being raped and filmed, that a former victim of John Ramsey and his best friend had come forward to police with her account of being a victim in a child rape ring, that only when diplomats' children go missing are police authorities told to stand down (which was done the morning of Jon Benet's death). I'm pretty sure that L Lin Wood would have made Twitter take down all those tweets.

I also tweeted about Giustra a lot when pizzagate first broke.

It's pretty clear that rich people call the shots at Twitter.

think- ago

Interesting info about the Ramysey case. Not sure whether we have discussed this before.

Piscina ago


Google Jon Benet and nothing about the research of Donald Freed (visiting professor at Loyola Marymount University) or Stephen Singular comes up. Yet these men each investigated and researched this case for more than year.

A ransom note (which the Ramseys claimed they found) triggers the FBI's jurisdiction. Freed said:

When its a wealthy corporate executive; and when the note in fact announces that these are foreign terrorists---now every bell in the "national security system" begins to ring---then the interfacing with the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon; all this unfolds within a matter of minutes.

This was a child of a Lockheed Martin executive of a $18 billion a year firm with Pentagon and top secret clearance across the world.

For the Director of the FBI in Washington, D.C. to restrain and stand down his own agents in the field; … there can only be one answer. They had to know... BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that what happened neither affected the security of the United States of America or the security and profits of Lockheed Martin.

Stephen Singular said this:

"I had gone online and looked at pictures of little girls, five and six-year-olds, the same age as JonBenet, who were being used for child pornography purposes. They were being tied up by their hands and ankles ... laid out on tables or hung from ceilings. They were being treated violently, and ropes, scarves, and belts were used to tie them up. These photographic situations looked very similar to the conditions surrounding the death of JonBenet, who was strangled to death with a piece of nylon rope"

Nancy Krebs came forward but instead of the police taking her claims seriously, she was silenced, stalked and threatened. She was proven to have family links to John Ramsey's best friends. She gave police statements that she had suffered the same kind of abuse that JonBenet had suffered. Nancy had been passed around to be raped by grown men, some of them influential and powerful. JonBenet was found dead just after Christmas.

Nancy Krebs had said that was one of the favoured times of the rapists, as bruises would heal before school started. Nancy also said that the head was one of the places where the children would be hit, because the bruises would not be seen under the hair.

Nancy said that these grown men would tie a scarf, tie or rope around the victim's neck. The victim would be strangled until they started to choke and moan from lack of air. This, in the perpetrators' minds, would resemble orgasm. It's call sexual asphyxiation. Nancy's life was threatened several times.


Judgejewdy ago

google is shit, state-controlled media. we only see what tptb want us to see. end of.

think- ago

I think it would be a worthwhile topic for a post.

kazza64 ago

this could set a precedent

think- ago

Unfortunately - yes.

new4now ago

Giustra is the Canadian arm of the Clinton Foundation

Why is he getting a pass in the Media?

We have done a lot of research on him, how about we put some solid stuff between him, the Clinton's, Soros, and whatever ties we can find

He was in on the uranium sale, he's gotten solid mining contracts through Clinton

Flew Bill all over the place

There's a lot

Why isn't his name right in there?

His Radcliff Foundation and other 'charities', not to mention the Boards he sits on

His entertainment ties brought out a lot

Giustra is Canada

Carlos Slim...Salinas..Mexico

You have Soros....he's all over the place, you know, helping all these people out

Giustra name should be right up there with them

Puppet Trudeau is starting to fall in the eyes of the Canadian people

Let's help topple him

We need to get Giustra in the news, let's give him something to bitch about

@think @carmencita @millennial-Vulcan

This one covers a lot

How the Clintons are tied to Canada’s corporate elite


new4now ago

Was looking at old posts, you've done a lot of research on Frank

So why does he get a pass, get everything wiped away?

Frank should also have a reservation to Gitmo

letsdothis3 ago

So why does he get a pass, get everything wiped away?

He's Canadian? People have short memories..that's the problem. He doesn't get a pass on this forum though. And it looks to me like the Clintons et al also get a pass in the MSM, STILL.

new4now ago

No surprise , the media is cahoots in every Country

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent

think- ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago

I can remember all the way back to a flight with Giustra and Clinton from Kazakhstan. There was stuff in the news about it. Quite some time ago.


The billionaire linked to the 'Clinton Cash' scandals once said something amazing about doing business with Bill Clinton

Billionaire Canadian mining executive Frank Giustra is at the center of a blockbuster series of New York Times reports that raise troubling questions about the finances of the Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

One of the stories detailed how a company Giustra was involved with secured the rights to uranium deposits in Kazakhstan days after a September 2005 meeting between the billionaire, former President Bill Clinton, and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Giustra donated over $30 million to the Clinton Foundation after the Kazakhstan trip.

In 2006, Giustra appeared in the New Yorker where he was quoted making a comment about his dealings with Clinton that's extremely interesting in light of the various allegations:

"All of my chips, almost, are on Bill Clinton," Giustra reportedly said. "He's a brand, a worldwide brand, and he can do things and ask for things that no one else can."

  • Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing that his foundation is launching the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative on June 21, 2007. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

new4now ago

The International Crisis Group (ICG; also simply known as the Crisis Group) is a transnational non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1995 that advertises itself as carrying out field research on violent conflict and says it advances policies to prevent, mitigate or resolve conflict. It advocates policies directly with governments, multilateral organisations and other political actors as well as the media.

The organization's actions and funding have been the subject of controversy.

A July 2014 special edition of the peer-reviewed journal Third World Quarterly published 10 critiques of the organisation, ranging from its influence on foreign-policy makers, "manufacturing" crises, and the methodologies it deploys in gathering its research.

( look at all the places this group is at)

George Soros provided the organization's seed funding and continues to support it.

There's a list of Board Trustees

Most I not familiar with

Crisis Group's "In Pursuit of Peace Award” was established in 2005, and is associated with a gala event in New York City. Recipients include U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush; Hillary Clinton; former Brazilian President Lula da Silva;[21] Nobel Peace Prize laureates Martti Ahtisaari and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and financier and philanthropist George Soros.

Recipients for 2018 included Frank Giustra, founder of the Radcliffe Foundation and a prolific entrepreneur and financier, H.R.H. Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Olympic Refugee & Paralympic Teams.


carmencita ago

Some interesting names indeed. Olympia Snowe, A Soros & G Soros, Wesley Clark, Larry Summers, Sandy Berger in the past, and of course F Giustra himself.

new4now ago

This group sounds like they hit the ground when the shooting starts

All those Countries in upheaval and there they are to lend a hand

I would think FG would have ties that the Clinton's avoided

Would be difficult for US to get the paperwork to these charities, transparency laws I think

Those pictures reminded me how short the guy was , don't know why, but it bothers me lol

A lot of the other trustees you will find ties to the UN

carmencita ago

I can just imagine how all their charities are linked in some way or another. A big mess of wires and rat lines.LOL. Shades of Hillary and Capone.

new4now ago

So true

new4now ago

Looking through old posts

Remember the boys club?

Giustra was mentioned

carmencita ago

Yes! Wasn't Clooney mixed up in that too. Maybe just a donor. You know, it starts looking fishy when they have So Many charities. It was in LA. I believe.

carmencita ago

Looks like the goat might have had a nice lunch.

new4now ago

This has happened before, I can't be only one

carmencita ago

Oh yes. I have seen the goat many times but not for a while.

new4now ago

I kept getting error when trying to comment

carmencita ago

How odd.

carmencita ago

Look https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/dreamworks-alum-dan-mcdermott-joins-bbc-studios-lionsgate-joint-venture-1203207549/

DreamWorks Alum Dan McDermott Joins BBC Studios-Lionsgate Partnership

McDermott has been executive vice president of programming at Fox and president of television for DreamWorks. He also partnered with Lorenzo di Bonaventura to launch Di Bonaventura Pictures, and has executive produced series including “Zero Hour” and the upcoming “Jupiter’s Legacy” for Netflix.

BBC Studios is the commercial and production arm of U.K. pubcaster the BBC. In an earlier incarnation as BBC Worldwide, it joined forces with Starz on a drama slate that included “Torchwood” and “Da Vinci’s Demons.” Part of the BBC-Lionsgate pact involves scouring the huge BBC archive for IP that could be reworked for the U.S. market.

new4now ago

Here's an old article from 1998


But Lions Gate quickly learned how Hollywood can chew up a neophyte. Following Lions Gate's announcement, a backlash erupted around Mr. Di Caprio, who was seen to be throwing his weight around in the wake of his huge "Titanic" success. Mr. Di Caprio quickly distanced himself from the role of the killer. His manager insisted he had only been "considering " the offer and no final deal had been struck. Mr. Giustra declines to discuss the affair, saying negotiations are continuing.

Wonder who pulled their weight for Di Caprio?

carmencita ago

Whoever it was, there was probably some sex exchanged/demanded. Perverts Inc.

new4now ago


Tried to post link, but getting interference

new4now ago

Just found this one

Comments are great


I think we have a lot more on FG

Anyone who can twit without getting in trouble needs to hit this

Everything needed would be in that search link

carmencita ago

One of the comments. Yes, you are right. That post is chock full.

I stumbled upon some attachments in the Stratfor emails about how Pierre Trudeau changed a ton of foster care/adoption laws in the 70s so that the state could take away children a lot easier. Makes me wonder if Justin Trudeau is a part of all this.

Wow. So Pierre was busy doing what Mondale, Clinton and Newt Gingrich were doing here. Blast them.

new4now ago

Justin is MK'D you ask me, just a puppet that is falling by way of Hillary

Wonder how the next vote will be up there?

The Canucks are walking up and they not happy

He could very well lose his seat

carmencita ago

Giustra is everywhere.

carmencita ago


Q&A: Philanthropist Frank Giustra Talks Refugee Crisis, Charitable Giving and Advice for Fellow Billionaires

The Ontario native, who has moved from Canadian mining to movies and television, and is particularly focused on the refugee crisis and alleviation of poverty, tells billionaires he meets with to sit down with a piece of paper and try to spend their entire wealth on homes, jets and yachts -- anything, he doesn't care. That's after they set aside enough wealth for their children and grandchildren.

Possibly setting aside their grandchildren as well for FG.

So Giustra urges the wealthy to follow the lead of his Radcliffe Foundation, launched in 1997, and to support international and local causes. He also has advice to kids and everyday Canadians, particularly to look at private sponsorship model for refugees or help at the community level.

Giustra, who has worked with Bill Clinton, George and Amal Clooney and George Soros on international causes, spoke with Samaritanmag about his principles of compassion and giving, how he convinces fellow billionaires to do good and chip in, as well as his experiences in Lesbos helping the refugees, and the focus of his latest film production (screening privately, for now, including tonight, Aug. 1, at talent agency ICM in Los Angeles).

new4now ago

His connections say much

carmencita ago

He doesn't need much persuasion to get money out of investors or fellow billionaires for they know what the pay off will be. Lots of money or someone to satisfy their perverted needs. Sick.

new4now ago

Blackmail ran through charities?

carmencita ago

Yes, blackmail but also the investors are of like mind, imo. They know what is going on behind closed doors. At least most of them. Maybe some don't but there are those that know that the trafficking will pay off big for them. They are cut out of the same cloth if you know what I mean. Also one hand washes the other. Many have their own charities and they invest there as well. Also they have islands that other investors can visit. It's all so sickening. The college payoff scam is such a clever cover up. @fogdryer and I both believe it involves trafficking.

carmencita ago

He may lose, but they will have someone lined up just in case. They always have someone waiting in the wings. For sure he is MK. It was in the plan. The Manchurian Candidate idea is Chilling. Fidel's son.

new4now ago

So who is Clinton's and Obama's Father? :)

carmencita ago

Not who we think. I have heard it was Soetoro but I am not sure. Also heard it was Frank Davis Clinton I saw it somewhere but can't remember. It was surprising actually.


“Joel Gilbert, the man who produced the film Dreams from My Real Father, which suggested that Obama’s Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, may be his real father, has just released a bombshell interview with Obama’s brother Malik,” DC Clothesline reports.


Some say Winthrop Rockefeller is Bills father but I believe he looks more like Nelson R.


We can go on and on about that one. But the thought is that he has to be related to a Rockefeller and the Queen.

new4now ago

Is Giustra in Haiti?

Wasn't there a pic of the two of them there?

Here's another with both their names

Bill Clinton Frank Giustra Social Enterprise Partnership and Initiative


This one with Carlos Slim

Slims Foundation if I remember correctly has trillions running through it

Just how many joint ventures do they have?

I can't believe this nasty man is trying to play victim

carmencita ago

Look at these pics They took her all over and this one especially Look at the sign they are standing in front of.


Then they proceed to keep her



Then there is another girl


That first pic they are standing in front of Foundation of Carlos Slim Really? Wow.

new4now ago

Oh geez

We need someone to remind Giustra he's not a victim

Slim is tied to the Bushes, Salinas runs everything, Slim a frontman like Soros

Jeb is in charge I think through his long friendship with either son or brother of Salinas

As President, Clinton did some deals with Mexico SMH

Giustra is an arm of Clinton's, and make no mistakes, Clinton is an arm of the Bushes, who are deep state

We found so much on them

Giustra is not a victim, this stuff makes me angry

carmencita ago

Not much left for anyone else in Mexico between Salinas and Slim. Oh God, people are so clueless not knowing about the Bushes and Clinton. All the way back to Mena and I believe even before. Georgie is bad but his dad was horrid, not to mention Prentiss. I still have my doubts about where George and Barbara are. If they are really gone, then Wow. Someone just took them out.

new4now ago

Remember how we talked about how all those immigrants had phones?

HW is CIA Deep State

I like to think the two were taken out ;)

think- ago

Pinging @millennial_vulcan for you (sp.).

new4now ago

No surprise... spell check doesn't work well pinging lol


Giustras name should be as familiar as Soros

He has so many ties

think- ago

Giustras name should be as familiar as Soros

He has so many ties


millennial_vulcan ago

Canadians LOL. And they were supposed to be the good guys. Ugh.

think- ago

No, they are just better at keeping a low profile, lol.


Truthseeker3000 ago

If he’s not a pedo why the boy lover symbol in blue on the door of his El Pedo (name very similar) all boys charity? He has a number of charities for all boys and one in his home town which was talked about set up like a Sandusky club with big donors. What about Uranium One? What about Haiti and the Clinton Foundation he is a partner in it? This Master Mason lies and deceives with everything he touches so its only obvious he’s going to blackmail and bribe another Freemason judge to sit on the case so he wins.

srayzie ago

Keep being loud Frank!


Holy shit. We get to disseminate pizzagate information.

This is a happening.

Vindicator ago

:-) I like your attitude

SandHog ago

Must be getting a little too hot in the kitchen for him.

think- ago

The lawsuit is quite interesting. Infamous satanist Michael Aquino sued an internet company that hosted a website where a woman published info about him (citing court documents). He lost the lawsuit.

From what I understand that was a milestone ruling at the time, stating that internet companies are not responsible for the content that gets published on their sites. But this new lawsuit is in Canada.

Baichu ago

It's in Canada, so they will bring about a law immediately to protect Guistra.

SandHog ago

Huh. I didn't know about the Aquino lawsuit. Hopefully Giustra loses his, too. It's Canada though, so who the hell knows how that will turn out. Funny how these people always try and play the victim.

think- ago

San Francisco Superior Court Judge David Garcia ruled that federal law gives Internet providers like ElectriCiti protection from claims arising from messages or other items posted by users or third parties on the Internet.


SandHog ago

Good on ElectriCiti for fighting it and not just rolling over and disclosing that person's identity.

letsdothis3 ago

Lol. Thumbs up.