stellarcorpse ago

Do you all all enjoy anal together? Ever bang chicks?

AnonymousRider ago

I just tested this theory on Twitter by linking him to PG. will report back when I am suspended.

Godwillwin ago

My twitter account was suspended yesterday for tweeting pizzagate awareness 😡

Truthseeker3000 ago

@dcdale9 Thank you!! Please post any info in this active thread as the other one has been mysteriously deleted. Please see what Voaters are saying in regards to your pal Giustra here!!!

dcdale9 ago

Right now "underground railroad" is going on in Haiti. Glen Beck just returned from a false op to take the pressure off underground railroad. Those arrests were a false flag.

Truthseeker3000 ago

VANCOUVER — This seems out of character: Frank Giustra, one of Canada’s wealthiest and most guarded businessmen, is openly seething. Smacking the boardroom table and swearing.

“I can’t deal with this anymore,” snaps the mining and entertainment magnate. To his horror, he’s become hot political fodder south of the border. All because of his close relationship with former U.S. president Bill Clinton, suggestions of influence-peddling through related charities the two men established and a growing scandal ensnaring Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“I’ve spent the last 10 days doing nothing but dealing with media calls. I can’t get anything done,” Giustra says, his voice starting to crack the longer our interview inside his downtown Vancouver office this week continues. “It’s out of control. It’s a f—ing circus.”

A rags-to-riches multi-millionaire who normally shuns publicity, Giustra made his fortune as a stockbroker before “retiring” two decades ago, shy of his 40th birthday. An ugly, Bre-X-style gold mining scandal caused by others was singeing his feathers and creating what he describes as “internal conflict” at Yorkton Securities Inc., the Vancouver-based brokerage he headed.

He quit the business forever and created a film company, Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., which found success in Hollywood. (He’s mostly out of that, but is still a company director and has a large stake in another film studio, Thunderbird Films.) He eventually formed what might seem an unlikely alliance with the former U.S. president. They come from completely different backgrounds, but have some things in common: A taste for philanthropy, and a knack for finding money.

Giustra insists that neither he nor Bill Clinton has done anything wrong with their charitable endeavours. And indeed, there’s no evidence of any wrongdoing. Not for the first time, they’ve become targets of speculation, what Giustra insists are baseless smear jobs, “vicious and agenda-driven.”

Requested four months ago, our interview was finally scheduled this week, with the controversies still brewing. We were to focus on Giustra’s new interests, including the quality food business. A self-described food “fanatic,” he holds a majority stake in Modern Farmer, a quirky, New York-based farm-to-table magazine now in the midst of a management shakeup. The magazine’s founding editor “was a very good editor, but these things need to be looked at as a business,” says Giustra, without offering more details.

He owns an award-winning olive oil company, and he recently bought into a packaged soup company. After many taste tests and product tinkering, a big soup launch is coming soon to Western Canada. Even from chicken stock, he expects nothing but excellence — and profits. “When we sell the soup, I want to [be able to] say, “It’s the best-tasting soup you can buy in a pouch,” declares Giustra.

Philanthropy is another pursuit he’ll discuss happily. Same goes for his songwriting, another borderline obsession. Giustra has his own commercial recording studio and music company. Little known fact: He wrote the lyrics to a children’s lullaby called Little B, which Sarah McLachlan put to music and recorded on her last album.

Inevitably, the discussion returns to his Clinton connection, and the current uproar that’s driving him crazy. Stories from the U.S. “are making me look like a very horrible person,” Giustra complains. “And I’m like, seriously folks? I’m giving away money. There’s a campaign, a political campaign. Anybody with half a brain would know what’s happening.”

His friend’s wife, Hillary Clinton, is hoping to become the next U.S. president. The campaign spinning and mudslinging has gone full-throttle. Clinton’s enemies are out to get her, Giustra suggests, by any means necessary, even if it means casting aspersions about charities that he and former president Clinton created as vehicles to provide affordable medicine and sustainable anti-poverty efforts in developing countries.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign to seize the Democratic party presidential nomination has likely been damaged by accounts published the past few weeks in The New York Times and in a muckraking new book called Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, by conservative American pundit Peter Schweizer.

The coverage highlights large donations made over several years to the U.S.-based charity Clinton Foundation, through an affiliated Canadian charity called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada). Giustra established the latter in 2007, after donating $31.7 million directly to the Clinton Foundation himself.

The Canadian partnership is registered in Canada, where tax receipts are issued to donors, but it’s “run out of the [Clinton] foundation” which ultimately receives the money, says Giustra. Sources behind most of the partnership donations have never been disclosed. That’s par for the course in Canada, where donor lists aren’t required. But gifts to the Canadian partnership have led to doubts about the Clinton family’s pledge of financial transparency and accountability with regard to their foundation. Not for the first time, either; similar concerns were raised in 2008, the last time Hillary Clinton tried running for president.

More nefarious are suggestions that donors might have expected more than just tax relief for their contributions. A political reward or a useful U.S. government decision, for example, during the period Hillary Clinton served as the powerful U.S. Secretary of State, from 2009 to 2013.

In those years, the Canadian partnership forwarded millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. The New York Times reported last month that the Clinton Foundation received four donations, totalling US$2.35 million, from the Vancouver-based chairman of Uranium One Inc., a Canadian mining company with uranium concessions in several countries, including Kazakhstan and the U.S.

Giustra was once a major player and shareholder in Uranium One’s predecessor, UrAsia Energy Ltd., and he’d made deals in Kazakhstan for its uranium deposits after he and Clinton attended a dinner for “50 to 100” people in that country, hosted by its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. But Giustra divested from UrAsia in 2007, and he insists he never received any political favours.

Later, during Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State, Russia’s state-owned atomic energy agency purchased large positions in Uranium One, and became sole owner in 2013, after requisite approvals from various government agencies in North America, including the State Department.

“Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown,” the Times noted in its coverage last week.

Or, as the Vancouver Sun summed up last week, “the basic facts” being reported are “neither damning nor exculpatory.”

Giustra can live with that assessment, however indecisive. But, he adds, “anybody who has any sense of knowledge of how things work in the real world would absolutely tell you, you can’t make a charitable donation and have something change between governments.” He smacks the boardroom table again. “That is insanity. You want to try and bribe somebody? You go and put money in a Swiss bank account if you’re trying to bribe them. You don’t do it by trying to make a charitable donation. That’s ridiculous.”

The interview is ending. Giustra’s handler seems a little annoyed at the time spent on the Clinton controversy. The subject is clearly sick of it, and angry over the damage it is causing his reputation. His philanthropic efforts and have been questioned. Other causes are being overshadowed, even ignored.

“There’s a thing called Sole Food, which I funded, all of it,” Giustra says before leaving the boardroom. “It’s an urban farm business here in Vancouver. They’re creating urban farms in empty parking lots. I put up all the money for it. Half a million dollars.”

He pauses. “Didn’t get much credit for it, but whatever.”

Im_with_her ago

See my post friend. B2C3A1F6. Pan Plays Proper Pranks.

Im_with_her ago

Hello all. National Pizza Day is here! Yummy cheese pizzas are on tap tonight at our party. Hermes helps Hottie Humans. Pluto Picks Pan Pizza. B2C3A1F6.Pizzagate is fake news!

allconnected ago

HI OP check out this link and read the comment by Stephen close to the bottom. Somebody here also commented that Lionsgate was founded by John Hardy. The commentor on the,ink says the same thing. Anyone explain more about John hardy etc

Also OP not sure if you are following George Webb but tons of stuff on Lionsgate and how there movies are often references to what they actually do.

zagreos ago

Pedophile rings are a huge problem here in Canada. Very powerful people involved. I know many of the victims. Please keep doing your research.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Any chance you can elaborate? Are you in the Vancouver Canada area where Frank Giustra is located? Can you name the people involved? Thank you

zagreos ago

I am indeed in the Vancouver area. I cannot publicly name the people involved because I don't want to alert them to the fact that they are being investigated.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I've heard Vancouver Canada is a haven for human trafficking and next to nothing is done to curb it. Do you know if they are serious about charges being laid in connection to the higher ups? I've also heard of a police chief just outside of the Vancouver area who is a suspected Freemason and will not allow charges or any serious investigation into a certain infamous murder that took place a number of years back with ties to their government. Do you have proof of any Freemasons being the men mentioned above? Highly likely they are Luciferian as we know Bill and Hillary are. I have a close friend who tells me a lot about the corruption in Vancouver and complains and wants to move everytime we talk. Interesting stories I hear and no surprise Frank Giustra lives there. Sounds like you can get away with murder.

TheSeer ago

Probably more to do with spirituality, IMO. Latin America - Catholic (ostensibly). Haiti - Voodoo. It could be that Haitian kids are just simply more terrified, when they are being tortured, because of their voodoo beliefs they know what is happening to them, whereas latinos even children probably pray like crazy. Just speculation.

phlux ago


I'll allow it :-)

spez_dispenser ago

Also look into

  • 222 Pizza Express
  • 222 High Street Pizza Express
  • 222 Cult

21yearsofdigging ago

Look into connections to John A Hardy and C.S.I.S.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yup, Giustra's fake philanthropist public persona is being EXPOSED and he is freaking out!! Maybe the truth about the origins of LionsGate will be revealed ( ties to John Hardy). But anyway you look at it the truth is coming out and all these tricksters hiding behind charities and foundations is obvious. It is so disgusting that they would exploit the suffering of people!!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Please reveal anything you know on this "philanthropist" Frank Giustra on his LionsGate Film crap. The more that is out there and people read and know, the better.

21yearsofdigging ago

Earliest findings for LionsGate was a shell mining company but when asked, the registries office in Victoria B.C. Canada said that many transactions may have happened before but hard to find all the trails. I know paper was signed for forming LionsGate in 1995 with John A Hardy. At the time Hardy was a lawyer with Guild Yule LLP Barristers and Solicitors and he specialized in mining and lumber.Here is a link and who the hell is ``Hal Hemmerich''

allconnected ago

HI!I just posted about lionsgate and John Hardy. It was a comment I found on another blog a while back. Can you elaborate on John Hardy etc. thank you

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow wish I could see that link. Tell you the truth, you may not believe it, but John A Hardy was a lawyer in Vancouver and my partner in a production company. He claimed his father ran CSIS(which is Canada's CIA). At one point he told me he wanted to call the company we were in process of forming, LionsGate. I had papers for our company stolen from every safety box, storage or anywhere else I hid them. My children were threatened at a certain point and stolen. I was gas lit. In 1996 I met with Hardy who told me to keep my mouth shut about my kids or I was dead. He denied starting the company with me. The harassment continued and eventually I lost everything, ending up homeless for a while. Hardy then starts a RFID chip company called Versatile Systems. Hardy, I was told, did the paperwork on LionsGate. Maybe the people that told me that are dead now because that seems to be the way things go. I am sticking my neck out a bit on this so please understand I can't give everything.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. Is this the right John Hardy: Mr. John A. Hardy has been the Chief Executive Officer of Equus Total Return, Inc. since June 2011. Mr. Hardy served as the Chief Executive Officer of Versatile Systems Inc. from January 1997 to December 3, 2013. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Versatile Mobile Systems Inc., a subsidiary of Versatile Systems Inc. and Equus Total Return, Inc. until December 3, 2013. He served as the Managing Director of Versatile Mobile Systems (Europe) Ltd., a subsidiary of Versatile Systems Inc. Prior to joining Versatile Systems, Mr. Hardy founded the law firm of Hardy & Company in September 1996. Prior to founding Hardy & Company, he was a Partner with a leading Vancouver law firm. He has acted for numerous insurance companies, multi-national corporations and financial institutions and has experience in the litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes. Mr. Hardy has extensive experience in the insurance, finance and banking sectors, as well as mergers and acquisitions and litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes practicing as a Barrister from 1978 to 1997. He served as President of Versatile Mobile Systems Canada Inc. from January 1997 to October 2002. He served as Executive Chairman of Equus Total Return, Inc. from June 2010 to June 2011. He served as Chairman of Versatile Systems Inc., from December 1996 to October 2012. He has been a Director of Equus Total Return, Inc. since May 2010. He served as a Director at Versatile Systems Inc. since October 1996 until September 30, 2016. He was called to the Bar in British Columbia in 1978. He was an Adjunct Professor lecturing in Insurance Law at the University of British Columbia from 1984 to 2000. Mr. Hardy holds BA from Carleton University and LLB from University of Ottawa.

Lovethelight ago

Here is an article, re John Hardy discontinues as Ceo versatile...

(Dec,2013) "For the last three and a half years, John Hardy has been serving as the CEO of both Equus Total Return, Inc. (NYSE:EQS) and Versatile," said Bertrand des Pallieres, Chairman of the Board of Versatile. "Over the last few months, John has recruited an excellent team to both stabilize and move the Company forward. John will continue to assist Versatile in his capacity as a director. On behalf of the entire Board, I want to express our appreciation for John's many contributions."

21yearsofdigging ago

That's the asshole

Truthseeker3000 ago

Do you know if these guys all attended at Freemason groups and/or had links to organized crime, such as the Hells Angels?

MAGABoomer ago

.there was a fake Lion (something) charity on FB some years back when I was still on it. They were campaigning for donations from rich people. I joined a couple "rich people" groups because I've got "the look" to snoop around. I also did some detective work on the Lion? charity and dude..those people threatened to fucking kill me for outing them on FB. I actually called them pretending to be a reporter, they freaked the fuck out when I asked questions that made it clear I was questioning their legitimacy. Ok checked out Lions Gate...not the same charity. I was investigating the other on my own and had no where to go with it so I dropped it. Not because they threatened me, but there literally was no where to go. I just put out a post to all the rich people group members that the Lion charity was fake and not to donate. It's been years so details are lost. But it was a scam being run from some house in Arizona and it was vaguely linked to some woman who ran a golf pro shop in AZ. Fuck my memory, but there were shades of trafficking if I had been more educated on it at the time I would have probably picked up more. The people I spoke to were not Americans.

VeryDicey ago

Means we are close...

DevilintheDetails ago

Love it! Just needs a Janet Jackson pic to make the meme complete

Ooo you NASTA boyz are going down!

User890020 ago

This is yet one more entry into the timeline of censorship efforts.

History must know.

unkyshaun ago

Mmmmm fresh baby roasted just the way you like it Hilary. Just a thought

PizzaThis ago

Stands clapping vigorously

Piscina ago

Twitter made me remove every single one of my tweets about Giustra, Elpida, Radcliffe Foundation.

User890020 ago

Under what pretense?

21yearsofdigging ago

Unreal!! Trying so hard to control the truth coming out. Maybe someone should advice him that coming clean might offset his demise

Mommyplayer571 ago

Don't Forget Andrew Kline. Tweets about him were removed.

Votescam ago

Was recalling that there were arrests of pedophile ring either late 2016 or just a month or so ago. Can't tell you which of these it might be, but;_ylt=AwrBT89lP5xYrPUAd39XNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGdwcmlkA1ZRWmdEczNfUTl1MVVOZU12aGRwUEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzAEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzQ0BHF1ZXJ5A0NhbmFkaWFuJTIwcGVkb3BoaWxlJTIwcmluZyUyMGFycmVzdHMlMjAyMDE3BHRfc3RtcAMxNDg2NjM0ODg3?p=Canadian+pedophile+ring+arrests+2017&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t&fp=1 Was wondering if Giustra might be involved with any of this. Too many articles don't have dates on them. Upvote - :)

juhos ago

Holy shit. I posted Elpida's old logo in Giustra's newest tweet and just wrote "I didn't like the previous logo either. Good they changed it."

I purposely didn't say anything about PG etc. to see how they react. That should be a normal opinion tweet if they are innocent, am I right?

Well they shadow banned me. Didn't even know that's possible in Twitter. I'm not blocked by Giustra and I can see the tweet myself, but when using different browser and not logged in, it's gone.

Does anybody know what this means?


It means they're guilty as shit.

juhos ago

Somebody now tweeted "I noticed you changed your boylover logo frank" in the same tweet, let's see if it disappears also.

unkyshaun ago

Smart tweet Juhos, and still triggered a response. Guistra doth protest too much to not be dirty.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

Norway and Haiti is not the same case imo. Im still waiting for a connection to be made between N and CF. The drop in funding came because Hrc lost, and darkroom pedo bust might have been retaliation. However, as I do believe Norway has played/is playing a big role in this, I would love to see some connections.

Edit: fuck Guistra lets meme him out of existence. Good job op!

racoonbite ago

i was just trying to remember the Canadian connection, great work


international mining/commodities connections for the Clinton Foundation.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Did you know the former head of Deepwater Horizen is CEO of Glencore? Tony Hayward, BP ex head. I read they asset stripped Glencore 2 years ago.

Truthseeker3000 ago

He always has such a sly creepy look on his smug face. Little man.

mrjdouble ago

This guy is a little worm

DeathToMasons ago

Why is anybody using Twitter or Reddit? We need to put them out of business. They should long ago been on the boycot list with cable tv and movie tickets. Stop funding them.

Madwack ago

Giustra memes for FB?


Premeditated123 ago

He blocked me on twitter as well after I called him out!

PizzaGate711 ago

Me too. Twitter shadow banned me too for any mention of Giustra. Joined Gab ;-))

User890020 ago

I'd love to see Twitter's list of "words to shadowban members for"....

PizzaGate711 ago

Giustra used to tweet all the time about his special 'Boys Club Network' in Canada. Not so now.

Check out his love for 'Dear Rich People' too ... the guy's a sick loony tune.

The Australian Foreign Minister has funded the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership for it's 'work' to help further business interests with Unilever in Indonesia - exploiting sugar and women sugar growers in the country. Apparently she's blocked half of Australia on twitter - for any mention of her support of the Clinton Foundation and Frank Giustra - or I rather suspect Google has, on her behalf. Google and Giustra are of course in the business of the NWO of which they are heavily invested to exploit. Here's to betting that Giustra (and the reckless James Alefantis) will bring down the Clintons in the most spectacular way.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah no doubt especially the heading on his Dear Rich People twitter account "Give your kids REAL bragging rights"!!!! Don't fucking donate your dirty blood money if your just using it for bragging rights. This guy is such a narcissistic psychopath. Giustra has his dirty hands in many, many ventures. Taking groups of boys out to hockey games is hardly charity. This guy claims to walk around the Vancouver streets in bad areas late at night looking at drug addicted people wanting to help.... odd. Why would a crooked billionaire walk alone late into the night in known drug turfs other than for something nefarious? The Radcliffe Foundation is another pro refugee white genocide bunch of garbage that he pushes heavily, along with the Crisis Group, Fiore Group, Open Society, CGE Partnership aka Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Thunder Bird Entertainment and Lions Gate Entertainment, among others. Apparently Canada has it BAD up there and the people are majority immigrants and asleep, genocide in full effect, out of control nationwide Fentanyl crisis and homelessness. Trudeau is a Globalist and needs to be taken out of power.

PizzaGate711 ago

I'd love to see that up in a Voat submission. We know so much of James Alefantis but little in comparison on how someone at the top of the Global Pedo Organisation lives. When we look at it - it was Giustra who slipped his little boys feet into the shoes of Epstein when he was convicted. Clinton Global Initiative was another Clinton charity bank he was in on. Here are some other Giustra concerns. I feel sad too for Canada. It was in this way back when Trudeau's pretend father was in power. Justin may have his name but his DNA is Fidel Castro.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting indeed. I am unaware about the Giustra / Epstein link-although it's highly likely they have met and know of one another through Clinton. Please elaborate on the "...Giustra who slipped his little boys feet into the shoes of Epstein when he was convicted". Yes, Giustra is heavily involved in what seems like all of Clintons "charity" stuff, so much so that they formed that one together CGE I think it is. What makes you believe Castro is Trudeaus real father? Of course besides the fact that he was in Cuba mourning for what some people say was in excess because he was showing too much support for a communist. Keep it up thx.

PizzaGate711 ago

Epstein is on record as saying he started what the CF was truly about as such - outside of Little Rock.

Castro's Son -

Truthseeker3000 ago

I'm blown away. Yes it does look to be true that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeaus son. Wow. So Canada has a Castro in power. With George Soros mentoring him every step of the way. Crazy.

PizzaGate711 ago

More on Justin Trudeau ...

HALAL Canada: Diversity and the End of Free Speech

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. That's unbelievable. Justin Trudeau used to be a drama teacher?!!?!?! That's alarming and even more proof he's acting from scripts and helping bring in the NWO to Canada. I heard even his wife is a basket case. Unreal. Canadas obviously in worse shape than the US and if not now, is going to be.

PizzaGate711 ago

Nothing is as it seems....

unkyshaun ago

Julie Bishop is a low life cunt. The end.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I ran out of Upvoats, but thanks for reposting.


I also wanted to add that I double-taked on Giustra's Twitter banner. Him and Bill Clinton with Carlos Slim in between. Mexico - US - Canada. We got ourselves a North American Union of money laundering pedos.

Truthseeker3000 ago

100% accurate bang-on!!!!! All three of these "philanthropists" are criminals.

phlux ago

We haven't even shined the light on Mexico yet... wait till we find out all the nefariousness that has been happening in Central America. We do know about the CIA demons in South America quite a bit, but it's been about the coups and the killings but not the trafficking... perhaps the consumers of loosh grew tired of Spanish blood thus moved to the black Haitians - what is the value of white loosh over brown and black loosh?

witch_doctor1 ago

Good point...and it has been going on a while. I was pretty close with a young ex-military guy in 1990-1991 that was working for an alphabet agency in Central America. He kept his cards pretty close to his chest, but I got the impression that the war we were waging on drugs (supposedly) there was pretty heavy-handed.

GeorgeT ago

That is the real North American Union with a global currency 'Child trafficking'

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Upvoat here :-)

Celticgirlonamission ago

Upvote from me too


Whoever just downvoted this is a cunt. Just saying.

Lovethelight ago

I have never downvoted anything, and apparently cannot do so as dont have enuf points. But i do want to say that i only know this because, when scrolling or attempting to upvote something, i have several times ACCIDENTALLY bumped the downvote button...FWIW....

Truthseeker3000 ago

Upvote for you. Thanks for this. I've posted on Giustra on another thread as well, I'll go back and see if it's still there.

Antonius ago

I just pulled an anti-cunt move, and upvoted it.

srayzie ago

Me three

TimeForPitchForks ago

Blasted with upvoats :D


Y'all is bros.

witch_doctor1 ago

Me four...your OPSEC is good...the use of both "y'all" and "cunt" makes me wonder what brand of English you speak. Start using "fixin' to" and people will think you are from Texas.

And BTW, it took me a grand total of 21 shit posts in 30 glorious minutes to get shadow banned from twitter.


lol I'm from the northeast. I used y'all ironically. Beyond hunting pedos I'm not a serious person. Bro!

lol it took me at least a few days before my first lock.

witch_doctor1 ago

" I used y'all ironically. Beyond hunting pedos I'm not a serious person. "

Yeah....I like to laugh too. It's important IMO. BTW, pro-tip for the proper use of the word "y'all"...your spelling is actually correct, as in "you all"...however; for some weird reason most Southerners spell it "ya'll". I have no idea why...just trying to improve your camouflage my friend!