Mommyplayer571 ago

Look up Tony Hayward and Glencore. Think Deepwater Howizen.

webofslime ago

the 32 cargoes were not what they purported to be

C Petrom SA v. Glencore U.K. Ltd. & 3 Ors, High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, 08-417

London-listed company denies polluting river in Congo and profiting from children working underground

Honestly... Glencore IS the connection between child slaves and the Clintons.

2impendingdoom ago

This is a great video. While watching it, all I could think it is that Glencore must have CIA connections.

street1510 ago

This was an issue in Russia as well and is part of the reason why Putin hates the Clintons. Marc Rich bought up Siberian mines (gulags) under the program Crops-90 as the Soviet Union was collapsing. Rumor was Soros and the Rothschilds played some hand in this.

Zavtra 1994

"According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros' circle includes indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv; secretive Israeli arms and commodity dealer Shaul Eisenberg, and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad; and, the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild."

According to Stratfor Igor Zyuzin, mining tycoon, received his wealth from Marc Rich in an inheritance after he was arrested. Yuzhny Kuzbass, Zyuzin's company, bought a controlling stake in the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant from Glencore In 2001. Putin has threatened to expell or kill Zyuzin a few times, I'm not sure what ever happened to him.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Putin has threatened to expell or kill Zyuzin a few times, I'm not sure what ever happened to him."

Last I heard, he's now president of some place called "Russia".

Heffter ago

This is big. Follow the money, connect the dots.

WakeyWake ago

I made a spreadsheet a few months ago about Glencore. Saw Marc Rich mentioned on Reddit. I think your video is like my spreadsheet. I pulled info off of the same reddit researcher u did, I think. I felt that it was huge and connects CF in a spiderweb that cannot be overlooked. I wanted to build onto what he layer out, but was so into reading wikileaks I got side tracked. The corruption is deep and many of the original players are still the key players in this. Great work!

BeezleyBillyBub ago


As a Canadian, I've followed mining corruption since the 90s.

I did not know Frank Rich was Glencore, if I did it was not so clearly stated, this changes everything.

Excellent work, we must get past comet ping pong and follow the real money.

Your web of facts casts far. This type of investigation is easy and encompasses all.

Feel free to instruct watchers how to follow the money investigating.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this rabbit hole.

it'd deeper than plato.

you must go further.

post maor.

discussion with massive links.

cupofpolonium ago

I think this is the key to a lots of things, glencore and CF are in the center of all of this.

bikergang_accountant ago

Interesting that they would have tunnel capabilites.

I have a theory about fast and furious. The gun runners would typically by 1 or 2 guns illegally before fast and furious. These guys were basically slaves and they would do it as many times as their boss told them till they ended up in jail.

Fast and furious comes along and a few select shop owners are told not to enforce the law. In fact ordered. The cartels know which stores are them and buy guns in the hundreds. I may misspeak by saying cartels but I will get to that. Somehow they knew which stores to go to to get a full arsenal. Truck load by truck load. We know the percentage of gang guns that are fast and furious guns is above 50%. It was a complete weapons dump.

So the question is who knew the stores to go to and who told them? My theory is all clinton actions are based on favoring one person over another and getting a portion of the difference paid to you. Basically all coruption. How much would a cartel boss pay to be the top cartel in Mexico when things were disorganized then and solidification on some boss seemed eminent. They struck a deal with some cartel to get them the guns at the exclusion of other gangs. One gang got the tip.

Who ended up on top? El Chapo.

So this theory stands on its own regardless of new information. It's clear that's what happened. Some gang got the tip and someone in the government either at the very top or further down got a lot of money. To me that is a fact and the opinion is that it was further up based on the hairbrainedness of the whole concept. It is only interesting that the winner of this process is big on tunneling and likely not a huge connection but interesting.

madmanpg ago

That was fascinating and incredibly well made. Liked, and thank you for making that! Your delivery was exceptional and well paced and you explain the connections very well. My only criticism is that the end where you connect Hillary is a little muddled and could use some clarification.


Made this video a couple months ago before even the FBI Twitter page released those files on Marc Rich.

TLDR Glencore was founded by a crook named Marc Rich who dabbled in everything from drugs to money laundering to you name it. He received a pardon from Bill Clinton his last day as president hours before leaving office. Rich bought his pardon and funneled millions to Clintons and DNC.

Glencore is around after Rich's death and is a mining and commodities giant. I get the feeling that mining and trading in third world countries on every continent is good cover not just for money laundering but possibly human trafficking.

Glencore is even involved in North Korea, and IIRC Bill Clinton and Jeff Epstein flew there to pick up those journalists reporting on human trafficking. Dunno if that means anything but throwing it out there.

Glencore is involved in trading oil and benefited from Clinton's SoS foreign policy whether in Libya, Yemen or Iran. We know the Clintons do shady shit in the Middle East and get money from Saudis and Qatar...

Glencore as a mining company can connect to fellow mining giant Frank Giustra in Canada aka Clinton Foundation billionaire proxy w/ the pedo symbol charity.

Glencore's Marc Rich being pardoned was investigated by COMEY who just like the email scandal and I believe Whitewater found no evidence of criminal activity.

This is conjecture but I thought I'd put it out there that there's a Clinton connection to a giant fucking international corporation that hasn't been looked at.

EDIT/POSSIBLE BREAKTHROUGH: Looking around I came back to this topic here-


Orange_Circle ago

Great post.

webofslime ago

Note that Comey was the one who successfully prosecuted Marc Rich in the first place. I still entertain the possibility that Comey wants revenge.

Schade ago

Holy fuck!

kekgate ago

Good vid. thanks for posting. pizzagate investigation really needs to start looking at the bigger picture which includes arms and oil rackets. so much is being overlooked. you'll probably enjoy the "Where is Eric Braverman?" videos if you havent seen them yet

ThorTheWonderful ago

It stands to reason mining corporations would be involved, they are the ones doing the uranium extractions to sell to Russian state owned, mafia run company that Podesta has 70,000 shares in.

WakeyWake ago

Side note: Uranium ties into the Oregon standoff.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Another is the Obama land grab, largest land grab in history and illegal.

WakeyWake ago


ThorTheWonderful ago

Not to mention his massive land grab has been largely used for oil and mining industries, but why did he do the Hawaii land grab?

WakeyWake ago

Pizzagate has huge connection in Hawaii.

ThorTheWonderful ago

We need to look at how his land grabs are connected. I have also been wondering why nobody has mentioned the Denver airport during all this..