Ocelot ago

Do you think that they could be removing things in order to lead us down false trails?

tjarco ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030 please contribute to this thread NEEDS PROOF

Womb_Raider ago

Me gusta tu, senor. Trabajo bien.

My spanish is atrocious. Sorry.

bubblebubble ago

Welcome to the club. I've had a few accounts suspended, I appealed every single one and never even got a response as to why my account was suspend nor will the unsuspend them. Twitter is actually covering for pedophiles. This much I know for sure. I've also got tons of accounts suspended for reporting CP on Twitter using Molly's list.

Nana66 ago

There are over 700 people here at 5am...I'm thinking they aren't us.....they are our babysitters.

edit: 10 minutes later 997 people here.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Archived your link to that article here

Piscina ago

Yes, I was locked out for 24 hours, and then could access my twitter only when I deleted about 15 tweets about Giustra, Radcliffe and Elpida; and a couple about Kuhn being a pedo.

EQJ ago

This happened to me yesterday! Locked out for 12 hours. I tweeted Frankgiustro, littlelivesmatter and a link to a George Webb video. I'm still so fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I search all these self proclaimed pedos on twitter, child porn is rampant, and those fucks have the nerve to lock ME!?!?! So mad!!!

Ronnilynn31 ago

I archived that Giustra article link you posted here

21yearsofdigging ago

Thank you. Apparently Giustra's people have been busy trying to take down posts about him on Twitter.

moonlaundry ago

Where is the post concerning those symbols?

VeryDicey ago

where is the logo with the symbol?, people reference it on twitter but no images... creepy

Verite1 ago

Yesssss pls go to George Webb on YT and watch the series of vids about Eric Braverman and the other "players," start at the earliest one like day 53 I think and work your way to day 87. You'll have a good understanding

quantokitty ago


allconnected ago

George Webb covers Frank a lot in his videos. Connects him to Clinton and child trafficking. You should check it out OP. Makes sense your tweets got deleted

eyeswidewoke ago

'Pizzagate is fake news' - you've been scraping the barrel with this robotic rebuttal for weeks.. surely you shilling pricks have got a better slogan by now?!

lawfag123 ago

Haha get triggered faggot

pizzaequalspedo ago

LOL the guys signing your paycheck will be going to jail soon.

Trump takes office in what, a little over 37 hours?

pizzaequalspedo ago

The level of censorship in this country is very unnerving.

fartnigger ago

The level of censorship in this world is very unnerving.

Fixed that for ya buddy! Don't forget europe is letting in thousands of "refugee" "children" each week and hiding/suppressing their crime statistics and reports!

quantokitty ago

Especially when juxtapositioned against all their propaganda and lies like the Russians hacking into the DNC and fiddling with the election. I mean, come on! In terms of this, I remember that post. It was a good one. As someone mentioned, you've hit a nerve so keep going at it!

Alpo ago

Twitter is enemy territory.


8 minute-old account spamming and gaslighting. CTR must pay well. Not for much longer.

Womb_Raider ago

Make sure to downvoat his ilk.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Puf3d :

#Pizzagate on Twitter: "#PIZZAGATE ALERT: Locked! I am being targeted for exposing #ClintonFoundation-linked billionaire #FrankGiustra & pedophile org #ElpidaHouse! t.co/LdsfrzX5Q4"

https://archive.is/6tziF :

007 on Twitter: "This is the Second Time I've been suspended by Twitter for calling out #CGI as a Global Trafficking Ring... #PizzaGate t.co/qgYhYroaOl"

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