e-traiu ago

Military nightly , Heavy machine gun fire/firefight

2 miles from Major Norwegian City. No drills announced and police got multiple reports But knew nothing. WTF is up Norway?

Rusdy ago

Another "coincidence"... Is there already an infographic about the developments surrounding this? Because these connections are very conspicuous and could be visualized in a striking way.

e-traiu ago

Norway is so deep into this shit :(

YingYangMom ago

I totally agree. I checked his previous tweets and he seems to be establishment. This last tweet was kinda 'off' if you compare it to the rest. I'm not being fooled, don't worry :)

YingYangMom ago

So you think he's playing both sides of the fence. Possible.

madhatter67 ago

but...but...pussy riot!

0fsgivin ago

It's almost like the coincidences are piling up.

unkyshaun ago

It's a change from 'suicides' piling up.

Bolux ago

Methinks they're in a world of shit

SurfinMindWaves ago

No more fancy soaps for you Comrade!

mrohm ago

No doubt it is pure coincidence.

Or Putin.

Or white supremacist fascist Neo-Nazi deplorables.

DeathToMasons ago

But the public knows that the Clintons are big fish in this story, and leaving them untouched will smell of coverup. This administration has to prove they are for real and not controlled opposition. The curtain has raised and it is time to shit or get off the pot.

DeathToMasons ago

Yet the ring still stands. Not impressed. Arrest the ring or they are protecting them and are on the same team. Clock is ticking.

BlueDrache ago

It's what drug dealers do all the time. A whole bus full of schwag weed will be in the process of being busted as a distraction while trucks full of coke/heroin/meth are going across the border.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

There might be a pattern here. /s

goatboy ago

Sounds like a great business opportunity. Somebody will step up to fill the vacuum. It might as well be you.

MolochHunter ago

Also - and im not sure of any connection - but Australia ceased donations on the same day as Norway....

LostandFound ago

It's clear to me now it all makes sense, Russians

User890020 ago

LostandFound ago

Muh Russians done messed with wid ma eee mails, lordy lord


e-traiu ago

Yep, i wont link to it here (its Norwegian anyways)

But the Norway gov is propably deep inn this.

We blindly follow US or NATO command IT seems.

Lately norw. MSM has spammed the russians hacker narrative. They claim russians hacker has been naughty within goverment computers.

We are accepting us special ops, have tons of weapons stationed for US/ NATO

We Are Heavy into oil and weapons industries.

We have had our own major falseflag 22july masacre /bpmbing.

And we keep giving out peace prices to the people like Obama, Kissinger etc.

And also, the military activity is skyrocketed. Weekly packs of military ships in the harbours, Lot of air activity too. Jets, orion planes etc. And numerous helicopters flying ar night.

Oh yeah, and we have a huge fucking haarp facility in a town close by.

We Are deep into this shit.

LostandFound ago

Its such a pity, countries around the world overtly complicit with the era of US led aggression around the globe. I am not too far from a site thats known to be used to transport nukes and for rendition flights to gitmo and other fine holiday destinations. No wonder we are being targeted, everyone else is sick of having a target on them.

I dont think for a second that if you bombed the US, the way Syria, Afgan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia etc. etc. have been, that there would not be an uprising of born again Christians advocating for the death of the aggressors, like the Muslims are doing now. I appreciate there are major ideological differences between Islam and Christianity but a few thousand bombs and the pages of the old testament would be out so quickly your head would spin. Eye for an eye, Sodom and Gomorrah style payback.

This all needs to stop, I was raised with the view we were entering a new world of peace where wars were no longer a thing, but on reflection I have spent over half my life dealing with some kind of war or another, and it keeps getting closer to home. How can the citizens of the USA not understand that bombing the fuck out of other countries non stop is not going to have some kind of repercussions.

LostandFound ago

Hahaha, ah Bill you always crack me up

julian_assanger ago

god damn russians

ansipizza ago

Note to self: keep paying the Clinton Foundation!

AreWeSure ago

The rooster example is make clear this is not a logical statement. An exaggeration to provide clarity because our brain is always susceptible to logical fallacies.

You recognize this, but you seem to want to hedge it. Correlation does not always equal? It's simply not evidence of at all. You need other evidence. You rightly conclude that all that remains is a possibility that other evidence exists.

But that is just following one logical fallacy with another. Post hoc ergo propter hoc and then absence of evidence.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc Absence of evidence

atheist4thecause ago

Actually, you're wrong. What @TruthBot0001 is saying is that some correlation is from causation, and that's true. But there will also be times where correlation is not from causation. So basically, correlation is evidence, it's just not proof.

reasonedandinformed ago

AreWeSure is a known CTR troll.

AreWeSure ago

what's it evidence of?

atheist4thecause ago

The possibility of causation.

AreWeSure ago

That's not really saying much is it? It could be a 1 in million chance

It's weak evidence.

An example. People were touting this recent trafficking bust in California as evidence of a change in Washington with the new administration, but they didn't know the same operation was run at this time for a few year prior.

reasonedandinformed ago

CTR Troll.

grlldcheese ago

It's super convenient that he posts so often.

Today some totally deplorable asshole went through 50 of his posts and now he has a -26 ccp.

Pretty sure that limits his posting ability.

atheist4thecause ago

The fact is you were wrong to say he was wrong.

AreWeSure ago

I think you might be quibbling over proof, but the larger point that you need more evidence stands.

atheist4thecause ago

Many points of evidence make up convincing proof. For instance, James Alefantis having satanic art on his Instagram doesn't prove he's in a satanic pedophile cult, but it's evidence. Bring up enough evidence and you will reach the point of proof.

AreWeSure ago

Fair point. I think he was hedging on how weak the evidence was, and I wrote my post like it was no evidence at all not just weak evidence.

I've been known to nitpick a point as well.

sound_of_silence ago

maybe.. donors stop giving because the product is no longer available (because of the scandal)... then.. folks busted in the pedo cases later turn out to be connected to the foundation...

Figbash ago

Sounds like pay for play.you stop paying, they accuse you of playing. Game over.

Just like bbb. Dont pay your dues and suddenly you're a corrupt,dishonest businessowner.


Sounds like traditional mafia. Plata or plomo.

Either enjoy the bribe or enjoy the bullet.

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

Just like the mafia. Stop paying, and they send Tony to break your legs.

unkyshaun ago

Fat Tony?

privatepizza ago

Brilliant connecting! You're suggesting that when the Clinton cash stops (as it has), because of the lack of bribe cash, the traffickers on the ground have no cover, and so they're busted? Sounds plausible to me.

slipstreamsailor ago

I read it as they GTFO right before they got caught.

privatepizza ago

Yep! Gotta be?

AreWeSure ago

The rooster crows immediately before sunrise; therefore the rooster causes the sun to rise.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I prefer judge judy: "if it doesn't make sense it isn't true."

cakeoflightylight ago

Are you saying the Clinton Foundation actually takes them down, or are you saying that the two happen simultaneously - funds stop just as it becomes obvious that the CF is in hot water?

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Possibly the funds stopped flowing back to the donors. Perhaps the CF stopped paying protection money.