NotANormie ago

Evidence? Have you done any research at all on pizzagate? Go cash your CTR cheque and gtfo

21yearsofdigging ago

The police huh? Really? I don't see the police doing much of anything do you? This may put it in perspective if you are at all interested in finding out how prevalent this is. People like Giustra have many many companies not to mention all the film poster art and whatnot he had to sign off on. He and his buddies are very familiar with logos and art work, that is part of the role you must play when running multi national companies. For whoever to accidentally choose this logo, I mean come on, who are you? I beg to differ, it is you who is not very smart. One more thing by placing calls to who? A corrupt system whose silence on this is deafening. Oh yes, but that New York Times article or the Washington post? What's that, oh yeah the BBC? Yes, the BBC was very successful exposing Jimmie Savile weren't they?? Only after Savile is dead does the truth come out.

21yearsofdigging ago

Can you explain to me the pedophile symbol then?? I mean, even the same color as that listed in FBI files as meaning boy man love? Also, I once visited a monastery in Texas and people there were very helpful and kind and yet, something strange hung in the air but I couldn't put my finger on it.There were children running around and people assured me it was just great there. Well, years later I am online and something caught my eye. It was about THAT monastery I had visited and the head priest was up on several charges of pedophilia. I wasn't happy about it nor did I feel any self satisfaction about being right about my intuition. Just sad for some of the children involved. I suggest you go back there and dig around. I am sure many good people work there not realizing the bigger picture or what goes on that they don't know about. This is pretty common. Good people workj for these organizations have no idea. If you do know Giustra personally, ask him about John Hardy and the company called LionsGate that we were starting. Thanks for your reply

21yearsofdigging ago

Media?? Yeah right, just the the media in the U.S. is so unbiased and fair, i.e. The New York Times, Washington Post artilces

21yearsofdigging ago

Hahaha. They knew what they were doing, come on. It ain't Giustra's first day at the beach. How many companies does he run, and how many logos you think he's approved

21yearsofdigging ago

How long you been around here?

21yearsofdigging ago

Honestly, I believe in fact checking and not jumping to conclusions but that pedo symbol on Elpida(the one taken down yesterday) was pretty damning. Plus Giustra flying around to 3rd world countries with Clinton. I mean come on. Anyway put this up last night, kind of an insurance policy as well. Keep in mind the huge revenue from Child Trafficking (including organ trafficking).

Womb_Raider ago

49m account with no additional information, just mild concern trolling?

That's a shame...

fuspezza ago

The logo is still there just put the 2nd and 5th letter together.

podestadamolesta ago

Besta pizza changed their logo too. Too bad people still have their paper menus that have the Boy Lover logo on it. Plus, there are videos of Besta Pizza before they changed their disgusting logo clearly showing it.

NotANormie ago

They know they are guilty, they don't want the extra attention; so they're trying to be discreet about it and scrub the evidence. Just means we need to work harder!

common_sense ago

No because that's a ridiculous thing to ask for.

99% of people have no fucking clue what that symbol is.

dickface8 ago

Ooh sorry, did I not pick a pretentious enough of a name? :P

dickface8 ago

I read another dumb comment and surprise, it's from the same guy! Maybe you should read around and then you wont be such an ignorant asshole and try mocking people.

dickface8 ago

There's your first problem: listening to the NY times, lol! Investigate it yourself like everyone else did, or just go back and feed off whatever the NY Times is telling you.

Scoundrel ago

Have you even been following along? Read the damn thread - that is linked to previous posts.

militant ago

It is unreasonable to believe that an innocent company can end up with an obvious pedophile symbol as a logo unknowingly.

dickface8 ago

Yeah noticed that obviously, still the logo. And connection to the Clintons has everything to do with everything. Wake up man!

Truthology ago

Fair enough. Maybe it is a great project. I'm just as open minded to believe they are fully legit. But when they have a symbol that is linked to pedophillia on the FBIs list. Then I'm just as open minded to believe they are complicit.

Especially considering that childre charities are a hot bed for pedophillia and have been for decades. It's sickening to say. But Jimmy Saville was the biggest pedophile in Britain, and abused kids in Children hospitals and hid behind charities. This is what they do.

Since your "method" of seeking truth is with your very own eyes. Then tell us your experience with this facility? Since you have seen this place for yourself. Did you work there? Or is your "experience" just limited to reading things what reporters said?

dickface8 ago

Ok, so they're obviously gonna take the angle of "well we realized that the logo was accidentally similar to this pedo thing so we thought we'd squash it and start a new", that's a given. So we've gotta focus on the fact both CPP and them both used the same symbol and are both connected to the Clintons.

Truthology ago

They use the same symbol as the FBI logo for boylover. That is the only reason I am trying to decipher it as meaning for something else. 1.) I'm not American. 2.) I have my own home, and 3.) I can speak two languages. And 4.) Why would I ever go to Greece? The country is falling apart.

There is no need to attack me. Just say your opinion. But no need to attack. You attack me and then have the audacity to call me a "troll".

Truthology ago

ELPIDA is represented as ELPI△A in the logo. If the symbol wasn't sounding out enough alarm bells. Then why is a △ present instead of the d? Could it be that the △ represents Pizza? Or could it be that the △ represents a Z? Should we really be seeing ElPizza? . Add to the fact that El represents "he" in Spanish. Should it be "He Pizza"? and the obvious "boy loving" symbol on the FBI list. It's so blatant.

notintopizza ago

Their instragram still has the old logo

pirawrr ago

They are owned by Radcliffe foundation, which is owned by Frank Giustra, who is on the Clinton Foundation board.

It connects the Clinton foundation to an organization using pedophile symbol.

sh3rog ago

If they aren't guilty, you would think they would make a statement regarding the logos removal.

sh3rog ago

I commented on a related page and got this response. I then asked why an organization that deals with vulnerable children wouldn't want to dispel any association with pedophilia, and they deleted the comment and blocked me. Go ask them yourselves. Don't be accusatory, act innocent - if they ask about pizzagate tell them you're not here because of pizzagate, you're asking because of the wikileaks document - Bring up the point that their changing the logo, without making any kind of statement is highly suspicious. Logos basically exist for branding/public relations, so you would think they would want to quell any rumors regarding their logo removal with some kind of statement rather than being all shady

LargePepperoni ago

New Logo

Can someone decode this? What does it mean? Is it a cypher or something?

hi5 ago

I'm no expert, but to me it just looks like it says "elpida" in Russian.

Jedi-Knight ago

I think this is in Greek. Elpida meaning Hope

hi5 ago

I've never studied Greek.... but, yeah, that would make more sense than Russian. Thanks

LargePepperoni ago

Does Russian use triangles for letters?

hi5 ago

In shorthand, yes. The first triangle with the open bottom is an L and the closed bottom triangle is a D.

lorlipone ago

Info regarding this organization should go in the "El-Pida-File."

Had to.

madmanpg ago

Oookay, yeah. Another changed logo. This is not good. I'm now waiting for that Andrew Breitbart tweet to magically disappear. If that happens, I'd say we have confirmation of shit having just got real.

We_The_People ago

All of these businesses are watching very closely. If this was nothing, they wouldn't be interested. Changing logos is an admission of guilt. They are TERRIFIED.

LightlyToasted ago

Right, it's powerful evidence of mens rea.

standalone ago

Did someone keep a screenshot of their home page? Please upload.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

Realtime video of this happening via Tracy D. on Youtube:


Free_Radical ago

Haha, beautiful. They will claim it was an anti-witch-hunt move but this particular witch just tried to hide 1:1 pedo logo for her "factory".

thezodiac ago

The only thing it indicates is that Pizzagate is getting attention, they're monitoring us closely.

fedevela ago

picture of elpida logo

standalone ago

You are wasting your time. Mossack Fonseca is a law firm that offers offshore incorporation services. There are thousands of entities for which Mossack Fonseca is an intermediary.

fedevela ago

Elpida Holdings Ltd. Intermediary of ROTHSCHILD TRUST GUERNSEY LIMITED

standalone ago

Another shot in the dark. Rothschild Trust Guernsey is the Guernsey branch of Rothschild Private Banking, a huge UK financial group that has tens of thousands of corporate clients. All you have learnt is that Elpida is using the services of two corporate service companies to manage its offshore entities: Rothschild Trust and Mossack Fonseca.

It's pointless trying to connect the dots through such a loose and meaningless relation as agents, intermediaries or decoy placeholder directors or secretaries. Shareholders are more interesting because shareholders are the way that actual beneficiaries of an offshore company keep control of the structure. Sometime you'll find people incorporating by themselves and designating themselves or an employee as director, but that usually requires to be locally present, and since we are talking about offshore companies, it's a pretty rare case. It's almost never the case for tiny countries that are mostly used for offshoring. It's more often the case for countries that are real economic centers like Hong Kong or Singapore.

ScottKnight ago

Listen guys I agree that this was a huge lead but not because of Elpida itself, Elpida helped us connect Frank Giustra to this; he is the guy that was important this Elpida place is actually doing some good for refugees; lets try to connect the big picture and prove without a doubt the massive scale of nefarious activity.

These guys could be abusing kids, but our only actual evidence was the symbol and the Radcliffe Foundation.


what is elipda

Womb_Raider ago

Looks like they're sweating. Keep digging. Lets look into their CEO

21yearsofdigging ago

Frank Giustra??

riggington ago

And even if they are not guilty, they would ofc change the logo when they notice it's being connected to pedos.

It's not like the heart spiral or triangle spiral is a very demanding artistic thingy.

militant ago

Do you seriously believe that they randomly ended up with a pedophile symbol as a logo?

riggington ago

These specific guys? Not necessarily. Just saying someone could and it's not actual proof, just a hint that we should dig deeper.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

And even if they are not guilty

(they are)

looking4truth ago

Do they think we're stupid and we will not notice?

We_The_People ago

How many years did it take to notice it? Obviously they were right.. for awhile.

WellSetTable ago

Look at it this way, Jimmy Jack Ass at Comet Ping Pong hung up weird, creepy,perverted, disturbing, fucked up, pictures at his pizza place and there were parents STUPID enough to not question them, and continue to munch on pizza slices with their children there as from what I have read, some kept going.

An example how ALL of these people think we are stupid based on the actions of the real stupid people.

Too bad for them not every one is THAT stupid. But because of stupid parents, these pedos think all of us are stupid. So yes, they think we won't notice. Bastards.

dickface8 ago

And on top of that, in the interview video of him at CPP by those few guys, when he gives them the tour the dude asks what happened to the art on the wall that was there the other day and James' answer just reeks of guilt. It's right at the very end, I'd love someone elses opinion on that bit. Super suss to me.

Anti-Stupid ago

No link?

common_sense ago

Devil's advocate.

If they're innocent and they're logo is being connected to a pedo ring, of course they're going to change it.

artis ago

devil's advocacy for the devil's advocate?

creep ago

Holy shit.

lawfag123 ago

I want to puke

shillsmademeregister ago

you got em well played

LtSilverFox ago

Oooooo I'm saving this one :)))

Gorillion ago

Honestly, that typo looks like the pedo hieroglyphic code that was dug up elsewhere.

anubic ago

God damn it's verbatim off of the FBI symbol document and the org specifically revolves around children. What the fuck man.

NotANormie ago

I don't want to believe, I really wish I could take the blue pill. But the evidence is just glaring.. what a disgusting reality we live in.

LostandFound ago

Sorry to hijack just for the record heres a backup of original

LostandFound ago

Original logo

derram ago :

Elpída Home

'Today the local Scouts group took some of our children and volunteers to plant trees on the hill. '

'We hope we will have many more such community integration activities in the coming months. '

This has been an automated message.