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KillerKap ago

Surreal to see pizzagate bursting at the seems everywhere you look. Critical Mass, anons. They will no longer be able to contain it. All it takes is one juicy story that runs away from them to tip the scale and watch gravity do the work. I am enjoying this.

letsdothis3 ago

Fabulous comment. "I am enjoying this." - me too. I think we are close to the silver bullet.

auralsects ago

based on what "critical mass"

Thats like Qtards believing anyone follows or cares about muh FISA declas

You know that only 40% of Americans are aware enough to even vote, right?

Mexicans -- 1/3 of whom are now in America -- had the same ruling party for over a century. The US will be a dysfunctional corrupt shithole with a Jewish ruling class regardless.

Pizzagate is only a means to that end. What do you think Qanon is for but pacifying the boomers that make our white majority.

If any of this is even on your radar its pretty pathetic to continue as you are.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Someone getting scared....

Y'all are fucked.

letsdothis3 ago

'the silver bullet' is a tech term. Look it up.

I started on this journey before pizzagate and I knew something like it was coming. THIS forum is MY MEANS TO AN END. People like you are the pathetic ones. And I have my bags of popcorn when I watch you all.

auralsects ago

I asked you to justify this statement

Surreal to see pizzagate bursting at the seams everywhere you look. Critical Mass, anons. They will no longer be able to contain it.

Which was a dick move because it obviously cant be substantiated, just Qtard fantasy like your POPCORN BOOM (you talk exactly like them, wtf)

People like you and your cohort of misfits are the pathetic ones

Lol i just explained why everything you do worthless in the end.

Next time just say openly "I am a typical race traitor cunt, you know what females are like, dont bother"

But please do keep dropping those pearls, I'll still take them

LOL you literally just bragged about being too stubborn and retarded to use them, so nah, but i will keep pointing out when ppl think somethings new but turns out i posted it years ago.

Holy shit do u actually think youre comparable to me? Why are you speaking to me like an equal?

letsdothis3 ago

but i will keep pointing out when ppl think somethings new but turns out i posted it years ago.

That's why I left out this comment on my latest post.. to give you an opportunity to 'big up' yourself.

What a gem. Hope this lead bears fruit, make sure to check those threads where the govt employee claimed to be shipping furniture or something to/from DR or Haiti, can't remember

That's quite a decent comment. Where's the real Donkey, what have you done with him?

auralsects ago

Idk what you mean, I'm nice by default like everybody but am in a hostile environment constantly shilled by boomers, British people, hos and now Qtards, and I don't deserve it YOU MADE ME WHT I AM

letsdothis3 ago

So, which category would you put me in?

auralsects ago

Probably all of them tbh

letsdothis3 ago

Lol. I love the internet.

letsdothis3 ago

Holy shit do u actually think youre comparable to me? Why are you speaking to me like an equal?

Do you really want me to respond to that :-) xx

KillerKap ago

Now I finally know why "walking the plank" was the perfect punishment for mutineers.

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see grandparent

KillerKap ago

CIA tip site is a honeypot to murder helpless whistleblowers.

Vindicator ago

@Letsdothis3, I am away from my computer. Is there any evidence of a link to child sex trafficking among all this? If not, this needs to go in v/pizzagatewhatever. If so, please spell it out at the top of the post. Thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

I've added the comment from @think- and hopefully, the post now satisfies the rules.

Just a quick reminder of the tech links Polaris Project guides victims to freedom with Salesforce

Polaris Project, an organization dedicated to combating human-trafficking and modern-day slavery, wanted to increase their social impact by improving the speed and quality of its responses to human trafficking situations as well as its understanding of the issue through analysis of data collected from multiple programs.

Polaris is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that works to combat and prevent modern-day slavery and human trafficking. For the past 10 years, Polaris has run the National Human Trafficking Hotline, working on some 40,000 cases of trafficking.

Polaris is one of the few organizations working on all forms of trafficking, including supporting survivors who are male, female, transgender people and CHILDREN, US citizens and foreign nationals and survivors of both labor and sex trafficking.[8] In April 2013, Polaris Project launched their Global Human Trafficking Hotline Network to connect with international anti-trafficking organizations running hotlines and coordinate efforts.

What You Can Do Today to Fight Child Sex Trafficking

Polaris runs the national hotline.

[The subverse PIZZAGATETNT was set up two years ago to study the infrastructure of child trafficking and transportation of abuse victims. I have a personal belief that's how we will take down the network... not by focusing on individual cases but by calling out the people who set up and run the systems. By ignoring the macro perspective, we play into the controllers' hands and allow them to get away with their crimes.]

Another relevant vost post : Airbnb and POLARIS (creator of the National Human Trafficking Hotline) have teamed up to fight against traffickers before they turn rentals into "pop-up brothels". Uh Oh.....

letsdothis3 ago

Thought I'd go a bit further and give you a quote: "In public, including on Twitter, Salesforce boasted about fighting human trafficking using its data tools. " We've always understood 'human trafficking' to include 'child trafficking', right?

Vindicator ago

"We've always understood 'human trafficking' to include 'child trafficking', right?

No, early on the board was flooded with generic trafficking submissions that had nothing to do with kids, so that was made very specific in the ruleset. We can, of course, change the ruleset if the community wants to, but it will mean we have to leave stuff up that is more general and possibly open the door to forum sliding.

I get what @think- is saying about the suit actually referencing child prostitution via Backpage. My problem is, I don't understand what Salesforce is, or what it had to do with Backpage. This is one of those submissions that has so much incidental stuff attached to it, it was not easy to see how it satisfied Rule 1.

If you could add a sentence at the beginning quoting where the lawsuit itself references the abuse of minors, that would be perfect. Think- found that in one of the links you already have.

letsdothis3 ago

@Vindicator ma be I'm too close to this because I've been following Salesforce for a long time re Pizzagate and I thought the links in the post were sufficient, but if you think otherwise I don't have a problem with you deleting this - as I strongly suspect future news will validate my links :-)

think- ago

No, please don't delete! That's important info!

You might want to add the info in my comment below. . Although I think we discussed Backpae and underage trafficking already numerous times, so imo the headline suffices to point out the v/pizzagate relevance.

But I'm not a mod anymore.


think- ago

Quote from the court document -


Backpage was the leading online marketplace for commercial sex and sex trafficking.


The National Association of Attorneys General aptly described Backpage as a “hub” of “human trafficking, especially the trafficking of minors.”

(see first link in OP)

while the age of Jane Does 1-50 is not given in the document, the lawsuit alleges that salesforce facilitated both the trafficking of minors and adults.


letsdothis3 ago

Thank you @think-. I have added this to the post.

think- ago

K, kindly welcome.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding this.

Tidesthrowaway ago

Tides Foundation, eh? That may connect with Terrasol, the cafe on Comet pingpong block. Please read this

letsdothis3 ago

Voat posts re Common Sense Media:

Entire commune has triangle boy lover symbol as their town logo!!! Need some help on this!

He has also served as senior vice president and general counsel at WNET/Channel 13 in New York, was counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary and Governmental Affairs Committees in Washington, D.C., and worked in the California State Legislature and Governor's Office.

Knell is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He serves on the boards of Heidrick & Struggles and Common Sense Media as well as the advisory boards of the Military Child Education Coalition and the Pentagon Memorial Fund. He is an adviser to the Annenberg School of Communications at USC

Get this... The sphere on Prince Charles' investiture coronet is actually a gold-plated PING PONG ball

The Charles Engelhard Foundation ...Hedge-fund billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer, who could be called the next Al Gore, backs an anti-fossil fuel organization called the Energy Foundation, which has given millions to NRDC. Ironically enough, researchers have uncovered that Steyer’s hedge fund “minted a lot of money off oil and gas investments, among other environmentally destructive business ventures.” A profile of environmental groups profiting from the very oil and gas companies they fundamentally oppose by the progressive magazine The Nation confirmed that “NRDC still holds stocks in mutual funds and mixed assets that do not screen for fossil fuels.”

The NRDC also received more than $1.7 million in 2011 from the SeaChange Foundation—a foundation with dubious funders. An exposé by the Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Klein Ltd., a company incorporated in Bermuda that exists solely on paper, donated at least $10 million to the SeaChange Foundation. SeaChange then funnels that shadowy money to a number of progressive organizations.

NRDC has received similarly hidden contributions through other “donor-advised” funds, criticized by some watchdogs as “dark money.” The Schwab Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund that donors to other left-environmentalist groups have used to obscure their identities, funneled at least $4.7 million in NRDC donations since 2008.

NRDC also receives considerable funding from more traditional liberal foundations. The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008.

re Schwab Charitable Trust:.. fake soros sponsored "yellow vest" protests in israel. A dig... Seems legit right? That is until we dig deeper to see what organizations funded and organized all this. The whole thing was organized by the ceo of "the new alliance" organization which is funded by the "Tides" San Francisco progressive fund:... List of voat posts re Tides Foundation here

kestrel9 ago

The recent buzz over this Massive cache of 1,000 guns seized from Bel-Air mansion during ATF raid

The Bel-Air mansion is described as a hoarder’s paradise. Court records show that the property is owned by Cynthia Beck, who has three daughters with J. Paul Getty’s son Gordon Getty. Beck bought the property in January 2001, but it remains unclear what, if any, connection she had to Wednesday’s events. Beck could not be reached for comment.

Brought up the CDAN topic regarding Getty and his son Home of mistress of son of J. P. Getty, alleged elite child trafficker, raided:1000+ guns found

CDAN: JP Getty led an elite pedophile ring supplied with children from the Philippines (by Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos)

carmencita ago

Wow, isn't that Witch Imelda still living? They seem to never die, a stake usually does the trick.

new4now ago

carmencita ago

I remember Rahm E. being involved in some way with backpage. I think he was dragging his feet on kicking them out of Chicago, etc. I can't find anything on it. Could have been scrubbed by now.

carmencita ago

Thanks. This is a mystery of sorts. Not that I doubt their involvement in trafficking, but who is the actual owner of those weapons. Possibly Gordon. Can't wait for updated info.

letsdothis3 ago

Yup. No coincidences.

kestrel9 ago

extra bit of info regarding the arms cache seized:

Girard Saenz

according to a comment from link

The arms belonged to a licensed dealer and no charges were made. The whole thing was for theatrics to bait gullible people like you. The person arrested was Girard Saenz who is co-owner of the property and co-owner of several other properties with Cynthia Beck.


The suspect in custody was identified by the police as Girard Saenz, who goes Gerry Saenz, who’s a 57-year-old licensed contractor with ties to Beck. Public records show that he and Beck are longtime business partners, and that they own a collection of properties together. link

His Fiancée Norma Nicolls Was a Former Aide of Larry Lawrence (former ambassador to Switzerland under President Bill Clinton), the Disgraced Owner of the Hotel de Coronado. Nicolls was still working for Lawrence, when Saenz, her fiancé at the time, led the design team for the restoration and remodeling of the Lawrence’s Crown Manor :

we opened our home to various charities and political organizations for events,“ says Pastor. They hosted local dignitaries, such as Governor Jerry Brown, Former Sheriff and San Diego Police Chief Bill Kolender, foreign officials, and a number of weddings.

Saenz Is a Licensed Contractor (Gerry Saenz & Associates) & His Office Building Is Owned By Beck

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting links...

kestrel9 ago

Was it you that focused on architecture in a series of posts? If so you may find this article about the Spreckel's Van Ness Mansion interesting in it's description of tunnels and some prominent CA names/businesses

letsdothis3 ago

Was it you that focused on architecture in a series of posts?

Yes. Interesting article.

kestrel9 ago

yes, there's more. I think it needs it's own post. Care to hear the highlights?

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, please...

kestrel9 ago

Larry Lawrence's wife was Sheila Davis Lawrence

during the 1998 Paula Jones sexual harassment case against Clinton, in which Shelia was referred to as Jane Doe 7. Larry Lawrence had died in January 1996, leaving Shelia a wealthy widow and in charge of the lavishly appointed Crown Manor. “Now, have you ever spent the night at a home owned by Jane Doe 7 when your wife was not with you?” Clinton was asked in a March 1998 deposition. “I believe I did once. I believe, I believe I did. .." Thank Billy! /s

Norma Nichols regarding Larry Lawrence (who never served but lied about his military service):

I don't remember exactly when [Lawrence] was confirmed; I wasn't working there at the time. I believe in January of 1994 he went back to Washington, and that was when he received the medal from the Russian Embassy for his exploits during the war. [Laughter] You have to understand, you know, when I see this stuff and read it in print, I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, my!" 

Much has been written about the Tudor Revival Style mansion at 1015 Ocean Blvd, named the Crown Manor by Larry Lawrence, who lived there off and on until it was sold in 1999 to its new owners who currently have it on the market for $25 million. The house historically should be named the “Richards/DuPee/Burnham/Van Ness/McPartlin/Pastor/Lawrence/Black/Bower” with its storied past.

Trivia: Seems there are several 'Van Ness' mansions in the US, a common aspect is that there are usually rumors of them being haunted The Van Ness House was built in Bodega Bay, California in 1862 by Miles Van Ness who made his money in the gold rush. It is located two miles south of Bodega Bay on Bay Highway (U.S. Highway 1) not far from the shore of Bodega Bay. During Prohibition, parts of the house were altered to include a bar and a hidden room for high-stakes gambling. Max Finley, however, has a more personal insight and direct observation of what was happening in the house between 1938 to 1943 when the location was a boarding school, mostly for orphans and children of American GIs overseas. Although he was eight years old at the time, he has told and repeated his stories often over the years...

...It is known that there have been seventeen reported disappearances of individuals in a hundred mile radius of Bodega Bay of is not possible to link all of them to the Van Ness House as people do tend to vanish.