ASolo ago

Yep. There aren't a bevy of live mk-ultra children underneath the Getty, there are 50 DEAD children underneath the monorail section.

If y'all don't grasp the entirety of what enty revealed this fourth of july I'm afraid it's already over with. Even if you do realize it it's already over with. We can fight this beast with everything we have but I still don't think the majority who ever broach this subject understand it's enormity.

new4now ago

Glad you brought this back up


AssJayDoubleyou ago

Underground tunnels, sound familiar?

ReddittRefugee ago

Yes, wherever you have elites involved in rituals, they seem to use tunnels, as documented here:

Truthseeker3000 ago

The Getty family is still beyond fucked. Their offspring now are so messed up they will never be normal. Even those who married in are nuts like Sabine Getty, a satanic mother of darkness. The younger ones like Ivy Getty and her trans cousin some fashion street designer are hopeless. Pia Getty (married in) who divorced her Getty for cheating a while back has 4 kids, 3boys and 1girl. The girl, Isabel is a terrible artist and socialite, the sons are weird beyond belief, especially the fat one Robert “Bob” who hates everyone not in his upper class calling regular people “vermin and rats” he’s a film maker who makes ridiculously odd shit and writes comics for a living. Yes, writes comics for a living. Hes a vile person to say the least. The others are in university, equally fucked and pompous asses. Pia Getty, Alexandra Von Furstenberg and Marie Chantal (who thinks she’s a royal) are all sisters and these families are all highly suspicious of dark secrets. Their father is Robert Miller who is a billionaire from the duty free shops.

dundundunnnnn ago

So I can go back to pushing #occupythegetty now, right?

Gothamgirl ago

This may connect to Rupert Murdoch I believe it was his yacht.

ReddittRefugee ago

I think you're right.

Qwerty72 ago

I remember reading that Claus Vonbulow worked for Getty and Sunny stopped having relations due to knowledge of his deeds.

jervybingly ago

It was widely reported that at the height of her power, Imelda had 5,000 pairs of shoes.

Oh_Well_ian ago

That was the cover story from the Media to garner attention from the masses.

It worked like a charm, didn't it?

darkknight111 ago

Always knew we should be digging into asia more. The Philipines is likely a gateway to the region in terms of trafficking.

1980s was also when the Finders were active. The cult who Mueller protected from investigation.

rickman ago

Here's another link back the Clintons. The pedo manager of the Backstreet Boys was running ponzi schemes in the Phillipines with someone who worked at Platte River, the company running Hillary's private email server.

ReddittRefugee ago

The Philippines is a notorious center for pedophiles, and for traffickers. Most people think the age of consent is 12, and it is, sort of, but is more complicated than that. Also, there can be no age of consent if children are trafficked into prostitution.

Until Duterte was elected, money and political favors were exchanged to enable trafficking kids aged 12-18, and various people have set up "resorts" where pedos can go and indulge in their proclivities.

Things are changing, most recently removing any age of consent for children trafficked into prostituion, but the pedos will probably keep on going there until some high-profile prosecutions take place.

Kregan ago

I gotta look deeper into this. It seems plausible if not down right true. Thank you and stay vigilant in the pursuit of truth.