dundundunnnnn ago

Let's Occupy The Getty

Lowbatt34 ago

Last November, after news broke about Kevin Spacey's "indiscretions", he was dropped from filming the role of J Paul Getty in Ridley Scott's latest film, "All the Money in the World". Christopher Plummer replaced him. Doubtful the film will cover anything about J Paul's secret tunnels and annex housing girl sex slaves who were allegedly murdered. http://deadline.com/2017/11/kevin-spacey-dropped-all-in-the-money-in-the-world-christopher-plummer-ridley-scott-j-paul-getty-1202204437/

ASolo ago

I'll bet you though that the timing of this movie and entys blind are not a coincidence either.

Shizy ago

Ghislane Maxwell (enabler and accomplice to Jeffrey Epstein) is the daughter of Robert Maxwell. He had been an MP. He died in 1991 when he fell off his yacht (yeah right)! I know the Gettys seem like the reasonable choice here but the Maxwells popped into my head.

ASolo ago

Something worth considering, these blinds could include any and all of the names we've explored.

Joe10jo ago

I’m one of the people that automatically guessed the Getty’s too but in reference to “Jr.” Is it the one who was married to Talitha??

Piscina ago



The Getty Center in Los Angeles is a multi billion dollar structure built to house the art collection of the Getty Foundation. J. P. Getty was given a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth when it was completed. The reality is that it is a front for a fortress protecting an elevator that goes down into a deep underground sanctuary, intended to house the royal family in the future. The entire structure, and the complete system of underground structures is also home to a Satanic empire that provides massive amounts of children to the caver's that live there, for pedophilia, ritual abuse, and sacrifice, with consumption.

Don't know whether above is true.

kazza64 ago

this is the darkest post enty has made and i actually fear for his life after this one

ASolo ago

I don't think you're the only one I'll bet there are ppl scrambling to get at him.

Onetime1 ago

For what it is worth, folks, these CDAN disclosures have all the fingerprints of an intelligence operation - white hats, in this case. Specifically, if an established outlet for gossip was bought/taken over/ commandeered to be a conduit for controversial, damning info to be released into the mainstream, this is an effective way to accomplish that. The reason I am hoping this is true is that would validate the whole "Q" narrative. The vastness and vileness of the status quo is so horrific that incremental disclosure is necessary for widespread acceptance of the truth.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

There arre no good spooks. If it is at any point selling that the authorities are going to arrest people, it will be exposed as disinfo.

ASolo ago

While I can understand your apprehension, I guess you might want to clarify your position on what 'white hat' means in your understanding because there are variations on what is meant by the term according to many different theories. Essentially, what I mean to say is that they are all 'white hat' operations because it is TIME for them, whether those entities disclosing the information are good or bad is inconsequential. According to my own theory and others, the black hats have only been ALLOWED to exist for the future benefit of the white hats, the former being there to scare the populace into the 'safety' and security of the white hats, the cleanup crew, the Vatican and the royal and ruling families. It is them that will usher in the total enslavement of mankind.

Really, all of it is a psyop on the public, it's a demoralizing tool, stripping the world of who they once looked up to as role models. Once you reduce a man and strip him of everything he has two choices to make, sing with the angels or dwell with the devils. That's part of the true nature of disclosure.

ASolo ago

Also, I tend to believe Enty and these more recent blinds, although I have not been a visitor to his site on the regular, it is my understanding that this is not something he does all the time, this is definitely a sea change that signifies something big.

bernitdown ago

Okay, I read what you wrote, and it could be true.

But where is any evidence? Where are some stone cold facts in this? Everyone has been saying "This is big! Bombshell incoming! Big PG news, any day now, just wait, just wait this week, next week, there are letters out and who knows who is wearing ankle braclets already, it's coming, bombshells MAJOR BOMBSHELLS, definte proof, any second"

Then know what happens?

Fucking NOTHING.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They know how much you guys love carrots, so they perpetualy dangle one in front of you until they lead you into a cage.

rickman ago

Getty owned a house in England called Sutton Place. He lived there in the 60s and 70s up to his death. Could be the home mentioned in the blind.

Found an odd connection to PG and Alefantis. Sutton Place was bought after Getty's death by a Stanley Seeger. Seeger "established the Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton" according to Wikipedia. The first thing he did when he bought the property was to have a new garden built. "The largest post-war landscaping commission for a private client" He sold the house six years after buying it.

think- ago

Getty owned a house in England called Sutton Place. He lived there in the 60s and 70s up to his death.

Yes, I remember reading that he entertained the Rothschilds there.

ASolo ago


Mark said...

Polo and Roxy nailed it: The Getty Villa was the original location of the annex, the Getty Museum wing. The Getty (Center) is several miles away as the crow, or helicopter, flies.

wtf_is_happening ago

Anyone got Imelda Marcos's phone number?

mergen ago

Late but here ya go. Phone: (632) 931-5001, Local: 7397 Direct: 9315172

No need to contact. Duterte managed to negotiate some of the wealth back and possibly, the black mail material. (Letting Ferdinand get buried, supporting Marcos' son...)

If Duts got the black mail material, Trump probably has them.

The flip guys who gave the Marilou Danley is a spook crumb was a Philippine government worker at least.

Nana66 ago

Alotta views on this already.....

44NJ9 ago

This is random but I read that the energy of the eclipse back in Aug is to reveal hidden truth. It was because of the specific alignment at that time. The astrology article said this energy will continue for 10yrs. It seems to be truth, so much is coming out. I can only imagine what things will be like by Aug 2027.

millennial_vulcan ago

hopefully that memory eraser chip will be available at Costco so I don't have to think anymore about the sick shit that exists in this world

Blacksmith21 ago

Like the Gettys were the only ones with boneyards. This shit goes on all over the world. And in the US. The ones that don't havve the facilities or skills to liquify, incinerate, or render a corpse have to bury them. Common problem.

Dressage2 ago

Trump knows where the bodies are buried. I am sure there are many of these areas.

AdmirableNelson ago

Holy crap. It's happening now friends.

bernitdown ago

If I had a penny for every time someone said that in the last 12monrhs I would be quite rich.

think- ago

Recently, there were fires near the Getty in LA.

Interesting thread on this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2276828 (by @lawyer4justice).

People speculated the fire could have destroyed possible evidence re: murdered kids.

from the comments:

[–] 11278074 1 points (+1|-0) 28 days ago (edited 28 days ago)

If this info. helps anyone. The Getty Museum is relatively not an old structure.

It was built after The Getty Oil Company was bought by Texaco in 1983. using sale proceeds received by the Sarah Gettiy Trust. So this structure was put up after 1983. After the sale Getty Museum was the most heavily endowed museum in the world. It was rich rich rich.

[–] elephantdoesntforget 0 points (+0|-0) 28 days ago

Whether direct sacrifices occur IN the Getty or not, there is definitely something going on involving possible money laundering / people in charge of the Getty using it for their personal gain.

Don't forget the Getty heir was found dead a year or two ago in his Hollywood Hills home, dead of a 'drug overdose.' Young guy too.

cguinevere ago

This guy talks about the Getty "museum": https://youtu.be/AOnIzawFmiI Of course, I have no idea how much of this is truth and how much is disinfo, but I thought it was interesting anyway.

carmencita ago

Those fires. Very odd indeed. There were other areas near Santa Barbara as well, Ellen D. had to evacuate animals. Wonder who had to get rid of evidence. Don't Oprah and Gayle liver there too? They have been on many Yachts. JPG JPGII Marcos

Shizy ago

Oprah has a house in Montecito, it's a VERY wealthy area near Santa Barbara. Massive mansions!

carmencita ago

They all have way too much. Oprah and Gayle have a house as far as I am concerned. They now go everywhere together. I really don't care, but I can't stand people that live a lie. Move the letters in Santa around and you have Satan.

millennial_vulcan ago

My submission about those suspicious SB fires was deleted :(

carmencita ago

I see why you put a Frowny Face. So sad that this place can't own up to the truth. Try putting it in whatever and we will ping people. Sick Sick Sick.

mooteensy ago

^^^This. Very important. Not a coincidence.

think- ago

(((museums and underground tunnels and facilities)))

Remember the Getty museum has its own underground train service and underground storage facilities?

Someone suggested there might be children held under the Getty, although the numbers he gave - 100,000 - were by far too high to be believable at all (limited hangout? exaggerate so nobody will believe it...).

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2277932 (thanks, @srayzie)

from the comments:

[–] TimeOutofJoint 7 points (+7|-0) 28 days ago

Yes, Getty Museum has tunnels. I've been in the tunnels myself when Getty used to be a client of mine. Didn't think much of it at the time, but when I went to visit we went to an underground conference room through tunnels.

[–] bb22 3 points (+3|-0) 28 days ago

All of the very expensive art being brought into the place is a major red flag too.

We already know from many other research threads here and elsewhere that valuable art is allowed customs exceptions and is apparently how many children are trafficked and allowed to bypass customs agents. (...)

J. Paul Getty had that museum built on his private property himself before he died. He was an oil industrialist that had his hands in everything and was declared the richest man in the world by Fortune magazine in 1957

Skeptical2017 ago

So I guess it is a good thing all of that land burned. Now they need to excavate to rebuild. I wonder what they will find.

Shillaxe ago

Hey Trump , if you find the evidence, you can seize all of Gettys priceless art collection with your new EO.


The Trump Museum of Art

think- ago

No, he can't. The EO applies only to foreign citizens.

Dressage2 ago

Nope, foreign and domestic. Lobbyists, politicians in US and foreign nationalists, etc. Basically, all.

think- ago

But the list of names in annex shows only foreign citizens?

MolochHunter ago

list of names is a distraction. the text does not exclude domestic. trump doesnt telegraph to the enemy

Oh_Well_ian ago

we already have robust asset seizure laws in place for American citizens

that is perhaps why Sessions has not addressed them, despite popular support to repeal

MacPhisto ago

Educated guesses:

G - J Paul Getty J - J Paul Getty III M - Ferdinand/Imelda Marcos

This will be revealed, the question is what happens after?

ASolo ago

Please tell me you are aware of b4itsnews and Benjamin Fulford?

jealoushe ago

no Im not fill me in.

ASolo ago

Both are full of shit.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hahah. Beat me to it.

lerker ago

Are you sure? 100,000 kids hiding in the museum sounds really plausible /sarc

jealoushe ago

just thought it was interesting this was a year ago lol, good to know.

ASolo ago

Most people are already guessing J Paul Getty.

Getty museum folks....

ASolo ago

Well, we know now there is at least one child buried at The Villa...

Teddy Getty Gaston


Teddy Getty Gaston (1913–2017) (born Louise Dudley Theodora Lynch, also known as Teddy Lynch and Theodora Getty) was an American author and singer. She was the last wife of J. Paul Getty.

Life with John Paul Getty[edit]

While singing at a nightclub in New York in 1935, Lynch met J. Paul Getty.[1][2] The two start dating. Lynch wanted to be an opera singer and Getty paid for her lessons. The couple married in Rome, Italy, in 1939.[1]

Lynch went to England and Italy to study opera and she worked as a journalist for the New York Herald Tribune.[1] On the dawn of World War II, Lynch was arrested and held by the Italian Fascist Party and was accused of being a spy.[2] She was freed and moved back to the US in 1942. Getty was living in Oklahoma and Lynch chose to reside in Santa Monica, California. Lynch had a son with Getty named Timmy, who died aged 12 of a brain tumor. Getty was overseas when Timmy died and remained there when the boy was buried at the family's home, now the Getty Villa.[1]

Timothy Christopher Ware Getty

I wonder if that poor unfortunate loss is what prompted him to fill the rest of the yard?

Miss Gaston probably had a few demons of her own:

His Favorite Wife ‘Alone Together,’ by Teddy Getty Gaston

"Teddy Lynch met Getty in 1935, when she was a deb and a chanteuse at the New Yorker nightclub. She had no idea who he was, and when her friends said, “He’s in oil,” Lynch asked: “ ‘Oil’? What show is that?” Perhaps she had some reason other than money to look at a man 20 years her senior. She came from a home of privilege and secrets; her stepfather, a success and a drunk, sexually assaulted her at night, once telling her she deserved it because she was “nothing but a dirty little Jew! Like your father!” Yet she loved the man she knew as Dad. So when another father figure came along — a man almost twice her age when they met, who claimed to value her Jewish heritage (her father and grandfather were prosperous merchants in Chicago) — she perhaps thought she could get the approval she craved."


ASolo ago

Pretty interesting look at Getty hanging out with Teddy on what looks like the Villa:

Teddy Getty Gaston Tribute

mooteensy ago

My gut has always told me there is some connection between pg and Getty family. I'm gonna have to look back on past threads that discussed the Getty and note which shills came out to play.

44NJ9 ago

I was thinking the same thing, especially when the fire was circling the museum. I thought it was somehow going to burn to hide whatever secrets it was holding.

Joe10jo ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, his father was George. Can this be true? I would hardly be shocked.

Mylifeforanorange ago

Q asked where the bodies were buried.

ASolo ago

Looks like we'll have to do some proverbial digging at Mr Getty's properties, then hopefully the cops will do some literal digging.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The cops won't be doing anything. This should be clear by now.

pby1000 ago

Especially the LA police...

ASolo ago

True. Wishful thinking, maybe a lawsuit in international court? Yeah, I agree, we're fucked, we're surrounded by these degenerate monsters.

jealoushe ago

well, this is going to be good.