Gilderoy ago

Dutchsinse, who has developed a phenomenally successful method of predicting earthquakes, noted yesterday in one of his videos that he thought it was fascinating that the Southern California fires started after large earthquakes near the fracking operations the other day. He said the Northern California fires two months ago started after earthquakes struck near the volcanoes in Northern California.

Jan1998 ago

Re:Murdoch Estate

OP. @ principle

Jan1998 ago

No kidding. Rupert Murdoch has an estate very near The Getty. MSN is calling the area Bel-Air but

that is not correct really. His estate at least his vineyard area was on fire this afternoon! (Skirball Canyon).

elephantdoesntforget ago

The Getty seems to be of interest to some high level programmers.

Why exactly...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Well there is something to this because some of the Luciferian snot nosed offspring of the Getty’s (bearing the same last name) posted that they were “just there and saw the fire” not even 24 hrs ago. These certain brats don’t live in LA nor the USA either. The same millenials who refer to us all as “rats and vermon”. The question is, what was the need to go to the Getty Center right before and during the fire? Such a fucked up bunch it’s sad.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, what's with this?

Oh, Christ! You know there was another thread I posted ... about a church that burned down. It was rumored to be human trafficking. Can't remember who it was connected to ... Kamala Harris maybe? I'll have to dumpster dive and see if I can find it as soon as I get a minute.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Kamala harris seems to have her hands in many corrupt pies..

migratorypatterns ago

She does indeed. I'm pretty sure it was her, but not 100%. It's just that the fire was in LA and damn if I don't think it was connected to something she was working on.

Jan1998 ago

If this info. helps anyone.

The Getty Museum is relatively not an old structure.

It was built after The Getty Oil Company was bought by Texaco in 1983.

using sale proceeds received by the Sarah Gettiy Trust. So this structure was

put up after 1983. After the sale Getty Museum was the most heavily endowed

museum in the world. It was rich rich rich.

idkdu ago

If they can't burn it down, they'll evacuate, cordon off the areas for days, and remove everything. Then bulldoze the foundations, as they did in Napa.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

lol. This all started LITERALLY the day Trump won the presidency. Bethlehem Steel Was the first. Every fire since was the exact same thing. That being said, Even prior to nov 2016, Fires reported in the news, were cover ups... Believe it or not, buildings don't just catch fire, and burn to the ground... I know how retarded that sounds, But Everything you think you know about building fires, is fucking propaganda.. Buildings burn to the ground, If they are allowed to burn to the ground. They have been covering up shit with fire for decades.... But it goes Un noticed because they didn't have to burn entire states at once. Lol.

And listen, I'm not saying Every building thats been burnt to the ground was A cover up...I'm just saying that if you hear about a fire in the news.... Even Prior to Trump being elected, The chances of it being a cover up are overwhelming...

Again, I know how retarded that sounds. But Its true.

Disclaimer: I'm not including single family houses when proclaiming "Shit doesn't just burn to the ground."

Jan1998 ago

What did they do in Napa? Was this recent?

idkdu ago

Yes, the fires in wine country. May have been Sonoma technically speaking.

Jan1998 ago

Thank you!

Jan1998 ago

The McMartin pre-school in So. CA was burned down also. Ted Gunderson

proved (at least to me) that there were tunnels under the school.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have not watched this but here is what this is about. He cites Bill Cooper as one of his heros. He says there is a huge underground bunker under Getty Museum. He claims to be ex CIA. The Getty's have an interesting past. At one time considered perhaps the richest family in the world. J. Paul Jr. was kidnapped and they cut his ear off.

Description: Whistleblower Steven D. Kelley talks about his first hand experience in the firearm and optic R&D industry and how it lead him to deep place underground figuratively and literally. In this presentation Steven also shares an in depth look at the underground base at the Getty Museum. NOV. 17, 2012

GhostOfSwartz ago

I remember getting sucked down this getty rabbit hole awhile back post pizzagate revelations. I was reminded of this last night because I saw the new movie trailer about the Getty family ransom. I can't remember if there were posts on here that directed me there or if I stumbled onto elsewhere. There may be some archived voat submissions. Synchronicity.

idkdu ago

Great vid, thanks for posting.

new4now ago

Wonder what this is covering up?

ESOTERICshade ago

There is a guy who swears that there is a huge dark occult ritual area in the basement of Getty. He says its huge and that its basically an Illumaniti ritual sacrifice theatre dungeon.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I've heard that.

Whether direct sacrifices occur IN the Getty or not, there is definitely something going on involving possible money laundering / people in charge of the Getty using it for their personal gain.

Don't forget the Getty heir was found dead a year or two ago in his Hollywood Hills home, dead of a 'drug overdose.' Young guy too.