EvaEverywhere ago

The Getty Center has a vault to house art as well as original materials pertaining to their business of hoarding all the photographs they can get their hands on. This takes a lot of room (think Iron Mountain). If the vault has other purposes besides storage, the waybills and contracts for construction and outfitting would be very strange. And that goes for all underground storage facilities.

There is information missing in your piles of conspiracy theories about nationwide underground cities linked with maglev train tunnels... the insane amount of logistics and materials required, as well as workers, to accomplish this. Even if your assertion seems impossible from a logistics and resources standpoint, such efforts require tons and tons and tons of paperwork and employees.

We already know that businesses tied to legal matters or even construction firms are HELLA INSECURE, yet no leaks have provided useful info about such things. This is the same deal with NDAs or blackmail material related to brownstone operations (for the benefit of anyone, not just the official 3-letter agencies). I was super happy to find references to the Tilapia Museum at Andrew's Air Force Base in State Department e-mails, but that turned out to be a nothingburger...

idkdu ago

'Why the Getty Center Is the “Safest Place” For Its Priceless Collection in the Case of Disaster'


“When they designed the building they knew there would need to be a way to protect the art collection and having a very sophisticated air movement system was a key to that.”

“a million gallon tank of water that’s available for our use should we need to have water.”

srayzie ago

Yeah they would be safe if we were in Nucleur war!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No evidence is presented at any point. PG is littered with circumstantial evidence and relentless series of coincidences. The getty center is just a story about what is below it. And that's it. Give me something or there is nothing.

srayzie ago

Oh I don't know. Hmmm. Try going and visiting the place. Find your way around. No?

PROOF about most things is practically impossible here. If only it were that easy. If you need absolute proof then you aren't gonna find it in pizzagate. It's like a puzzle. You can collect everything and try connecting the pieces to complete the puzzle. If we only posted PROOF here and not leads or possibilities, then we would get nowhere. If there was proof, then we wouldn't need this forum.

Shillaxe ago

Alternate story line, Bin Talal tells Murdoch the Moloch worshiper he'll burn LA for double crossing him, the ONE outbuilding at Rupert's that (was set fire) burned is where investors will want to search for victims DNA ...

merica_fk_yeah ago

I believe this but then after being aware of pizzagate since it broke on Reddit then was shut down I find it sick and sad hat this could even exist but I believe it. Side note: I have a very close friend whose family lives in Missouri and she told me that they were talking about these vast underground cities that exist in Missouri. They said it was sort of an open secret as in many knew but no one knew about why they were built and most know that they can’t go near them without consequences or clearance

Sackajahweeda ago

There are all kinds of creepy stories of children being hurt/killed and connections to the church there right? Voaters help me with this..

merica_fk_yeah ago

Church? By the Getty or in Missouri ? A specific church?

nameof ago

I wish I could be there documenting. Somebody better go take pictures. If you have drone cams get them out. There is no way of knowing for sure unless we get pictures. Sounds like tis is an opportunity to save kids.

Gilderoy ago

Very interesting that Chelsea Handler had to evacuate her house today because of the wildfires, which she blames on President Trump:

Just evacuated my house. It’s like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire. Literally and figuratively. Stay safe everyone. Dark times.


srayzie ago

I know. Look what Mark Dice said 🤣


Apparently James Woods enjoyed Mark Dice's reply too! 😁

EvaEverywhere ago

Chelsea Handler has the stupidest dog in the world and zero cats. Anybody who knows their shit would have made a joke about that. You guys are profoundly underwhelming.

srayzie ago

Well you sure are a bitch. That time of the month? I saw your other comment as well. EvaEVERYWHERE sounds like a whore so go fuck yourself.

EvaEverywhere ago

Your comment is also very underwhelming.

srayzie ago

You are underwhelming Miss Thing.

srayzie ago

Chelsea Handler was evacuated. The fires are at a lot of places in Southern California. Strange fires that slip houses and buildings and leave trees untouched. Just like last month in Northern California.

MrWaldeck ago

Conspiracy: All evidence will be burned down.

Check all burned real estate owners and look for: What have (some) owners in common.

Shillfest2017 ago

I figured it out. They all live next to each other.

13Buddha ago

I am not doubting all of this is true, but really? If things are really this bad, and again, I do not doubt that they are, what hope, what chances do we have? How is insurmountable, indescribable, horrific, nightmarish, all-encompassing evil stopped if not for a Savior? There is no guarantee, is there?

Gilderoy ago

Goodness, truth, beauty and holiness shall prevail. If we don't believe that with all our hearts, we might as well give up right now. Positive energy, hope, prayers, and trust in God needed right now to overcome the darkness.

bernitdown ago

This is insane. Like seriously underground cities? Lol. K. 🙄

RighteousWrath18 ago

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion talked about underground "cities". Of course they exist.

bernitdown ago

So I have this bridge you might be interested in. Great investment opportunity.

fogdryer ago

Everyone knows they are there 😞

saynotomeat ago

i'm afraid things are a little more complicated than that (the hive) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktn8w3-RyNs

independenceday ago

is the Vatican 'loot' purportedly held there, part of the Hive's research too?

Jan1998 ago

Rupert Murdoch owns an estate really really close to The Getty.

The Skirball Cultural Center is really really close to The Getty.

Reports today are that Murdoch's house/estate was burning up!


Thank you to OP. @principle

EvaEverywhere ago

The problem with burning down a sketchy house (Murdoch's house is reported to have burned) is that it would expose underground structures. Unless the area is secured to keep out scavengers. So the whole Illuminati burning down Santa Ana with Moon lasers isn't very engaging.

*I am referring to stories of tunnels linking megahomes in Los Angeles area with each other or the Getty.

new4now ago


strange fires, some homes burned others not

this is so heartbreaking for these people who lost everything

bopper ago

Ah, it is very heartbreaking. Unless you've been thru it (like the Houston flood), it's hard to imagine the emotional toll.

Houston is still rebuilding.

new4now ago

I cant imagine. Gonna be a very rough Christmas for many, and still the fires burn

Christmas is hard enough for me, but reading these storys just make my heart ache

Might have to take a break from here for a bit, it's so overwhelming

wasn't here last Christmas, didn't realize it would be so hard

bopper ago

"No man knows where his neighbor's shoe pinches."

Vindicator ago

Great saying, bopper. Upvoat

pnwpatriot97 ago

Makes me think of The Vista House in Multnomah County Oregon. Just looking at it makes me think there's more below it.

Z11Mama ago

Considering there is nothing anywhere to point a finger at Vista House, I would love to hear more about what you are thinking. This could be interesting.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Just think of every state having one of these sort of buildings/structures. Just outside a big metropolitan area/near a state park, etc. I wouldn't doubt every state with the elite's chosen ones have a bunker like this one in California.

Z11Mama ago

Most definitely. However, given the location of this one, I cannot find one possible reason it could be anything other than what it is. It is rather a hangout point just outside of a very quiet and happy community. There are no other anything's nearby to connect. There is nowhere to hide vehicles that approach...what is it that made you zero in on Vista House? Oculus Anubis is less than 20 miles away and has many many reasons it is suspicious. This is NOT to doubt you, I am interested in figuring out what I missed.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Holy fuck. Just googling that place alone makes me think of cult activity as soon as I see the place. HEAVENS GATE? WTF.

Z11Mama ago

You tube videos of neighbor and town interviews. The place is beyond creepy. Owners just went down for defrauding insurance and ss of millions. Underground tunnel system. And more.

pnwpatriot97 ago

It was untouched by the Eagle Creek fire just like this structure would be too. Now that you mention Oculus Anubis I'm gonna look into that.

Z11Mama ago

Vista House is stone. It is isolated from trees. A viewpoint. Popular tourist spot.

21yearsofdigging ago

I hope all the children are okay. Wouldn't it be a great victory or the fires expose the underground tunnels and the children are freed!!! Damn, I am an optimist

TimeOutofJoint ago

Yes, Getty Museum has tunnels. I've been in the tunnels myself when Getty used to be a client of mine. Didn't think much of it at the time, but when I went to visit we went to an underground conference room through tunnels. They have some great art at the Getty museum (I'm not talking about weird modern stuff). Hope the art is protected from the fires.

Shillaxe ago

Fuck the art, save the kids.

Sackajahweeda ago

These demons I believe use the art as a shield...No one wants to harm or molest the stuff that is one of a kind or done by masters and they use that as a defense shield. Gosh I loathe these fuckers!!!

Shillaxe ago

I wonder how many men come home with some $20k p.o.s artwork that really paid for a kiddie sleep over at Mandalay Bay....

Sackajahweeda ago

And this...

bb22 ago

All of the very expensive art being brought into the place is a major red flag too.

We already know from many other research threads here and elsewhere that valuable art is allowed customs exceptions and is apparently how many children are trafficked and allowed to bypass customs agents. Alefantis is big into expensive art too remember, and by some weird ass people.

J. Paul Getty had that museum built on his private property himself before he died. He was an oil industrialist that had his hands in everything and was declared the richest man in the world by Fortune magazine in 1957 (not that that would have been any truer back then than saying Bill Gates or whatever other non-banker lightweight is the richest guy in the world today).

EvaEverywhere ago

"All of the very expensive art being brought into the place is a major red flag too."

As in? Getty's entire purpose is to house art perceived to have monetary and cultural value to the history of the United States. Sure, art is a medium used to hide criminal transactions at the very top... but these are mostly facilitated via commercial art galleries and brokers and the percentage of trash art (the more dubious of modern art) is under-represented in their collection.

The art donation game is a tax haven scheme. If you perceive this to be used for influence, access, etc. you can probably support it by making a list of donors and seeing if it's full of usual suspects.

21yearsofdigging ago

Good, glad you can confirm the tunnels. Steven Kelley talks about it and I can't help wondering if it is true. But the way he keeps yelling about it....he must know

Oh_Well_ian ago

If kids are hidden at the Getty, fire is not going to touch them. It's a fortress.

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/comments/5kg2sn/the_getty_in_la_is_supposed_to_be_the_capital_of/)) :

The Getty in LA is supposed to be the capital of missing children. Does someone know more about it? : conspiracy

https://archive.fo/6mTaB :

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Ventura fire: Authorities race against time, winds - CNN

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