shooglenifty ago

How deep underground? What is the water table depth in LA? Why would the royal family choose to go to LA during an apocalyptic event? London has a ton of underground bunkers from WW2. Why the expense for something they aren't guaranteed to get to in case of an emergency? Please folks, pizza(pedo)gate has some veracity. Don't ruin it with this stupid stuff.

sagradia ago

No, they don't say that. I read the link someone else posted here ( and it mentions about the 100,000 kids that go missing in the USA every year, not that there are 100,000 missing kids in any underground vault of the Getty.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Interesting subject none the less, going to look into this later, thanks!

sixgorillion ago

Join my honeypot goys

reasonedandinformed ago

People reported a massive number of flights out of LA last week.

Vindicator ago


reasonedandinformed ago

Beyond normal. Got the info from online videos about possible major false flag.

sixgorillion ago

Could actually be coincidence. Or not, I don't fucking know anymore.

reasonedandinformed ago

The people noticing it said it was far beyond normal holiday travel patterns. Warned of possible false flag.

wh0care ago

not saying anything of this is true, but "J. P. Getty was given a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth when it was completed." <this is a red flag...remember J.Saville...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lawl bing. using microsoft search, microsoft, a company that has done open business with the nsa for over a decade.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's some gay shit but fuck you i'll voat how i want.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


linking to facebook

please provide a source that isn't full of lies, manipulation, propaganda. facebook is well known to be a manipulator of information.


it's internet aids to click on and/or not actively block all things facebook.

Stosh21 ago

Hey, I just put this out there for discussion. Please remember this guy was posting this stuff well BEFORE Pizzagate. So it's not a story to discredit Pizzagate.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

whether any info is credible or not doesn't matter when you want me to click to something i outright refuse to ever click on and actively have to block everywhere else on the fucking net.

so show some voat - initiative and archive netaids. cheers!

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

I'm not saying that something couldn't be going on there. But 100,000 people is implausible. You're talking about hundreds of shipments per day coming in to support something like that.

Stosh21 ago

I agree. It does seem implausible. Who knows how the author comes up with those figures. I would venture to say that there are a sizable number of people that can fit in these secret underground facilities.

The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are “elite” international and intergenerational satanists. Kelley refers to them as “cavers”, and regards the facilities themselves as “castles” because of their Caligula-like opulence. Much has been published about DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of the Protocols of Zion called their underground “metropolitans”:

Vastator ago

I smell BS. Do you realise how many 100k people are?

TimeForPitchForks ago

Size of a decent lil city!

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

That was my thought. There could be something there, but 100,000 is far-fetched.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I've been there twice. It would have to be 10 stories underground to house 100,000 people. The premise is rediculous.

Vindicator ago

That's a stretch, but this is even nuttier:

"An intercontinental network of subterranean “castles”, powered with Tesla technology, connected by supersonic mag-lev trains.> So there are numerous of these, connected by tunnels reaching between continents? Powered by Tesla? It's a great Sci-Fi plot, I'll give him that!

Surely, with all the hydraulic fracking going on, they'd be destroyed or discovered.

Stosh21 ago

The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are “elite” international and intergenerational satanists. Kelley refers to them as “cavers”, and regards the facilities themselves as “castles” because of their Caligula-like opulence. Much has been published about DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of the Protocols of Zion called their underground “metropolitans”:

John_The_Watchman ago

If there is a shred of truth to any of this. Damn.....that is horrifying.

NotOfIt ago

Pretty wild claims with no sources. Pretty sure it is well guarded if what he claims is true. And so it continues.

rush22 ago

Any links that aren't facebook?

Stosh21 ago

What I posted is all I have. Was actually hoping some researcher might have more on this.It does look like another chain in the link. I do believe this guy was posting this stuff well BEFORE Pizzagate broke...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no you didn't.

you could have archived that shit but you didn't.

JSchoolDropout ago

Yeah, I hate generating traffic to fb. I found this Video

redditsuckz ago

#OccupyTheGetty – How We Can Expose The Satanic Underground

If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. A man named Steven D. Kelley has just such an idea.

Kelley is an electro-optical engineer, a pioneer in laser technology, and the inventor of the world’s most accurate laser sighting system for weapons. As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA. Throughout his career in the weapons industry, he was given glimpses into a literal underworld of black budget intrigue: an intercontinental network of subterranean “castles”, powered with Tesla technology, connected by supersonic mag-lev trains. Eventually, he severed all ties with the intelligence community to become a whistleblower. For the last several years he has hosted a weekly radio show in L.A.

The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are “elite” international and intergenerational satanists. Kelley refers to them as “cavers”, and regards the facilities themselves as “castles” because of their Caligula-like opulence. Much has been published about DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of the Protocols of Zion called their underground “metropolitans”:

You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail – the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. (Protocols 9.13)...Cont....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

replace op please

thank you for archiving that nasty aids.