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asdfghjkl123456789 ago

I'm not saying that something couldn't be going on there. But 100,000 people is implausible. You're talking about hundreds of shipments per day coming in to support something like that.

Stosh21 ago

I agree. It does seem implausible. Who knows how the author comes up with those figures. I would venture to say that there are a sizable number of people that can fit in these secret underground facilities.

The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are “elite” international and intergenerational satanists. Kelley refers to them as “cavers”, and regards the facilities themselves as “castles” because of their Caligula-like opulence. Much has been published about DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of the Protocols of Zion called their underground “metropolitans”: