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letsdothis3 ago

The Charles Engelhard Foundation

Donations include $974,000 to Natural Resources Defense Council in 2000 ::::

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is one of the largest and most well-funded environmental activist organizations in the United States. The organization was founded in 1970 with a $400,000 grant from the liberal Ford Foundation.

The NRDC conducts knee-jerk advocacy and creates scare campaigns on a wide array of environmentalist issues, including ending affordable energy, pushing a “guilty until proven innocent” chemical policy that goes against science, and opposing resource development.

Hedge-fund billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer, who could be called the next Al Gore, backs an anti-fossil fuel organization called the Energy Foundation, which has given millions to NRDC. Ironically enough, researchers have uncovered that Steyer’s hedge fund “minted a lot of money off oil and gas investments, among other environmentally destructive business ventures.” A profile of environmental groups profiting from the very oil and gas companies they fundamentally oppose by the progressive magazine The Nation confirmed that “NRDC still holds stocks in mutual funds and mixed assets that do not screen for fossil fuels.”

The NRDC also received more than $1.7 million in 2011 from the SeaChange Foundation—a foundation with dubious funders. An exposé by the Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Klein Ltd., a company incorporated in Bermuda that exists solely on paper, donated at least $10 million to the SeaChange Foundation. SeaChange then funnels that shadowy money to a number of progressive organizations.

NRDC has received similarly hidden contributions through other “donor-advised” funds, criticized by some watchdogs as “dark money.” The Schwab Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund that donors to other left-environmentalist groups have used to obscure their identities, funneled at least $4.7 million in NRDC donations since 2008.

NRDC also receives considerable funding from more traditional liberal foundations. The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, one of the largest left-environmentalist foundations in the country, has provided NRDC with over $4.7 million over that same period.

Voat posts re Tom Steyer:

Tom Steyer, The Man Behind The $20 Million Dollar Trump Impeachment Ad Campaign, Emailing Podesta About "Walnut Sauce". Calls Podesta "True Master Of Cuisine".

Tom Steyer's brother is James (Jim) Steyer: CEO and Founder Common Sense Media, National Children's Policy Expert and Media Entrepreneur

with lots of connections to the Clintons

His Common Sense Media organisation works in partnership with - which I think is a CIA organisation

And they are closely connected to the whole Polaris, NCMEC child tracking system : The Polaris Project: Technologies and Statistics by State..

letsdothis3 ago

Voat post re Schwab Charitable Trust: , comment by @thewebofslime

fake soros sponsored "yellow vest" protests in israel. A dig... Seems legit right? That is until we dig deeper to see what organizations funded and organized all this. The whole thing was organized by the ceo of "the new alliance" organization which is funded by the "Tides" San Francisco progressive fund:...

Now who are the chief donors to this "Tides fund"? Jonathan Soros (son of…) and the progressive "Ford Foundation":.. Novo Foundation...The Schwab Charitable Fund ($1,070,842)..

These people want to finish what hussein tried to do with US tax money in the 2015 israeli elecrtions. They want to crown the israeli globalist deep state with the crown of lefitimate power once again. And most of all they want to keep the normie israeli asleep. So they use the yellow vest movement cynically to achieve their goal. Luckily, only about 50 people came to this fake protest, most of them being progressive political activists and professional paid protestors. People are waking up.

"The more we know…"

List of voat posts re Tides Foundation here