gaystapo ago

But then this daily beast editor asks John about the same Walnut pasta sauce in a completely different set of emails. It is strange...

Are_we_sure ago

It's not strange at all. The people who told you walnut sauce was some type of code were lying. Then many, many other people repeated these lies, probably unknowingly.

gaystapo ago

The Walnut sauce email appears to be just that. If you look at the series of back and forths about the Walnut sauce, he's asking about an Italian recipe. I'm not saying pizzagate is fake but this piece of evidence doesn't help our argument.

tyfdt ago

It ties him to Podesto's inner circle.

con77 ago

so the lying jew is a spirit cooking pedo too. These bastards deserve a bullet

tyfdt ago

Gosh, I wonder why he wants him impeached so bad /s

DrPenguin ago

Why would somebody CC that to him? If it were only about praising someone's culinary skills then why does it go to multiple people?

Are_we_sure ago

This is a ludicrous argument. Cc'ing people on email is suspicious now?


janet58 ago

When it's pedo code, it sure is.

Are_we_sure ago

However it's not. There zero evidence of this being pedo. They's plenty of evidence in the opposite direction. This was an early and successful deception.

Mylifeforanorange ago

This just keeps getting better. One big dark hole, and everyone disgusting is in it.

Are_we__sure ago

Why do you have walnut sauce in quotes?

What does walnut sauce mean do you?

dooob ago

He is quoting the email content

Are_we__sure ago

OK. And my question is


o0shad0o ago

That's being CC'd to Tom Steyer, not coming from him. This screenshot doesn't show the source of the email. Researching, will edit with results.

Edit: Getting a 403 on Is something up with the domain?