urbanmoving ago

Jewish fronts all of them Bahai is HQ'd in Israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_scandal_in_Bridgeport_diocese One caveat, the media and the Jews shook down the CC in bridgeport based on they infiltration of it years through fag, peds, and commies...other types as well its a big Norvus Ordo cluster fuck...but the USC voted by a wide margin to against write of critoreai

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The painting on Gene Rosen's wall is a portion of a mural from the Masonic Denver airport. The series of murals basically spelled out the plans for the New World Order agenda. The airport was named the New World Airport, and has a plaque of Freemasons over a box with instruction of a date in the future when the box will be opened.Title Here

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Not to mention the Madeline McCann eye on Gene Rosen's cat....LOL

neptunium1 ago

I wondered if anyone would comment on that ;-)

septimasexta ago

"Gene Rosen, a resident of Sandy Hook, CT for the past twenty years, is a retired psychologist who worked for several years in Newtown at Fairfield Hills State Hospital."

Let's not forget the MSM's massive cover for his interview screwups. LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Er59fKTnw

CRISIS ACTOR OF THE YEAR AWARD https://www.facebook.com/845150082271671/photos/a.845152415604771.1073741825.845150082271671/845162095603803/?type=1&theater

"Gene Rosen’s Facebook Page is on a Mission to Take Down Videos Questioning Sandy Hook . . the BIG Question is WHY? . ." https://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/gene-rosens-facebook-page-is-on-a-mission-to-take-down-videos-questioning-sandy-hook-the-big-question-is-why-j/

realityisinsanity ago

The victims at Sandy Hook most likely were sold into sex slavery.

fogdryer ago

I heard there were no deaths. Not even any death records in the court house . I read that families / victims etc were cia and immediately got transferred out as to keep the secret

SpeakSoft ago

Look at Revelations and the The Mysterious Case of Dr. Leland Jensen.

Where does this all point to?


Jesus the high priest returns as Joshua the high priest the same way he left (Acts 1:11) which was in a state of not being recognized, false accusation, sacrifice, and general rejection. You could say the high priest aspect of Jesus Christ, symbolized by the ramp stone that was broken out of the grand gallery by the pyramid builders, returns 2000 years later as Joshua the high priest symbolized by the capstone. The teachings of the capstone are the whole “point” of the pyramid. “He is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.’”

Do you know where the Truth is yet?

GreenDell144 ago

You know what’s tragic about Sandy Hook?

People still think it was like the news reported and they STILL shame you if you question it.

Dressage2 ago

Bravo. Excellent!

12825200? ago

A list of child abuse organisations that might require our attention. https://projectworldimpact.com/cause/Child-Abuse/organizations


website (notice the butterfly logo) http://girlsshelterfs.org/about/

The Girls Shelter is a residential program for females 12 – 17 years that have been court ordered out of their homes. We provide a homelike environment while teaching them life can be much more positive than they are used to living. We are run by a 21 member Board of Directors composed of community members who share a positive vision for these young women. We are licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services. Monitored by the Fort Smith Fire Dept and Sebastian County Health Dept. We are subcontracted through Comprehensive Juvenile Services since 1977 and a United Way Agency since 1982.


Children in Crisis Arkansas’s overloaded foster care system https://www.arktimes.com/arkansas/arkansass-overloaded-foster-care-system/Content?oid=3948473

In 2007, a 10-year-old girl from Fort Smith named Ivy Brake became the responsibility of the state. Her mother, Ivy recalled, was loving, sweet and unstable. She struggled with substance abuse and chronic health issues for most of Ivy's childhood. She periodically got clean — once for a year — until, when Ivy was 10, an old boyfriend returned, and her mother started using again. Ivy and her 12-year-old sister, Kristin, left to stay with a relative, but soon after they arrived, the police showed up, asking questions about their life at home.

The police, Kristin said, were going to wait for the girls' grandmother to come take them from the relative's house, but the Arkansas Department of Human Services' Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) got there first. They took the sisters to the Fort Smith Emergency Shelter, a short-term residential facility for children awaiting placement with a foster family. A juvenile court then held a probable cause hearing to determine whether the children should remain in DCFS custody.

Relatives told Ivy that her grandmother, who lived nearby, and an aunt in Texas both tried to get custody of the sisters but were told that they didn't have sufficient space and that "that wasn't what was best for our lives." Instead, Ivy began a long chain of placements in foster homes and group residential facilities:..

SpeakSoft ago

United Way = United Nations

They are United against God and humanity.

United Nations Global Sustainability Impact Institute Foundation & United Way Announce Partnership JANUARY 30 2018

Organizations to unite leaders of today and tomorrow around the Global Sustainable Development Goals

DAVOS, Switzerland, January 26, 2018 - Companies, Governments and NGOs urgently need trusted metrics and relevant indices to understand and drive progress toward implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The 17 SDGs include economic, nutritional, health and education-related goals aimed at helping to build a better society. At the same time, the next generation urgently needs to be included in the global dialogue about how to achieve SDG implementation. Today, the United Nations Global Sustainability Index Institute Foundation (UNGSII Foundation) and United Way announce a new strategic partnership for SDG implementation that creates synergies reaching both goals.

neptunium1 ago

Thank you. I missed that. We need to delve further into this.

Quicktor ago

UPvoat mofo...

FOR EVERYONES READING PLEASURE... http://www.reformation.org/NobodyDiedAtSandyHook.pdf

migratorypatterns ago


UppadaVoat for you.

I knew from the beginning that NXIVM was way bigger than it was made out to be. They were working with impunity, and that always means having a huge organization behind you.

auralsects ago

i already posted (((Feinberg's))) dad + Newtown pizzagate connections, got called shill by the mods of course. an entire year ago. SPOILER ALERT: IT'S THE JEWS




urbanmoving ago

correct talmudic/kabbalah jews and their hordes of tentacles

Quicktor ago

here here?....

the humor on this forum is downright pathetic I swear...

Quicktor ago


neptunium1 ago

Thank you. Re: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2020818

"In 1980, the 14-year-old [Brooke] Shields was the youngest fashion model ever to appear on the cover of Vogue. Later that same year, Shields appeared in controversial print and TV ads for Calvin Klein jeans. The TV ad included her saying the famous tagline, "You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing."[1][25][26] Brooke Shields ads would help catapult Klein's career to super-designer status.[27]

Tony Podesta shares board membership with ARK Schools Chairman. ARK has extensive ties with Tavistock and has been accused of kidnapping children through adoption programs

And the president, S.A.R. La Princesse Sibilla de Luxembourg, is head of the Luxembourg bloodline, but the history of this family as it pertains to witchcraft is surprisingly rich.

Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Sibilla_of_Luxembourg

Princess Sibilla is a second cousin of the current King Felipe VI of Spain; her grandmother was Infanta Beatriz of Spain, the aunt of King Juan Carlos I of Spain. She also is a second cousin of the actress Brooke Shields; they share great-grandparents. Sibilla's grandfather, Prince Alessandro was the brother of Brooke Shields' grandmother Marina Torlonia.

SpeakSoft ago

Did you know that Hefner's daughter is a major player with Podesta's Center for American Progress?

fogdryer ago

Did not know

urbanmoving ago


Dressage2 ago

Excellent post. There is more about this cult we have yet to find out.

neptunium1 ago

More of the LUCIS TRUST : Another THORN Board Member, Bush's '1000 Points of Light' and the UN's New Age Agenda

'Culture of Goodwill' has a very specific meaning at the UN. https://www.lucistrust.org/world_goodwill . This information is published at the website of the Lucis Trust. Who is the Lucis Trust? Why, it’s the Arcane School of the United Nations, of course and its spiritual foundation.

urbanmoving ago

OBL didn't do 9/11 hello mossad

new4now ago

Lucis Trust is bad news

Alice Bailey Who is this Alice Bailey? In the early 1920’s she founded a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing Company (You may have heard of Lucifer!). Bailey used her "demonic" publishing company to disseminate her radical New Age ideas around the world.

Most people were not inclined to seriously consider adopting views produced by Lucifer Publishing. When the negative effects of the company's name became apparent, Bailey shortened the name to Lucis Trust. Amazingly, Lucis Trust was headquartered at the United Nations Plaza for many years. Recently, it was moved to Wall Street. Alice Bailey Who is this Alice Bailey? In the early 1920’s she founded a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing Company (You may have heard of Lucifer!). Bailey used her "demonic" publishing company to disseminate her radical New Age ideas around the world.


this link has more links in it, I have quite a bit on Lucis Trust


ps... did you know Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner grew up in Newtown :)

neptunium1 ago

did you know Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner grew up in Newtown

No, I did not know that. Huhmm..

new4now ago

LOL might not mean anything, but it does make ya go hmmmm

neptunium1 ago

Arpad Busson https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/8570184/A-rich-man-but-a-pretty-poor-playboy.html

In the past week Busson – "Arki" to his friends – came in for a sustained drubbing in some sections of the media, which accused him of presiding over an evening of "ostentatious vulgarity" that is considered ill-timed in this era of economic austerity. The event? The 10th ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) charity gala auction, held last Thursday, during which the fabulously rich bid thousands for a range of luxury lots. And managed to raise eye-watering millions (£17.2 million) for an array of children's health and education projects in the UK and abroad. This year's guests of honour just happened to be the newly married Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who announced a £5 million partnership between the Prince's Foundation and ARK, which will fund Outward Bound trips for British youngsters living in inner cities, as well as supporting projects in Africa.

13182821? ago

criminal Comey was on board of directors of HSBC.,,bank of choice for Clinton foundation and drug cartels money laundering

carmencita ago

Was running in and out this weekend and my SO turned on ABC TV on Sun. morn. and they had people on discussing the Santa Fe Shooting. And guess what? They had 3 people on and one of them was someone that suffered through the Sandy Hook Shooting. I could not listen had to go but I was in shock. They are still trotting them out after all this time. Am trying to find the interview. I believe it was on George Stefanopoulos. Also this was extremely fake to me. https://abcnews.go.com/US/alleged-santa-fe-hs-gunman-repeated-bites-dust/story?id=55320645 I am looking into something else about this video. Will need to check w/someone else first.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Dr Oz keeps pushing this horseshit all the time too. About six months ago he had the sandy hook “families” on and they were crying with no tears coming out. It was so obvious and fake and it was all about the guns laws. The Texas shooting was definitely another MK ultra kid programmed to go in and do it. They had a tv news interview with a teen boy would got shot in the head who was sitting on the porch of his house with his family being interviewed not even two days after the shooting with a strange looking bandage on one side of his head. No cognitive difficulties whatsoever. The more they push this anti gun stuff the more I think everyone needs one for the NWO and I’m not a gun person either.

carmencita ago

I was actually for gun control until I got wised up about all the stuff they have been pulling on us. That''s when I started questioning everything including the guns. I wondered why Dems never got things passed when Obama had a Dem House. It then dawned on me that they really never will due to the fact that that's how they make their money for their office runs. They will take some away, but not all. They just can't. But they know just how many they need to take. I think all the states probably have tanks put away now. I saw one on the news. That was just once, because I think many people must have called in and they never have shown another. My friend from another state said she saw one on TV too around the same time. They were really nervy putting that out there. Yes, when I think of the days I sat on my couch crying for those kids it makes me livid. That's how they convince people. No one believes they would pull on our Heartstrings like that. Oh Yes, they would. In a NY Minute. Oz too like all the others. If they are on TV they have been bought.

Marfa-Lights ago

911 & Sandy Hook is what brought me here. The two reasons I no longer believe a fucking word what governments or so say authority figures say anymore. They fucked up, from that day forward I will question absolutely anything and everything. I will make up my own mind on things, not just what the governments, scientists or news tells me.

Unfortunately it's a fucked up position to be in when you can no longer believe or trust any fucker in authority. It sometimes makes you question your own beliefs that you have held from a small child, when these same people, Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, Skull N Bones, Scroll N Keys, Governments are all saying the same thing, then you know for sure you're being fucking lied to. As crazy as all this shit is it's why I will keep an open mind to anything and everything, even if it's as crazy as the earth being flat. I will look at any and all evidence in future and make my own fucking mind up.

13182798? ago

take a look at the Boston Bombing if you really want to be disillusioned

lamplight ago

You are so damned right!

Bolux ago

Watch Europa the last battle, this shits been going on for centuries..

Dressage2 ago

Great comment. You are our future. Never will our future generations take everything as truth. We are the truth seekers. Death to all pedophiles.

Joe10jo ago

Speaking of flat earth, what I don’t understand is why it matters either way & if it’s flat, then why won’t they admit it? To TPTB, what’s the up/down side to both theories.

Anyways, you’re the one who brought it up lol.

Marfa-Lights ago

Ok let me clear something up here before I go on, I'm not 100% sure what we're living on. I honestly can't say if the earth is flat or a globe anymore. What I do know is that the more you look into it, the flat earth theory has more going for it than the globe theory does. The only so say real evidence we have for the globe theory is from Nasa or from space agencies associated with them, from so say photos or live video from space, take those thing away you are left with how it all started out, just a theory.

So, do I believe we walked on the moon, no I don't believe that anymore, I don't believe it for the following reasons - 99% of all Astronauts are either freemasons or belong to secret societies, this fact alone should be enough to set alarm bells ringing. I have also studied what's left of the 33 reels of moon landing footage, the reels that Nasa no longer has, the 33 reels that they accidentally erased. One of the clips shows an Astronaut hammering a pole into the ground, sound can be clearly heard when there should be none in the vacuum of space. Under the moon lander are small stones where there should be at least scorch marks if not a crater where the lander would have needed thrust to land. I could go on and on but I would suggest watching all the clips for yourself.

If we never landed on the moon this makes Nasa (which just happens to mean 'to deceive in hebrew') a bunch of Freemason liars.

Why would they lie to us, what are they hiding, why does it matter??

The globe theory that was created by a Freemason matters because it means Newton's theory of gravity, or Einstein's theory of relativity are no longer required for a flat earth model. They are replaced with buoyancy and density, this would mean that physics and science has been held back thousands of years because of false teaching. The only guy that seemed to know the truth was Nikola Tesla, maybe that's why they had to shut him up and confiscate or destroy his lifetime work.

It would also mean that the chances of evolution on a flat earth are practically zero. meaning everything you see has some how been created, it can no longer be down to pure chance. Maybe they need to hide the creator or creator's. Maybe they are just evil and like to laugh at how they can control all of society through their lies and deceit, good against evil. Maybe it's all these thing and more.

My eyes are wide open, I will no longer just accept things that authorities tell me are correct. Question everything and make your own conclusions. They say we are hurtling through an infinite space on a spinning ball, space is allowed to be infinite but the land can't be? some flat earthers believe that the small world we live in is surrounded by an ice wall Antarctica, beyond this ice wall is more land, possibly surrounded by its own ice, could there be infinite land beyond these areas? you believe there could be infinite space, why not land, just a thought.

MightyJoe ago

The moon gives of a cool white light (female) and the sun gives of warm yellow light (male), a fact which completely contradicts science explanation that the moon reflects the suns light.

Use your senses. The earth is flat.

SterlingJB ago

Personally think FE is the shark jump that makes normie folk dismiss the tangible questions surrounding the apollo program.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What I do know is that the more you look into it, the flat earth theory has more going for it than the globe theory does. The only so say real evidence we have for the globe theory is from Nasa or from space agencies associated with them, from so say photos or live video from space, take those thing away you are left with how it all started out, just a theory.

Bro...You want To believe in flat earth, Thats fine. But you typed a lot of words that Don't even begin To justify the notion that the earth is flat.

-Lets Assume Nasa Is 100% fake. Everything they've ever done, Lets say it's fake... IF EVERYTHING NASA HAS EVER DONE, WAS FAKE, IT IS NOT EVIDENCE THE EARTH IS FLAT.

You're being irrational... If you're going to say The earth is flat, THEN YOU NEED TO PROVIDE A SINGLE FUCKING PIECE OF EVIDENCE. There are countless peices of evidence, that Suggest the earth is round... NO, I'm not talking about "someone said something" There Is raw data, that suggests the earth is round... Data that ANY ONE CAN OBTAIN... Like Without a fucking computer, or a science gatekeeper. So many things ONLY MAKE SEnSE, BECAUSE OF THE EARTH IS ROUND.

There is no data To suggest the earth is flat. Every time nasa lies about something... You're not gaining another peice of evidence to support your retarded fucking theory. You're just providing another piece of evidence that you're being a dimwit.


THIS IS WHY FLAT EARTH IS A PSYOP.They know that they are being exposed on every level... And they know people like you, Will agree with anyone that is claiming to refute A "Main Stream narrative."

You're falling for it.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/qTnI4 :

Stephen Feinberg's Dad Lives In Newtown - Business Insider

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=pDfthP9dMzk :

  1. John Woodall - From Newtown to a New America - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/pz0oxv.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/0kcaq8.jpg :

https://archive.fo/GP1XP :

Dynasty's Catherine Oxenberg applauds arrest of NXIVM leader | Daily Mail Online

https://files.catbox.moe/dbwgk1.jpg :

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