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10369720? ago

In lurking this morning I came upon your posts about Salesforce, etc.

btw- have appreciated and read what you have written over the past months.

Anyway, found your post today and started to look at Salesforce, etc.

I came upon this.

It is announcing a next large Salesforce event.

I did not understand that picture.

Initially I thought it was an animation conference.

Wanted to pass this on in case it is anywise helpful.

And, thank you for all your work.

Post Script Just spent some time looking at it.

Since this is a think tank I will dare to tell you. ?

The objects at the right with a medium sized goat are waving good bye to Mount Rushmore.


With this hypothesis:

Left. To. Right:

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Theodore Roosevelt

Abraham Lincoln.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Looks like a furry convention for spooks :-) I'll have a look.