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TrustTheTruth ago

Who are the Daughters of the American Revolution?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

Who controls Cornell University?

What industry is Cornell known for?

Where is their other location and why?

What industry is Trump known for?

What is the 8th Wonder of the World, and what are the Other Seven?

What is the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult?

What is Satan's Ability?

What is the Foundation of the Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

Who is leading Global Education Reform?

Where is the Underground Railroad?

What is the result of the Clinton's Model for Community Policing?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

3141592653 ago

Good post. Important topic.


When you think about the colonial world, until the American Revolution, there is only one college in the south, William & Mary ... The other eight colleges were all northern schools and they're actually located in key sites

They were all chartered under the British Crown

that charter still holds according to

The Court ruled that the College's corporate charter qualified as a contract between private parties, the King and the trustees, with which the legislature could not interfere. Even though the United States were no longer royal colonies, the contract was still valid because the Constitution said that a state could not pass laws to impair a contract. The fact that the government had commissioned the charter did not transform the school into a civil institution. Chief Justice Marshall's opinion emphasized that the term "contract" referred to transactions involving individual property rights, not to "the political relations between the government and its citizens."

TLDR: the Ivy League Schools are literal agents of the British Crown

auralsects ago

TLDR: the Ivy League Schools are literal agents of the British Crown

Which is an agent of international Jewry.

I assume you're aware of the Puritans' extreme Zionism and Judeophilia.

You must also be aware that the slave trade was mostly a Jewish business on the transporting, dealing, and insurance underwriting side, to the extent slave auctions were closed on Jewish holidays for lack of attendance, across the Western hemisphere.

Book Listing Inter-married British Aristocracy Withdrawn in London October 2, 1956

The author of the volume on Britain’s aristocracy is L. G. Pine, an acknowledged authority on the peerage. The report in the press says that book gives the names of 14 Jewish peers who have made no secret of their faith. The reason for the withdrawal is that the volume reveals Christian-Jewish alliances among Britain noble families.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. That is interesting.


right? I only discovered that 6 months ago.

This ruling is also relevant. Contracts are binding even if illegal obtained

Following the Treaty of Paris ending the American Revolution, Georgia claimed possession of the Yazoo lands, a 54,000 sq mi (140,000 km2) region of the Indian Reserve, west of its own territory. The land later became the states of Alabama and Mississippi.

In 1795, the Georgia legislature divided the area into four tracts. The state then sold the tracts to four separate land development companies for $500,000, about $0.014 per acre, a bargain even at 1790 prices. The Georgia legislature overwhelmingly approved this land grant, known as the Yazoo Land Act of 1795. However, it was later revealed that the Yazoo Land Act had been approved in return for bribes. The voters rejected most of the incumbents in the next election; the new legislature, reacting to the public outcry, repealed the law and voided the transactions made under it.

Robert Fletcher and especially John Peck were speculators in the Yazoo lands. Fletcher bought a tract of land from Peck while the 1795 act was still in force. Fletcher, in 1803, brought a suit against Peck, claiming that Peck had not had clear title to the land when he sold it.

There was collusion between the two. Both would have their land secured if the Supreme Court decided that Native Americans did not hold original title. Fletcher set out to win the case.[1]

The Supreme Court unanimously (with a separate concurring opinion written by William Johnson) ruled that the legislature's repeal of the law was unconstitutional. John Marshall wrote that the sale was a binding contract, which under Article I, Section 10, Clause I (the Contract Clause) of the Constitution, cannot be invalidated even if it is illegally secured.

The ruling lent further protection to property rights against popular pressures and is the earliest case of the Court asserting its right to invalidate state laws which are in conflict with or are otherwise contrary to the Constitution. A later Chief Justice, William H. Rehnquist, wrote that Fletcher v. Peck, "represented an attempt by Chief Justice Marshall to extend the protection of the contract clause to infant business".[2]

septimasexta ago

The reason the southerners didn't establish colleges until much later, was that the plantations (rice, indigo) were located in one of the most unhealthy climates in North America. This was because the "lowlands" coastal swamps were used to grow rice. The mosquitos became vectors for yellow fever and the constant importation of slaves imported other diseases. The average life span for a wealthy plantation owner was about 40. However, running these industrial size plantations produced incomes of staggering proportions. The plantation owners were wealthy enough to send their sons back to England for prep-school and college, usually Cambridge. They also had money to travel to the North (usually Philadelphia) during the worst months for disease outbreaks. It was these British American planters from the South that became the SLAVE BASED economic engine for ALL the colonies.

TrustTheTruth ago

What are the Institutes of Insect Science for Family Health?

Where are they?

Who owns and controls the patent for Zika?

Who benefited?

What happened in Brazil and Argentina?

What is the Clinton's Model for Community Policing?

What is the result?

What American city and region lost Olympics bid to Rio?

In April 2009, the Chicago 2016 bid committee was the first of the four finalists to host the 13-member IOC Evaluation Commission.[125] They presented twenty films to the committee.[126] Among the video spokespersons were Hillary Clinton (raised in suburban Chicago) and Michael Jordan.[125]

On October 2, 2009, Chicago was knocked out in the first round of voting, and the Olympics went to Rio de Janeiro, despite some high-profile backers, such as US President Barack Obama and Chicago-based television hostess Oprah Winfrey, going to Copenhagen to support the bid.

Early cost estimates hovered at $5 billion, with $1.1 billion for the lakeside Olympic Village and an additional estimated $366 million for a temporary 80,000 seat Olympic Stadium to be built in Washington Park.[56] Nonetheless, the proposed budget was small in comparison to the Beijing Olympics, which are estimated to have cost $40 billion.[57] Further, the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, initially budgeted to cost $2.4 billion, in fact cost $9 billion.[58] On April 11, 2007, former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich proposed $150 million in state funding to help secure the bid to the USOC for Chicago. Current Governor Pat Quinn stated that he would be willing to support any funding necessary to secure the Olympics for Chicago.[59] By April 14, over $35 million in cash and $13 million in goods had been pledged, including donations in excess of $100,000 from at least 225 individuals and corporations.[60] Chicago had strong allies to pursue federal funds for security and transportation: U.S. Senator Dick Durbin was the second in command among Democratic Senators as the Whip, and former Senator Barack Obama had become the President of the United States. The city announced a $500 million insurance policy against cost overruns and revenue shortfalls.[61]

What happens at the Olympics?

What scandals have happened at Big Ten Universities?

What is the new partnership for the 8th Wonder of the World?

What is the foundation of Global Education Reform?

What are Second Chance programs?

What is Higher Expectations?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

What happened in Haiti?

What was Zika a test for?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in the World?

What is the real agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.



TrustTheTruth ago

Yes, they own the patent.

derram ago :

Shackles and Ivy: The Secret History of How Slavery Helped Build America's Elite Colleges - YouTube

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