pittsburghisapedoden ago

Ebola also is an STD. Traces of the virus can be found in some survivors' semen/ vaginal fluid.

letsdothis3 ago

Putting this here as a note. There's an absolutely huge post I need to do ...

IPPF works with Mercy Corps https://reliefweb.int/report/world/women-s-and-girls-rights-and-agency-humanitarian-action-life-saving-priority

REPORT from ActionAid, War Child International, International Center for Research on Women, Islamic Relief, Marie Stopes International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, CARE, Mercy Corps, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, Action Contre la Faim France, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, Save the Children, Plan International, Women's Refugee Commission, Legal Action Worldwide

Thank you to @9217 for this comment on Latest news on Oxfam sex scandal links children's charity BRIGHT HORIZONS with Clinton Foundation and many others...

Mercy Corps - Linda Mason, Board of Directors Co-Chair & Global Leadership Council Chair

Comment from @Vindicator on The pattern is clear, organizations created to help less fortunate involved in sex crimes. Soros NGOs

People need to look into the execs and staff of Mercy Corps and see if there are any connections.


See The Crowley Company

The Crowley Company works with Eastman Kodak Company....Info on Chicago Pharma Abbott...Mercy Corp is Chaired by Linda A. Mason, who also co-founded Bright Horizons, a large child care organization that has previously operated in Haiti with Mercy Corp.

Bright Horizons is connected to SC Johnson [See this comment], and also linked through programs such as Hope and Homes for Children in such places as US, UK, Ireland and Rwanda, and the USAA Child Development Center in Colorado Springs.

The Eastman Kodak links will take us to the Triangle Fraternity, the military, the video gaming industry, child trafficking there, HEK 293, vaccinations, Marvel : Thor, HELA, use of the occult (or mind control techniques, if you prefer) to manipulate the masses.. but that's for another post..

For now I'll just list the Bright Horizons posts here:

Bright Horizons, a large international child care network, is two blocks from Friday's Child Adoption Services Inc., which used to share an address with Podesta's cousin's 8 other businesses.

Latest news on Oxfam sex scandal links children's charity BRIGHT HORIZONS with Clinton Foundation and many others...

Bright Horizons..Connection To Republican Pedophilias

Talking About RYB Ed. Those Who Have Been Around A While Will Remember Bright Horizons

About connections between the Military/Intelligence complex, Bain Capital, Toys R Us, eBay and pedophilia - oh, and James Alefantis too

So what does Damien Hirst know about big pharma? On Baxter Labs based at Thousand Oaks, Tim Alefantis of Sanofi, COBRA, the NIH and biowarfare

Bright Horizons serves many leading corporations, including more than 95 Fortune 500 companies and 75 of Working Mother Magazine’s “100 Best Companies for Working Mothers”. Our employer clients include Abbott Laboratories, Alston & Bird, Amgen, Bank of America, Boeing, Bristol Myers Squibb, British Petroleum, Citigroup, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, LandRover, Microsoft, Motorola, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Starbucks, Target, Timberland, Toyota, Union Pacific, Universal Studios, and Wachovia. We also provide services for well-known institutions such as Cambridge University, Duke University, the European Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), JFK Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) and Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Tours. Bright Horizons operates multiple early care and education centers for 50 of its employer clients.

That's an awful lot of data gathering (at the very least) on children..

Edit - Further Notes

MUST READ - more deaths of pedo whistleblowers

the MIT Media Lab founder

Gamergate's research led to several associates of current MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito and some of their attackers were pedos. The powers that be shut that down hard and are still working to suppress it.

MIT MEDIA LAB Researcher compling Red Pill Articles on PIZZAGATE connecting to Voat research /NY TIMES/Social Media/WikiLeaks

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1762202/8629672 This writer better watch it as they are likely in danger because MIT and MIT media lab are connected to Pizzagate and Aaron Schwartz being suicided.

They are linked to Gamergate also. The director's sister Mimi Ito is a friend of Jonathan McIntosh. Gamergate had one of the biggest cover-ups of anything that was ever covered up, so there was definitely something unusual going on there.

International Crisis Group Awards Peace Prize To Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood Leader

Branson shows up in Gamergate digs a lot.

Jeffrey Epstein and MIT Media Lab

letsdothis3 ago

Voat post re Warchild International: Princess Mabel of Orange Nassau, her relationship with Arpad Busson, and her ties to Soros' OSI.

OSI arranged include the financial flows to the national Soros Foundations in various countries, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe, namely Soros is originally from Hungary. These East European activities, a later stage extended towards the Balkans, stimulated that Mabel got an affair with former Bosnian Foreign Minister Sacirbey, who was later charged with a flourishing arms trade with Iran. Mabel was also involved in the foundation War Child Netherlands, among others funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (during the years 2003 -2006 more than 3.7 million Euros).

Given its good relations in the Balkans, it is almost certain that Mabel was a welcome partner of the national intelligence services, and perhaps secret services of other countries. (...)

On the one hand Mabel tried by supporting its efforts in WarChild in Amsterdam child war victims in Bosnia, while on the other hand, also in The Hague, lobbied for arms supplies to that country, in order to corroborate her boyfriend Sacirbey. A very ambivalent attitude.

letsdothis3 ago

Other interesting connections:

new sexual and reproductive healthcare programmes led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI) consortia across Africa and South Asia https://mariestopes.org/news/2018/11/new-flagship-health-programme-to-transform-the-lives-of-millions-of-women-and-girls-and-accelerate-fp2020-progress/

Related Voat Post: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1768186

Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1768186/8662365 ... I Scott Messinger The Wyss Foundation 1601 Connecticut Ave Nw Ste 800, Washington, DC 20009-1055, United States... NYS Attorney Washington 20009 The Wyss Foundation Syracuse

SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING Cambridge, MA – October 21, 2015...The minutes from the April 28, 2015 meeting held in Washington, DC were approved... Participants included Hansjörg Wyss, Bruce Babbit, Bob Bland, Molly McUsic, John Podesta and Howard Stevenson. Staff included Anna Fink, Lauren Haigler, Matt Hollamby, Chris Killingsworth and Joe Fisher who kept the minutes. ..Grant approved - Marie Stopes International: $1,750,000 to increase access to safe abortion care by expanding its current work in Mexico and Bolivia.

Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

Transgenic Model Creation Services include CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mice and rats

Related: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

CRISPR/Cas9 and Dr. Luke of The Pirbright Institute · Vector-borne Viral Diseases (VVD) Programme Alphey https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luke_Alphey

Oxford University connections.. and Oxitec https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3228844/18714232

One of his papers on the CRISPR gene Can CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives curb malaria?

Related [too time consuming for me to explain how.. read the comments in particular in the post, pay attention to the material on PATH and WPATH]:

Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH

At home, the White House has already attracted a political who’s who, from U.S. Senator Patty Murray to Mayor Ed Murray (his first mayoral fundraiser was there) to Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook. In August, the state’s entire Democratic House delegation is expected to show up for a “New Dems” soiree. Nyhus also puts on a regular “CEO Salon” series and ensures that a plethora of nonprofits, from local arts and parks to global health initiatives, benefit from White House events. For example, the South Lake Union–based, globally focused PATH organization. “It’s a great gathering spot,” says PATH CEO Steve Davis. He compares the house to D.C.’s famous social circuit. “There’s usually a dinner at a very elegant home in Georgetown with a mix-and-match of people. The conversations are quite interesting because you’re sitting next to somebody who’s an ambassador from X, as well as some congressman, or some scientist working at the NIH. Roger’s house has that same feel.”


In 1977, Perkin, along with Drs. Richard Mahoney and Gordon Duncan, started the Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology. They set up shop in Seattle mostly because Duncan was working for the BATTELLE Institute

"As time went on, he said, the mission grew to include other primary health care needs. The name was changed to PATH in 1980.

"In 1995, Perkin was approached by Bill Gates Sr., who was seeking advice and information on family planning issues for his son's new philanthropic outlet, the Gates Foundation. Perkin offered his thoughts but also told the Gateses about the growing crisis in childhood immunizations. He didn't ask Gates for money or for a job."

a branch of the European Adoption Consultants is located in Columbus a block or so away from the SEIU 1199 HQ in Columbus. In this thread, VOATer @HerbVendor mentioned the proximity of the adoption agency to the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Wexner Medical Center (Jeffrey Epstein managed Leslie Wexner's money until Epstein went to prison) and Ohio State University.

Ohio's rate of missing children has escalated this yr. Out of 166 missing children, 83, were reported missing this yr alone


Vindicator ago

The global crisis in childhood immunizations, huh? These fuckers caused the crisis.

I just finished reading Forrest Marready's The Autism Vaccine, which just came out after narrowly avoiding a ban by Amazon (it was saved by a petition campaign). Compares the histories of the development of vaccines and the rise of autism (as well as autoimmune disease and other neurological disorders). It's got a massive bibliography and footnotes. TL;DR vaccines don't work at all unless toxic aluminum salts are added to them to trigger a massive immune reaction. They know this, and they know how toxic aluminum is, because they use it to induce disease in research animals. You've got to read it.

One tidbit I found was that the orphanage in Tuam where all the little bodies were discovered in the septic field? It was one of the institutions recruited for experimental aluminum-added diphtheria vaccine testing, after English parents refused to allow their children to receive dangerous immunizations. I shit you not.

think- ago

It was one of the institutions recruited for experimental aluminum-added diphtheria vaccine testing, after English parents refused to allow their children to receive dangerous immunizations. I shit you not.

Err....what - was that mentioned in the book, or would you have a link - thanks.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it was mentioned in the book. I gotta fuck around in my kindle and find the reference and make a post about it. Kindle makes this kind of a bitch, though.

think- ago

K, thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

Other interesting connections:

new sexual and reproductive healthcare programmes led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI) consortia across Africa and South Asia https://mariestopes.org/news/2018/11/new-flagship-health-programme-to-transform-the-lives-of-millions-of-women-and-girls-and-accelerate-fp2020-progress/

Related Voat Post: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1768186

Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1768186/8662365 ... I Scott Messinger The Wyss Foundation 1601 Connecticut Ave Nw Ste 800, Washington, DC 20009-1055, United States... NYS Attorney Washington 20009 The Wyss Foundation Syracuse

SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING Cambridge, MA – October 21, 2015...The minutes from the April 28, 2015 meeting held in Washington, DC were approved... Participants included Hansjörg Wyss, Bruce Babbit, Bob Bland, Molly McUsic, John Podesta and Howard Stevenson. Staff included Anna Fink, Lauren Haigler, Matt Hollamby, Chris Killingsworth and Joe Fisher who kept the minutes. ..Grant approved - Marie Stopes International: $1,750,000 to increase access to safe abortion care by expanding its current work in Mexico and Bolivia.

Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

Transgenic Model Creation Services include CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mice and rats

Related: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

letsdothis3 ago

Toney Anaya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toney_Anaya

26th governor of New Mexico from 1983 to 1987...As governor, he focused on energy alternatives, water development and conservation, the environment, education, economic development, and provided leadership in investing of the state’s multibillion-dollar trust funds.

See Pelosi scandal..

Toney Anaya Building ("Thor") Santa Fe, New Mexico (NM), US https://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/toney-anaya-building-thor/view/google/

The hospital that Jane drives Thor to after he lands on Earth

Thor >> Isaac Kappy

Address : 2550 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505

Houses New Mexico Securities Division; Regulation and Licensing Department; New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department; New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional SuveyorsNEW MEXICO BOARD OF LICENSURE FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS & PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS and other government departments as well as, NM MASSAGE THERAPY BOARD

Toney Anaya had 3 children. The son was also named Toney Anaya. It's quite possible this is him (his CV matches)..

Panel Discussion with WaterAid & Coca Cola Bangladesh Ltd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo6EujgbK1I

Toney Anaya -VP of Public Affairs, Communication & Sustainability, The Coca-Cola Company india-, Katelyn Jackson -Director of community partnership, Public Affairs & Communications for The Coca-Cola Company Washington D.C.-, Khairul Islam - Country representative of WaterAid Bangladesh-, Shamima Akhter - Director of Public Affairs & Communication Manager (PAC), Coca-Cola International Beverages Private Ltd. As Country PAC lead for Coca Cola business in Bangladesh-, Sanjoy Mukherjee - Programme Manager of WaterAid Bangladesh- and Samia Malik -Communication & Campaign Specialist of WaterAid Bangladesh together discussing the SDG-6 in an interactive panel discussion.

WaterAid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WaterAid

WaterAid is an international non-governmental organisation, focused on water, sanitation and hygiene. It was set up in 1981 as a response to the UN International Drinking Water decade (1981–1990). It operates in 34 countries as of 2018

The organization was first established by the UK water industry on 21 July 1981 as a charitable trust at their main office premises in London, and established first projects in Zambia and Sri Lanka. In 2010, it became a federation[1], comprising As of 2018 members in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Canada and India, and regional offices and country programmes in 27 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia[2]. Activities involve providing people with clean water, safe sanitation and hygiene behaviour change, and advocacy with governments and water utilities. Its income has moved from £1 million per annum in 1987 to £102 million in 2017-18.

Its president is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, since 1991...In 1993 WaterAid began work on their 1000th project, and also agreed to fund the Hitosa Gravity Scheme in Ethiopia. The Hitosa scheme was the largest single water supply scheme implemented in Ethiopia at the time, reaching 50,000 people...

WaterAid has been associated with the Glastonbury Festival since 1994. In 2006 the festival's founder Michael Eavis and his daughter Emily visited WaterAid's work in Mozambique and by 2007 130 WaterAid volunteers helped at the festival. In 2011, there were around 200 WaterAid volunteers present.[citation needed]. In 2016, by which time there were over 500 Wateraid volunteers at Glastonbury, the charity introduced Talking Toilets which gave out information voiced by celebrities such as Cerys Matthews and Brian Blessed...

WaterCan/EauVive was established as a registered Canadian charity in 1987 by Michael Lubbock to "helping the world's poorest people gain access to clean drinking water, basic sanitation and hygiene education".


Colonel Michael Ronald Lubbock, MBE, (31 May 1906 – March 1989) was a British military officer and businessman... Lubbock was the son of Cecil Lubbock (15 February 1872 – 18 January 1956) and Edith Furse (1867 – 14 December 1960), daughter of Rev. Charles Furse was Archdeacon of Westminster. He was a great-grandson of Sir John William Lubbock, 3rd Baronet, and was the nephew of Lt.-Gen. Sir William Furse, the artist Charles Wellington Furse, and The Rt Rev Bolton Michael Furse.

United Nations - In 1945/46, after reaching the rank of Colonel in the British Army, he became head of the UNRRA Mission (health, refugees, children, social welfare); and moved to UNRRA European headquarters in London for six months, before becoming the first paid staff member of UNICEF in Washington, D.C. in January 1947. He left UNICEF in June to join the newly formed U.N. Appeal for Children, which he managed and developed in fourteen European countries in 1947/48. When the Appeal was brought to an end, he became a full-time director of the Bank of London and South America. During 1948–1959 he travelled each year throughout Latin America, visiting the bank's branches.

In 1960, he was asked to be the Executive Deputy Chairman of the Peruvian Corporation, a British company which ran the two major railways of Peru, later living in Peru in 1965-1968. In 1968, Lubbock returned to Canada to create the Canadian Association for Latin America, a centre of research, information and guidance to Canadian companies and others wishing to develop their interests in Latin America, and a growing link with Latin American governments and businessmen. He was its Executive Director until 1976.

He married, first, Diana Beatrice Crawley, daughter of Henry Ernest Crawley, on May 1929 and had 5 children: Jeremy Michael Lubbock b. 4 Jun 1931, Judith Caroline Gurney Lubbock b. 4 May 1934, Jessica Rose Lubbock b. 23 Dec 1937, Joanna Lubbock b. 29 Jan 1941, John David Peter Lubbock b. 18 Mar 1945. They were divorced in 1956. She died in 1976. From 1938 to 1940 he had a romantic affair with Lady Alexandra Metcalfe.


The main thrust of Baba's later life was her tireless efforts for the Save the Children Fund, a commitment that lasted for more than 40 years. Lady Alexandra joined the Save the Children Fund in 1950 and was very active in fund-raising in London. In 1955, she and her husband divorced and she became a member of the fund's governing council. Later she would become chairman of the Overseas Relief and Welfare Committee, which controls all overseas work of the fund. In 1974 she was elected vice-president.

letsdothis3 ago

@TrustTheTruth anything to see here?

TrustTheTruth ago

Where is the founder of Rotary International from?

Racine, Wisconsin





Why did Rotary dispute their donation to the Clinton Foundation?

What family company also donated to the Clinton Foundation?

Who controls Ghana?

Who is "Wise Counsel?"


Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainable Development?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

Who lost the bid to Brazil for the Olympics?


Where was Hillary Clinton from?

Where was Obama from?

Where is Oprah from?

What happened in Brazil, and what happens in Brazil?

Who is John of God?

What is next to Google in Chicago?

What is it modeled after?

What family company is closely connected to Brazil?


This is only The Beginning of The Truth.

Everything is connected to the Root.

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What is the Base of the Pyramid?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for your response. A lot to revisit. I will start with this link SC Johnson Continues Long-Standing Commitment to Strengthen Communities in Developing Countries - https://www.scjohnson.com/en/press-releases/2017/march/sc-johnson-continues-long-standing-commitment-to-strengthen-communities-in-developing-countries

RACINE, Wis., March 24, 2017- More than four billion people occupy the base of the world’s economic pyramid and live on less than $1,500 dollars a year. These families lack access to basic goods and services, where everyday challenges can be as simple as finding clean water. Given this scale, SC Johnson, the worldwide manufacturer of trusted household consumer goods, has been supporting these communities for nearly two decades, by providing sustainable business models to raise the standard of living and provide opportunities for a better quality of life.

..SC Johnson has teamed with The Coca-Cola Company, Solarkiosk, and Society for Family Health Rwanda as a part of the EKOCENTER program, which provides safe drinking water, sanitation, solar energy, and wireless communication. EKOCENTERS are modular retail experiences, run by women operators that provide commerce of basic goods including OFF!® mosquito repellent lotion, Baygon® mosquito coils, and KIWI® shoe polish. EKOCENTERS also offer a place for community gathering and for entrepreneurs to set up business.

Find out more on SC Johnson’s Base of the Pyramid efforts by clicking...

'Base of the Pyramid' Holds Key to $5 Trillion Market - https://www.greenbiz.com/news/2007/03/22/base-pyramid-holds-key-5-trillion-market

Four billion people who live in relative poverty represent a $5 trillion market, according to a new report released by the International Finance Corporation and World Resources Institute.

..Professor C.K. Prahalad, who originated the "base of the pyramid" concept, said the mobile phone industry succeeded in "cracking the BOP code." Over 2.5 billion people now have access to the phones because of industry innovations like pre-paid phone cards, which gives them access to the service regardless of income.

Prahalad believes these examples are just the beginning. He told the WorldWatch Institute, "There is an opportunity here, but it’s not yet fully understood.... This is all about imagining the world differently. If we can not imagine a different world, we cannot create it."

Business Impacts on Millennium Development Goals: A Virtuous Cycle or a Coin Toss? - https://www.greenbiz.com/news/2005/09/19/business-impacts-millennium-development-goals-virtuous-cycle-or-coin-toss

The notion that business plays an important role in alleviating poverty and other United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a main topic of discussion today at the U.N.'s 2005 World Summit, has been well established by academics C. K. Prahalad and Stuart Hart. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a global coalition of 175 companies committed to sustainability, furthers the case with the recent release of a report on 14 member projects (of 66 in the works) making advances toward achieving the MDGs.

"As world leaders gather in New York to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are falling far short in meeting these vital targets," states WBCSD's Cécile Churet, lead author of the report entitled Business for Development. "

Oh, what a surprise..not.

..The report also documents increasing movement away from adversarial and toward collaborative relationships between companies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) -- 13 of the 14 case studies include such partnerships. For example, Proctor & Gamble collaborated with AmeriCares and the International Rescue Committee to provide enough of its PUR water filters for more than 10 million liters of potable water to Sudanese refugees fleeing the genocidal regime in Darfur to northern Chad.

..However, the profile underemphasizes the primary reason BP is in Azerbaijan: to exploit the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, and it completely elides that fact that the project is the subject of persistent and ongoing critiques due to its social and environmental impacts. The CEE BankWatch Network, an NGO with members from 10 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, has compiled a laundry list of reports finding fault with the pipeline, for example potential human rights abuses in Turkey and environmental threats to sturgeon stocks in the Caspian Sea.

Bottom of the Pyramid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottom_of_the_pyramid

Management scholar CK Prahalad popularised the idea of this demographic as a profitable consumer base in his 2004 book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, written alongside Stuart Hart.

Stuart L. Hart is an American academic, writer and theorist and the founder of Enterprise for a Sustainable World,[1] a non-profit dedicated to helping businesses make the transition to sustainability. A Fortune 100 consultant, Hart is one of the world's leading authorities on the implications of sustainable development and environmentalism relative to business strategy. He is the S.C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise and Professor of Management at Cornell University's Johnson School of Management; he is also the founder of the school's Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise and the Base of the Pyramid Learning Lab, comprising seven global facilities.

U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt used the term in his April 7, 1932 radio address, The Forgotten Man...

Voat posts re Roosevelt:

Another look at SPiN .. A story of basements and tunnels... There’s no way to detect it from above ground, but right below the Waldorf is a little-known extension of Grand Central Station, built in the 1930s to help Franklin Delano Roosevelt keep his polio diagnosis private.

Paralytic illness of Franklin D. Roosevelt - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_illness_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt#Was_Roosevelt_predisposed_to_polio?

In August 1921, 39-year-old Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the time a practicing lawyer in New York, joined his family at their vacation home at Campobello, a Canadian island off the coast of Maine. As former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, he had spent two weeks in mid-July in Washington, D.C., giving testimony to a Senate committee investigating a Navy scandal.[1]:247–248 On August 5, Roosevelt sailed up the New England coast with his friend and new employer, Van Lear Black, on Black's ocean-going yacht. Among those at Campobello when Roosevelt arrived were his wife Eleanor, their children, his political aide Louis Howe, Howe's wife, and their young son...On August 10, after a day of strenuous activity, Roosevelt came down with an illness characterized by fever, ascending paralysis, facial paralysis, prolonged bowel and bladder dysfunction, and numbness and hypersensitivity of the skin.[3][2]:47 Most of the symptoms resolved themselves, but he was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down...


In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). It was an agency of the U.S. federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during WWII that also had been heavily infiltrated by Frankfurters.[28] The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acou stics — topics that were precisely in tune with Adorno’s research and area of expertise.

Meanwhile, Hart and his colleague Erik Simanis at Cornell University's Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise advance another approach, one that focuses on the poor as business partners and innovators, rather than just as potential producers or consumers. Hart and Simanis have led the development of the Base of the Pyramid Protocol, an entrepreneurial process that guides companies in developing business partnerships with income-poor communities in order to "co-create businesses and markets that mutually benefit the companies and the communities". This process has been adopted by the SC Johnson Company[8] and the Solae Company (a subsidiary of DuPont).

TrustTheTruth ago

Prince Charles is the Sustainable Prince.

United Way = United Nations.

Where is Racine's new city administrator from?

New Mexico

Why did the last several mayors and city administrators of Racine resign, and which one tried to commit suicide?

Who was found in the Root River, and what did he resign from immediately before his "suicide"?

Was the last city administrator qualified? What was his degree in?

Where did the last mayor stay on his trip to New York City shortly before he was told to resign?

Who was he with? What happened?

Why did Paul Ryan suddenly resign, and what happened to the pilot from the Tarmac meeting?

Who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias? Who are the real Pilgrims?

The Pilgrims Society is one of many groups involved that control global distribution channels stemming from the first Corporate Nations (Trading Companies) in partnership with a global network of associations, societies, foundations, governments, institutions, false religions, and the mafia.

Who is Lord Carrington?

Sustainability is The Foundation and The Great Deception (Satan's Ability) to forge the real Agenda beyond UN Agenda 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

What happened in Brazil and Haiti?

Who controls Ghana?

What was Tim Dolan's life work?

Why was Mayor Pete in Racine recently?

Where did Chelsea Clinton campaign for her mother in Racine?

What is Teen Mania and how is it connected to George Bush and 1000 points of light?

What was Michelle Obama promoting in Racine?

What is the Global Interfaith Alliance? What is One World Religion?

[Campaign for Healthy Kids] On Aug. 28 First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Faith and Communities and Save the Children’s Campaign for Healthy Kids project (CHK) announced its joint Wisconsin anti-obesity campaign and introduced their local faith partners at a press conference in Racine, Wisconsin.

“Jews, Christians, Muslims and people of all faiths are united in our commitment to reducing childhood obesity and keeping our children healthy,” Feingold said. “By working closely with Faith United To End Childhood Obesity and the First Lady’s Let’s Move Team, Wisconsin can lead the way to brighter futures for our children and communities.”

Through CHK, Save the Children will work to support and expand grassroots participation in the First Lady’s Let’s Move Faith and Communities initiative by encouraging leaders to sign on to the Let’s Move Faith and Communities website. CHK’s Faith United to End Childhood Obesity will identify and organize Wisconsin faith leaders from a number of diverse faith congregations. The effort will equip and empower these community faith leaders to convene health councils and implement the five pillars of Let’s Move!: Creating a healthy start for children, empowering parents and caregivers, providing healthy food in schools, improving access to healthy, affordable foods, and increasing physical activity.


Who controls the Global Food Supply?

What happened to Senator Paul Wellstone?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in The World and where is it?

Why did Racine tout the nation's best drinking water when it was tainted exactly like Flint, Michigan?

Where is the worst place in the nation for black families including such unusual infant mortality and incarceration rates?

Where is The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders?

What is the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

How can The Children really be "Saved"?

What did Jesus Christ warn The World of?

What did Jesus Christ promise to The World?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Fight to end exploitation partners https://fighttoendexploitation.org/partners/

Amber Alert

Superboss Collective (Design Agency) https://superboss.co/

Founder, Sean Baker https://twitter.com/BKRMKR He is married to Ellen Glista-Baker, PhD , Toxicologist at SC Johnson https://twitter.com/_EllenBaker

Ruud Family Foundation

associated with the Prairie School https://www.prairieschool.com/golf/attachment/screenshot-2018-08-01-09-08-19/

https://www.prairieschool.com/about-us/founder/ The Prairie School was founded in 1965 by two women with a vision. Imogene Powers Johnson and Willie Hilpert believed that the Racine community needed and would benefit greatly from an independent day school..

Imogene, known as “Gene,” met Sam Johnson at Cornell University in 1948. She was a mathematics major and was interested in astronomy, which became a lifelong passion. Gene had a successful career as an engineering mathematician at Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego, California. An early computer programmer, she worked on the first vertical take-off aircraft, in an era when computers were barely known in the business world.

https://www.scjohnson.com/en/a-family-company/the-johnson-family/gene-johnson-a-conscience-for-sc-johnson-a-champion-for-childrens-education Gene Johnson: A Conscience for SC Johnson, a Champion for Children’s Education

RIGHT : The Johnson family in Fortaleza, Brazil, at the end of the 1998 Carnaúba Expedition.

In 2017, SC Johnson renamed its flagship insect science research center, in Racine, Wisconsin, to honor Gene. The SC Johnson Institute of Insect Science for Family Health was established in 1957 and has grown to be one of the world’s largest private, urban entomology research centers. Researchers there have studied and advanced the sciences of insect biology, physiology, ecology, behavior and toxicology.

Sam Johnson’s 1998 Expedition to Brazil Brings a Revelation: Our Families Save Us ...n 1935, H.F. Johnson, Jr. flew 15,000 miles to cultivate carnaúba palms in Brazil. In 1998, his son, Sam Johnson, retraced his adventure...In 1935, H.F. and his crew took off in an amphibious plane bound for Fortaleza, Brazil. Their goal was to study the carnaúba palm, whose wax is the hardest in the world. It was the key ingredient in nearly every SC Johnson product at the time.


With a reputation as the child sex tourism capital of Brazil, Fortaleza is already a prime target for traffickers.

SC Johnson Donation Supports First-of-its-kind Sustainable School in Fortaleza, Brazil https://www.3blmedia.com/News/SC-Johnson-Donation-Supports-First-its-kind-Sustainable-School-Fortaleza-Brazil [https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/708795/SC_Johnson_Escola.pdf?p=pdf]

In August of 1961, Dr. J. Galba Araujo, a Fortaleza physician, visited the Johnson Foundation with a proposal to convert Villa Johnson, H.F.’s home in Brazil, into a school for the impoverished children of Fortaleza. Dr. Araujo had known H.F. from his many visits to Brazil to oversee the company’s wax processing operation. They had even worked together to establish a maternity clinic in Fortaleza. After looking at the plan, H.F. did not feel that the villa was a good fit to use for this purpose but was sympathetic to the idea of providing basic education.

Curtis Pringle, Managing Director of Companhia Ceras Johnson in Fortaleza, suggested that a portion of the company’s building could be converted and used as a school. By 1962, the company committed a portion of its building and a grant of $8,000 to convert the warehouse space into a proper school complete with classrooms, kitchen, dining area and even a clinic to provide much-needed care to the children.

By the time of the school’s official dedication ceremony in February 1963, 300 children who previously had no access to education were enrolled at Escola Johnson. The students were provided with a versatile curriculum, nutritional meals, and access to the school health clinic where they received periodic examinations and inoculations.

1963–1971: SC JOHNSON SUPPORT - Escola Johnson was the first public elementary school in Fortaleza. It was estimated that Fortaleza, a city with high poverty and illiteracy, was home to about 10,000 children who had no access to education or health services. It moved the local community that a company would step up to support such an initiative for the city and, over the years, Escola Johnson would become a model to which other Brazilian schools aspired.

1973–1978: NEW MANAGEMENT & PARTING GIFT - During the mid 1970s, there was massive inflation in Brazil, and the company knew it could not maintain the same level of support for the school as it had in the past. The Department of Education for the State of Ceará had taken interest in the school’s unique programs. Escola Johnson was held in high standing and became something of a teacher training center for educators all over Brazil. The Department took responsibility for the school and Escola Johnson moved into a new building.

In 1978, fourth-generation leader Sam Johnson visited the school and saw that the facility needed some upgrades. As a “final” gift, the company donated $35,000 ($130,000 by today’s standards) toward the construction of an illuminated sports playground as well as the remodeling of the library, cafeteria and bathrooms. This helped the growing school, which was now up to over 1,000 children and nearly 40 teachers and staff including a physician, psychologist, social worker, and speech and occupational therapists for handicapped children.

1998: THE CARNAÚBA EXPEDITION In 1998, Sam and his family returned to Escola Johnson as part of the Carnaúba Expedition recreating H.F.’s 1935 trip to Brazil. This time SC Johnson people banded together, raising $23,500 through the sale of expedition merchandise. This money provided the school with a roof for the sports court so children could play out of the sun. SC Johnson also donated funds to fully stock the school’s three new science laboratories. Winnie Johnson Marquart, one of Sam's daughters, was on hand to present these gifts to the school. Her parting words were, “We care about the children of Escola Johnson. We care about their education, and we care about their future.”

2002–PRESENT: A RENEWED PARTNERSHIP In 2002, Escola Johnson celebrated its 40th anniversary. Ceras Johnson in Brazil sponsored a celebratory event attended by teachers, students and guests. Students used this event to showcase art they had made as well as perform dances for attendees. In 2004, fifth-generation leader Fisk Johnson made a visit to the school and was warmly received by students and faculty.

SC Johnson’s subsidiary in Brazil continues to be a great support to Escola Johnson, sponsoring a mobile dental office that provides students and the Fortaleza community with much-needed care. Ceras Johnson’s commitment to health costs over R$100,000 annually. The company is also working with the United Way to potentially provide future grants to the school for renovation projects.

Winnie Johnson-Marquart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnie_Johnson-Marquart

Winnie Johnson-Marquart is the daughter of Samuel Curtis Johnson Jr. and the great great granddaughter of S. C. Johnson & Son founder Samuel Curtis Johnson Sr.

Relatives Herbert Fisk Johnson III; Helen Johnson-Leipold; S. Curtis Johnson (siblings)


Helen and her husband, Minnesota Wild owner Craig Leipold maintain residences in Racine, Wisconsin, and Saint Paul, Minnesota, and are the parents of five sons.

SC JOHNSON and ZIKA SC Johnson Exceeds Global Commitment to Donate $15M to Combat Mosquito-borne Diseases

With concerns about mosquito-borne diseases rising around the world, SC Johnson today announced that it has delivered on a global commitment to donate at least $15 million in pest control products and financial support to help at-risk families combat mosquitoes that may carry Zika virus. Today, with its contribution of more than 480,000 units of OFF!® personal insect repellent to the charity organization Feeding America, the company has exceeded this pledge.

Isn't that special?

Where did Zika first start in Brazil I wonder? https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/early/2017/04/24/1620161114.full.pdf

To identify the likely date and location of ZIKV’s first introduction to the Americas, posterior densities are estimated for 12 major travel hubs in Brazil over a range of dates. The marginal posterior distributions suggest an introduction between August 2013 and April 2014 in a number of potential locations, including Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Fortaleza, and Salvador

The most likely locations of ZIKV introduction, in descending order, are Rio de Janeiro (southeast), Brasilia (central), Fortaleza (northeast), and Salvador (northeast).

Notice they list Fortaleza as their 3rd option each time. Just saying. Other reports say Zika began in the northeast of Brazil. So take out Rio and Brasilia from that list. That leaves us with a 50/50 chance that it started in Fortaleza. What a coincidence.

TrustTheTruth ago

Look at the other partners of the I-94 Project and other clients of Superboss including Tom DeLonge and Penn State University.

What happened with the event center and hockey arena?

Who made illegal campaign contributions for mayoral elections?

Where did John Dickert stay on his secret trip to New York, and why didn't he have the "option" to leave at the end of his term?

How did the new mayor get elected, where is he from, and who violated the Hatch Act in the process?

What did his father do, and who are his other relatives? https://www.uwp.edu/explore/news/cmiiicmncspkr.cfm

What did his grandfather do, and how does that relate to The 8th Wonder of the World? https://journaltimes.com/business/local/rcedc-celebrates-foxconn-and-more/article_9106545a-8b64-5f7c-a71b-b19a83762b68.html

Why was this article removed? https://higherexpectationsracinecounty.org/posts/2018/04/19/rcedc-recognizes-start-it

What does Dr. Chris Mason do?

Associate Professor of Computational Genomics, Weill Cornell Medical Center

Dr. Christopher Mason completed his dual B.S. in Genetics and Biochemistry (2001) from University of Wisconsin-Madison, his Ph.D. in Genetics (2006) from Yale University, and then completed post-doctoral training in clinical genetics (2009) at Yale Medical School while jointly a post-doctoral Fellow of Genomics, Ethics, and Law at Yale Law School (2009). He is currently an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, with appointments at the Tri-Institutional Program in Computational Biology and Medicine between Cornell, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University, the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, and the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute.

What is the Vallee Foundation? https://www.thevalleefoundation.org/programs/yia/christopher-e-mason-phd

Who is Linda Mason?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_A._Mason https://www.mercycorps.org/about-us/linda-mason-chair-global-council

Who is John Wayne Mason? https://medicine.yale.edu/news/article.aspx?id=7448 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Mason

Who is Samantha Marq and what artists does she work with?

What role does Caron Butler play? Where did he go to prep school and college?

What is Mark Wahlberg working on with Caron Butler? Where was Mark on 9/11?

How were they both compromised? What are they working on now? Why are they instrumental in the Great Deception?

What is the American Dream?

What is the Global Interfaith Alliance?

What is Community Policing?

The real Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.

This is what the base of the pyramid represents.

Who is at the top?

The weak link in the Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine).

Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Hmm. I wonder why this was downvoated: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2020786/9971099

..They aren't the only celebrities with links to Racine, Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Ashton Kutcher is also linked to Racine through the Clintons, McCain, Emanuels and a group called The Fight to End Exploitation (real name Chris - Freemasonry and Kabbalah elite). Some of those involved in that organization are known to be involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, with ties to Penn State University and Tom DeLonge of Blink-182. Racine has close ties through Haiti, Brazil and other hubs involved, that LInkin Park was involved with also. Linkin Park and Blinkin Park were going to have shows together until Chris Cornell and Chester died.


Karri Hemmig Fight to End Exploitation interview https://www.kenoshanews.com/community/community_connection/sex-trafficking-victims-focus-of-vigil-this-week-at-carthage/article_12a28c1d-097d-582d-a39c-d100ee53ac8a.html

Founder and executive director Karri Hemmig; founder and president Neal Lofy; treasurer and founding board member K. Scott Abrams; board member and secretary Kim Voss; board vice president Pam Handrow; and board member and faith committee chair Maggie Graff.

In Racine, the current fight against human trafficking began with the Racine Dominicans, who have a long history of social justice leadership in the community. In 2012, they launched an aggressive campaign to bring awareness to the issue and the Racine Police Department was quick to partner with them.

What began as a small community gathering rapidly evolved into a community-wide movement in the fight against modern day slavery. Out of these meetings, Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking was created and a partnership with RPD developed through Chief Art Howell’s leadership.

Human trafficking advocates were trained and participated in the annual FBI Operation Cross Country, the federal initiative to recover juvenile victims of sex trafficking, in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1497611/7508774 If you reference this, might as well include Operation Cross Country X: https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/operation-cross-country-x ...I believe each Team deployed are referred to as CARD, Hence the FBI anon claiming Follow the CARDS

greed. This is an FBI-run investigation around the time of the Weiner Scandal, so it's worth mentioning. It's really the FBI's involvement that is of interest. Don't you think it's a little strange that suddenly pedophiles are being busted all over the world and a lot of it comes back to US-tips, especially by the FBI?

CARDS - "Child Abductions Rapid Deployments" - The FBI established a rabid response force for human trafficking and child abduction cases. The outcomes after the teams are deployed and their actions will likely be of interest....It appears that the deployment itself will help in connecting other dots.

RCAHT became a nonprofit in 2015 and grew rapidly with the support of an initial $25,000 operations support grant from Racine Community Foundation...In February 2017, the organization changed its name to Fight to End Exploitation in order to better acknowledge our work throughout the entire southeast region of Wisconsin, not just Racine County.


The Congregation of Sisters of St. Dominic of St. Catherine of Siena is a Catholic religious institute for women founded in 1862 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Voat posts:

Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Archdiocese of Milwaukee reaches $21-million settlement with sexual abuse victims The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee has reached a $21-million sexual abuse settlement that could end a four-year battle in bankruptcy court.


The Archdiocese of Milwakee intentionally moved millions of dollars into a trust to protect it from the victims. The trust was set up as a way to hide money under the ruse of "maintenance for cemeteries and church cathedrals. They then used the constitution to claim a religious exception. All of the children and victims were drug through years of additional pain.

comment from WIC: You are correct. They are using donations, grants, foundations and kickback schemes with business and community partners. We have met Timothy Dolan, and he is deeply involved and connected to the higher levels of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that are linked to the Dominicans, mafia, secret societies, and other groups in Racine, WI. He was brought from St. Louis to Milwaukee specifically to cover up Pedogate and work with corrupt religious, business and community leaders to unite all faiths for their common corrupt agenda. They are using the homeless, elderly, disabled, abused, veterans, women and children to create programs for initial buy-in and acceptance like Racine Interfaith Coalition, Coalition for Peace and Justice, and Social Justice League campaigns for Sanctuary Cities, and are aligning with corrupt, ignorant and complicit law enforcement and media to control the investigations and the narrative.

Dolan was rewarded with a promotion to Archbishop, and is the only hope for an American Pope. He is not what he seems to be. They are linked to the Council of 13, Knights of Malta and Pilgrims Society that are connected in Racine. The world needs to know the truth about Timothy Dolan, Racine, and the root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.


Timothy Michael Dolan (born February 6, 1950) is an American cardinal prelate of the Catholic Church. Appointed by Pope Benedict XVI, Dolan serves as the tenth and current Archbishop of New York.

Dolan served as the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops from 2010 to 2013 and was granted the titular position as Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario (English: Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mount Mario) in Rome...He previously served as Archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009, preceded by service as an Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis from 2001 to 2002.

While noting that the "Church has weighed in" against the war in Iraq and capital punishment, Dolan defended his silence regarding President George W. Bush's 2001 appearance at Notre Dame...

In 2002, Archbishop Rigali assigned Dolan to investigate Roman Catholic priests accused of sexual misconduct in St. Louis...In a 2003 letter to Joseph Ratzinger, requesting that the process be expedited for the laicization of priests accused of abuse who he believed were "remorseless and a serious risk to children", Dolan wrote: “As victims organize and become more public, the potential for true scandal is very real.”[66] In May 2012, the New York Times revealed that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, then headed by Dolan, had paid some abusive priests – although already dismissed from their priestly duties – up to $20,000 to leave the priesthood immediately rather than force the church to initiate time-consuming and expensive laicization proceedings against them.[67] The archdiocese noted that the "unassignable priests" were still receiving full salaries and would continue to do so until they were formally laicized;[67] and that the payouts were a "motivation" so that the priests would not contest being defrocked. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests sent a formal protest asking, "In what other occupation, especially one working with families and operating schools and youth programs, is an employee given a cash bonus for raping and sexually assaulting children?"[67] Dolan responded to accusations that he had given "payoffs" to protect accused priests as "false, preposterous, and unjust"....

..Dolan visited Ground Zero, the site of the September 11 attacks, on the following April 24.[72] After reciting the same prayer used by Benedict XVI during his visit to the United States, Dolan remarked, "We will never stop crying. But it's also about September 12 and all the renewal, the rebuilding, hope, solidarity and compassion that symbolized this great community and still does."

Voat post re Dolan : Archdiocese Of New York Names 120 Clergy 'Credibly Accused' Of Child Sex Abuse by @maurice

In his apology letter, Dolan also urged "anyone who has an allegation of abuse of a minor to go immediately to the district attorney to report it."

The DA is Cyrus Vance Jr. His father Cyrus Vance who helped to create NASA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_Vance

Voat post on Jr : Unsealed: Manhattan DA tried -- and failed -- to protect Epstein from justice during sex offender registration hearing by @Vindicator

comment from @think- https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3156764/18005937

Manhattan DA sided with pedophile billionaire after botching investigation

The Manhattan DA’s office once went to bat for billionaire pervert Jeffrey Epstein, after botching a review of his sex crimes and swallowing his lawyers’ claim that “there are no real victims here,” records obtained by the Post show.

Assistant DA Jennifer Gaffney, then-deputy chief of Cyrus Vance Jr.’s sex-crimes unit, in January 2011 asked a Manhattan judge to downgrade Epstein’s status in the New York sex-offender registry from the most-dangerous Level 3 to least-restrictive Level 1.

The judge was stunned.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. I wonder why this was downvoated: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2020786/9971099

Undoubtedly because it's a wall-of-text with zero sourcing from the previous account of the Racine spam bot, who constantly shits up other people's submissions with useless, demoralizing, discussion-sliding, repetitive crap instead of responsibly making sourced research submissions like a legit PG subscriber.

People don't appreciate having their comments buried by this LARPer, or their submission discussions diverted by his off-topic lies and attacks.

letsdothis3 ago

'zero sourcing' - Yeah.

TrustTheTruth ago

Why is Vindicator so Afraid of The Truth?

Do you Know who Vindicator is?

We do.

letsdothis3 ago

Hmm. I wonder why this was downvoated: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2020786/9971099

..They aren't the only celebrities with links to Racine, Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Ashton Kutcher is also linked to Racine through the Clintons, McCain, Emanuels and a group called The Fight to End Exploitation (real name Chris - Freemasonry and Kabbalah elite). Some of those involved in that organization are known to be involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, with ties to Penn State University and Tom DeLonge of Blink-182. Racine has close ties through Haiti, Brazil and other hubs involved, that LInkin Park was involved with also. Linkin Park and Blinkin Park were going to have shows together until Chris Cornell and Chester died.

Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker (LDS - Mormon) are closely tied to Chester Bennington and John Podesta. Peter Lavenda, who co-authorized Tom DeLonge's book, is a leader in OTO circles and linked to Jack Parson and Aleister Crowley. Others closely linked from LDS include Even McMullin and Mitt Romney, who made a deal for Paul Ryan to be VP (Roman Catholic - ties to mafia, Boy Scouts and secret societies). There is a partnership between Jesuits (Catholics), LDS and FLDS (Mormon), Kabbalah (Jewish), OTO (Thelema), Scientology and others with the mission of a one world Luciferian religious interfaith coalition.

Racine has a fully controlled International Airport and harbor, and has a massive data center that Quinn Michaels also corroborated as being a major link in Racine County. About the Arena deal, it is part of the racketeering scheme in Racine that is linked to the Clinton Foundation, Rotary International, and many, many others. That RICO case was railroaded by the mafia and corruption in the FBI. Loretta Lynch was personally involved in obstructing the RICO investigations in Racine, and it coincided with Paul Ryan being on the plane with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch for their secret meeting.

They are going to use the arena for their own events and lure more children and families to the area. There are tunnels throughout Racine, and it is also tied to the Underground Railroad up to Canada and the ratlines from Chicago that go over to Minnesota, North Dakota, Omaha, Iowa, and Missouri. The arena is a pay back along with Machinery Row, an amphitheater, the harbor and airport, tax fee everything, control over the district and media, and control over the water supply. Racketeering in Racine goes a long way, but it is deeper and darker. It is also tied to Pizzagate, murder, organ harvesting, blood transfusions, bone marrow, abuse in schools and detention centers, abuse of foster and family services, and all other steps toward the gross reality of extreme corruption, tyranny, abuse, torture and enslavement.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I thought the same when I saw the New Mexico water and also Coke in Bangladesh!

letsdothis3 ago

Support of Front-Line Workers in Ebola Crisis - http://partnerships.ifpma.org/partnership/support-of-front-line-workers-in-ebola-crisis

Several IFPMA pharmaceutical companies have been involved in efforts to develop Ebola vaccines. For more information on research and development activities of some of these companies, refer to profiles for GSK, J&J and MSD.

GSK donated $690,000 in cash contributions for the three most affected countries: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. These donations include $562,000 to Save the Children, a long-standing partner in the region, to scale up work with frontline healthcare workers to maintain the delivery of essential health services and tackle the outbreak of Ebola. GSK also made donations of $64,000 each to humanitarian partners, AmeriCares and Direct Relief to enable these organisations to purchase and deliver critical supplies of personal protection equipment (PPE). Alongside this, GSK significantly increased medicine donations, with donated GSK products worth more than $1,122,500 to partners AmeriCares and Project HOPE.

As well as providing humanitarian support to affected regions, GSK accelerated the development of its candidate vaccine for Ebola at an unprecedented rate, with trials now underway.

GSK fast tracked development of the Ebola vaccine with many organisations, including the National Institutes of Health in the USA, the WHO, the Wellcome Trust and the UK Government. Learning from this experience GSK closely monitored the outbreak of the Zika virus in Brazil.

..Johnson & Johnson committed to a cash contribution of $1,000,000 to help advance health care worker safety and effectiveness in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Novartis worked with local business operations in affected regions, committed about $1,000,000 to the Red Cross and matched amounts raised by a global donation program among employees...

Bayer made medicines with a market value of $3.2 million available to Direct Relief free of charge to treat Ebola patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone. ..

The list goes on including: Pfizer and the Pfizer Foundation; AbbVie Foundation; AstraZeneca; Merck; Sanofi Foundation; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Abbott and Abbott Fund (Key partner organizations included AmeriCares, Direct Relief, Heart to Heart International and Partners In Health); Takeda; Roche; Janssen Diagnostics

Wellcome Sanger Institute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellcome_Sanger_Institute

The Wellcome Sanger Institute, previously known as The Sanger Centre and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, is a non-profit British genomics and genetics research institute, primarily funded by the Wellcome Trust

Wellcome Trust and Zika https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/taking-action-zika

A biotech firm called Oxitec (opens in a new tab), which the Wellcome Trust funded for several years, has developed a genetically modified version of the male Aedes aegypti mosquito, which produces sterile offspring.

We have funded another mosquito control programme called Eliminate Dengue (opens in a new tab), which uses naturally occurring bacteria called wolbachia to curb the spread of infection.

Voat posts:

comment by @carmencita https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3182126/18274137

Bill Gates, who recently bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock, is reportedly funding the approval of genetically modified mosquitoes. It seems that not only will genetically modified salmon enter the environment along with unforeseen changes, but a new self-sterilizing mosquito may be joining them...

Biotech company Oxitec submitted a draft of its plan in March to release thousands of genetically modified male Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes into the area. This is the species of mosquito that carries and transmits Zika, dengue, and other nasty diseases. But Oxitec's version of these mosquitoes come with a genetic twist: a gene that wipes out any offspring they produce with wild female mosquitoes before the baby mosquitoes reach reproductive age.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Oxitec released them in Florida USA and Mila de Mier was murdered for her tireless work advising the public against Oxitec and their GMO mosquitos etc. They shut her up however more people are involved in the fight and won’t let her memory and work fade away.

letsdothis3 ago

Related : The doublesex gene: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001706X13002209

Recent findings on the sex-determination gene doublesex from Ae. aegypti could be helpful to transfer a sex-conversion system into mosquitoes (Salvemini et al., 2011).


Doublesex proteins, which are part of the structurally and functionally conserved Dmrt gene family, are important for sex determination throughout the animal kingdom. We inserted Gal4 into the doublesex (dsx) locus of Drosophila melanogaster, allowing us to visualize and manipulate cells expressing dsx in various tissues. In the nervous system, we detected differences between the sexes in dsx-positive neuronal numbers, axonal projections and synaptic density. We found that dsx was required for the development of male-specific neurons that coexpressed fruitless (fru), a regulator of male sexual behavior. We propose that dsx and fru act together to form the neuronal framework necessary for male sexual behavior. We found that disrupting dsx neuronal function had profound effects on male sexual behavior. Furthermore, our results suggest that dsx-positive neurons are involved in pre- to post-copulatory female reproductive behaviors.

Downregulation of female doublesex expression by oral-mediated RNA interference reduces number and fitness of Anopheles gambiae adult females - https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-019-3437-4

Mosquito-borne diseases affect millions worldwide, with malaria alone killing over 400 thousand people per year and affecting hundreds of millions. To date, the best strategy to prevent the disease remains insecticide-based mosquito control....Alternative control technologies are in development, including genetic control such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). The SIT is a pivotal tool in integrated agricultural pest management and could be used to improve malaria vector control. ..The removal of females is an essential requirement because released females can themselves contribute towards nuisance biting and disease transmission...The doublesex (dsx) gene is one of the effector switches of sex determination in the process of sex differentiation in insects.


The ethics of wiping out a mosquito species Posted: 3rd October 2018 10:54am PDT by Christopher Preston The announcement from a new genetic technology had successfully eradicated a carefully contained population of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes grabbed headlines last week across the world. It not only indicated an incredible piece of science. It also opened a Pandora’s box of complicated ethical questions.

The technology works by creating a disruption to a particular gene found in the sex cells of mosquitoes. By manipulating something called the “doublesex” gene, the researchers were able to ensure a stream of female descendents possessing a biological mix of both male and female mosquito parts. These “intersex” mosquitoes are both genetically and phenotypically revolutionary.

...why are some people hesitant about the technology?

Nnimmo Bassey of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation in Nigeria is concerned about Africa becoming a “testing ground for a technology that has not been proven.” There is no airtight guarantee about the safety of gene drives.

An intervention into an ecosystem intended to extinguish a species raises a number of precautionary red flags. Ecosystems are complex with the various dependencies between species are not completely understood. New, potentially more voracious species could fill the gaps left by those that have been removed. In the midst of any engineered changes, evolution will continue. While the particular modification the Imperial College scientists made to the mosquito was chosen specifically to minimize the possibility of a natural resistance evolving, the potential for movement and mutation of genes between populations makes people nervous. Even the research scientists themselves appreciate that wild environments don’t behave as predictably as laboratory ones.

letsdothis3 ago

Further from that link: https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/taking-action-zika

We also recently funded Professor Luke Alphey from the Pirbright Institute to investigate other methods for controlling the spread of viral infections by mosquitos, using synthetic biology techniques, though these are not yet in field trials.

Prof Alphey https://imgur.com/a/C2rPExu


For more than ten years, Alphey has been supercharging a decades-old method known as the “Sterile Insect Technique” (SIT) to turn mosquitoes’ natural reproductive instincts against them. Through research Alphey conducted at Oxford University along with fellow scientist Dean Thomas and later at their university spin-off company, Oxitec, Alphey developed a method to use genetic engineering to ‘sterilise’ maleAedes aegypti mosquitos so that when released, these modified mosquitos breed offspring that do not survive to adulthood.

Woman Fighting Release of GMO Mosquitoes Found Dead in Hotel Pool - https://theantimedia.com/woman-fighting-gmo-mosquitoes-found-dead/

A longtime opponent of genetically engineered mosquitoes was found dead in a Washington D.C. hotel as she prepared to present a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA.

On Tuesday morning Mila de Mier—a 45-year-old activist from Key West, Florida who opposed the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes—was found dead in a swimming pool at a hotel in Washington D.C. De Meir was visiting D.C. to deliver a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding the agency deny a permit for the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida and Texas.

The D.C. Fire Department says the reported incident happened at the Cambria Hotel & Suites Washington, D.C. Convention Center on 899 O Street, NW. They say they were called to the scene at around 9:35 a.m. Medical crews say they attempted to treat the victim but later pronounced her dead.

letsdothis3 ago

Patent: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20080109&DB=worldwide.espacenet.com&locale=en_EP&CC=EP&NR=1246927B1&KC=B1&ND=5

Representative: Lord, Hilton David


One of his company appointments is Adverai Ltd https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11317542


D&B Hoovers provides sales leads and sales intelligence data on over 120 million companies like ADVERAI LTD and Information Technology Services contacts in GUILDFORD, United Kingdom and around the world.

D&B Hoovers? I've seen them before...

Isaac Kappy 'live trolling' David Brock or is David Brock trolling us? A look into the Kappy family

Tony Veneruso of Veneruso Technical Consultants LLC

D&B Hoovers provides sales leads and sales intelligence data on over 120 million companies like Veneruso Technical Consultants LLC and Business consulting, nec contacts in SUGAR LAND, TX, United States and around the world.

CIA Undermining World Corporations Including Nortel Using Dun & Bradstreet and Moody;s Investor Services!! http://www.kolki.com/peace/CIA-Undermining-World.htm

Dun and Bradstreet is the parent company of D&B Hoovers

letsdothis3 ago

Company Cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. Charged with Securities Fraud

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.

Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on "environmentally-friendly" ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was "secretly controlled" by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

..Pelosi cofounded the company in 2009. The SEC said Natural Blue’s mission is to "create, acquire, or otherwise invest in environmentally-friendly companies, including an initiative to locate, purify, and sell water recovered from underground aquifers in New Mexico and other areas with depleting water resources."

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Pelosi served as president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources, Inc. until January 11, 2010. Joseph Montalto is listed as the current president.

letsdothis3 ago

carmencita ago

Thank you for the ping and for mentioning my comment. I have been watching the news re the GMO mosquitoes. Really, they scare me to death. Science gone mad and amok. Not to mention d-evil.

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

I wonder who this major donor might be who has threatened to withdraw funding.:...

septimasexta ago

Direct Relief International is a big player with the Clinton Foundation. They can not only be linked with International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR) https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/zika-prevention-care


"The Sherman’s were heavily involved in philanthropy, which is where their paths crossed with the Clintons.

Barry Sherman’s pharma company Apotex was involved in the supply of generic pharmaceuticals under contracts with the Clinton Foundation most recently in Haiti and Rwanda. In September 2014, in response to the spread of the chikungunya virus in Haiti, Apotex struck a deal with the Clintons’ Direct Relief organization donating more than $2.2 million in medical aid to the country saying in a statement:

“Apotex is in a position to help (in Haiti), and we are delighted to work with Direct Relief…” Additionally, Apotex worked with Direct Relief in Haiti, who was a “particularly active” member of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative community, supporting post-hurricane “relief efforts.” The pharmaceutical giant airlifted vaccinations and medical supplies into Haiti that was funded through charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation and other connected charities." https://theblacksphere.net/2018/01/toronto-billionaires-murder-clinton-foundation/

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Clinton Foundation, Direct Relief and the Zika virus: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/zika-prevention-care

In 2016, Direct Relief, in partnership with International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), Batey Relief Alliance, and others, committed to launch a multi-national response to the current Zika outbreak across Latin America, the United States, and the Caribbean. The multi-faceted response will focus on reproductive health and family planning, prenatal care, and the prevention of transmission through the distribution of essential commodities empowering communities to take preventative actions and make informed decisions about their health. This response will take the form of Zika Modules designed to protect against the transmission and the potentially devastating consequences of the virus. Direct Relief will distribute up to Zika Modules to partners involved in comprehensive, community-based Zika response efforts in Argentina, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, the United States (specifically Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas), and Venezuela. Modules will include: insect repellent, biodegradable mosquito traps, digital thermometers, ultrasounds, fetal dopplers, and contraceptives.

[If what I'm thinking is correct, these people are monstrous beyond belief.]

From your post: John NOT of God: Brazil's slave history backgrounder

septimasexta ago



Located in Racine, Wisconsin, the SC Johnson Institute of Insect Science for Family Health is one of the world’s largest private, urban entomology research centers. It was established in 1957 at SC Johnson’s corporate headquarters and in 1960 moved to its current 30‐acre complex in Racine. In 2013, SC Johnson expanded its research operations globally, opening the first of its kind, 300‐square‐meter research facility in China. For nearly 60 years, the Institute’s researchers have developed products and solutions consumers can trust to protect them and their homes from household pests, including mosquitoes and diseases they may carry. The Institute houses about 20 species of insects, including six species of mosquitoes, including the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (species of mosquitoes that have the ability to transmit the Zika virus, dengue fever virus and chikungunya)..."


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Very good find. Gonna have to look into that.

TrustTheTruth ago

What Family Company has strong ties to Brazil?

What is the "Well Women" program?

Why did Rotary dispute their donation to the Clinton Foundation?

Where is the Founder of Rotary from?

Why did SC Johnson make contributions to the Clinton Foundation?

Who are their global partners?

What is the Institute of Insect Science for Family Health and where are the labs located?

Who owns the patent to the Zika virus?

Who benefited?

What was Zika a test for?

What is social policing?

Why are vaccines becoming mandatory in certain areas?

What happened with vaccines in India?

What did Bill Gates set as a goal for Global Population?

What was Mike Shinoda doing with Bill Clinton in Haiti?

What is the Clintons' Model for Community Policing?

Why is Tom DeLonge friends with John Podesta?

Why did Tom DeLonge, Chris Kutcher, Mark Ruffalo and other celebrities back out of the I-94 Project?

Why is the infant mortality rate so high in Racine, Wisconsin?

What happened in Flint, Michigan?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and the Key to Life?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Very interesting.

An excellent post from @kestrel9, including in the comments : Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, Barrick Gold, Gold Corp, Bush CIA, Clinton, Giustra, and Jewish Hungarian mafisos

The Clinton Foundation is part of the Clinton Global Initiative, established in 2005 to address a series of global challenges. Another CGI affiliate, Direct Relief International, appeared on St. Thomas Monday.

Representatives brought four cases of hospital supplies to the Schneider Regional Medical Center as a charitable donation. Donated items included infectious-waste bags, disposable gloves, hygiene products, syringes for use by diabetics, topical and oral antibiotics.

Affected island nations and territories included in the relief initiative include Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica. Barbuda suffered an estimated 95 percent structural damage in the wake of Hurricane Irma.

Barbuda, you say? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2967964/16064043

Antigua and Barbuda high court of justice granted an interim injunction to prevent building work on the airport from continuing during a legal challenge against the territory’s government over the international airport development....The injunction was granted after the case was lodged outlining concerns about environmental damage that Mussington and Frank believe the project will cause. Internal documents used by their legal team revealed that the authorities had been warned about ecological as well as archaeological risks....The islanders complain that the work to bulldoze forests in preparation for the construction work got under way when residents were evacuated from the island during Hurricane Irma....There are formidable interests hoping to do business on the island if the challenge fails. The Hollywood actor Robert De Niro has a stake in a company, Paradise Found Nobu Resort, that plans to build a large luxury tourist resort there.

Background: The art world and money laundering, 1MDB Malaysian Financial scandal, Di Caprio, de Niro, RatPac and pizzagate

Funny how that all works.

septimasexta ago

Amazing link. Good job! This ties together the medical/vaccines interests with child trafficking interests. Antigua, Barbuda, and Dominica are former SLAVE colonies.

letsdothis3 ago

@think- please see parent

septimasexta ago

What do you mean by "parent"?

letsdothis3 ago

I mean the comment above.

PatriotLady1 ago

Money laundering and the Clinton Foundation go together.

septimasexta ago

You forgot "bodies".

pittsburghisapedoden ago

The IPPF Secretariat comprises Central Office in London and six Regional Offices, working out of five locations:

Africa (Nairobi) Arab World (Tunis) East and South East Asia and Oceania (Bangkok) European Network (Brussels) South Asia (Bangkok hub and Delhi sub-office) Western Hemisphere (New York) http://archive.ph/KaRaD Interesting how the European headquarters is in the cesspool of Brussels.

think- ago

I can't believe it. I'm speechless.

This is huge.

think- ago

Would you consider flairing this 'Potential Lead', @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall - thanks! :-)

That.s some bombshell news.

@sandhog @Factfinder2 @darkknight111