YogSoggoth ago

The Africa Center is at the corner of Fifth Avenue and East 110th Street in East Harlem, Manhattan. growth into the cultural center has been spearheaded by, Chelsea Clinton, Halima Dangote, and Hadeel Ibrahim daughter of Mo Ibrahim. Begun as the Center for African Art In 2005, the museum was among 406 New York City arts and social service institutions to receive part of a $20 million grant from the Carnegie Corporation, which was made possible through a donation by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. Hadeel in a board member of the Clinton foundation. Guggenhiem was added onto by Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects who designed homes for such famous clients as Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, and Ronald Lauder. Lauder is the current president of the World Jewish Congress, and succeeded Edgar Bronfman Sr. The large rotunda was a gift of the Mortimer D. Sackler family. Art, Fashion, Politics, Drugs, and every pizzagate connection you can think of right on one street. The only connection I am not completely sure of is how 854 Fifth connects to Bill Clinton. Warren & Wetmore, built it so there is a possible tunnel. Former US President Bill Clinton's special envoy to the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, had earlier described the KLA as “without any questions, a terrorist group.” (The KLA was later repeatedly accused of being involved in the organ trafficking of Serbs in the late 1990s.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Abortion is illegal in Brazil. There are no planned parenthoods.

girlinashittycountry ago

João de Deus also had a pharmacy on his name and was producing large scale medicaments


Look this too, he was frauding insurance companies by overpricing foreigns' death costs with the participation of brazilian and foreign companies in the scheme:


permindex ago

They call it a pharmacy but he was just producing bottles of Passionflower herb capsules, and water. I spent about half a year in Abadiania many years ago, going to the Casa and know all about the place and heard about the sexual abuse over the years. No one would listen. I and others have been sick since our "healings" and "spiritual surgeries" they do there. There are many people online talking about feeling worse about seeing John of God. I believe everyone has to take the Passionflower herb to make people more spiritually open and vulnerable to the "entities" (demons) that are working on people. I even had a remote surgery when I was home and had the herbs sent to me. I immediately felt worse afterwards and I still haven't recovered. So besides all the sexual abuse on girls and women, he has made countless people sick just from seeing him and ungergoing his treatments.

I couldn't believe it when i saw NBC (or ABC) and Oprah both do separate shows on JOG, promoting him, and afterwards there was a ton of Americans that came to see him, turning Abadiania into even more of a spiritual Disneyland than it was already. My friend wrote about JOG and all that went on there on a page called Volconvo and eventually they removed that specific page without any explanation.

Here is a page describing people feeling worse after seeing JOG for treatment: http://entity-clearing.net/john_of_god.html

sore_ass_losers ago

Those who work with crystals say they can be 'programmed' with intent. Now I wonder about Jog's crystals.

permindex ago

Exactly. So the entities embedded in the crystals will still be able to mess with people who buy them when they get back home.

YogSoggoth ago

I don't buy into any of the mumbo jumbo, but I also know that they do. I know of a warehouse full of crystals in Mena, Arkansas. Simple property search or ask, can determine who owned the property. Basic square metal building. It is on the South/East side of town? Town was named after Wilhelmina? Could be, but Diodorus Siculus stated that Menes had introduced the worship of the gods, and the practice of sacrifice.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yeah, it fits. Supposedly sun or salt water can deprogram.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for the links. Interesting.

septimasexta ago

Great work! Good job tying in Big Pharma. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Where can they get babies to test their new vaccines on for "vaccine safety trials?" Hmmmmmm.......

sore_ass_losers ago

So de Faria claims he channels Dom Inácio de Loyola, aka St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order.


Loyola is the 'spiritual patron of the clinic'.


A lot of 'conspiracy theories' feature Jesuits as arch-villains. Here for example we read Loyola was a crypto-Jew and cabalist:


Don't know if de Faria had any connection to the actual Jesuits.

carmencita ago

123 we will vomit together. I changed my view of abortion a few years ago and what I have been reading is sickening. Some of those babies born on the Baby Farms must be aborted, for not all of them will be healthy. What becomes of those poor little babies? Sold? To whom. This guy Sanger should be hoisted on a petard. I have my ideas about who gets the top picks of those healthy babies too. How about some of those Pedowood Moms that have amazingly flat tummies after giving birth. I would love to know if there is a file on babies sold.

YogSoggoth ago

I am split in different ways on abortion. There was some spoiled kid that was riding around on crotch rockets and raping joggers until he got caught. He was adopted by a pilot and his seriously evil wife. Was his real dad a rapist too? No one will ever know ... because of the system. What they are doing? Oh, Hell no!

carmencita ago

I know what you mean. I get it but out of all the Babies 👶 that we’re aborted well many would have turned out ok. We can’t decide who gets born and who doesn’t. God sends them and we should really supply the right kind of help for these single Moms. By that I mean parenting classes and setting them up with basic supplies. We have the money. It just goes into the wrong pockets.

YogSoggoth ago

Women take care of kids with Menfolk helping. that is how it was. Family is a man and a woman unless some tragic event like a felled tree fatally strikes the man or woman.Then the Family, and or community takes over. You ain't got that and you ain't got squat.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/MbZ0D :

Antônio Davi Roland de Brito on Twitter: "and being destroyed slowly. Abadiânia will found another economic sources.The House of Dom Inácio was the main activity economic source of the city. Now the mayor of city is negotiating with governor of Federal District and Goiás State governor the opening of industries. Will not"

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