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Jem777 ago

The Archdiocese of Milwakee intentionally moved millions of dollars into a trust to protect it from the victims. The trust was set up as a way to hide money under the ruse of "maintenance for cemeteries and church cathedrals. They then used the constitution to claim a religious exception. All of the children and victims were drug through years of additional pain.

"A day of Pentecost" is sickening when you learn they kept more money for their cemetaries than they ever gave to the minimum 535 victims or countless others who have never spoken. At the same time keeping all of this quiet. Where is MSM on this story?

Votescam ago

Good reason for taxing all religious institutions ...

Their church and surrounding property and soup kitchens should be tax-exempt ....

but NOT their business ventures, real estate holdings, stock portfolios.

Both the Mormon Church and Catholic Church funded the campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment ... with tax-exempt dollars.

Both are male-supremacist churches using tax-exempt dollars to ensure that females in this nation will not officially be accorded equality under our Constitution.

And I'd just remind us all that Christianity came into being through violence and with their armies forced their religion on nations (such as Ireland) .... "Introducing the cross with the sword."

And they have held onto power through violence and murder, Inquisition which filled the soil of Europe with blood, Witch burnings ---

See: Hammer of Witches See: Inquisition;_ylt=AwrBT.J1nGlZ4noAj0tXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNWNiaW4yBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5NDRfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Inquisition&fr=yfp-t

fogdryer ago

Yep Satan alive

How do you know about the money shuffling

Jem777 ago

There is a journalist piece that details this transaction. Not MSM but a good explanation. Will find the link again. It was posted on Voat at one time. The involved Archbisop is Cardinal Dolan.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are correct. They are using donations, grants, foundations and kickback schemes with business and community partners. We have met Timothy Dolan, and he is deeply involved and connected to the higher levels of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that are linked to the Dominicans, mafia, secret societies, and other groups in Racine, WI. He was brought from St. Louis to Milwaukee specifically to cover up Pedogate and work with corrupt religious, business and community leaders to unite all faiths for their common corrupt agenda. They are using the homeless, elderly, disabled, abused, veterans, women and children to create programs for initial buy-in and acceptance like Racine Interfaith Coalition, Coalition for Peace and Justice, and Social Justice League campaigns for Sanctuary Cities, and are aligning with corrupt, ignorant and complicit law enforcement and media to control the investigations and the narrative.

Dolan was rewarded with a promotion to Archbishop, and is the only hope for an American Pope. He is not what he seems to be. They are linked to the Council of 13, Knights of Malta and Pilgrims Society that are connected in Racine. The world needs to know the truth about Timothy Dolan, Racine, and the root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.