Jem777 ago

The Archdiocese of Milwakee intentionally moved millions of dollars into a trust to protect it from the victims. The trust was set up as a way to hide money under the ruse of "maintenance for cemeteries and church cathedrals. They then used the constitution to claim a religious exception. All of the children and victims were drug through years of additional pain.

"A day of Pentecost" is sickening when you learn they kept more money for their cemetaries than they ever gave to the minimum 535 victims or countless others who have never spoken. At the same time keeping all of this quiet. Where is MSM on this story?

Votescam ago

Good reason for taxing all religious institutions ...

Their church and surrounding property and soup kitchens should be tax-exempt ....

but NOT their business ventures, real estate holdings, stock portfolios.

Both the Mormon Church and Catholic Church funded the campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment ... with tax-exempt dollars.

Both are male-supremacist churches using tax-exempt dollars to ensure that females in this nation will not officially be accorded equality under our Constitution.

And I'd just remind us all that Christianity came into being through violence and with their armies forced their religion on nations (such as Ireland) .... "Introducing the cross with the sword."

And they have held onto power through violence and murder, Inquisition which filled the soil of Europe with blood, Witch burnings ---

See: Hammer of Witches See: Inquisition;_ylt=AwrBT.J1nGlZ4noAj0tXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNWNiaW4yBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5NDRfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Inquisition&fr=yfp-t

fogdryer ago

Yep Satan alive

How do you know about the money shuffling

Jem777 ago

There is a journalist piece that details this transaction. Not MSM but a good explanation. Will find the link again. It was posted on Voat at one time. The involved Archbisop is Cardinal Dolan.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are correct. They are using donations, grants, foundations and kickback schemes with business and community partners. We have met Timothy Dolan, and he is deeply involved and connected to the higher levels of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that are linked to the Dominicans, mafia, secret societies, and other groups in Racine, WI. He was brought from St. Louis to Milwaukee specifically to cover up Pedogate and work with corrupt religious, business and community leaders to unite all faiths for their common corrupt agenda. They are using the homeless, elderly, disabled, abused, veterans, women and children to create programs for initial buy-in and acceptance like Racine Interfaith Coalition, Coalition for Peace and Justice, and Social Justice League campaigns for Sanctuary Cities, and are aligning with corrupt, ignorant and complicit law enforcement and media to control the investigations and the narrative.

Dolan was rewarded with a promotion to Archbishop, and is the only hope for an American Pope. He is not what he seems to be. They are linked to the Council of 13, Knights of Malta and Pilgrims Society that are connected in Racine. The world needs to know the truth about Timothy Dolan, Racine, and the root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

carmencita ago

"“This settlement represents for us in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee a new Pentecost, a day of rebirth that renews our focus on word, worship and service,” Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki said in a statement Tuesday." That statement makes me sick. I am a Catholic and it makes me want to throw up. Let's bankrupt them all. Believe me there are enough victims to do it.

Votescam ago

Knowing what you know about the Vatican/Catholic Church ... why would you still be supporting this male-supremacist church/religion?

Jem777 ago

What is the deal with the "male-supremacist" language? And @carmecita has been a contributing member from the beginning and made her points clear. Being awakened from a reality that what you thought was benevelont as in "Vatican" into this nightmare is painful.

Votescam ago

Hi Jem --

This will be the second time I'm asking you what your responses to me are about because they don't make any sense.

You've never heard of "male-supremacy"?
You never noticed that what our Founders actually did was create an Elite Patriarchy, endowed them with land grants and gave them immense influence and control over our "people's" government, the nation's wealth and natural resources?

Or that Elite Patriarchy is underpinned by organized patriarchal religion?

What does carmecita having been a member here from the beginning have anything to do with anything?

There's no problem with carmecita being clear -- the problem is with your comment.

And, is this code or something ...

Being awakened from a reality that what you thought was benevelont as in "Vatican" into this nightmare is painful.<

because I have no idea what it means.

Jem777 ago

It simply means that your comment and at least one other for verbally dressing her down as a catholic is uncalled for. Awakening to truth about people you respect is very difficult especially if you have been ingrained with the power of a religion that is in fact a giant scam by those at the top. She deserves patience and understanding coming to terms with this deception. She has earned a reputation that is deserving of this. That is painful to anyone and a nightmare and I for one support her on this journey because her heart is in the right place.

Your "male-supremacy" statement negates so much of history and even biology. I bring this up because it seems to be a theme in your posts. Almost another dividing tactic. Men bs. Women. This is a strategy of chaos and helps no one. Each of us is given gifts to use to hopefully better mankind or at least do our part. Men are biologically & psychology created differently than women I hope you know that. There drive to protect is innate. Yes women have this too of course but isvoftrn played out in a different way. I worked in an all-male environment with Alpha males and I was biologically different (clue) They were/are some of the most dedicated & compasdionate people I ever knew and our jobs were the epitome of stress and danger 95% of the population will never face in their lifetimes. Yes there were moronic assholes, narcissistic misfits, etc. but the truth was much deeper. I will stand up against male-bashing as in your post. Not all men are best serving in certain professions, fewer women are suited for roles I had. But once gained through dedication, hard work, and an appreciation of my colleagues personhood we were a great team.

P.S. It helped I could take a punch to my face more than once, break a knuckle, and fight back when attacked.

Votescam ago

You are now for the second time suggesting problems that don't exist ...

You might also have missed the fact we have every natural right not only to challenge our own government, our representatives, our press on any issue -- and/or anyone on any issue including "religion" which you might recall falls under the topic of "Separation of Church and State."

However, as you might have noted from the reply, my comment was accepted as intended.

One of the events of history and biology that you seem to have skipped is the part where the world was turned upside down by male violence against women. It's called: "The bird with one wing."

And/or what we call today the continuing "War on women" by the right wing: patriarchy.

We are the only species on this planet where the males are at war with the other half of the species - the female half.

If you actually do look back at history, WHY wouldn't male-supremacy and its violence be a continuing theme? Have you noticed the violence and wars our government continues to support?

In fact, are you even aware that MALES are our sexual abusers of children ... and that fact is supported by studies and even right wing women's groups. And they are heterosexual males. (If you want more information on that let me know)

I don't know what you think you're "standing up against" but first deal with the reality of our Constitution ... and then deal with the reality of "Organized patriarchal religions" because you are in denial of those realities.

The same men who do this violence to women ALSO do violence to men -- who do you think is who has been sending young men (and now women) of our nation into wars?

carmencita ago

I am not. I have not gone to Church for years and never donate any money. I only privately pray at home. I have no respect for any of them. It is actually the opposite.

Votescam ago

Right, understand ... I'm also a recovering Catholic and the whole thing is difficult to shake. especially when they got to brainwash so many of us from very early ages.

I tend to think of "prayer now" as meditation or an attempt to influence the fates. Certainly try that every time I drive. :)

carmencita ago

:)) However we do it as long as it does not involve our brains being taken over any longer. Yes, we were so little and innocent and our brains so fresh and they took advantage. Some suffered even worse,

Votescam ago

True -- they were dealing with young children who had no defenses and no way to challenge what they were telling us. I left as soon as elementary school ended, but I often wish I had asked my parents to switch me to a public school. Would have also helped my younger sisters and brother. Elementary school was pretty much religion 24/7. :)

carmencita ago

Yes, I was so very sheltered because of it and now I wish I had not gone either. But we are were we are and probably that is why we are harder fighters, because of the anger that we now have. Anger that will be used constructively against them.

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

I am so over the Catholic Church. Christians In Action. CIA. The program you talk about for the cemetery fund, was also going on in St. Louis. They had to raid that too. Don't know if there is anything left over or not. But that I think was for those that are indigent. Yes, those poor priests we must defend them at all costs. Even when they rape our children.

fogdryer ago

I have no loyalty to those that do that Why does the pope? This pope of course is Satan but what's the excuse for the other popes?
Why did the government not prosecute? You know separation of church and state Oh my bad, it's cuz of the money!!!!! Disgusting

carmencita ago

The Church has been infiltrated with Nazis after WWII and Jesuits. The Vatican is infested. It is all about the Power and the Money and Pedophilia. This has been going on for quite some time and once they are in, there is no way out, even if you want to. Sex, Money and Power that is the Aphrodisiac. It runs in Ratzinger's family. He is a hunter as are the Royals and his brother was just charged with multiple sexual abuse of his Children's Choir in Germany. You have to know that it goes way back. The pope has been Brownstoned as well I am sure, he did horrible things in Argentina as well like looking the other way for other's sexual abuse and also was said to have allowed many babies to disappear when taken out of the country. I have no use for any priest now, they have broken my trust. I am content to praying right now at home.

fogdryer ago

Why after WWII

Yes I know the Jesuit are bad

carmencita ago

Left over Nazis from the war were brought over here and there is evidence that I have read many ties on here that Mengele the Angel of Death was brought here and given a new name of Dr. Greene I believe. Tailor made. All those Nazis. An abundance to infiltrate. Ratzinger was a Nazi. My father told me that. I was shocked he knew. The Jesuits are the Society of Jesus. They have a toe hold in Canada as well. Bergoglio and Trudeau must be best buddies. They have infiltrated into a Montreal University...forgot which one. They are bad. Very bad.

Jem777 ago

You are absolutlely correct. Unfortunately their was infiltration and deception from the beginning. It is not the Catholics who are just victims it is the Power Players. Do you realize the Popes's audience hall is designed to be a serpents head. Inside there is a hideous sculpture where a disfigured man with half a head is rising from what appears to be a nuclear war. This is supposed to represent Jesus. There is no where in scripture that this lines up biblically in fact the opposite. There are also no Crosses in the Audience hall, no representation of The crucifiction or Jesus Christ at all. In fact inside the hall the interior looks like a giant snake head as well. I will attach a link to a great visual presentation of this. It shocked me and thousands who have viewed it.

carmencita ago

I have seen the pope with the serpent's head but not what you are talking about, the part that shocked you. Please include. Thank you. Voat seems to be have a lot of issues this morning for me. Anyone else experiencing heavy load and not being able to access or make replies?

carmencita ago

Thanks I will look at them now. Please Read what I just sent. It is a shocker for a star is doing exactly what we have been trying to expose.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are holding celebrations in Racine commemorating the Underground Railroad from Canada down to Racine, Wisconsin. Look at what happened to Racine County Jane Doe who was tortured for an extended period of time and murdered. Tests revealed she may likely have been from Canada.

Marquette University in Milwaukee is a very powerful institution particularly in the legal profession, and Governor Scott Walker and many other corrupt high ranking officials are part of freemasons and other secret societies and a group known as the Marquette Mafia. See the list posted in previous comments about the Great 28 Jesuit universities in the U.S.

carmencita ago

I will try to look up the info about the girl and the universities. It is not going to be a surprise anymore. They are so evil. I am disappointed that the posts on Racine have not attracted more attention. I am afraid to think that some are too afraid to know the truth even on here. I am hoping there are more people reading than have been. It must spread.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The elite are very afraid of Racine, Wisconsin behind exposed as a main root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. They are making moves behind the scenes and are laying much lower than usual. The posts are great but don't tell the whole story. We are working on something bigger. Voat will never reach the masses, but it has its purpose.

George Webb pledged to investigate Racine so we will see once and for all if they are following a script or if they are interested in the real truth behind Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. We have a theory and it is a mixed bag. We will soon find out how far they will go, or where they draw the line. Racine is the gateway to the real elite.

carmencita ago

May be the Gateway be burned down and May the ALL Burn Down With It. I do not listen to any of the YT Idols. I have no time. I try to catch some of what people write about him, just to stay up on it, but am not holding my breath. Too many have disappointed. But I am hoping. We need help from somewhere to help crack this open.