carmencita ago

I had forgotten about this until now. Henrietta Lacks the Movie starring OPRAH an article from DM

I saw the movie. It was way too short. And I agree it did not tell the true story of Henrietta Lacks. There was much more to her deep personality and her love for her family. A real shame.

letsdothis2 ago

That's why I don't watch Hollywood films that purport to tell the story of historical figures. You won't ever get the real story. Just remember that Hollyweird is an arm of the military-political complex.

carmencita ago

I know. I was hoping there would be some similarity to the story. I hate any of the Bible movies or Historic movies. Never watch them. Actually never see any new movies at all. Hate them. I was hoping that since Oprah bought the rights and she was Black too, but now knowing what I know, that was asking for too much.

fogdryer ago

Same here !

carmencita ago

I was so moved by the Hela Book I wanted to make take a trip down to Clover NC. But it is way too far. I am working on Frank Z. I had typed a comment, but hit wrong key. Have to do over. Found someone with same name on Twitter.

letsdothis2 ago

I'm having a really weird day. This is the third synchronicity for me today @carmencita @think-

Annabelle Neilson dead at 49: Alexander McQueen's best friend who was once married to a Rothschild and starred in Ladies of London passes away

The party-loving ex-wife of millionaire banker Nat Rothschild, Annabelle Neilson, has died at the age of 49.

The onetime model turned Ladies Of London reality star died last Thursday, after her body was found by the ambulance service at her £3.1million ($4.1million) home in Chelsea, London, police told The death is not being treated as suspicious.

Annabelle was a great friend of cover girl Kate Moss and also close to the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen, after becoming his muse aged just 22.

The last person to see McQueen alive, she was left devastated by his death.

carmencita ago

What can I say? These people are attention seekers and really their lives are sad and sick. Someone failed Annabelle from the very beginning. And what's up with the nutcase parents of Nat R.? She was too low for them? Then he ends up with a topless model, and how is that better. Whatever. They are all nuts and brain damaged from decades and centuries of inbreeding.

new4now ago

was it theft of Henrietta's tissue?

anytime a doctor says " this doesn't look good, we need to do a biopsy", the patient, will agree to this to either yea or nay the threat of cancer

it has been my experience, that every time a surgeon takes something out during surgery, it automatically goes to biopsy.

When woman go to Planned Parenthood, they are asked, don't think all are, if they agree to donate for research

most will agree because they already feel like shit and this way, maybe they will find a cure for something, saving lives, it is the biggest go to for people to donate after death

Now a days, it very easy to find tissue to work with, and yes, some people making serious bank on it

The monkeys they use are the Rhesus monkeys since their genetic make up is 96% same as all people with positive blood

The mice they use, they are not your run of the mill mice, some of these mice have been shot up with the grinded liver of an aborted child, this makes the mouse almost human for their studies

these mice don't live long, so they have to keep making them

As for petri skin, they have been working on that for awhile

aborted tissue and circumcised skin is used in a petri dish to make more skin

for burn victims, it is a great discovery

this new skin works better that cadaver skin, they can make a lot out of a little, saves burn victims from using there own skin, which would be more pain and for those burnt so bad that have no skin to use

you can imagine what seriously burned victims have to go through

This is the trouble I having with my Planned Parenthood research part

I see the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

who would think of using this new skin for shoes? purses, belts, you see where I going with this?

Did Henrietta tissue help with researching Cancer?

am sure if she had been asked she would have agreed to using her tissue to find a way to stop Cervical Cancer

The problem is the corruption in that system

Do they come up with new diseases? I think so

Are some of these researchers in the pockets of Pharma or Agenda people? you betcha

How are people getting sickenly rich from something that is non profit?

I see The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

carmencita ago

@new4now @fogdryer You need to connect here You are valuable

new4now ago

this isn't an easy one to address for me

been trying to put something together for this, it isn't easy lol

will give my best shot :)

carmencita ago

Me either. I have the book. I have followed her story on and off for a few years now. I have always felt something was done to her to make those cells explode. Now I know. Such a sad story for her and what they did to her brother. He had some problems but they were using him for experiments too, as an exchange for a place to sleep. Figure that.out. Sickening. She had a very hard life and loved her children with all her heart. Her husband was a class one jerk. She was a faithful woman and he gave her a list of venereal diseases. Then cancer. What the med. community did to that whole family is beyond disgusting. They never made a penny from her cells. Not even health insurance. Plus they lied to them. Well, why wouldn't they? They were Black.

new4now ago

I just dont know anymore

they have been using blacks for all kinds of expirements, in other countries too

who's to say they werent given the disease in the first place, like Tuskegee?

Guatemala women and children were used in horrible stuff, The state owned HIV and Aids babies in NY , Haiti, Africa, all over the world they do this shit

I'm disgusted and ashamed that there are people who do this

fogdryer ago

Now Wisconsin has multiple sister cities One is Bluefields Nicaragua . High population of black folks. Hi rate of trafficking drugs/kids . Racine has their own customs dept.

Guatemala is in this but haven’t gotten there yet

fogdryer ago

3141592653 ago

messed up American medical trials are always happening in India. exploiting the people there to test their new drugs and vaccines.

new4now ago

they are everywhere

worldwide vaccines......are they given to protect the child or to test something out? Genocide ?

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

Yes, It's disgusting and shameful. We have people on here that would kill one in a NY Minute. God created all of us and loves us all the same. We should too. The fact that they do this to Black People reaffirms to racists that they are worth nothing. They are lesser than Other People. And sick racist people are more than happy to feel superior. The sad thing is that they are using all poor people no matter what color. So sad. But yes, Blacks have been experimented on more than any other race in history. Shameful is exactly what it is.

realityisinsanity ago

Alchemy rituals

letsdothis2 ago

Yes. I agree.

realityisinsanity ago

Fiona Barnett described satanic rituals occurring underground at military bases in Australia. This could be directly related.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good post. The definition of pizzagate (which most have not read) is much broader than simple sexual abuse.

If I could sum up the definition of pizzagate I would term it as "the organized exploitation of children by powerful people and institutions." Sexual abuse is one tool in the arsenal that is used to take control of our children's minds from birth.

If pizzagate is to survive, be productive, and grow, it is necessary to be broader than clickbait articles about Hollywood, etc...I believe this post is useful because it strikes at the heart and history of these hidden cults that use pedophilia as a mind control tool.

Another topic that goes virtually unspoken about in this forum is the head of the snake which is the top level Jesuits. The "Jews" are "court Jews" that serve the Templar (Vatican) banking system and are not "the wheel" but are certainly a cog in the wheel.

Titus Frost just did a great video about the Jesuits. Titus's findings concur with mine pretty much detail for detail. The Jews run the money system for the Templar bankers also known as the Vatican Jesuits, pedophiles all......

In order to fully explore the head of the snake it is necessary to rip the mask from the ugly face of Zionism which is protected here.

Addressing the “J” Question: Jesuits & Zionists are the Enemy

Swinging at the branches of a tree allows the tree to survive, cutting it at it's roots kills the tree.

darkknight111 ago

Do refer to the Hampstead case. The kids talk about some store in UK where some of this stuff about human shoe leather.

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks. Yes. I'll add the connection to the post.

Diggernicks ago

I'm gonna wear you like a Joe dirt trench coat.

Pizzalawyer ago

You have strayed too far, laddie. You are endeavoring to educate us on the history of evil science and Satanism having started out with harvesting the skin of children for trophy items.

The moderators need to reign in this post. There is so much more to the human skin story.

Pizzalawyer ago

@letdothis2: Its obvious you have studied it for a long time. I might be alone here but you are talking about the. history of the world when we are supposed to limit it to sexual abuse of children by elites which is ignored by law enforcement.

You strayed from skinning to petri dishes. Harriet was exploited but she wasn't a sex abuse victim. The theft of her cells has created monsters.

If you are going to persist in this topic, tell us about aborted fetal tissue making its way into our food supply!

p.s. If you were my law clerk submitting a brief like this that strayed off topic ,I would have rejected it and told you to start over.

ESOTERICshade ago

we are supposed to limit it to sexual abuse of children by elites which is ignored by law enforcement.

Incorrect. Read the definition of pizzagate. It is broader than sexual abuse.

If I could sum up the definition of pizzagate I would term it as "the organized exploitation of children by powerful people and institutions.

letsdothis2 ago

p.s. If you were my law clerk submitting a brief like this that strayed off topic ,I would have rejected it and told you to start over.

Save it, will you? Or I might have my doubts about who you say you are. Only one account here? Anyway, I digress..

The relevance of these connections...

The Human leather story also came up in the Hampstead case and there are rumours about the red shoes that people like Tony Podesta and his 'club' wear. However, to date, those have only been speculation.. though some websites purporting to sell human leather have since been wiped from the internet.

The arts student story was the first one I have seen in MSM articles, not only discussing the possibility of human leather but trying to legitimatise it as well and brining the topic of biotechnology into the mix as well. We've written extensively about the biotech industry and its relationship to pizzagate on this forum. Perhaps you should go have a look.

The Slovak Tina Gorjanc used as her art project the possibility of McQueen's DNA for her human skin jackets. No random choice. McQueen (who commited suicide a few years ago) was a controversial designer for his macabre themes and I'm finding definite links to the London satanic community. Including the Anglican church he chose for his Dante catwalk show and which featured the Jack the Ripper jacket with his hair that the art student wants to use for her project. She herself talks about the Henrietta Lack case which turns out to be very controversial, related to the Rockefellers and their scientific dabbling, and the treatments and research around such viruses as Aids. And that takes us back to Oppenheimer, the military and the Atomic Energy Commission. (Luckily for you I don't then go into Obama and the Hawaiian connection to the Atomic Energy industry).

So, if you think that is a history of the world, and these connections are random and I say thank goodness you are no moderator around here. Educated people - including satanists, freemasons and art students - do not do things randomly. There is logic, reason and history connecting their projects.

Pizzalawyer ago

im pizzalawyer, the moniker is meaningless, I could be Santa Clause

letsdothis2 ago

No one is forced to read posts but our brains.are exploding on child sex abuse as it is.

Welcome to the club. The advice around here is take a break when you need to.

Pizzalawyer ago

how do you know that unless there is behind the scene communication with other pizzagaters? People dont like to be corrected, thats human nature. We can tit for tat all day, ill.let you have the last comment.

letsdothis2 ago

I'm sorry but for a lawyer you didn't express yourself very well in this comment. I haven't strayed too far. I've been researching these topics for a long time. And I have a science background- probably moreso than you do. So, if you want to try again and expand on your comment to explain your objection to it that would be most welcome...

letsdothis2 ago

Speaking of McQueen:

The Era-Defining Alexander McQueen Show That Took Fashion to Church

Alexander McQueen will forever be embedded in history as one of the most provocative and subversive fashion designers to have defined the era in which they lived. McQueen’s shows were often fashion’s equivalent of a psychological thriller – dark, intense and twisted. Yet, often they were also eye-wateringly romantic and brazenly sexual – weaving heavy ideas into exquisitely cut garments presented in theatrical gestures.

Of course, religion was a fascination for McQueen throughout his career, but no collection dealt with it as squarely as Dante, the designer’s Autumn/Winter 1996 show, which was staged in Christ Church, Spitalfields on March 1, 1996.,_Spitalfields

Christ Church Spitalfields, is an Anglican church built between 1714 and 1729 to a design by Nicholas Hawksmoor.

voat post: Satanic fashion show was held at St Andrew's Church. It's architect was freemason Sir Christopher Wren, mentor to Hawksmoor '- 'the devil's architect'. More on occult London..

Hawksmoor was no Christian,” explains Sir William Gull in From Hell. “His pagan works perpetuate the occult teachings of the ancient Dionysiac Architects, his greatest influence.”

think- ago

St Pauls is unusual in that it has a dome.

The model for St. Paul's was St. Peter in Rome (which also has a dome).

letsdothis2 ago

19th century Spitalfields was recreated as the setting for the film From Hell about Jack the Ripper. This included a reconstruction (in Prague) of the notorious Ten Bells pub (still extant on Commercial Street): alleged to have been a rendezvous of some of the Ripper's prostitute victims, before they were murdered. In the film Johnny Depp (as Inspector Abberline) is seen drinking there with Ripper victim Mary Jane Kelly.

In Neil Jordan's film The Crying Game (1992), the transgender character "Dil" lives in Spitalfields.

think- ago

In his 1975 collection of poems titled Lud Heat, the psychogeographer Iain Sinclair interpreted the style of Hawksmoor’s churches to suggest themes of Theistic Satanism. Ten years later, Peter Ackroyd published a novel in which Hawksmoor himself is represented as a devil-worshipper, terrorising London with occult architecture


letsdothis2 ago

1944–1956: Radioactive nutrition experiments on retarded children by Harvard and MIT

Developmentally disabled children at the Fernald State School and a state School in Waltham, Massachusetts were subjected to radioactive nutrition experiments sponsored by the AEC conducted by Harvard University and MIT researchers. The children were fed Quaker Oats breakfast cereal containing radioactive tracers to test absorption of plant minerals and calcium. Parents were never informed that radioactive elements were involved in the tests.

fogdryer ago

Omg and someone please just shoot me as I can’t take this anymore

letsdothis2 ago

Hmm..3 downvoats so far but no explanations why...

argosciv ago

I already beat you to this one - again, LRH and the people he was acting on behalf of, are the problem.

Also got to the roots of the human skin as leather stuff too. You haven't gone back far enough and as such(like so many others), your "Satanic" label is not accurate nor does it at all confirm claims that Satanism condones pedophilia.

letsdothis2 ago

My title may be slightly misleading in your eyes. However the atomic industry does have satanic roots as has been documented in several places because of the Hubbard, Parsons, Crowley connections. The pedophilia comes in with the secret services and Clintons involvement with such organisations and the nuclear (urnanium) industry.

Would appreciate any links to posts you've done which delve deeper.

argosciv ago

See? Look at that, the usual suspects show up to spam downvoats and try to convince you that Satanists are the bad guys.

Scientologists mate.

They can't stand it if you point out that they, not Satanists, are the enemy. Then of course there's the people who can't grasp the thought that blaming Satanists helps Scientologists.

cc: @Vindicator @srayzie @ben_matlock

Oh how fun this is going to be :)

srayzie ago

Well I think Satanists and Scientology is evil.

argosciv ago

That's because you don't listen.

But hey, acknowledging a problem with Scientology is a start, so perhaps the rest will become clear to you in time as well - or not.

srayzie ago

Ok 🙄

Cc1914 ago

The atomic industry has everything to do with satanism. I would be wary of people who say otherwise .

argosciv ago

If you understood the roots of religion you'd understand how woefully inaccurate it is to say that the atomic industry has "Satanic" roots, especially with the connotation that it explains or is related to pedophilia at any level.

You need to go MUCH farther back, in doing so, you will come across the roots of human skin as leather.

I have been covering this since as early as my first Root of Corruption entries - admittedly, the earliest entries are messy as fuck and need to be rehashed into new, more self-explanatory entries, but, I've been on to this the whole time and have been thoroughly shilled at and ignored - hence an apprehension to dropping links(to the entries) which people usually don't read in the first place.

The pedophilia comes in with the secret services and Clintons involvement with such organisations and the nuclear (urnanium) industry.

That's a better way of putting it, but, even the Parsonage had an instance of it(with Parsons) which caused everything to spiral out of control because it WAS NOT CONDONED.

This is all much older than the lot of them, though. Pedophilia is not restricted to any religion, it's a defect which can affect(or be trained into) practically anyone - the sad fact is, humans are all simply capable of the most extreme good or bad, regardless of their religious views.

The connections that the uranium industry has here are of no coincidence, sure enough, but, the entire point is that someone WANTS you to blame it all on Satanism - where does all this fuckery really lead us, though? Russia and the Middle East.

Process of elimination, we can actually cross Russia off the list too, in due time.

Would appreciate any links to posts you've done which delve deeper.

Ultimately, almost every entry in Root of Corruption is relevant here as it all snowballs into something fucking morbid linked to the likes of NXIVM and etc... on and on it goes.

letsdothis2 ago

Okay, I take your point that Satanism as a religion does not CONDONE pedophilia. Neither does Roman Catholicism.. but we have lots of perverts there. Perhaps you would have preferred a word like 'occult' instead. Except that would not be strictly correct either as occult simply means 'hidden'. Therein lies the problem sometimes of trying to summarise a story in a headline. I'll try to be more careful next time. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Your headline is just fine, please don't alter your pattern of writing to satisfy people who although well meaning have not come to terms with the facts about their own religions, we have all had to do this and they need to as well. The wording is understandable by all, sometimes the enemy just doesn't like that. imo

argosciv ago

Black Magick works rather well as a catch-all but doesn't always fit sentence structure.

If we're to define it in religious terms, ritualized pedophilia is a matter of Syncretism gone horribly wrong.

However, Syncretism is ALSO not the problem... it's all what you do with it.

Ever wondered why there's always a push against syncretism too?


carmencita ago

OH, MY GOD! I was in the car when I saw that the ECC was mentioned. The license plate on that car started with ECC. We did research on that car and who was driving it. Just got home so, tired. If someone can find that thread we looked it up.

letsdothis2 ago

@carmencita I assume your comment is with regard to my first link about the car in front of Pegasus museum. I can't tell you the rabbit hole that has just led me down. A number of different tentacles that I will ping you on as I post. But first..

You asked about threads where you investigated the plate. What I've found so far:

Uranium One first Exposed on voat 8 months ago in Pizzagate!

Car parked in "Pegasus Museum" caged enclosure captured from Live Stream on Periscope just now.

Car parked in "Pegasus Museum" caged enclosure captured from Live Stream on Periscope just now. ::

Here's a link about Federal license plate codes from 2012

Here is a document showing the abbreviations used on Federal plates. Apparently EC refers to "US Enrichment Corporation".

Here is more on Federal license plates

Here is a Wikipedia listing on US Enrichment Corp... very interesting stuff...

What the hell is someone working for this uranium agency doing parked at James Alefantis' "museum"?

It's that last link that led me down a rabbithole. I've got some information on Obama's administration and the nuclear and energy industry as it pertains to Hawaii which I can't find at the moment. That's what alerted me to go looking further.

You know that Alefantis lived in Hawaii, right? I'll ping you on the next post.

carmencita ago

Oh Yes. All very interesting stuff. This has been here all along. Now, notice the connection of the name OPPENHEIMER with Uranium. You mentioned Dr Oppenheimer in connection with your Hela post. She performed the autopsy. Also OPPENHEIMER with the Manhattan Proj. Am wondering if this plays into all of this. This is indeed getting to be a Very Deep Rabbit Hole as you say. Yes, I also believe there is a Hawaii connection and with JA.

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, Manhattan project has come up alot in the last few threads I've looked at. That's why it's important to write down and then connect the posts...too much to work out on one's own :-)

carmencita ago

I think Lisa Jackson may be involved in this, head of EPA under Obama. She covered up plenty, imo. alias Richard Windsor.

fogdryer ago

She fined sc Johnson in Racine under Obama along with another major player up there. There was/ no Expectation of payment.

carmencita ago

Ha! Another fake dog and pony show. Slap on the wrist and no charge or fees or punishment. Friends of a Feather, you know. They protect their own.

derram ago :

Strecker Memorandum Dr Robert Strecker Dissapeared Part 2of6 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

letsdothis2 ago

Black Magic, Nazi Scientists and Nuclear Panic: How We Got to Outer Space

Parsons was a complicated individual. He signed a document stating that he was the Antichrist. He dedicated his spiritual life to summoning the Whore of Babylon, the lustful, beast-riding divinity prophesied in the Book of Revelation, in order that She could claim dominion over the entire world. Parsons was born on 2 October 1914, which happened to be the date that Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, claimed would usher in Armageddon.

He rejected the name Marvel, in favour of Jack or John, when he was still young. Marvel was the name of his absentee father, whom he had come to hate. Parsons wrote about his desire to “exteriorize [his] Oedipus complex,”..

..The only person Parsons would call “father” was Aleister Crowley, who he both idolized and supported with money earned from his career as a rocket scientist. Parsons would chant Crowley’s Hymn to Pan before rocket tests

Cc1914 ago

Let’s not mislead people into thinking Charles T Russell founded the Jehovah’s witnesses please . It’s not true no matter what the internet says . The modern-day organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses began at the end of the 19th century. At that time, a small group of Bible students who lived near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States, began a systematic analysis of the Bible. They compared the doctrines taught by the churches with what the Bible really teaches. They began publishing what they learned in books, newspapers, and the journal that is now called The Watchtower—Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. Among that group of sincere Bible students was a man named Charles Taze Russell. While Russell took the lead in the Bible education work at that time and was the first editor of The Watchtower, he was not the founder of a new religion. The goal of Russell and the other Bible Students, as the group was then known, was to promote the teachings of Jesus Christ and to follow the practices of the first-century Christian congregation. Since Jesus is the Founder of Christianity, we view him as the founder of our organization.—Colossians 1:18-20.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for the correction. I was in two minds about using this link because there were one or two other points that I thought were questionable. I was intrigued by some of the information on Parsons though so I included it. Maybe I should delete it after all.

Cc1914 ago

I think the stuff on Parsons is very interesting. I just can’t trust it when I find a big lie about the Founding of JWs. Im not saying you should delete it . People can see the correction . Some will still choose to believe that Russell invented the religion.

letsdothis2 ago

That's fine. There are many other articles on Parsons on the internet which people can use to corroborate. I'm still thinking about deleting because it dilutes the other bits with its presence..

Cc1914 ago

It sure does , but thats because I know it’s not true so it makes me question all the info linked to it . Keep up the good work !

letsdothis2 ago

For Mrs. Lacks and ten-thousands of innocent unwitting victims, the 1950’s was a terrible time of this nation’s most horrific and callous human medical experimentation abuses. It was the time of covert cold-war human radiation experiments conducted under a veil of secrecy by some of the leading universities of the nation including Johns Hopkins University. Dated April 17, 1947, an Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) memorandum, stamped SECRET and addressed to the attention of a Dr. Fidler, at the AEC in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, reads in part as follows: “Subject: EXPERIMENTS ON HUMANS

In 1950, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (ORINS) opened a hospital where it conducted clinical research for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission on the use of radiation and radioactive materials in cancer treatment. The hospital treated patients until the mid-1970s. ORINS also conducted training courses in radioisotopes and established resident training programs in nuclear medicine.

Johns Hopkins University was an ORINS Consortium University involved in classified human radiation experimentation for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. In the 1980s, clinical research at ORINS consortium universities was the subject of investigation by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.

As part her therapy for cervical cancer, a Johns Hopkins surgeon, Dr, Lawrence Wharton, Jr., stitched a tube containing 4800 mg-h of radium capsules to the wall of Mrs.  Lacks’ cervix for twenty-four hours with 111500 Roentgen X-Ray therapies. The radium and x-ray therapies were presumed to slow down mitosis (splitting) of the cancerous cells. The radium was provided by the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION USA, OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE. [11]

Radium is an alkaline earth metal that is found in trace amounts in uranium ores. It is extremely radioactive. Its most stable isotope, Ra, has a half-life of 1602 years and decays into radon gas. [12]

As the surgeon removed the radium capsules at that point he took a biopsy of Mrs. Lacks’ cancerous tumor and normal tissue. [13] On February 9, 1951, Dr. Wharton then sent the radium and Roentgen X-Ray laced tissues and the normal tissues for study to Johns Hopkins Tissue Culture Laboratory ran by German descendent Dr. George Otto Gey and his wife Margaret. For whatever reasons, the radium and x-ray therapies had the opposite effect it exploded mitosis of the cancerous cells at an atomic/nuclear rate which within months consumed Mrs. Lacks’ entire body and organs. The Gey’s said sarcastically that Mrs. Lacks’ tissue cells grew like “crabgrass.”

Contrary to Ms. Skott’s subtle attempt to rewrite Mrs. Lacks’ medical history and steer us clear of Mrs.  Lacks’ radium tissue infectivity, Dr. Gey’s HeLa cell culture was the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION USA, OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE radium tainted super charged tissue, and it continued to literally microscopically atomically explode in mitosis in the air in infinity.  

On October 4, 1951, Mrs. Lacks’ life expired after great sadness and suffering. She passed away poor in a racially segregated ward of Johns Hopkins University Hospital. An autopsy was taken of Mrs. Lacks in the basement of the hospital. Dr. Ella Oppenheimer of Johns Hopkins preformed the autopsy instead of a local coroner. Dr. Oppenheimer was a prominent member of Baltimore’s aristocratic society. Dr. Oppenheimer was the chief of the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, Washington, D. C., Department of Public Health.

In 1948, Oppenheimer’s Child Bureau funded radium irradiation experiments on poor helpless hearing impaired children at a clinic in Hagerstown, MD by her Johns Hopkins colleague, Dr. Samuel J. Crowe.

Dr. Gey said that the HeLa cell line was named after “Harriet Lane.“ [16] Most assume that Dr. Gey deliberately misnamed the cell tissue donor to preserve Mrs.  Lacks’ anonymity. However, the motive behind Gey’s lie was far more self-serving, cynical and condescending.  It was a sick inside joke. It was coded.

At the time of the Dr. Gey’s press conference, the Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children was a covert CIA-MK ULTRA human guinea pig ranch. Children were regularly taken from a Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Harriet Lane to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. for CIA-MK ULTRA drug and mind control experiments.[18]  Since the late 1940’s, Johns Hopkins had been a major covert CIA human guinea pig institution. [19]

Also during the time of Dr. Gey’s press conference, there were even more sinister covert human medical experimentations taking place at Johns Hopkins. From 1948-1954, Johns Hopkins University Hospital ran a covert Nasal Radium Irradiation human medical experiment on 291 elementary students from Baltimore City public schools. Each child was irradiated with radium for 12 minutes in each nostril, 50 milligrams per dose, on at least three separate occasions. The experiment was known as research project B-19. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health, then a division of the U.S. Public Health Service. Most of the poor children subjected to the radium experiment later suffered greatly from malignant cancerous tumors of the brain, neck, mouth and throat. Some of them, all of their teeth fell out. It was another hideous inhumane U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION project of Dr. Samuel J. Crowe. 

There was also a sinister side of HeLa. For the first time in medical history, military-industrial complex scientist had human cell lines that they could use as some sort of mixer to create new forms of mutant diseases like AIDS that the world has never seen before by coaxing animal and bird viruses into human cells for covert military genetic and biological warfare projects.

Well we know about the satanic nature of the US Atomic Energy Commission, right?

The Origins of NASA

Early in 1958, the Executive Branch and the Congress began to organize to reclaim American leadership in space. In February, the Senate crested a Special Committee on Space and Astronautics, chaired by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, and the House created the Select Committee on Aeronautics and Space Exploration, chaired by House Majority Leader John W. McCormack. 44 Several organizations began to lobby these committees and the Administration to win control of the space program. Senator Clinton Anderson, chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, proposed amending the Atomic Energy Act in order to give the Atomic Energy Commission a major role in space. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which was building Explorers I, II, and III, lobbied to became the national space laboratory.

Jack Parsons and the Occult Roots of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory:

[That history connects Hubbard of Scientology, and Crowley]

Writing to Crowley, Parsons said of Hubbard, “I deduced that he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles.” On that basis, Hubbard was invited to stay at the Parsonage, and was soon initiated into the secrets of the O.T.O.