Humming_bird ago

and the movie, 'Bad Moms' staring Ashton Kutchner's wife!!!! was very focused on SHAMING those who DID NOT CIRCUMCISE a boy!

A red flag on Kutchner's real motives now!

JimmyLionstar ago

CANNIBALISM PRACTICES BY THE ELITES: Did anyone catch from the interview with the Hamstead children. About the satanic cult given meat to local MC DONALDS!! Is it that hard to believe that the restaurants connected to this are serving human meat? Can we investigate this? - If this satanic creeps use children for abuse and rituals, what more don´t we know?

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

I agree, but with my Aunt having power of attorney, I have no say in her treatment, unfortunately.

MolochHunter ago

Thats an episode of Oprah I never want to see 'Reach under your chairs everybody, there's a present waiting for you'

Cara_C ago

They staged a major "women's march" on DC to try to brand Trump as a woman-hater, they're funding violent demonstrations in Berkeley and NYU. They are sending out celebrities to suggest Trump be impeached, removed in a military coup, or assassinated. They're not settling down after an election. They're attacking Trump as though the campaign was still ongoing. They're resisting Trump's nominees beyond what's normal. The media has created "fake news" to try to brand Pizzagate revelations as fake. They're sending in a guy to shoot up Comet Pizza to try to blame Pizzagate investigators as unhinged, and then having him "realize" that nothing was going on there and it was all just "fake news." They're having media coverage of Pizzagate that omits the relevant key facts and makes up new fanciful facts no Pizzagaters are alleging. They're getting Twitter, Reddit, and other sites to block and ban Pizzagate conversations. They're making fools of themselves blaming Trump's win on Russian interference and warning that maybe Putin planted child porn on some of their computers. They seem to me to be to freaking out.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Stem cell skincare products are big business today. Any link to Denis Solvay, owner of the Belgium Mother of Darkness castle where the worlds Illuminati go for the sickest of sick and vile satanic rituals and child hunting parties? Rumoured to kill one child every day under the million stars altar shit in the backyard. Solvay is a pharmaceutical giant. Just SICK.

VieBleu ago

/\/\/\ THIS is a bot programmed to spit out nonsense and clutter up the forum, confuse readers, etc /\/\/\/\

VieBleu ago

Are you really thinking this through? blocking a twitter account can hardly be classed as "panic". The Democrates "filibuster" didn't even last the full alloted time. More of a weak display than anything related to painc.

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

My 95 year old grandmother is a skin graft/ foreskin recipient. She had a wound that would not heal, as well as poor circulation. I always assumed it healed due to the stem cells that newborn babies have.

Rmm ago

It is going to take the world to be unafraid of repercussions. Speaking truth to power was never so important! Massive protests and takeovers of the air waves, but how?

Forgetmenot ago

I believe you are right, no panic just arrogance.

Forgetmenot ago

The nazis used to make lampshades out of human skin too.

Jem777 ago

Think the red shoes are symbolic of sacrifice as well

jangles ago

Technicion Research & Development Foundation, Israel




Unethical Raw materials


THis new book

alanna ago

Well that turned my stomach

MrsHollyGrahm ago

I saw the human leather company link and it reminded me of the Cannibal Club

plowboys ago

is that what the "RED SHOES" are all about with the Soros pictures ? Not sure where I saw them ? One with his son and some girl? One with Soros and a bunch of guys all wearing the red shoes ? all sporting a sinister smile

BerksResident ago

In so glad u brought this up I meant to reference it in the text. I did wonder if the red shoes could be human skin with a dye to disguise them.

Tanngrisnir ago

Human skin that is removed by a cadaver is said to take on the color of smoked salmon. I'm just throwing this out there, but that certainly is a reddish color. I haven't seen the red shoe pictures though to say if they looked dyed though.

NikitaVerite ago

So I have watched HOURS of footage from the interviews of the children (they each had 3 sets of interviews). And then I watched the "interview" with that sick fuck Ricky Dearman, who, by the way, is the world's WORST actor (it's a fucking joke that he refers to himself as an actor) and I would bet my fucking LIFE on the fact that the kids' allegations were based on truth, and Ricky is a sick fucking piece of shit ritualistic child abuser and child trafficker. I don't have time to find references right now, but some google searching will turn up his involvement with some weird ass cult from Korea (if I'm remembering that correctly), and also with an organization called "Luv4Haiti" or something like that. Put the pieces together and it will all make sense. Alisa and Gabriel's mom and stepdad are no saints - I believe they are quite brainwashed in some sort of vegan cult thing - however, I do NOT believe they are involved in sexual abuse or child trafficking, and I do NOT think the allegations were total fabrications.

NikitaVerite ago

upvoat. Holy shit - this is all so disgusting, but at the same time - all the sick pieces fit together so perfectly. I'm going to throw up.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I'm not surprised oprah is involved pushing foreskin cream on her dimwit worshippers!

ansipizza ago

Will her profits rise or be cut off?

Z11Mama ago

This is exactly what we experience in the US. Experts who lie to protect the sickest and most evil of all.

Pechal ago

Now it’s very easy to source plastic surgery leftovers (i.e. under eye bags, face lifts etc.) which would contain fibroblasts, so not sure what special benefits would be in foreskin fibroblasts over facial fibroblasts.

In most parts of the United States, circumcision is the complete norm at hospitals for newborns, so it might have been easier to obtain foreskins rather than plastic surgery leftovers.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

What is going on in the world today??? Sounds like we are back to the Hitler era. Maybe we never left. It just went underground and is resurfacing.

Forgetmenot ago

Didn't lady Gaga dress as a nazi during HRC campaign?

unkyshaun ago

As MK Ultra and SRA survivor Cathy O"Brien says... "we never won the war, we just brought it over here".

GeorgeT ago

Hitler's eugenics is based on Margaret Sanger's teachings. After the Nazi defeat eugenics bacame a dirty word and the globalists changed it to Planned Parenthood. It never stopped, just like MK Ultra, or Joseph Mengele's horror experiments (Film Human Centepede is said to be based on one of his later experiments when he escapes to Argentina). They are all thiving underground. Podesta and Alifantis got way too careless and now they are in a panic mode with Jeff Sessions sworn in. Still, I believe they will stage a false flag as a distruction. They know that public will not stomach what is about to come out.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I believe you're right, it never left. They went underground with it until a new generation Came along forgot the first hand horrors and had time for the indoctrination programs in school to kick in. I actually was taught in school that communism is a wonderful thing, but that people corrupted it!

Nickodemus ago

The concepts of communism are a wonderful thing but human nature is completely contrary to it. We aren't ants or bees and never will be. This is basically what communism is - hive mentality. Therefore, communism will never work for us. Our nature is to grab for power because the more powerful you are the more likely you are to survive. This is why capitalism works so well for humans. But in a communist society, when that power grab happens people die. Usually it happens on a small scale at first but becomes necessarily larger and larger in scale when more and more people rise against. Ultimately, human nature makes communism evil. Human nature makes individualism and individual rights successful.

tl:dr : Communism is only wonderful if you are an ant or a bee.

madhatter67 ago

That's pretty much my conclusion

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Is there anything these creeps wont do? I guess not, not if they think we are all just cattle.

Really starting to think torches and pitchforks is the only way to go.

gurneyx ago

it puts the lotion in the basket.....

nitro169 ago

You have been mandela'd Its, "It places the lotion in the basket"

umpteenth ago

put the fucking lotion in the basket!!!!

concernedaboutitall ago

This is just so disturbing

PizzaThis ago

That would explain JA's severed baby penis birthday cake.

Knucklessg1 ago

Woah, does this image exist somewhere?