letsdothis1 ago

Vatican Participates in Satanic Art Exhibition to "Dialog" http://eponymousflower.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/vatican-participates-in-satanic-art.html

"Our presence at the Biennale is the first step in a long journey that involves not only the building of churches in a contemporary style, but the creation of new liturgical objects," Cardinal Ravasi said. He confirmed that contemporary artists will be paid to design new altars, baptismal fonts, tabernacles and lecterns. [God help us]

Among his favourite architects, he said, are the Spanish Santiago Calatrava and the Japanese Tadao Ando, as well as past Modernist masters, Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto. "We will get artists from all continents involved and in particular we need women artists; they have another language." A plan to fill one of the rooms of the pavilion in Venice with work by the Colombian-born sculptor Doris Salcedo, featuring flowers of the Amazon, was thwarted by incessant rain over the last week in the Italian city, he said.

It's difficult, moreover, to justify the Church's involvement in such an event, particularly in light of the overt Satanic dimensions of the Bienalle, which has been typically hostile to Catholicism in the past, is no less so now that the Vatican has decided to participate. Blogger Francesco Colafemmina at Fides et Forma blog actually points out the diabolical nature of the event by the presence of Tarot Cards designed by Aleister Crowley, whose name he only abbreviates as AC, so evil is this man's reputation.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/ep2xz :

Hawksmoor's churches | Art and design | The Guardian

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