Jem777 ago

Great Post....that is the first time I have seen it mentioned HRC was taught by Anna Freud. Anna was Sigmund Freud's daughter obviously. He brutally sexually abused her since her birth. S.Freud was a ruthless pedophile involved in experimenting on young children and his daughter was his muse. His theories stated young children including infants wanted sexual relations with their parents even postulating oral fixation by infants (the need for babies to suck and place things in their mouths) was an innate sexual drive. He kept Anna in a cage as a young child.

Tavistock was founded based on his theories and children, including infants were kept inside to experiment on.

He was friends with Hitler, Stalin, Aleister Crowley in Vienna following WW1....

Aleister Crowley was an M15 agent as well founder of OTO and believed black sex majick especially sodomy gave you supernatural powers though he worshiped Lucifer.

Tavistock is nothing more than a giant human experiment lab where horror occurs. Trauma based mind control was institutionalized there and future CIA & M15 agents are placed inside as children. Tavistock was instrumental in the development of Hitler regime although no one will admit it.

Tavistock has hundreds of locations hidden in the United States and in canada all hidden and facilitated by the Jesuits.

Hitler was an "initiate" into the top hidden secret society in Vienna following WW1...this SS has never been named in Voat although it is a the top of all control & power. If I name it and exactly who initiated Hitler I will be banned...what does that tell you. If I post the hidden Tavistock locations in the US I will be banned. If I list documents proving the Universities, hospitals, etc involved I will be banned.

Standing in front of Tavistock in England to this day is a giant statue of Sigmeund Freud.

His grandson Clement Freud was great friends with John & Tony Podesta and his villa in Portugal is the location the Podestas were at on the weekend Madeline McCann went missing in portugal.

Clem Freud even invited the McCann parents to spend time at the same villa a short time later because "he cared so much".

He died over a year ago and numerous children have come forward stating he was a viscous pedophile who kidnapped children.

Their stories have been confirmed as true as well as his direct link to Jimmy Saville and Ted Heath. All connected to the Hampstead Christchurch cover up.

The children's father Ricky Dearman as well as Tavistock shell companies have been linked to Hatton Garden diamond heist where a large amount of child rape & snuff films were amen that have video tape of wealthy elite and politicians raping young children.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks ESO

think- ago

Excellent post, thanks OP!

cantsleepawink ago

Lets hope and pray that Tavistock and Anna Freud leave children intact and unaffected too.

The Psychobiography of Hillary Rodham Clinton

a prescient note from Hillary's law school experience is that one of her teachers at the Yale Child Study Center was Anna Freud.

Jem777 ago

It is important to realize of coarse David Brock....James Alefantis wrote these books.

Freud's work is widely discredited or sanitized. He was a pedophile sexually Assaulting Anna from infancy. Anna was a very wounded person who needed professional help herself.

Hilary was chosen at a very young age. She was also chosen at Yale Skull & Bones as was Bill Clinton (Rhoades scholar)

Rhoades Scholars are merely CIA chosen subjects for the future. The whole Hilary met Bill in the library is a fairy tale. George H.W. Bush knows exactly what happened. He arranged it.....

10596689? ago

A call for an uprising covers this show on his youtube channel.

Steinmacher ago

why am I not surprised?

cantsleepawink ago

Further information on the church's architect freemason Sir Christopher Wren here: Satanic fashion show was held at St Andrew's Church. It's architect was freemason Sir Christopher Wren, mentor to Hawksmoor '- 'the devil's architect'. More on occult London..

In this post is an article which is well worth a read: The Witchcraft of Christians Who Are Not Christians

The cult of Isis was introduced into Freemasonry by the British Secret Intelligence Service during the seventeenth century.

The subversion of Freemasonry by way of Scotland has a special importance in U.S. history.

The assembly of the fragments of the body of Dionysus is symbolic for the recruitment of susceptible youth into a bucolic retreat, where they are lured into various forms of sex-play, including sodomy, and into the use of psychotropic drugs. Through this erotic-psychedelic cult, the urban youth so recruited are converted into a terrorist cult then launched to murder the city-builders "in revenge for the killing of Dionysus."

carmencita ago

This has got to stop. The child abuse going on here is bad enough but in the UK it seems to be an epidemic. Why are the people not in the streets? Are people being desensitized? Are they under some spell? I don't get it, but I see the same thing starting to happen here. Slowly they are convincing people they are taking action when it is fakery. Beyond Scary.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Whats happened to our country and people since WW2 is incomprehensible. We are unrecognizable, its a tragedy. Unbelievably corrupt vassal state run by criminal bankers and fronted by easily manipulated paedo's.

carmencita ago

Yes, it seems so. The worst part is that people don't believe that these people could be capable of what we are saying. They have done this before. But this will the the last time. There will be no turning back or fighting it once it takes hold. How do we tell them that without them calling us kooks. I don't care about being able to say I told you so, because that will mean they will have won. I just want our people to wake up.

millennial_vulcan ago

Sexual abuse is woven into the fabric of British society. It's part of the humor and culture and has been for thousands of years. All jokes revolved around the genitals and if you complain about anything or 'talk about how bad that makes you feel' (like americans) you are publicly humiliated.

things are changing, slowly.

equineluvr ago

"Sexual abuse is woven into the fabric of British Jewish society."

Fixed it for you.

England was invaded by the Jews in 1066. It's been downhill ever since.

LittlestHobo ago

In the UK, there is currently an epidemic of child abuse, as many as one in ten children are being abused in the country. It's something I don't like to think about but it's a fact and something needs to be done about it.

In 2014, a video went viral on the internet. It was a video of two children detailing their abuse at the hands of a ritualistic cult centered in Hampstead, it was the most horrific thing most of us had ever seen and made a major impact on many people across the world.

The videos were leaked by one of the legal lay people of the mother, Sabine McNeil. Now it might surprise you to learn that Sabine is a CERN computer scientist, or at least she was before taking up this "lay" legal role. Her partner and head of the McKenzie Foundation is one - Belinda McKenzie, who publicly exposes the fact she allows MI5 agents to frequent her house.

The tricky thing in this situation is, as pointed out by Alfred Webre, is that by releasing those confidential video tapes, she could have prejudiced Ella's (the mother) right to an appeal. Not that, that mattered when it came down to the absolutely admonishable occurrences in a secret family court.

Despite criminal evidence recorded by a pediatrician that the children had indeed been abused, their hearing took place in secret and out of a criminal court...

Despite evidence of abuse, that the judge dismissed in favor of a Tavistock psychiatrist... Who is notorious online, as being responsible for the loss of multitudes of children to the corrupt CAFCASS/CORAM system, who have admitted on record to working with Tavistock, despite them being required by statute to be independent of government bodies etc.

Despite non-molestation orders against the father and his admitted perverted texts and abusive behaviour in front of the children, towards Ella - he should receive custody of the children? This judge, dismissed acts of incest and bestiality, recorded in her judgement, as being inconsequential - when in fact, all governmental and medical literature states the absolute contrary.

There is a video of when the police came to Ella's house, illegally... Fortunately she had a lawyer with her, who was able to keep the police at bay long enough, that Ella managed her escape. Why should several officers show up, illegally (without warrant) to "just speak" to Ella. I'm sorry but you can't "just speak" to people, when you are meant to be the ones upholding legal order! Also, you can't show up in order to intimidate a witness! Well clearly they can because that is exactly what they did.

Now we haven't even gotten onto the absolute monstrosity of an interview that the children were subjected by what one can only describe as pervert and disgrace to any concept of decency. Everyone who sees the video, comments on how disgusting his behavior is, everyone senses something is deeply wrong because it is.

The most heinous injustice we are witnessing taking place, to children.

Even if this all turned out to be a psy-op, I wouldn't care, I would be just as angry that anyone would ever dare put a child into that situation as a tool of evil. Sandyhook is one thing, this would be quite another.

The fact is, the officer does break the law admittedly while interviewing the child. He admits to discussing the case, without it being recorded, in the car. He leads the witness into reasoning she would not of reached herself and worse still, the children's "retractions" (several days later, when they had been separated from their mother) were not even corroborative.

The distinguishing marks identified on the bodies of their abusers, were never considered for investigation.

It should be noted, that Ricky Dearman (the father) runs several businesses which include high ranking members of the Church Of England, as well as The MET police.

It should be further noted, that there is a particular piece of evidence which had been banned from being spoken about on all forums I came across, including David Icke, God Like Productions and the rest. That piece of information is regarding the allowance of the The Christ Church, to allow a band to perform there, while having children in the choir singing Manson lyrics... The band is famed for making "snuff" films, of young men being castrated - as art, allegedly. As well as The Christ Church, it is interesting they should also choose The Crowley Hellfire Caves...

When the scandal broke, the school were caught deleting teachers from their records and adding new members of staff, surely this is not the actions of misaddressed?

The BBC interview featuring Ricky Dearman, saw the corners of his mouth turn in delight as he discussed accusations of diabolical gravity.

Of course, on queue, the media put out the same story over and over, without addressing any of the finer details such as the paediatrician confirmed the children were abused. or the fact the suspects were never formally examined, despite the fact the children identified tattoos which would immediately quash or confirm their accusations.

It should be further noted that Leon Britton a resident of Hampstead acussed of child abuse, was also identified by his victim by a tattoo, on his groin.

There is so much more to this case and I personally feel it is the one that if we all focused our energies upon it, could really see some change happening. As we have the documented evidence.

millennial_vulcan ago

Hampstead super Jewish. Where Freud lived and died too. Hampstead Heath where all gays go for dogging. (the rich and famous alike.)

Hampstead and Highgate have always been filled with the moneyed and whackos for thousands of years.

Omnicopy ago

The churches fell away. They are not churches now they are cults. It is easy to understand how this could happen in a church now!

cantsleepawink ago

Just doing some reading up of the occult background to some of London's churches.