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YingYangMom ago

I think I'm going to make a post just for this story's sake. These children are whistleblowers and their testimonies aren't receiving enough attention. Their mother is still fighting to get them back. God knows where they are right now. Thanks for the post OP.

redditsuckz ago

Red shoes/red carpet symbolize blood of the goyim and/or these shoes are made from human skin;

Tony Podesta and friends with red shoes;

Alexander Soros(George's Son) with red shoes at a Spirit Cooking event;

jblairsmith(friend of James Alefantis) - comments - "hat is made from baby thigh skin"

adam_danischewski ago

Interesting about the Red Shoes, that's the first I've seen of it. I'll be keeping an eye out for it from now on.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, you're links are always very much appreciated. If jblairsmith wasn't such a weirdo, his comment would most probably have been seen as a silly tasteless joke... but we know better, don't we?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Hat made from baby skin wtf???

Even if we assume it's not true, who says something like that?

BallsDeepInReality ago

Nobody. Nobody just says that shit. It isnt a joke on the fly, it isn't an inside joke, it isn't taken out of context.

It is exactly what it sounds like, and anybody dismissive of that evidence is an accessory.