carmencita ago

I have to stay away from laptop today. I might be able to help regarding with Herb Alpert. Not a promise. Have to check my comments section. Will be in touch. Let me know if you got your answer on who to call. I know you can't tell me who.

carmencita ago

Let me know how things are going if you can.

Ushil ago

Lucifer, crescent moon, the crescent moon in the Comet Ping Pong logo?

rodental ago

Taking a break to rape and murder some kids, I would imagine.

carmencita ago

Still have no reply. Sometimes takes a while. Will keep at it. We need to discuss this. It is really important and I guess you can guess why.

kaelar ago

I am crossposting my comment from the original license plate picture thread:

That looks like a standard civilian DC tag to me: Two letters, then the DC flag symbol (three red stars above two red and one white bar (based upon George Washington's family coat of arms)), and then four numbers.

They issue the numbers and letters consecutively so it would go EC9865, then EC9866 and so on to EC9999 and the next tag would be ED0000 or ED0001. The District has been growing rapidly and I've seen tags in the high F's lately - EC tags sound about right for a 2012 model car.

carmencita ago

There are a lot of bad things going on in St. Louis. Take my word for it, it is happening all over the country. I can sense it. Am reading your comments now.

carmencita ago

I will get back to you. Will read now. Then I will check with someone as who to call. We will discuss it and I promise to respond. I know how you feel.

Flat_Truth ago

Contrary on the "it hasn't been disproved". And there are many who clearly see its nonsense...always has been many who realized its BS...but they don't control universities, in fact won't get a degree if they want to argue it, and they don't own broadcast networks or use brainwashing to instill their narratives. If the earth were a sphere 24,901 miles in circumference, then Chicago would be over 2,000 feet over the horizon from across Lake Michigan...but its not.

We can choose to believe an un-provable theory that the light is bending, but how does that work with radar spotting ships over 60 miles away at sea? Ships that should be over 2,000 feet over the horizon? The radio waves are curving perfectly to bounce back to the receiver? Nah, they go in a straight line.

Stop with the "someone smarter than me knows". The math is the math, an airplane flying at 500 miles an hour would have to nose down over half a mile per minute. If it flew straight and level from take off, it would be in orbit in like an hour and a half. Meanwhile, yeah...everything from NASA is fraud and yes, Parsons was a satanist...Disney club early on wrote the play "the uplift of Lucifer"....Copernicus too who came up with the whole globe earth theory was also of that "lucifarian" church. The notion the earth is a globe was a theory right up until NASA provided proof with their flights into outer space.

But you might note, they're the only ones go there. We see a rocket disappear out of sight then the switch to televised images...hollywood magic. Back in the 80's the public was demanding to go up there NASA selected members of the public and the craft blew up on launch...all aboard died. The point was travel is best left to the professionals. Some say those were actors and they're still alive, in fact can point them out, working at universities and high level government position, even using their same names still. Either way, its been 30 years since that crash....and no accidents...100% safety with thousands of satellites having been launched..and regular transportation to and from the space station for the astronauts to change shifts.

So can we now send people up into space? A trip around the world would be great! They could even charge..the program would pay for itself. Low orbit starts at about 50 miles up, so can we do that instead of a 300 million mile mission to take a few photos of Mars? I can even make those photos of mars for them on my home computer if it will help.

OrwellKnew ago

"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" - R. Oppenheimer, July 16, 1945 - 1st test detonation of a nuclear weapon

Mr.Oppenheimer, who was the architect of modern atomic bomb and in charge of the manhattan project was asked by a student after the manhattan explosion, "How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth". Oppenheimer's reply for the question was , "not first atomic bomb, but first atomic bomb in modern times". He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient India.

carmencita ago

EC stands for Enrichment Corporation. It was privatized to Centrus Energy, located in Bethesda Md. I have been researching with someone else that involves West Lake Landfill in St. Louis Mo. and there is a ton of URANIUM and other gaseous material in this Landfill. It started when they dumped tons of materials from the MANHATTAN PROJECT. I just thought I would look up the company Centrus Energy and see if I could connect the two. Here is some info:Gaseous diffusion was devised by Francis Simon and Nicholas Kurti at the Clarendon Laboratory in 1940, tasked by the MAUD Committee with finding a method for separating uranium-235 from uranium-238 in order to produce a bomb for the British Tube Alloys project. The prototype gaseous diffusion equipment itself was manufactured by Metropolitan-Vickers (MetroVick) at Trafford Park, Manchester, at a cost of £150,000 for four units. This work was later transferred to the United States when the Tube Alloys project became subsumed by the later MANHATTAN PROJECT.. Well, also let me tell you that I and another member Wolftrail7272 think that in this Landfill they have buried bodies that are either from sex trafficking and or organ harvesting and mixed in with this noxious gaseous mess. The EPA has stalled putting out the fire that has been burning for years. So that's it in a nutshell. Could this be the connection?

DarkMath ago

EC stands for Enrichment Corporation:

Enrichment implies uranium

diamonddust ago

AGAPE you say? Well that's just ticked another box on my list.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

What an accomplishment. Oh you mean the chapter of the OTO, right.

diamonddust ago

Don't know much about OTO. Just know that I came across some group calling themselves AGAPE myself while digging. I always like to see confirmations come from other avenues, helps get the signal from the noise.

Flat_Truth ago

Thanks for mentioning Parsons....who worked with Walt Disney and Von Braun to "take us to the moon". Yep these circles have been around a long time and are very clever in their "magic".

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Get that flat earth shit away from me.

Flat_Truth ago

What do you mean flat earth? We all know the earth is a sphere 24,901 miles in circumference, spinning at over 1,000 mph while orbiting the sun at over 50,000 mph.....the sun itself, with the earth and planets in tow is orbiting the center of our Milky Way at over half a million miles per hour....while the milky way is hurling through space at over a million miles per hour....and every star in the sky is a sun in its own galaxy undergoing similar motions as our sun.....travelling millions of miles per day. Why would anyone doubt that? Even if the North Star stays stationary and all the other stars revolve around it holding perfect parallax.

Jem777 ago

Nice work. Waiting For Esc and Tav to open

Fateswebb ago

How did we connect parsons?

ObscureAcademia ago

Lucifer says it's the OTO.

Fateswebb ago

Okay so he checked the plates? Very interesting. Do we know for sure that parking spot is Pegasus, need to look from ariel view.. I think it is Pegasus but could be a different house

Jem777 ago

Following along now George

ObscureAcademia ago

They own all the houses George.

MasterLucifer ago

The OTO obviously.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

You're so bright.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I am the one who discovered what EC means and posed this question but I really don't understand what you're getting at, new Voat member of 6 hours.

MasterLucifer ago

Chews on uranium

Hm, this seems to be broken.

Dressage2 ago

Okay, this just took a wild turn around some abstract corner! Say what?!?!

MasterLucifer ago

Tell the boys to cut the shit, fast.

DarkMath ago

"Tell the boys to cut the shit".............What shit? You came here to /v/pizzagate to tell us to cut the shit? I don't get it. What's your point?

DarkMath ago

"time or space"........Didn't you get the memo? Time and Space are the same thing. They call it Space-Time.

I guy named Einstein discovered it.

SpiritOfChristmas ago

Only an amateur believes in time space.

DarkMath ago

Einstein was an amateur? This should be fun. Do you mind expounding on that theory a bit?

DarkMath ago

Hey great, thanks guy who created his account 6 minutes ago. Way to contribute!

SpiritOfChristmas ago

If I could remember all the names of these particles, I'd be a Botanist Fermi Today, we understand that Brownian motion, the random break dance of these tiny particles, comes from the water molecules bumping against them. In 1905, Einstein determined the properties of the liquid and the particles that would help describe their wanderings and the motion of molecules. But he also said that it was “impossible” to determine at any moment the speed and direction of a single particle during this dance.


DarkMath ago

I'm not really sure what your point is. I'm talking about the fabric of the Universe known as Space-Time:

SpiritOfChristmas ago

Which universe might that be then?

DarkMath ago

Which universe? The one with the LIGO in it: "LIGO will detect the ripples in space-time by using a device called a laser interferometer":

Dude you lost, get over it.

SpiritOfChristmas ago

Dude, you are copying and pasting shit you don't fully understand.

DarkMath ago

Better luck next time.

DarkMath ago

I didn't really mean that guy who made his account an hour ago. I just said it to make you feel bad. ;-)

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

You're so smart. pats head

BackAgain ago

I think he's joking because of his name

crazimal ago

The Babalon Working was

Like they said back in the day, die in a fire.

Voat don't need this shit.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Who are you and why do you have the arrogance to assume you speak for the majority?